The Oroi Par Beardld tlieîrj evenîng witl fi:ve ,i Tubes t y liLI VFL JS Boar inattedana, A E.WesfL,J Son, S.B. Rutherterdi, H, . M. Mrcer .. .fl. antci Miss A. CuItII. Bills were presanteti in the anou.nt et $53-00 anti erdereti puid. Miss Cuf- t"el, secrtary trea-5urer -pre-senjtatitl financial statamaent 0fflie Bourd for the year. Thela ftement L3 to include flfinal puymcnts anti publIishe inlu the Oronio Weekiy Fimes. I wo mIIuperiqF1 A nuniber of local hockey playersi lave sigueti wiühtheficBewmvina1j.J Shumroelk Interinadiata club fIlïs eur ant inl their opcning gaine Tues. ev- cning countadt trcaeofthfieSamrc' six g-oals. Thc Sliamrocks were in Pic-1 ton for this gaine wliere tliey took the~ CGIT. upoe TIen we - laud "Ca11 te erhi",astr reai by Ca eo Juyvaggend a ý]servOitue froiir tsBil.Mrs. Couvier then reat iiu, a steryv ntise Oinward(wiihtoIi sctaeianti lest sheep. Rolli eau wais taken ln Biblica? niames, 'Secrctarýy's report wvas giver by Lindla Peurs anticletodu taken tp. Thien wve hati our- sing song PgyHancocis playiug for us ut tfhs piano. Later we liat a liffl.e luheli whidli pieuseti our appetites. Mr. Stone reportedt fat a plastic victery by a score et 6-4. We playeti gamies anti elesed ol pu covering lad been 'purchiasad fp ove r-Kith West paced te Bewmanile meeting wif h tups. fIafilraton lan Hoais reorfticlub wth fwe goals anti lis brother Rt lr'u that win.-tcriz-ing- the pool lad also Dean came lu fer oua. Other B3ow-ý bea copleeti mavile corers were Marjerrison, ée Duc te, the gif< f MOC.0 froi-<theCrosscy antiMses Bowmavhl Your Farm xd h Oro=-noCliamiber et Commerce tbflc lad te coma f rom1be2liti te wsn tle Park Boardi bank ban is te lie reduc- ga3a eti frein $1500.00 te $1000.00. A motion 1Junior ,West luas aise signled -lte play wassepasseti requcsting flic sacre- for Bwavicthis ,yair buwa T pc O tary teo write flic Oronio CharnIer 0f rintsegm on Tuasdlay. Othar "Yeur Farmi anti Fire" will ha flic Com erc fInk'ngtha fe flirlocal playars are being seugît by tle gcerous giftf. j lub. subject et a talk anti film to e ba r- senite, liy- Mr. W. Gi. AlexIandýer, ~lf A committac et Miss Aima Cutte-il ___________________ ire Service Division, Office 0f Lhe antil Mr. S. B. Ruthierferd was appoint- F ire Marshall, Teronto ut ftla Dur- eti teo investîgate the possibility 0f 0bifomaio)n thie oeration ofetfa hm Farmi Safe-ty Ceunicil Safatyj ,unigmore preperty for flic park.OrnoPark undar fIe CmuiyNgti I dieiw al rn ft vwus peinLe(i eut that ciean-ing 1- etCntaiAfoI assatoffa teon Thursduay eavening-, Novamrber 22ndj nawv preperty ceulti ha doue untier fIedat for fIa Jacksoni Park iin !Renidul ut 8:00 p.n.- winteýr weracanfiva plan. jwas lheltiby flic Township 0f Clarh-e la heDurhiainCouuty Wariin Sufey A dicegation et Messrs. Roy Poste! and considerufion la bcing givan te Council las matie plans for this se- -anti Wm. Turunsky ot Kendal met bring it undar fthe Comminunity Centras Ial avent antia spedial irrvitation lu with fIa Orono Park Board. secking, Acf. axtandedti t urban as waîî as rur-aI people. Mr. Aleander will ha dis-i WAS RUtNNEIR-UP AT ORONO FAIR. cussing home us wel as tarinsut cty anti wiil also mentim the sub jert (~1 A r~ op "ire Sut ety Hints fer Public Sur- 'Glen Mhcins Topainsl lnAikýins, ot RR ,1ý ,( île newworld cýhampionj bacce tifilti. Thc 40-year elti biiniCeunity farinerp wort fen80 contestan lts uIt tisa1 riclulturaiWinter Fuýir l inT) Hies-sucess iade t a fîiiii chamion un 196p lic tir bacce comeîion bagan at Mn AfkiusSnamas a cômçp yePa% ie Thi a capins n jiet lde lesýt lu. ail ii- coelug ati l et - hiit tht inc(lueti a Inuisi Southern -Rbodesia. Tobacco Recognition Irten sfhs Decainbar te Joe Kiselis. He theri ,u fie e- begilis prasant 250wacre trn Nortiha- r. Akisgrew fniine