ORONO WEEKLY MIES KENDAI NEWS Twelve Wreathlç Mr. and Mrs. Don Cathcart are the ;p-cud parents of a baby girl born Nocvem-ber 3rd, a sister for Stephien. A tO0 IXn was also one of the fortunate Kendal hunters who got a deer not Sunday evening tribute was paid teo ààr from home on Nov. 5. A vevy Canada's war dead at a Remiera- large buck.. brance Day service held et St. Sa- Mr. arlad Eliottand r. i our s' Anglican Church, Orona. The Mr. anlad Eliot andMn. eilervice was held in the evening fol- Eliott left this wveek end to go north loing a, parade o! veterans from tise fon, the deen hunting at Powassin. r, members o! tise Royal Canadian Mrs. W. Mencer, Mrs. W. H. Fosten, Legion, Ladies' Auxliary, Orona Cube ¶M,,c Qw Prh Ae.Tc ,Brownies and Guides. Mrs J. Stapleton and Mrs. G.. Cath- 4cart represented the institute at Maple Grove on Monday' evenng. It was an evening much enjoyed by us aUi, The Newtonvllle ladies were also gujests of Maple Grove W.I. Mr. Martin Manders and Larr, Ylr. Eddie Couroux, Mr. A,,-n Jrwi*n aLnd Mr. Dav.id Foster lent forlt, jortherm hunting ground early Sun- 64y nioriiing. Mir. Art Lowý and his party obtained msix deer the first week. Mrs. Frank Stoker 'is in Suxmy- bokHospital for a few days. Mrs. M. Luxon is spending a f ew d ïs n Port Hope. Orono Bible Group S (Coutnued fromn page 4) wthout the authority gained by mueh etudy and reference. In any branch et 1noledge, we acocept teaching only f rom someone who is qualified Uuhugh study, so how can wve expect to, be able to see our own way clearly, 2md bave a considejred opinion, if we do'çn't search for the truth. People sometimes think that the iidmonition to "be as littie children" m--jeans to be childish, and yet St. Paul pýainly says that the time cosnes -when we must put- away childilh things, and this ineludes the habit of r-elying on someone else's thinkng. Le's not forg-et that we are told to, 'Ask, and it shal1 be given you, seek, ,ýand ye shalh find; knock, and it bi 1,e opened unto you", and this by the Son of God himself; if this ie done in thýe Spirit of Christ, it shall be fufilled end AHis presence wiIi, be our support Lnd comfort when we find the rouigh î.,PciVts along 'the way. if we dan't make enquiies, howv -ill God know we are ready fan in- for mation. He won't force it on us; îand even if we don't use ail we learn night et the moment, aur memory ha3s' Î, way off conserving many details thtare recalled later on. We can't reacis any sort of opinion, on anything; ihotstudy, and it doesn't follow, th-at, just because we don't dîg and, delve and turn things over and around The parade wae headed by thse Le- g-ion Pipe Band who pior to tis sr- lice assenibled et the Orono Odel- Iow's Hall. The Rev. D. R. Dewdney conducted the chunch service et St. Savieurs' if thase men wbo gave their lives and ileo off thase whc9 have returned. Re tl.so recalled miany of thse battles. of hie two wars which hie eaid were lear in the minds o! many Wreseiit. in botis wars hie poînted ta the tacet that we , thse democnatic weorld, had been cauglit unprepared. If no other- lesson had ýbeen learned this was miopt evident on both occasions. During the churcis service a male choir of thse Royal Canaian Legion sang a most appropriate number for thse occasion. Following the service thse grouPI paraded ta, the Orono Cenotapis where' a two minutes. silence was observed and wreaths were placed. Messrs. E. Dent and A. Cl<ugh read the list of names cf those tram tise area who nad died dunring the two World Wars and that our faitih will be pure and unsul- lied and serene-- - - it may be just anaemic. The Chain Saw Season le Hiere See the New 1963 Models SOLO MCCULLOCH