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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Nov 1962, p. 3

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TIhITR~DAV. NnVEMBER 1Mb. 1962 -. -w '-~ Red. And Whi*te Continues To SET THE PRICE CORN18 'SRED & WIITE C -U N 1H sPhone Cornlsh's 1121 Orono, For Free Home Delivery yes we doni't pretend to give away socalled Fr". Glfts, But we do maintain that da'y-lu and day-oui you cam save CASH (which can be'used for any useful purpo"~) with cuir more numierous Specials on Quallty Merchandis f rom ouir Meat, Produce or Grocery Departiments. isted are a few of cuir Money-Savlng Prices. lu addlitoii there are muany more lu-sto-re Features froin whlch te choose. .Eoeelesw Rump R2oast .3on~1ess and Round - A pleasant variation VIEAL FRONTS, 1b 69C fruit Cocktail iVargarime 2 for 49eý 5. for $Il Quick or Instant - Save 6c( Oats Robin liood 5 lb 59c Swa;ette Facial - 30a e c T.issues7 f Save 6c! Fleecy Rinse 32 o Bayer ChWlren's ize - Save M0 Bayer10 ZB.T. - eg.45c Baby Powder Sunbeam Pineappe - Eeg. SMe Sponge Bar -or $1 )z 39c 29c size bole 63c 35c 35c SnRow Wbte Mushrooms lb-49c L.b 43c Lb. 55c, Boneless Tender Stew Beef Extra Speclal - (Friday and Sftnrday) Farmers SAUSAG E lb tray pack 43c Il_______________________ ___________________________ p , ~A~' ______________________________________________________________________ ~z. ed into enthusiastically and wIas much ,njoyed. After the formai meeting a U,.nited Church \Voreri work meeting was organized and a Ohri3tmas project got under way. OEwalk with Thee" was sunig. Lunch was served by our 'hostess Unit No. i U.C.W. met ini the Stin- Mr. Merte Gilbart took the devo. and our tlxanl(s were extended to ber day School auditorium on Tuesday, tional,* after n prayer ghe before the meeting was brought to a ~loen*r 6. Dur Unit leader Kayi conducted a questionaire frorn the close, Chapnuan open.ed the meeting with a ______bok._Aoteof___________s Blessng"The minut e shwera of Tamnblyn as given by Mms. H. WeodG id -f3esing " he minteswer r14a and the meeting cloeed wlth prayer Gr -ýa aprovd, ollcal tken*,7dwa14 by Mr. Long. Refreeiments were ser- Gr ud elu-Cu,ýsd. ocia haf hur.Training Conference 'The Word and the Way was read -"ud explamned by Kay tJhapman and' UNIT THREE Girl Guides of Canada, Central Ar-1 Stella Carson'~ The familiar Hynin C roup 3 mieeting was held at the ea, 'held a vprv> successful Training "When the r'ol la called up Yender h1om-ie of Mrs. J. Corniïsh, and opened Conference tri Rîchmtond Ii Christ- wae Sung. with the singing o! hymn 502. Mrs.1 ian Education Building of the Unlted Kay then lied slidbs on Nigeria anid Rainey took the devotional, uing thelChurch on November 3rd. haa.She told of their Industries, rlerne "The Churcli ancj the Commun-1 Over twe hundred and flfty leaders ~adof their native dresal, tlis was I ty". Roll eall showed 15 mnembersi of Browniesl and Guides, as weil as vrery interestixug te ail. present, The treasurer's repart waï Division and District Commissienera Alleen Bairstow deecrlbed li de- given and collection taken. Mra. Cor- and memxbers of tie oclAsc--I ,afl the "House o 4 Seasonsl", kn~own nish and Mus. Logan effered to 10cR ations attended the varlous sessiona ýs et ereat Hou"e and lç>rated on Rice a;tter fîo--wers in the Church for Nov- conducted by Trainera tu-cm Oakvlli,, ,laRe, It was built by the Pet02rbor ember. Mrs. Logan asked if the ladies Hamilton, Ottawa, Toronto and Cen- fflgh PreSbyteu-y. This was the sit e of would give old ny,,lon -tockïngs- to Mrs. tral Area. a joit meeting recently, Of the relp Irwin to ýhelp their group with a pro. Mrs. E. A. Colline, Area Commis- -resentatives o! the 1U.C.W. o! varlou#l- ject. Mrs. Logan also asked If the sioner, introduced the ànemibers ot .districýts. afghan our group la working on. could the Area Exeçutîve the Trainers axud Lunch was enjoyed, after whlchi be finishéed before Christmas, and welcomed everyone. This annual ev- Ailen airtowconduicted the De-' someo helde made arrange- ent provides a uniu potnt o -2utional