acres f lisý a flIe tiflla year, producing about 18000 pountis Royal Ag- wth jst eue kii. Ha hopes toenx )refe paýntinls uur eas ly double. iýs fisst cro hfeen a petaI as te Port lareue. It ginedtilirn ac-, arf thîe wuý,s worlti Dus-hum Ceu)înty Tebacýo JRing tLiti t year te- wit thaMikula bretiers eto eta t fla fiat feoron)o fir is Septembar. Hap Utnr bs aisUep Dilflcpriss aithMe reent PortHo. Fi n cubter, iug,letai ries Wr~ classas. et classes -TCs las lacishic frs nfry l frein-1cx- wrdcmeiie.Aatfenwa-tit %oer frih em winisbe topaward lia ais wîtedteprove tisi gowrsonI Iew Ailul e gro)ws the best tobacce am could deI as weljl as theose on, ,in l olM.Atkcius may fiuid tI Cnes if iadteseai He is a free-lance I li as nle Iquarrel with thie Tobacco growcer, that is, one who predluces!Bad bclganei ira licencýe teý tobacco outsl e iecontrol of tîle grow wilot giving hlm ac ýcom-pany- ý'utarlo lule-Cureti Tobacco Mai-ket- jîg idhswiclr would anabie lin te ing Board. Mr. Atkins las nef beau i his crop through the auctionutý able te obtaîn growing- rigîts for his Delhi, Tillsonburg or Aylmner. farm, one mile soutli et Burnley. AI- Ï Mr. Atkius, howvýevar, points te the tliough lie applied by registercd mail 1dcifficuli es 0f people wuanting f0 grow te flic Board ut flic be.-inning 0f thal tobacco ùnless there is a graduai ex-ý eésnle was turnad down. tension et riglits. Tisera is a group lu For the previous four years, lac lad the Centreton area that have f0 frae- rwngriglits on unother f arm n lalnce and taise tîcir chance oin fM-d- the Canfreton area. Haeoli this tai-m inging a markset, lie sald. BA~S LARGEJI>EF1CIT Ganar a ska Au thor0ity Conls'ide-ýrs New Metho-;dl HP-ilier assessment, anti new syýst-, choose a new iiiathod 0f ussessiug flic enms îcf assessmient, of thse participat- i zunicipalities anti set a njew budget îng municipalities was suggesteti by j ai their next meeting, 1rhursday, Dec- thc Gauaraska River Conservationý ember . Autlierity ut f leir meeting recently. fD.C .Kly otHp' e if -,as pointeti eut tisat the Author- reprasentative te the Authority, ut- ity las been qperý ;on flic samie týflc i is etn. budget since 1947, daspite risi'ng tiaxes tenei i trtbmaneotetin Haifn- laicests anti operating expendi- J. L. Sylvester, wle rccently re- ~tures. ,igned due te business pressure. Tise Autliority currefltly las anan Deîbert Olan, CavTan Township rep- nual buget 0 t,600, btepn-L rsetaiv wsselecteti te actin trcs te fIe endi of Sptmbr hi evic-clairmuan ofievacateti dby year fotaileti $14,978 with nne 0f their aJr. Sylvester, until flic entio etts jtaxes 0yf $2,00o as yet paiti, leaving -ayer sawie daficiýt by fie endi ef 1962. 1 Tise Ganaraska Autherity indîcateti Thise deficit wý,as breughit on many hi spport et a request te lie On- by ýlarge landi purchuses cduring-the tie eerretote give (cosra yca 0 $1,60,cemnparcedtiteabout L aea supIes!r.tncnt's fle super-i $240lust year. 'isorcy pwars et OPP etticers. ~,Hooke, Conservation Fieldi 0f-1 If was peinteti eut flat cairetakersI -UI twa a cmal parks have sud lpowvers flain in combining vantaia- air parks, but carýetakar-is et Lion us-eas hava lIe euh police t troubh-makers. aîso nienfionedtitnthle Gais-- Silvar dollars wjil ha presente t f the winnaers in flic Durluin Ceunty parm Sut ey PesterCeptin this year. Tha four tep winners titi' ha've a tnp ,te Can-ada"s Capital afý Ottawvailu Juna, but 20 young peopieý ,i is be redaieving tic silvar dEol- grethe hîgh-lîgItus Oet tie yaar'Spr-o- grammine. The ntare Prin urv ofet1959 indcattitlat itarm réanihjom-e satety orpraps luck of sutcty cuýisati thseI deafla et a numiber 0f olk ,threugliouLt Ontarlie. Prscauseti by lazzartis, anticaracssnss rsulteti in less et lite as wcl aSahgltincilss ii now te attend this me inl