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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Nov 1962, p. 8

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Did Popov Pop-off Before Marconi Theinvetedthe a-lnof cusal-d the steam eng'ine, racket propulsion and penîc illin, hybrid corn anild Ithe sandwich, thoe bail-point pen and jazz, and almost everytl)ing else bu)tt vice. For two-) docad.esý, the. usas too, Ibave caiiimed thle inveT(nti on ol !O theadio. They insist thaqt Russian phiýSciît Alexander S. Popo v beat IL tally's Gul-filmo Mariiconi by one year ta the first suýcesîful rnmiso of radio signais. Tdx Popov is a Soviet national ereshrined in print, filn), nd rmai-hie. A Uiest of Clîfornia shdthe tntfuilly documen-ted troversyv.Hs conclusion: The Soviet dlaim contains more static than substance. Popov's dlaim ta, priority, Dr. Charies Susskind notes in the Proceeding-s of the Institute of Radio Engjineers, rests on a demi- onstration the Ruissian .conducted in MVay 1895. it showed that an electric bell can be miado ta ring îf an electric spark is discharged iiab.Alth-ough Popov later kpplied this idea ta a wiroless apparatus, hie did fat then pub- lish aythn ore than the hope it îght somneday be used to transmnit me' .ssages. Marconi was fi-st ta poublish- a descriptioný of his wi-eless; experimients - by being fi-st to apply for a patent in Juno 1896. "It is nat my intention ta de- biank Ppv" Susskind said. "Buit the of'ficia>us Soviet cai-~ paign taIo nlarge his reputation must ho deplored by any seriaus High-Priced Drves And Putts Wheýn ratûihed against golf Champ Arnold Palmer in a wh,,Iacky sequonce frian his new mnovie, "Cali MNeBwn, com- edian Bob) Hope turned out for the caers t the Dnhm olf Club near 'London witb a gnarled troe limb for a five-i-on., Cast as a straigbt mï-an for Hope (at $25,- 000 for one week's work), Pal- mer chîpped in witb his share o! the film-red dialogue. A sample: 'Did you ev-er seo a man swing like that?'" asks Hope after m-ak- ing a shot. "Yes," repDlied Palmer, "Just once -- ho was hiang-inig from a tree." Hope sliced back with ad libs. Noting Palmer's brigýht scarlot sweater, ho told copanions (încluding Hei-ald Tribune columnnist John Crosby)> t "Tbat's ani Arnoîi Palmer set er. This guy souls everyting i,-a golfer needs -- Arnold Palmer grass, Arnold Palmer air. You ought ta botie the Arnold Pal- nmer smiel] and sol' that too. ' Yet playing w;ih Palmer in a recrea- tional rouind witb pi-oper clubs, Hlope sanîk the best putt o! thie day - a 35-footer. Palmer comr- mnented: "Best -gane in the movie business. Don't take life tue seriouislY- yoiu wiIl nover get out of it alive. IUE46 -1962 'ROUND THE BEND - Setting a pace on a test course is a new-addition tothe smoll car mairket Front mounted engine has four sl-ort-stroke cylinders It is shùwn here traveling 75 miles per hour in Russelsheim, West Germany., When Car Bandit's Luck Ran Out Inspectcir Ai! Dance was wor- ried. Ho was a veteran o!' the Plying Squad, with mai-e than 100jugs commuendations ta his credlit. But t 'hat day bis work seeýmed tao have came unstuck. The-re hiad been another smash- andct-gi-ab in -the early boums o! the morningl. The repurt was o n his desk. The samne technique ho now knew vby7 heart. A fast car with' false plates, a neat job, close tiingiii, and t hon a change toa n- o1thi- ,carf. It was the technique invented by,, a mian knaw,,ýn ta the Squad as Aussie Donny. Darte knew b, is real niame, DnyDelaqnoy, but hadn't been able ta prove bhis guilt. In fact, hoe knew a great dleal about Aus- sie Denny's gang whose borne, toriitai-y was in South London. it included Taîl Al ec. who used ta turn up at the scene of a pr-- posod smash-and-grabD in conta- ble's uniformn, and ].