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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Nov 1962, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, NQVEI4IBEI& l5th, 11102 g *1 TheïCoPora1tion0 ot thé0Twn ShipotClrk Tenotie thatthe (SCouci AntheCrpor U f ionl th ,wn.Ahip clre by its Bpp o. 140 pIsd on he Sith da e Nveb , 962un 1'ir y AMenaG ttthre bmitted lt u 'o et heeletesof tew PolceVillage ei Or4o PnnooustioSea ichth fiwing, s a rne cep7 "IAre yeu i faver et he pplcatofetthe Truustesof hePolieVillage et on '15r a conâtract betweýen the CmTwObrati"iet heTownship c0fGianrke -nonsaY unth Trulste adetthe Pouce Villge et Orone WanheOntcarie Wtr Relure mis sinfra onplete imunicpalwater Sys n bing in4lldsMl uthsadlc e Village or-Orooicaî tanetmedctet17,00 i And tArkeotiethtthe sai(dCci by its By- e lv e.140 dsdo tesxhdy tNxe ber, 1962, has apponted thatce Vao e thesaid elners aoin hwsidQuesin shaH be aken ce Meonday the Third day of Decemher, 1962, betwen the heurs e4tlu0achwecket the tereneen:aid0 o'clof extheafternoon, EnstertndardTim aIthe felluwing pae tUcMncplEeto if any, and bQ the feloig deputy returning etticer and poIl lerk: so FOLLIrNG PLACE )RloNO -MUNICIPAL D3EPUTY RETURNINCG MUS. BRUCE MERCER POLL (CLERX MRîS. JMSRCÇB And take notice lthat on Wed(-cnesday the Twenty eighth day cf November, 1962ý, at the houe et Three o'cloek eof the attornoon, EasternStnarTm, at the CunilChmbrslit-oTownvîshlip Hall -at Oreno t1wo head et th(, said Couincilor aeme- e i, ppin fr ht upose by its rosoluttion, will attend for the pu4rpeý,ofe ponig if se euetdto prsons te attend at the final summling up of the votes on the -said Question by thle Clerk and onle persen to aftend at the polling place0on belhaîf of!fthe personls in1torested 1in11anl dosi-rmofetpromoting oin ile a!- firmative on the said Question and a like number orn bhaf 4et the, person#s trtseli and de- sirous ot promunting Voin1g in tle negative on the Said( Question. And take notice that ont Monday the Third day etof cm er,16, at the heur et Nine oiofe the aftornoonl at the CounliHChamboî)rs in theTo sipHl at Orono the Cer t fthe 1M1unici. pafly %wîilattend and sum up theo mnmbof etvoteýs given ù)Inlteafraiean eai and de. clare the result of Itle votitg 0on the said Question. And take notice that a tenianit %wo desires te vote onmis matter must deliveýr ote h iCerk, Hl.E millsen, at the Township Hall at Orono, net fater than t1w Tenth day betere the day appointed fer taking th-,e vote, a declaration made lun accordaine e wýi t th provisions et sulbsection, 4 ef Section 260 of The Municipal Act, UMS.O. 1960, Chaip, 249 and Aedmnsthereto» And take notice that any Corporation wishing te ap3poein ta nomince te ho added teo the veting list must, accordlng ta law, file wý,ti the Cierk at Oýrono an appeintment ln writlng net tater than the Tontih day before- the date on which the said vte shall ho taken. And take netice n any tinte netinter than Five ],i etr the day appointed fer taking the vote, a judge, u1ponl the application et anly lperisenl whese naine is cntcred on thceiist ot voters peepared fer the Clerk or et any pe-rson enttlept be entered on that lis't, may strike front thc list the name ot any person who' is dm or wh1ose namie has been ,rogfuilyenrdontad ayddete list the alnme ef any person whese namne has beon wrcgiroItted trom the list or wýhe, if a tenant, though lie ad et milade thedelaai rescrib id by suhsection 4 et section 2(3o, establishos that ho bas the qualificaýtioùn peci by that scin AifltakJe inotice that if the assent et the eloctor,-sis bLtaied the Question set out heroin wilî ho takçen int<ýoiosideraî,ttoion reguflar meeting et o Colemmencing at Two occkini the atter- noon onFriday the ForteenthdayoetDecember, 162, te be held ln the Counil lChambers ithe Toewnsipl Hall at Orone, Ontlairie. And further take noi(-tice thlat 1, th iuder-sigaied, hereb)y certify the above Question te> ho a correct statenït et the question ubled Iabdtis 8th day q!Neebe,1962. H. E. MILOclerk I LOCAL NEWS M and Mis. lb MadUilhave sold their arm on Che Sxth LMe and have nmiove te th e house on the corner of Mýiii St and Dix_,on St., Orono. Mîi. and f Mrs. iFrancis Quantrill have mnoved .te their new hom-fe on the Ceunty road, morth et Orono, Meqnd Mrs.Aix D:runimmond, aed MrsA. A. Druimmond. M1% andMr.asRikyvite Mr and i S. G :"t,!tAtdand' -Ftch MPp. a nd rWm o ieat, An- drcw Unltd Church fer Reme',1n- brneDay service ýs on, Sundauy, Nov. M1.1a1M es. A1rchieso ason andi 'W. Wýatson heis pregrcessing ý,avour- abyin owanilHospitpl. Mr-ad es Clarence Allun visited with tie