ortier flat you may go hoie anti check tha hussards coulti causej proparty les;s fer you or aven loss et lita. Evaryona walcoe. veiàs1 leîMtk REPRTMarketîng tPlan RE OTTO DURII-AM FED. Rf asens fer disso.ving flihe pre3pesed1 milk marketing plýan waere- oufliluet by Mr-. Glen Coe, vica-pre,4ldent rtif the Ontario Creaam Producars, at tise -,inlnhly diractors meeting lielt u thfli hlomle 0f Mr. anti Mrs. RoVr-offal,! Orono, on iNovembaibr 8. Producer groups lad velccd great dissatistufa. tien se fhis ac-tion was faisan. lHa sit tînat thc prevîsienul milk marketing hourd lhad ,uggesetc fiat a Domlinion Roylal iseulti be establishet Iotestuiy, 1,le dairyv industry in generai. Electien et officars for fisc Crauni oeurswas hlctiwitl h f a sain axcuie ing returnati. H-owurti Quantrili, Campbelcroft, Presidit; Tom MeCamius, vica-pras. ztient; anti L$auce Stapies, secre-'L tary-treasurcr.E Ltrsfrein Russeal iHonay, :M.P. fo uiam- Ceunty, were reati stat- oga tînt oing tiatinita lad beau ac- ,ompillislieti on rc-astabiishing flhe premýium on Grad A hegs te the $3 y Recegitjin, ut the ainnualbaqe oni Nov. 21, wil l e givan L,)tehfeini-1 ing 4-H ipetato e tcam. SecCeing.,I Eve'nt-s for partiulars et iseban- quai. rsaAuitlority recently les3t the services of a gooti caretaker for tise Sylvp.n Qien Park becausaet repeat- cd vandalisni therë. ThCi1R. ie coasce waS sage et bronza chrysantis1emin ms. .ongsievat anIlîle attractive go0wn- anti a fuÀli iwigsisint with a dhisua For, tîcir lionaymoon trip tlireugh ai.Har bouqucjet was a cascade et the Unitati States te Milwaukee tise 1'd rses ant ilitc carnations,. bride tonnatia smart impertet Thse attendants werc aIl sister et d(ouble kuit twe place suit of reti witl Lha brida. Mrs. Bruce Myles (Adale) wita anti blacks uccessorias. Tise-suit acie, 1 as Alatron or '4onor, tise brides- Ju. Chef was aderneti with, a corsage 0f naitis wcre ZMrs. Donaldi Marçer jwhvifte carnations. cBetty) anti Miss Cieryl Ofiopar. On flair ratlura Mr. anti Mrs. Lune [hey warc gowned alike lu prattyl wilI reside lu Orono. Si-x close fia»ts 0f the bride actcc us hostasses ut Orono wlien a iniscel- Ianneous showar, washlilu flache1.0. 0,F. Hall whara about aighty friends ai relatives were prasant. Aiseor this eveniug-, ou beau fofIe Orono Foresfry Staff, Mrs. James Majexr anti Mrs. John Foi-rester prasented the bride fIs ha witl a Gencral El- ectrîc fi-y pan. bli lie~'i v fo Receiv SetUp o rono Disxit P esden Tie îeQ ib)rary Board ialong witîhI Th rguarmetigof leatier Re- mrbesof tLhe Orono Police Tu-IUo hsrqet fi eemadle for hekh nde'was hlTeda, ~ ees and ca member of fthe Clarke thePolie Vles olth r ember 3thi.,in the I.O.O.F. Hall. Twsi ouc'lto Fia f Plc rsesfapingte~v SitrAI *UcHey Noble Grand, ernoon when they, were acldressed bywýould( seek the pss'ing.0f the l'c- MrlRedde- onc ernin g the formation essaryv by-law to set-up the public Li- prsdin withi Sister Laverne Parra- býet 1- ýajo Cal iceGand assistlng. x1a ublic library. The -meeting was brary. n Thre wvas a real-î good *attendance arnelb, the Orono Police TrU-s The BorP fapbi irr 5a~ wit roi cil howng il fflerstee folowng reues fo asis-pointed by the municipality and lir prest. '-ûIe minueshointhe last icrg -tance f rom ,the Oronlo Library Boardi. the case of it bein- set-up for the. ulr eeting were read and approv- Mr. Roedde outlined tepoeir oieVlaewudcnit0 th h-'df. On-e aceuniit was presented, this te be followed in foring, a public lib- ei 'niman et the Police Trustees lg was tece ver the preniium for r-enewv rariy and lie also outlinied the differ- wihfu1te ppîtdmmes 'l 0f insurance on flac regalia. ecsbewe1tepblelbrr n Siser arrbaî, Vce ran, gve ssociate library. The present Orono In the matte'r of a librarian Mr. agood report on her work for