-ep watch for thle gang. The getuay driver was Fair Eddie, who would have beenaa mo to-ra cing ace if ho co uld have k-ept straight. They ail had nierve, but Aus- sie Denny hiad nerve plus brains. Ho w,,as both scbemier and leade-r, a powerful com-bination in the underwori,. Aussie flonny was not only hs, first car bandit ta use relays a! cars on a job, he wasi the first organizer ta hold rehearsals, Ho would take bis car cx'ew out into thfie country for a trial 1check, and Faim Eddie had bis ;chance to prova lie had nat lost 1his AkIlI 'n dodging obstacles,, wheni fiat out, or in turning a.nd reversing in a few foot without stalling. For only wrhen the jtough Austratian wýas satisfied at rehearsal was the job definitely on.' There had beeni a job ait Eus- ton Station whero two monm, with valuables worth $18,000, had beeni attacked. The th-eft wam planned tae.the second, and ob- viou-sly basedl on sound informai- tion. The driver o! the getaway car THE AMOEBA AND HE - What effect wilI the weightless- ness of space have on the celis of the humn body? To try 'ta find out, microbioilogist Rartorn McKirêney peered through a microscope et a tiny, single celled amoeba during brief periods, of weighttessness ttained by on airplane flying a speciat trujectory. Above, the Chanice Vought Astronauttcs scientist straddles the. alurium aï-d foom rubber oppa- ratus which held the, micr-oscope os it f foots inside th* plioi'x cabin. Result: Na change in the. amoeba'a behavior. TICKET COLLECTOR - Mrs. Delores Cipparone, 32, mnight have' set some kind of record in Philadeiphia, Pa., where she collected more than 180 traf- fic tickets. A judge f ined the1 attractive blonde $1,164. had shown a cdean paix, of heel, ta any pursit. Inspector, Dance was convinced this was the hall- mark of Aussie Denny, as was the raid on the furrier's in Mr timier Street. On that occasion a bandiLt car was backed into, the furrier's: window, and ini seconds,,$!5,00 worth of fui-s were collected. The rnost expensive coat wvas firmly secured ta its stand. , hich was n femiale dumnmy. Not wiilling ta surreniderIlhe prize item in the grab, for ready ta waste timre and ruin a tight schedule, the bandit leader- de- cidled ta take the coat--stili aqt- tached ta the plaster figýure. Instantlýy the bandit car ,vas racing away, spraying, the road with splinters of glass, But one of the bandits htad gashe-d his leg on a jagged spike of glass in the broken wý,indowv. Hec was bleeding rapidly, and it was his )lood trail that a Fly- ing Squad car, sumiinoned after burgiar alarms had sounded, pioked up and f ollowed. With little traffic on the road.s, th,- bandit car wscson spotteýd, and thie police driver began ta overhau.l the bandit in a grim- chase. There canj be no do~Ubt the bandlit car would have been rarn- mecl if the leader had not beeni doing some quicek thinking The Flyinig Squad car, 7wag-s dwigstili dloser when th e occupants wereaýppa4lle-d ti see the body of a îîaked womnan fal fi-r the speeding bandit car. At least, it appeaýred ta be a naked wom-an, and she fell right in their path. The police driver stood on his brakes, swerved, and issed the nude figure by inches. The po- El car came ta a shudderingý hait with a smiell of burning- rubber, and the Squad mnen stum- bled out ta help) the -rone wo- mfan. 'They've tricked us!" There were a f ew, mocre heart- feit commnents as; the Squad men stared at 1h.E furrier'.% dumm-y. Already the bandit car had vanished, andI the trail of looýd eýndetI 100 yards farther on. It ,seemned Aussie Deiny was jugt too clever to b. caught, Tht f ugitive again beat the lyiug !lu a duel O! wits hn4ïd je-IVe. Ai!' Dance eax ofoîr týome hUn7ches b'ased on under- wocrld informtin and one day lie andTed G ýreenio, wlio later becamec a notable mmero! fthe Murdler Squad, ,at i a taxqi waDtchiing the 1aproclito ar- friars ndrrondSaton ear Theov were nat there byý chance, To outwit th g anl'g, wvhic'h specialized in mah-ad gi-nb raids ani fu-ie-rs, Dance had considered a, pos)ýsible rocep- tion ae for the stolen fui-s. He had m-ade exteýnsive inquir- les, ïmd somi-eonie had becomeri scared. As a result, a mysteris phono cail was made ta the Yard, writes Leonard Gribble ini "Tit- Bits". The caller _gave no nameý, but mentionred a rendezvous at Black- fiai-s Undergrouind. Aussie was ta meet anothýer xnan there at a certain tin-e ta sýeli some fui-s. It could have been a hoax, but Darce took up thIe calne le and Gree(_no sýpo)ttd Aussi-e when hoe drove up in a lrge sedan car with -a passenger. Tho-l bowler and threho-rme spectacles, did not fool themn. The police tax:i wsunobstIiu- sively foloin he seda. L It turned 'Into a narow ul-d-sa flanked on eaých side wvith ware- houses and whîcb ended in a three-fo-ot 'a!al vwith. asheer dirap on the f ai sido straight 11n1to the Thames. A fine autuimrn iistbw fratin the river. Dance alighted, and stood in La warehouse door-way. Ho saw Ausýsics's pas-seng,,er get out of the sedan and Icak ai-ound himi. The momient for action hadci me.c Dance walked quickly ta-)the sedant, caught the handle of the driver's doýor and wi-enuhea it o'pen. As hoe did sa, the car thrust forward, and the swingîng door bruished Dance aside, WVith brakes squealing the car suid ta) a stop inches fi-nu the low w ail. The driver sprang out, shnkîng imself free of bis over- coat- as ho did o and bowler and spectacles wont spinning. With a. lithoe leap the mran Dance waschasing taok a biind header over the low parapet, down through the swirling miist, and crn ta the foreshore, eigbhten f eet below, and escapod. Aussie Dennywa now defini- tely on the i-un. Inspector Dance picked uïp his mnan's t-ail once more în Have, but Aussie Denny again sbook off pursuit. Finally, Dance concentratedi his efforts on a relative. It was this relative who unsuspjectinigly led the FlyingtSquad ta a house in Cambei-well,' Sout h London. This timo the daring car ban- dit's luck was out. Ho was in bed and sleeping when the Fly- inig Squnad camne into his roam., -Ho sat up, i-ubbing, the slceop from his eyose, and with the odds so heavîly against hlm inade no atteînpt at anothei' getaway. Ho g-rinnod at thec-unismiling, Flying Squad men, ta whom s.le-p !had becomre a stranger, "Who gets the moedal for this" hoe asked. The answer camne inter that year, 1936, in the Central Cim- mnal Court, ,whc-n A Dance was commended for his part in the Invest 'igation and capture, and the man in the dock receîved thiree yoai-s' penal servitude. Best way ta cure your worries Is to leave themn behind and let themi die of neglect. aa~ ~ ,'; Sa.,, *"' w j' r r R L~,rn '14. ARTICLES FOR SALE H1'MEMJA,ýDE doLli obuthes. t5lft box :4 ten $.0,Satisfaction guaranteed. If C0.D. enclose 25e for mifllng. En0lOse Ikigth andi waist ef doli. Mrs. Scrim' ashaw, Box 55Il,. D'artnmovth, Nova, Scotia.. BUSINPESS PW<YFERTY' FOR- SALE COMECILprOperty consýisin]g o1 qiing a rt ervsstore sud thee-hai barb er shop. $1.25 hair eut. Goodi busi- ness, cent raliy located. Goüd buy for person, with capital. Gooti ihvestiient. Write A. Priolo. ?69 Charlotte SE., Peterborough, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GENERAL store, equippeti, Prince Edi ward Co., Hwy. 33, 6-roomn house, 3, acres. 111 must seli. Ray Alexandre, R.R. 1, Wellington. Ont. LONG-established imodem mre's wear business situated about 1900 miles from roronto. Proprietor seiling for personal eassons. Urgent. Principais oniy. Phone 251 or write Box 374, Campbellford, ont. NEW INVENTIONS NEW PROOUCTS - MONEY NEW IOEAS WE deveiop finance and seil. ANY PROFITABLE f OEA MU 9-4443 BOX 1541, POSTAL STA. "' TORONTO me Write SCOPE UNLI1MITfED liAt4DlV1tAFTS - HOBBIES PROIrITABLE HOBBY MARE batflbrooches, emîg, urerlmices at huma.- Easy tr, CIO. Seil te youm friends. Excellent profits. Leamu mi'eabonr e t-Vraft. Wtile- L. G,. Mburgdtroyd Coa,_ De>pt.W-5, Agilr1couî't«, HELFI WANTED, - MALE 1ZNe 5ga, )ýs ane esmu ou inýstan1t do!- lars. Juat supp1ty thceiranai $ 18.95 re' taIt. uh 500 for samipie pois free sheE's, big profit details. Safe1'yG'uard' Pvodectt. 