period. This was an inspiring mnents to complete it. and impressive message by Candie Record of visite imade showed 58 .) Ëit based upon part of Jesus "Ser-'the last two months. We sang hymn mon on the Mount" Mathew 5; verses i;31 then Mrs. Drummond took the .11-16. Aileen was assistedl by Kay1 j-ible study frosa "The Word and the 'Chapmnan and Ethel Ly1cett, and the iWa-cîapter 7, sections 4 and 5. The O -ime ai-dtioug-ht put it h sc vth tei. meto anay'0 O 'N 0 sage was most rewarding te ail pres-' etn coed itbndiinan ont. unch as ierved. Kay moved a vote o! thanka te ail. UNIT FOUR ~who helped with the meeting and the S e tM t mieeting losed with lte Mizpah Bene- Un it No. -4 o! the U.C.W. met et the! diction, homne of Mrs. W. E. Reid wit iIl! miembers present and several. visi- U3NIT TWO tors. Made t ~Uni', 2 held their meeting Nov,,emnber The minutes of the October mueeting ut te hme o Mr. Hida am-i and the Treasurer's report were read Iblyn. Mrs. M. Tamiblyn's opening andi accepted, aiter Phich heofferin thine was 'oe- The joy!u]ness o! a w as reueived. It was announcedl that mani proljongeth his days. Hymn "My the General Meeting would be held f-'od the spring of al My joys" was thc first Tuesday in Decembler, name- a nd Re -ung ollowed with te Lord's prayer. Vy ioe 4th, and ail Units are asked tei MYinutes were read and approved. attendi and enjoy te Christmlas mee-t- Vrisits te slck and situt-ine were 61. Thswlcaelilndvda - B- '-iH P A ,'oIl ceaU was answerce1 with a verse Wuts meeting in Deceïnber. uf critur by17preent Mr. Lng Mrs. Reidc lead us in our- Devotional; gae fLuef ncial report on the su- under the themne o! "Cisti u per and program f or the Centennial.j Hearts." The study from our Study E LO Offerjng was taken, and the secretary o, 'rThe Word and the Way," wasý ,ga;ve a report. . Hilda Tanublyn taken by 0ite leader, Kathy ArmistrongiPon 186 repored o thePreSyteral Rliy n1 dealt with the question "What ý Pen's81 i>-.Id at Brock1b. "0 Master let M e Religioni". A questionnaire Was enter-k the Guidera throughout the Area te become acquainted and te benefit f rom te traintng- sessions. r~"-2 i Ilkcensed Plurnbinq Mechanical Contractor whc' sels> installs I ad guarantees PLTJMBING & HEATING Phone 143 Orono T[1NSHOu'%P ýaI Produets WHEN IN THE WOODS A couple of chocolate bar8 are easlly Witbh thousands of people taking to carried and wlll provide a good the woods these days, it le inevitable source of energy. that some unfortunates will lose their 0 OULO EIE sense of direction and bocome loît. F, UDoBCM Here are a few suggestions that any- 1. Don't panic. Stop, nit down. Try~ one travelling i the uùsh shovuld fol- tb figure out where ýrou are. Don't low regardiess of whether he le an wander airmlesaly, about. experienced wooçsmanor a complete 2. Don't yell, don't run, try flo greenhorn.1 worry and don't give Up hope. Always carry a xnap o! the area, a 3. Fire three shots in quick succes- COMIPASS, and MATCHES (ia' sion to attract attention. This is the water proof container). An extra sU¶>* hunters S.O.S. ply of ý>hells can also prove invalu- 1 able for emergency distress signail- 4. If injured, fýoose a clear spot oit mng in the event you do become lost. (Continued on page 5) R OYA LBowmanvile M.3- 5589 ROYAL CLO,.SED TIIIRSDAY FRIDAY AND SATIJRDAY, NOVEMBER 9-10 Jac-mk the Gflant Killer COLOUR - KERWIlN MATHEWS The Clomwwn &the-%;Kid Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday November 18, 19, 20 anid 21 Dwe se-rt Attack JOHIN 3ILLS - ANTHONY QUAYLE Ho-«use oR Wonie (Adlult Entertainment) COIMING SOON 4, N NA s, N N N - N k W-slh!ve-Chiecked, Tendered Boneless efoud Ste,%ak or Roast I Lean Mlueed Chuck Beef TOc lb SOc ATTENTIO'N ! IAL Home.Freezer Owners. Look At This AttractivePrice Aud, Buy With Confidence SELECTED GOVT. INSPECTED MEATS Custom Cnt and Wrapped for your Freezer At No Extra Coat lb 79e l b Fronts ,Beei- Hinds Beet 59C Average Weight M25 l. - 135 lb. ORDERTO»-DAY :oOrder lSUPPLIES epairs LINTS etc. 'AN, Prop. Orono, Ontari o

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