theR ibrary is an associate library. I oLdde stated tnat it would be miucii pasttwowees; îstr Gady Ga1- etter te pay one person to be the l- by an Sister Mae Allen reportedi for A public library, lie said, enjoys a brianithier than having a num.ber the C. P, & T. Commiiittee. Sister larger provincial grant than dees thae do the job on alter-nate week. Q Betty Major reported as convenor 5f majerity ef assoclate libraries. A Xnill' ibrarian be-omies miore famiiliar witli the next meeting which is the O>c- ratfe of fromt one haîf a mill to one the bookis and the readers halifts and casion 0f fthe President's. visit, Mon-' miii is generally levied by thae mun-, desires and is thus alble te give a. day, Noyember 19th. This Is a special 1 cipality for library pur-poses. This better service. Hle said there was rio meeting to receive thie Presidlent on enttes everyone within the mnunici-1qaiiain eddohrta hier official visit te this District. M.ay-1 pality the use of fthe library and its' pleasing nature and tlic ability te look belle Lodge, Port Perry, xiil join with b)OOks with ne additional charge be- after the books. Open heurs at the eate og.Teewl eavr ing marie for mi-Enijtership. Residents'îibprary are regulated by th e Bard,ý shonrt business meetig. fellewed by, outside 0f the municipality ldb 7two Pageants and later followed by ý charged a menibership f ee as they Mr. Roedde stated that lu Orono'a a1 variety pregram-i. AU members are, would net be contributîng te the li-1cs efi twudb uhbte uirgeýd te attend this meeting.j brary throgi aain ftellrr a omdfrteP Sister Allen reoperted that the calen- i h irr a omdfrteee ydars h1adl arriveci and wîll be sent eutlit The Province in the case of the ro.~ lice Village only rather than eridea- te each member as Christmas Greet- lice Village 0f Oronio would pay a vour te form eue fer the entire Town- ings. Dates 0f eacli meeting niglit isgrn of 44~ percent of thetoa ex- ship. He felit that in the latter that circeled in reti, it is hoped that this, pencliture during the year. If th~e lib-ý residents iu other are'as ef the Tovin- ctlendat' will bie used as a, reminder,ý rary was set-up for the ToAWnsh1p of jship wvould feel they should net play -te a1 rjaerilbe's, of regular meetings.' Clarke the grant would be q7 percent. towards the library wlhen they might 5 CommunIcatiorns were read and, r. Rodde esiimated that with a b sn t 1filed aliDse sveral tlîank-you noesiMre. ol eeytiýoofotePlc and cairds. Among thîe correspo ne mîill levypubin Oirn fr th olIchae The next nieve tewards saettlug np dence i vas a letter frein BeehivfVileapuieirry oudave a Public Library in OremcoÀ f' h à tü Lodge, BoWmanville, iniigVi ud vlbel h mut0 -be underÈlken, ressts with the dir&e,- Noble Grand anld Vie G rand to ro 'unid $1200.00 annually. Pres(ntlytosad emehp0fh peet tendta banquet, Saturday Noveruîbeofneheibriary fLn a anqetSat-da, Nverberthe Orono brr s fortunate te have Oroîpo library. 1t is necessMy, îf a l7th, at 6 :30 This is tebliclebrate$2,0t sel.y> is te be forrneti, that the 50th Annîtversary of Beehive Mr. Roedde pointeti eut that a for- the group meet te, pass a mot'on a'e- !odge. mal by-law weuld have to be passed PastDisric Deuty Preidet, y the municipality f oîîewing a re- questing tihat a by-law be pse by installeti Sister Velma Watson. Left quest for sucli. action fro.m the mei(m- the m'unicijpulityV setting up a publie Suportr 0 th Nole ran. ~ bership of fthe present Orono library. library in Orone. efficer Jbeing unmable te attend ut reg- ular installation. Sister fla Martin, Past Deputy M1arshal presented this' pentdofficer for installation. D p-.r ne i -( o tsL fl s u - itoseti and a so3cial heur was spent rc ,or ) e A meeting of the Past Noble Grani'sCubwias held on Wednesdauy