lte sistcr Mes. Clarenceý Triggat)ooin Lt. Cl .C.Gmyteck thesalut,, atd apaaeps in Port Hope on Suri-, dIay at Uic Remernibrance Day ser-1 vc.M.Gamey - aslaferm-er Md ]and Rogimient cemjmanding otticer. M and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn attend- cd the tuner-al of Mrs. Lenore Crawle, Hon. Past President ef the Os'hawa Presbytcryý Womian's Association, mn rOshawa on Wednesday of. this week. $4!I O Top iPrice At 'Sh'-orthîo n Sale B-aiier this month Uic annual Binle Ribon Sale of Sherthoens vas hield byJohn Baker oet Ha'mptoni. TwentY- threc head were seld at an average l, rice ef $275.00 a hend. The topýj price et the sale was paid by A. V. Pelirnatier ot Tweed for a bull consigncd by Heatherdloon Farm of Omem cle. The priceu being $410.00. The top f emale price of $375,00 was pald by Angus Wilson, Cumberland, for an animal from Gîbiadale Farina ef Port Hope. Othier local buycrs at 'lie sale were Me. L. Patteeson et Or- 000 ahd "'TIVr.ilten Stainton et Bow- man-ville. Ono Glrtadaecntry went Ita Prince Edlward Island whîle t-wo polled te- maies wVýont te Gordon Stewart et CA Dr0FTHANKS On behiaîf et the Royal Canadlian i Lgon BrnchNe.178-, îI would like o thaýýnk nîl the cîtiztIis ai mer- ,Ichantsi et Oroand surreundfing cdis-1 titfor the splendlid resýponsiýe given M1EN'S AIND BOYS' CAR ICOATES A'ND JACKiETS LAMNIINATIED SUTBURBAN COATS L intdNylon Coats for ventilated warmth. withouit weighf., Warm pile linig, iront and back, yoke, twvo tlap peekets. Brwcacand loden groSizos 361te 12.PRC$2;0 LAMINATE» JACKETS Shorty Laminated Jacklets with warm quilled linling. Raglan aleeves, twesdash porkets and zippered front. Loden green only. PIRICE-S14.95 NYLON COATS 100% Nylon etssatrreeletvarmly lined tvitlipile. Zipi-of quiht-lnedt hood, Navyý only. sizos 38 te 42. pRICE-$17.5(1 EAYDUCK PARKA COATS Idealý for- hunting, farmuing, etc. extra tough ceAtton duck, with Warm qnbtdling, detachable parka. Green only. Sizes 8 te 44. PRICE-$12.50 SUBUhEBA,ýN COATS knttdcola.Sies3, tu, ad46;. Rg11 ale te $27.50 BY'SUBURBTAN COATS Ait iridescentfabi et yjmlonadttenwarmfly llned with orlonpilie, fr-ont yoe vtrrpiet oahbehed lined with ordon pile'. Green> npavy and darfk grefy. Sf s 6 nd 28.PRICE -$49 'BOS'NY1ONSTORM COATS 100% ylon entswith nem olon i-eng. spanishiIye bulttei- dow knt oîlr, ipefforln inod eodç. Blue and dark grey. Sizes 30 te A rmstroÂngs S-tore Operi Monday te the annual Poppy appeal. Special thanks teý Dave Kýilpatricýk, Col., J. C. fCamey, Ait Jakýeman, E. Dent, Wen- Iv 6y Cex and Dereithy Dunlop for the'ir wlling help with this camipaign. Geo. A. Dunop. a-p DOMESTIC HELP WANTED Te live in, age 40 te 50. Three scl'ool age children in family. $100.00 a monlth. Phonoecdloect, Oshnawa 725-1343. ac FEE Dvdand June (nc Jenson) tliank Ced for the saf e arrivai et a dauhtc, ind Mrie 8lý bs.,11121 's., on Novemi-ber- Oth, 1962, at God- PHONE 129 GONTRACTORiSFO FARM Iand HOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIAINCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs, jto ail kinds of Electrical Equipmreofl and Appliances jSucoh at Metors Water Heater2 T, V. - Radios- Stoves - Irins I UNITED i'IURCH Orcoo astoral Cha rge M in ist e r Rev -8. E. Long CIJURCII SERVICES Oee-11:00 ar. Leskvard - 1:45 p,,. Kir-by 3 :00 p.m. SUNDAY SUHIOOL Orone -- 10:00 a.n'. Leskard - 1:415 p.m. Rry-2:00 p.i HUDNUT SHAMPOOl 12oz STUTT'S PHARMACY ORONO, ONTARTO PHONE 168J THIS WEEK Ti "TTHE O RONOc t $10TOR SpeilBayGwn-s, white flannelette with blue, pink, or yellow trim. This week ........ 2 for 83e Tea Cloth Sets, Tea Cloth 36"x36" with four Napkins, 12"x12" Boxed. Set for......$1.98 Log Cabin Chocolates, assorted hard and soft enitres. One pound box .............88e Willard's Bo-xed Chocolates, assor-ted, 7 -oz. boxes 3 Afr-ican Violets, fuli of bloom, assorted colirs. Small plants r-eady for transplanting to larger pots. Priced 19C. Larýge plants in bloom 98ýc Sma'rt 'Gloves for boys, youths and men, Vinyl, pull-on style with fleece liniingý), assorted colors, black, brýownvi and grey. Pair for .........$1.09 ISuper Value-Christm-as Cardis, 51 assorted to a box. Priced! at .................. - R"eliglous Scripture assorLmntCfrïstmas Cards,> :21 golci tonad. Pricedt at................. 13c Sixteen inch Dolîs, cuddfly and hrlligfully Lsdressed, movable limbs, sleepinig eyes and lovely haîir. Our feature dlol for only......23 GAORAHAM'S Esso Service Hig 15, souhe Or1no to Cars and Trucks Phene2'Garage 1621JRes. hi s 'mille" l» 1w - ý nl, 1 -MW 'Olffl -,ORONO WEEIKLYTMES THUP ut, »6e

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