HOMIELITE CADIEN REMIINGTON Saive et Banicli Air CooIed bliors Wliere Service and Parts are Always Available Lakeshore Rd., Port Hope TU. 5-2160 sLaed FORCUSOMSDECARAION G yen riftetn hLi-.lths F r ON CHRISTMAS PARCELS imas gfts to arrive safely in Britiain )r n e o a h willI have to ensure that cuetoms de- R e t u a tA ,î g K -Lc yý the Korean War. clarations are completely filled out A knife-wieiding youth Who robbed istrate R. B. Baxter in B~Tnil~ Wreaths were placed at the Cnanprerytacetoahparcel, a Hghwvay 115 restaurant last Friday Tuesday afternoon. otaph b3y the Royal Canadian Legion,1't ,as pointed out recently by the night was sentenced to 15 months de- Leslie Wayne Minshalf, 17, R.R, !, the Ladies' Auxiliary, the Province of Postmaster General, the Honourable finite and three montha indeterminate Orono pleaded gullty to an arnier,, Ontario, the Township of CIa, the Flfen rairclough. in the Ontario Reformatory by Mg-robbery charge. Orono Police Trustees, the OriooPiib- The Postmaster General said Infor- Constable H. R. "Pat" Corneilltoli, lic School, the Clarke Higlihooniatiphas beei-irecQived froim the P r the court Minshall was arrested a- the lrlby United Church Women. the B-ýrtish Post Office that rany.poi-ceîs 'h ip bout two hours after police wereca- Oronio Bo cusadCbt O- fronh Canad1a are being delayed ai t Hope "Te l""'ne ed to Sid's Restaurant by Mrs. Lil.iame ono Girl Guides and Brownies, theOr- ports of entry because of faulty cust- Potea wi es delvains. Sh sid may omprny Extends Pr: atee Following the parade and-the Ceno- as 'toys' lothing', or 'Christmas The Port Hoépe Telephone Company and stole about $9 from the cash regý- Laph service ref reshmients wvere ser- gijftos 'ont ecaainThslnt located at Newtonviile has exteiided ister. ved at the Orono Oddfellow's Hall, al pron ter declaration., The itishno its service into a.new area, being parti BOYD AYRE WINS n prnerdeclraton.The ritsh f the present South Monaglian Mun- PRIZES FOR SHEEF' '?iulaitions require thait the exact nal- ture of the contents muet be indicated icipal Telephone system. This wa.s Boyd Ayre of Hmptoi-, Ont., swe>ý In nThe W onds s weIll as their value,. jointly done with the Bell Telephone the Cheviot sheep competitien aitft Mfrq. Fairpliue'h pointed out that Company of Canada who betwveen, the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair whenrtý (Continude !rom page 3) improper completion of the utm two have acquired the South Mona't hie entries won the champion and r- ridge or- bill and mrake a si-oke dleclarations cen easily resultin t s ghan system. serve champion ewe awards, cha- signal. -~e- eeidRdmvee edt As of December 2nd, the 35 phontes pion and reserve chamTpionl ram - 5. If caught by nightfall, stop at seizure of the ioi'cels< or imiposition in Bewdey previously connected wîth warde and tiret place in ail sections re once and make a camp in a sheltered of penlties. If the dec1aration doesý the 13ailieboro exchange will comne un- the judging. spot. Gather plenty of dry fuel and rlht pr-ovide sufficient information, der- the Garden Hill exdhange whichi Mr. Ayre took second place i threae * make your fire in a safe place. theae must be opened by Bn- - apart of the Port ýHo-pe Teleýphone off the sections; ram lanxbs, yearlir 6. Signal fires are the quickest way tiZlh custon-s officers or- the addres 'see Company eystemr. The phones in the ewes and ew'e Iambe. to attract attention but mnake sure the has to be askeçl to provide further de. Township north of Bewdley will be un- His entries also won the champilin fire doesn't 'get out of control c onoutSl. der the Bell Telephone control wïth ewe, reserve champion ewe and !hfý may have to contend with a mr Mrs. Fairclough expressed the 'Il pervision fron'i Peterborough. chamnpion ram titles in the Hm- than beip.g lbt. hiope that Canaians will avoid unnec- The acquisition off the extra Bewd- shire sheep comrpetition. 