Telniaatdtree ersao hets ee ouainwscrae lae h1omreof sister etty Majer. Atn iscreadgnadapr erallyv, hunterps founti ar or tismeting sc-veral Ilundry bags ntly ith a min iu edisturban(îce d ra er sgný -1s tiathey wýiermatie Up which are te be denat- tebtpreryo eranitedepetdadantmtdonoi t eti 1y tUs C-lub te thse Heather Social couain i' da eie ec very ix utr a sce e clbte be seld ut the Bazaur. .alnafa iy large lnumbiler 0f bgigli eio.Teg ra Th'e Past Noble Graiid's Club is a utrswr ett pit thieir SI ilis ein ameng thbe leas rtnt newly fermeti group. Sister Tren ginttes fte levewicsheeters appeared t t ht it tr.1 Murray, President, witl i Sster Betty 1ailcddee.1hemaortye(hutesiet a ahortage cfdee- that l MaoSecretary-Treasurer. wr oal residnts etthetw oun kne' hm u ahrta e 'fhe main objeect ef this new vCilub, ies wl1c oook [aIdva)!tage iýe h po-cuedogswrenet aloedi t ~a ait this lime, is te endeavour te in- tunity te hunt clo te hme. Ue ifîutte getl iu ciemvn crease truc fraterniity and keep lu Dcsp'tc e redîctnsorom u tshielteret spoýts and îito th e dloser contlict with ail the Past Noble sources that pein te),ao )in (2n. The short raniîge oret her hô Grands wlie have serveti Heather Re- these counties weu11lresýu', it i balla a guns waýs aise fetit bysoie huer bekali Lodge se faitlifully over fh l'Saugliter ef the deer lerd andf heavy I te have restricted thle number et deer past fifteen years. If is «hopeti thatj damage te farm-ers' prepertly anlive shot. fliese liffle gatlierings will injerease stock, this wvas net the case a)pparent1- AUl in aht, Ile, seaso)n appears te... andi exemiplîfy thee mette "FRIEND- IV. Landowners cemplaints bhave bea have been well receiveti andwchp SMIP TRUTTH AND LOVE." relatively tew a-nci ef a minei r rety te see more of the samenet faîL, T h r, Pe SitersAttend ieA t LaeC e Uptial Rites A wedlin-g 0f interest was selemniz- chery pink peau de soie, fasliioneti The bride lias lived ail lier lite in.L ed oýn S'aturtiay atternoon, November 'in slieath sty' le with full short over- Oýrone. anid was educatet inlu Qona. 1Oth., 1962 lu Oreno Unitedi Church skirt. The wvee liats were matie crown' Public anti 1High Sehools and Bow- vhen Gai! Audrey Cooper, dauglifer shaipe with a circular veil, Tliey iTan-vilie Business Coilege, She fs a of Mr. and Mrs. Clitterdi W. Cooýper,, worle nmatdlibig gloves anti sloes andi typist at Department 0f Lands ani, Orono, b-ecame the bride of Mr. Ed-, currieti nosegnays ef pinis rostO anti Porests, Orono. Mr. Lane lias iveti wadClelati Lune, Newtenville. The' white echrysaitLhenvims. aUll is lite in Newtenville, was edu- bridegreoom is the second son of Mr.ý Mr. William Lune, Port Hope, wasl calieti uthfle Newtonville Public an rsC..LueNe tle. best muan fer lis brother and the Sehool anti the Orono Higli Sehool. He Baktse ylowad htedy-uheswere, Mr. Gary Cooer0 bot _ s an employee et General Motors of santlemums effectively decorated! er eofthe bride anti Mr. Chiarles Gray, Canallda Limiteti, Oshawa. the churcli fer the ceremeny. Rev. i3ewmwnanviIe, brother-in-law 0fth Foilewing the rehearsul on the ev- Basil E. Long- ofticiuted. The soloist goo. ning before the wedding flic groomi's was Mrs. Charles Gray, Bowmuanville, Felle*wing the ceremnony a receptïon curants, Mr. anti Mrs. C. H. Lune, sister 0f flic groom, wlio sang very - a helti n ise I.0.O.F. CSommiunitv Newtonville, entertained the. bridai beauituly-The Wedding Prayer- Hall. Thc bride's mether were a ilrty thflir residence. sud'Beaus".Mrs. Rica.arti Morton (ji emîng gown et royal blue witli pinkiProt lier mnarriage flae bride was was the erganist. 1accessorias and her corsage wvas eofguwst of honor ut a sbewer given by Givni ïn marriage hy lier father,, p'inkcantin. h g1m' mterMs.Care Ga, Bwuvle u ýl' 1