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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Nov 1962, p. 4

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ORONOWEEKL TIMS THUSIJA, NOVMERlt, 19162 e FROEN FOOD DEPARE1,,NT G;reen. Gliant Poly PEAS o'r 2lb A PoIy CORN ba--,~ RECEIVE $4.010 IN BONUS TAPES WITHI AYLMIER CIOICE PEAS CORN SYRJXP - Crovi Brand WHIUTE CROSS TISSUTE VITA "B"l CEREAL -NO. 1 GRADE CARROTS COOKING ONIONS - NO. - Grade LOI1N I'ORK CIIOPS - Centre Cut T'AB'LERITE IWFINERS 2 Z-oz. Tins 11 lb bole Famnily 4 Pak 86-oz. Pkg. 3-lb). Cello Bag 8-lb. Cello Bag any pkg-. 1-lb. pkg. Aylmier Fancîýy TOMAT JulIC 20-oz. -Tins Aylmr Haves 5-oz. Tins CHOCEPEACHEFLS 2for 39)c 'Aylmer 28-oz. Tins CHOICE TOMATOES 4for9c RE EI$0.U N BONU S TA PES IWITH INTAT 3FEE-1A10-oz. Jar SHOE POLISIT - PEsquire blaek or brolwn eachl ECEIVE $6:.40 EN BONU\IS TAPES WITH CAMAY FA-ýCIAL SOAF - Santa Special ba'-g of 10 bars BLUE CHER ETERGýENT - 3,-5e off Hlng Size BRYLREEM- Hardresinglarge size Be,,-Sure To Cet, our Copy 0f The New Free Git CHRIST3lAS SUPPLJEMNENT Hospitality - Available Thurs., Fri., and Sat. Only APPLEPI REEV 2.Co ElN BONUS TA-!PES WTTHl SLLNE SUAE-Shedr Pure Pork MacNTSHAPPLES - ae rade 3-lb. Cello Bag MARGRINE- Gôden Dew 2 1-1b. Pkgs. KfT'" CHEESE '- MdilmCraqiker 1Baýrrel 16-oiz. PFkg. ALL PURPOSE FLOUR -5 lRoses 5-lb). Bag EAGL BRAD 1WLK 1-oz.Titi PES&CARROTS -Ales2 15-oz. Tins Orange or 2-Fruit IGA MARM ALADE 24 oz jar, 29-c LOIN PORK SAILE LOIN ROAST O' PORK Rib l 5 Tenderloin Portion No. i Gýrade - Snowy White Hleads C --ý-ULIrFLOWER Florlda Indian River Grapef ruit 1O size 488 10for -59e ea 1 9c lbý 55c each 19C Sout Af i' a a eni a large size Oranges dozen 49,c REME~tiR. NC~' DAV On Friday morning, the studen e M C.H.S filed mb tue ~ditorîum x ~n *rrores~2ve R me ~h'a'±ce .D v' rvr"'. .'~r~eî y 2 r&l me th'1 serîpture followed by the ymn Oh t~t~ i '.~nr Rcp lu ~ges Past". ~' Gioe Clon sang two selections T Lords Pro ye" anci "Non Nobis .1 OC b a on Ta-"hlyn re ci Aie ~entence.s ~ 'rn.'xanee ami Dane Gil'lrart ce'- t the poem 'In Flandere Flous." In remembrarice 0f those i-ver returneb tirent Coates j pla~d a wreath, fo'lowed ley two r tee of siien 'e anci the "Lait Foi." hy Lvnn Brown. flue Students' Counc'l preo.ient, Bob Brown, intro- duced the Rev. E. C. Woodland 0f ~wcastle who gai"' a very :citting addreîs. ~hci. Tc'-y nid hIgI tiruce A. h j bbc G~'. meeting ir 'ers am as * dnf F"'aon'ramhlyîî - '~resdct T.i uda Westhe L2m.e rýeno. *"11j -'smhrnro,,y not mt ani- Th" tudotWounil Carke 1 other olida," stted M Woodlnd. -ooo'ied th a"o liorai "vilIh embanc. he anythusands of îi ucihl tem fr u youngme who gav e er lives il] a",a ots is beinî1 ld S7u two great wars âddWfotCe that wue i qtsare encouraged é)enter t-c'i rnay lv.They ied soethat we nmay idas.The winner cwHlreceivea have freedom of speech to use, a a loîbfree pass rfor or àmai. voice against greed anid injustijce; reedm of the presse for the welfare blresfrtvle aillse-so of the nation; freedom 0of worship for has arrved, tking te ions, atuche gratitude to God so that iwe can mauke 'umM tof intraursi gmes pàn1a use- 0f Bis chuirch.hfoe9 :00 or- at 3:15. The past we "Did they die so that we eau do as suras îon thee eanu v0icos: weplease?" aked r. Wooffland. 