7. Above ail, try to keep a dlean esezary -delay and inconvenience by le - ý subscribers will bing the Port Ertries by Stan ggoff Oshaw&. head. Rem.ember, search parties will descri7bing t- he contente of eaeh 'pack- Hope comipav-y's phones to 1,400 b~Y won champion ewe, reserve champion-- be iooking for you. So if you aren't et acurately, separately and in de-l>the end o! theyarM. C. M. Jones, ewe and champion ram in the Northk cer-tain of the proper- direction to tail. By following these regulations, manager, said. Cut hvo he iiIn hea, at dwn nd ait o yo ma sh sad, he ca ret asurd tat Decision to dispoose of ihe Sotn In the same cýompebtton an entaryt walk in*the opposite direction froim txeir parcels \vill arrive t destin- Moniaghan system was madje b h y aodSinradsn0 yoe the searchers. tn withoult dîfficulty or1 delay. maijority vote off the siiehrhlders. Ont., waýs inaed chamnpon elve. is CHEVYHNeyer before has a brand-new car won such îm- -mediate sales acceptance. ln just over a year, - -CT CU A Chevy II has gone from a standing start to a run- S away success in its field! The reason is obvious: -- only Chevy Il offers such top value combined with suU Itb à attractive appearance and big-car roomniness!' SOUVENIR- DESION COMPETITION IRecenly, Primne Minister John Robarts announced that the Ontario Govemnment will -sponsor a program, recommended by the Tour- jist Industr-y Committee of the Ontario Economic ICounicil, designed to encourage development of the souvenir industry in the Province, This twý1o-fold projlect wil involve al soiJaveplit design competition, followed by an exhibition of the design entries at the National Gift Show, Feb. l8th-2l st, 1963 at the Canadian National £xhibition Grounds. *The competition offers first'prizes in te.n separate categories ($100 each) with a grand prize of $500. Closing date f'or entries is: ianuary 3lst, 1963 MWore Inýformation and Conitest Entry Formà available früm: ONTARIO SUEI PROMOTION COMPA1T[EE Rooeým 405, 657 College Street, loronto', Ontario ON1 YT ARI1o PROVINCE Of OPPORTUINIY chevy Il Nova 400 Sport Coupe I VFIN ER THAN EV Ié ýchevy Il enters its second big sales year with flyirig coors-bringing you new styling, new features that mean more comfort and convenience-more outstand- ing economy-more Iasting car value! And ChevylIl's new wide choice of models lets you pick exactly the ýkid of low-cost luxury you want in a famnily car! 5 versatile SEDANS STATION 3fun-fflled WAGONS SUPERS 2 SOTCUE MODELSI R2 CONVERTIBLES LONGER BIRAKE LIFE WITH NEW WATER-WASIIED AIR- LONGER-LIFE EXHAUST BATTERY-SAVING DELCO- POSITIVE CRANgCASE SELF-ADJUSTING SAFETY- ORIER ROCKNER PANELS SYSTEM PRODUCES SAV- TRON GENERATOR ... VENTILATION ON CHEVY MASTER BRAKES .. . does FOR DURABILIrY AND INGS YOU CAN COUNT ON chargýs your battery 11'S POWErk-PROVED EN- awy ith perio1dic LONGER-LASTING BEAUTY . .. fewer replace- even wýhen the engine GINES ... minimizes air baehes!. .. keep rust and co)r- ments, quieter, more is idlirig! -pollut ,ion, contributes rosion out! economicaloperation! to longer engine life! Whncalltire oponai121extr cot ¶A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Bý -e rBt acBnanza on the CBC-TV nietwork each Sunday.Check your local listing for chýannel and tîme. - eeyour deaer for Chevroets Special "Go WîithTe Greats' Hi-Fi LP Record Albumr Offer. BOWMANVILLE - OY W. NîIC H O LSPH-ONE' 728-6206 MIMM i;., Ar lx