40S) aeItc Nwrl ý Rev Jersýey AND MINIMUM QUALîFICATIONS AGE 17 TO e6 WEIGHT-160 LBS. EOUCATION - GRADE 10 APPLY IN' PERSaN TO METROPOL ITAN 1ORONTO POLICE Personnel Office 92 KING STREET HAST OFFICE MOtIRS: Mondlay f0 Fidav 8 am. to 4 p.ti. How Con 1? B,, Roberta 'Lee Q. ow can 1i nake a thick- ening for soup? A. You can make a thîckening Withttapioca. Ba)il the tapioca until cloar, and thon straîn the liquid into the soup. Q. How can 1 freshen the at- mosphere in a moldy or mnusty- smneling basemnent? A. If you'l'l spray sonie un- siaked lime on the walls of your basement, this will freshen, niot only thoe basement itself, but aiso the atmiosphere of thewhl house. Q. How cati 1 get rid of sose annoying insects in My house when I don't wish ta uise spray? A. A. tank - type of vacuun cleàner is an effective instru- ment for this. Simply aim the flexible ho>se and nozzle at the pests, turn on the power, and' presto - the'y're gone. Fimpty the bag, of course, outdoors. MORSES RGETERRD' Arabians andci yearlings ani weaniii-gs For 1Us send stamnped addressed enivelpa toý A'. & B. Kingscote, RM ' ,. Rbcoodl LIVESTOCK POLLED sborthorns put more profit, la beef raising. For informatjon, hr you can and why you sbl".d exanle' this old breed with modern1look, wrà*fe' C. V, Weir, 305 Hlorney Ave., Toron1'b,14. MEDiCAL FRUIT JUICES: THE PRINCIPAL. INGREDIENTS IN DIXON'SI* REMEDY! MUNRO'S DRUG STORE- 335 ELGIN 0TTÂwwý $1 .25 EXPRESS COLLECT POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANIS-ïii te torment i 1dri' eczerâ?a rashes and weeping akm trul. Post's iczema Salve wilu flot disappoint y'oe tchiiig scalding anJ burning eczp, ma, scn#' rwxngworm jphuples snd- f o(00 eczema, %will respond irealditl to the stain1less. odorles's oint 'ent regardiesa of 1how stubbhorrn o( bileaitev seea. Sent Posl Free on Rscelpt cof Prke PRICE -3.50 P'E-R' jAR' PQSI'S M,ýEDIES 2865 St ÇcIir Avenue East Torant-3 MlSCEILA'NUgr- rIQSSlLIZED lite jmdied inu roak. Uts, oelentù impressionis of Pre-historic [ile, mbWouay back. gua'-rw1teLý 3 f r $1 (0" peat' paid M>ldey Val ley Nursary, Depewqý Roarl, Lockwo, Ne-w, York. MIO RTG'AGE S W£-Wit1L SBIJ 'wi YUR'MORTGAGE' W yom sold \your bueand, jhold a ymrtgage wýe will !buy Ji ftnm %y01" Wite, or pFhona ,Morgaýne Cb. 67' icli' Mendi' Wl. West;' ronatb. Pholne numnles" EMpi'fe 31874T' NAMO :ANrI ADDRESS tLABEILS, 1101)l(C1iOf.A prntdlguumnwd ine, aird],addcres, 1511e111 ins haniiome, mus, able pasicou. Aaigvaluiee $.0n. Petpaiïl' Toppaul,, D'ept Z'-4; 658r' %argl> iCeo'ad301, Ohio 0FPORTU3U1tlESFOr,9 JOINCANAA'$LEAIN'G $CHLO1Â& Pleaant fgnaiedprofessiocs goodi wagea Thaa t , isecsf Anertna'àz Greatest Sstem Jflusrated Catallogue lfree MavlHairdressinq SchooM 358 loor St. W.. -Tar-orrt cranch es 44Ksng St. W., Harnillice 72 Rideau Stree, Cttava OF INTEREST TO ALL LITTLE folks gift! Letter frosm Sauta,. plus wonderfut colorful, ideal gift wAss child. Mail each ehild's; namne, address, $0.Box 2, Two Rivers, Wisconsini. PHOTO STAMPS PHOTOSTAIMPS! Your photogrspb or negative made into real, 100 stamp s.ize photos. High glosa, perforated and gummed backs. Fast service. Tour or- iginal returned unharmed 100 Photo- stamps $2-00. Toppaul Co., 650? Peaul, Dept. Z-3 Cleveiand 30, Ohio. STAMPS BRITISH Empire, Latin America, WorMd, Unusual approvals for sertous collec- tors. Col. W. Greene. ldIewIid, Bel Air, Maryland. 1 .&M, different packets: 100 U.S. eoin mema. $1, 00 150-$2.00, 25 Vatican $ý1.4 50 Vatican $3.00, 1000 World wide $2.50, ARMONKI STAMP CO. Armonk, New York. SWINE KAYIMOOEE Farm, Englisb Yorkslhire5, Ail foundation stock from top blûood Uines Shur-Gain Farin ansd %alker Faria Herdl Sire Champion Turk 73R Currentiy offeriuig young service-ageý boars and open gilts. R.R. No. 1, St. Agatha, Ontario. Phiones: Kitchenier; 514 5.7e87; Si. Agatha: 742-3115. VENTRILOQUISMI VENTRILOQUISM! For fun or iuoney, easy to learu fast new, method, write for details R. Marlette, 2N-075 Mldred, GlenEllyn, Illinois. Snumbers of tourists frum aIl (ver th3 world are greeted g Honolulu InternationalI Ait pc'rt inpiurqe Hawaii. 'r "r 'r 'r r. 'r- r.' 'r- "-r r..

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