4A teamu No. 1; 9A teamý No. 2;,r07 They died so that wve might live free- i eam No. ;O1A:;]C11 lA; 12 am ly anrd Coiscienltiou sly do our duty a,;,Non. 1. citizens t o ruphold the ideals wtbFacsCva "heDoctrie 0f LCeati10n"- Nov. 15, 1262 The dloctrine of Cre-ati1on has long beemad wili continiue to he :a matter foripcuaioa ujetfoi- ddlbate, a bone of cnetoa thing vhicil allows 'for, atweliter of suipposition, btn udenethit il remnains tIse s imle cerfact ; tbat everythinig we Ènosy waan.dis cete;foi, the pro- ces cotines.Itis not everyonie who1oters to speculate, to debate, to cntecito suppose, or, even to tn ou tis facýt of creation, anld a gooiy ercntaeof people behave like ilue osriclIswho bides bisIse-ad in1 the sand wen hie is chasedi. Befi. ursif he antsep bis pursuer, 'Jbe won1thae to soive bis problemin f ecpfor, bis pursuerantseehl eltile.When e refuse through fear, orLazineesý, o3l unconcuern, to think in- elP tly, and aslkquiestions about the crOation of. oursel'ves and our 'w.vrld, we nire playing- ostricis and keep:ug ;ourselves in thse cark, about vital ind Ilegitimaite infor'mation con- cerning tile reasones for our being biere anld thee methods employed. We we re iktendled to 'be tbinkin.g ludividuale, or God would not have given us a brain, and Be meant for uis 't iedi- iinte, not oly on Bis great merdiesi and tbe wonder of Bis loving kindness butl on B-is reasons and methods. We ~do net question them, but we do mied-' -1If science saýys thait tbe sun, in its frenzied wvhirl, threw off tIse chunk cf rokcalled eartb, and in itscoin process, miany differeut formes carne. I into being, that coulc w.ell be, but w must remiember that, tbe aun %vas it. that timie already part of tIse procese, nlot tIse isieof tesource., Alany believe tbat scieistea auto- atclybecomne unbelievers of tIse creation dloctrine, tbroug-h failure toi tind cohesioni hetween tb-.e biblicai presentatinandheIse cientific argui- mient. Daýrwin'i tbeory, wicb causefd agreat uipbeaval of anger, an 'lar and despair, wouild -flot have clone so if people bad realized that lisewas un-, covertng truLth that God intended to be unc-overed eat that timie. That wae tIse best time for it, or it neyer wvould I av appened, aind it simply told, lu jPart, thse "Isow" of CGo's meth-,od of creation, whiie God's Word, the Biblel was teiling tise why'- of crzeatioi. li Gen-cils 1: 2-1 we i-ead that God1 macle man in B-is imag-e, and to have' dominion over al Be had mnace, pr- viotns to mH. e -gave him everything he crea"ted, forhlËm to use construct- iývely, and behold it was very good; adif it waiia very good creation, it mueit have given Hlmplasre and if it gave Hlm pisasure, dcd Be not cre- abe itfhouhlove? le tiianot tbe wb"of creaýtionIi. sni't God's Word a continuiai pleading and seeking of j is Fa-tbier's love? Man was to thinlîk God' 1thughTts after Hlm, to by in, and to love H.Lm; and 9fter ae Mo living, when man haýd fallen b.-'a:y iro.m the- original pattern,wenle saici, "He bath îluewed thee, O0vtn what is good; and what dloth the L~d require of thee. but to do justly, 7tnd to love mercy, and to walk hu-mbly with tby God." Some people eay, "Wb doyo bohrabouit dgin nto tile FBible anc; stirrin. up old tings, andbohr igPe'ojPle-Whly don't you leave te alo"? Tatcould he-moe Ostcl gai s.If heyare j1rofessed atheists, 'tcoldbetht thley Wovculd hke t e r'-v lusonîth'ng hat -wouldexli terearltb a1nd(1their rsec o t but nt see ayhigbiggrta chonxeles; orii mayvbe thait the3e have a litte fiaith that blwhot and~ cold and they are terrified tIa îha1king Up Would shatter it cmit. ly. If tbey woul just read God'& promises of Uis coutinuing presence, and bang onto thiese, they urnght isw'ing ont into a blackç voidi, nom- an then, but wouid know they were lsield' firm, nevertheless. We l3ever ýqste tIse sweetness tili we stir Up the iiugar in tIse cup), a.nd whoever hea,d oI buildling a lasting foundation Wtsu first, sweeping away the chagff .And. getngcown. to firmil grIoulld. Wie must n1ake our- 0ewn deciS s~,s D i o later; -we cannot live f( revei on m- mie' .çiîe*s say so, and eausc e ,a-re so craewe are entited to ask questions. It is nlot mWse for is it sn nýus, to domtize or aýssert doc.1n (Con itnuedit,- 1 ge-5) É1-a A mi p. Gardn FeshNo. 1 Grade Cýrisp Lettuce Il OMM 'Fr M, 7,171,17 ORONO WEEKLY Tn, IES

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