4- r. z <~ $ r- 4- r- -r ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Authorized as Second Class mail, Post Office Departmeflt, Ottaw. EstabILshèd in 1938 lby R. A. Forrester ftay C. Forrester - Editor and Manager Subseription payable in advance Published every Thura&da mWL f fie of publie&te Mayor Wayyk of Port Hope in addressing the Port Hope Rotary Club recenly pontK e theU need of zonstruLctÎve leadership 't L'le Municipal level as well as the Provin~cial and Domnion levels. He was speakng on behaif ci tihe Board of Trade who in Port H-Ipe are endeavouring to foster interest in miunicipal governent. Oonstructive leadership is cetainly a need to-day in both Mun- *ipal as well as other governîmentai fieds. Too cften, and this ap- plies especially in thèb Provincial and Federal field, party lines andc popularity polis are factors overriding constructive leader- £hip. It. was amna72ng bo read recently w1here a caxididate ini addressing- a meeting -stated tbsft a meniber of parliament should be a follower and one who ligtened tîo the dictates of thie people. A mem!-ber on being elected to parliamnent should be one Witti loadeirship qualities nt a follower of the crowd. In numerous4. issues thee Iack of leadership has plaeed Canlada and other governmential bochi-es in a poor light. The issue of national defence for Canada is a prime example in lae< cd eadershùip where ail parties give the issue tAie sbft pedal treatmrent. To give leadership is to- ive guidance and direcetion. More interest is ceitainly a need ini every local goverumnent and zany have the capablities to give service to the community. The opportunity arises this Fxiday alternoon and evening when tihe Nomination Meetings for Township and Police Village are held. Good -candidates can ensure a better future for thbe commrunity. Thle field, we miglt say, is not only open to men, 'but wvomen too have mucli at 9take in our communities and oan play an important part in bringing leaderghip to thbe governmental bodies. We need far more candidates for public office if democflacy is tao work proplerly and participation of women in publiie affo;ir.4s sould become the noria ratiier than thbe exception. REPORT YROM OTTAWA The recent crisis has emp-hasized for us, if we didn't already knaw il, <Continued tram page 1) before, that we camiot escape instant- Cýampaign for Nuclear Disarmiameti aneous invoivement in any major we must keep our hopes in perspect-J step, for defence and securîty taken jývce --- as we must keep our fears in by the United States. This inescapable perspective. fact is one wich we miust -accept. Evnneutrality would not free US. In thbe time which bas been -iven tol Th"e Commiunist tbreat to peace makes us by the settlement of the Cuhanineutrality moraliy wrong, and geo-i c riisis we must exploit to the full the gnpb alces it physicâlly impos. opprtuitygiven t-o us for a further sible. Collective security is t-be only~ eýasing of ten-sions. We must do s,- course we can f 011w. Siin1ce we can- wihhope, but without illusions. In flot go it alone, and since we cannot this process which is essential t-) be neutral, we must play t-be stron- peýeace and security the free world est part possible witb our friends lii inust act t-ogether and with wvisdoml the free world and in doîng so weý andic restraint, as well as wit-h fim- usýt speak for moderation and con- ns.We must, of course, Use the ciliation, as well as firmnness. ible extent t-o fi nd solut-tons for' daniger of extendin'g nuecr bases daners aprbet at. ug )bead yond countries wbich inow possessi It s apaent athogbnctad tbiem. Canmada baýs a decision to be mltdby thiegvrn n, tha theremae, and it can best be miade in tbeý is sore confusion --- somne lack of oitýtoantol"cefiepoe,> rertainty in our defence poîicy. St-at-e - ntetfa a nldfncpoi 'r .Minister of National De- In ouir present position of lbaving ac- me_ýnts of theMi cepted Bomfarc missiles and other tence, and some gratuitous state- ment-s of senior Officiais in blis de-!eupen, c-dn arrft1 hc partmentandin te . rme fores re effective only wlien armed Withi appe-ar at variance Wit-h stýatem-,ents nlar Ouiaponswepare rlentao 0f -beSecetayof State for Externalpayorrpeprticnietl Affars.Wbie M. Geenperevees efce whicb we have acceptea. if Whbi iauale MquGest- or areentitc aviabeto abandon this pasi- J%ý hjstion and I ulbinor it isctheniwe sbould on disarman-ent, lMr. 1Harkness ap- tidonoaonce aind t stenhe ucn pears to be paving the way for the 1trisouto in somedmreneftvellaorea,! acotac f nuclear weapons. rbuoiinsnemrefctvae.i Following t-bie resolution of thbe Cu- It seems that a niew national de- ban, crîsis there is an apparent feeL-1 fence polî.cy migit- remove us fromi ing among mnembers of the HOuse tis present position- and at t-be samie %wbicih lIthink refcects t-be expression time strengthen our contribution t-o of bopinion of the publie generally) collective securit-y and continental de- tlat we m'ust- use t-be present ýsitua- fence. t-on to urge consideration .0f t-be pro- lemri of a national defence policy. Mrý My coenstituents will bave their own Pearson bas as3ked for, a select D,ýe- opins on t-is matter of national eceCommittee of thbe House of Corn- diefenc-.e and I would be pleased to ost-o be set up as quiclly as pos- receixTe any comments or suggestions. sllible ln order to work out a defence This 's a national prciblemi in wichi poll-cy on the broadest possible nation- We ail have t-be greatefit-possible st-àke aiL basis so that defence and foreign and one whicb we must get on wit-h. -qtairs can be talcen out of the arenia We have been given a breathingj of party controversy and a truly na- spell --- but- time may be running out 1*ional plc developed. There bas o s been no response froin tbe govern- Russell C. Honey, et to t-is request. M.P. - Durham Z EhIITO AND OF PAINTINGânS by the ORONO AIRT GROUP ORONO MUNICIPAL BUILDING FRID'."AY, NOVEMBER 23 SATURDAY, ÎNOV .d24 1k:00 AM.untli6:00 PM. FREE-Tea and Coffee wilI b. served - . t7~fl TflSflttfl 0* 100? ORONo WEEKY TWE D1'M Umm__________________________________ ,E A TO0N'SNO4 0S H A WA 'I -Il II. -~ Il lu THE JOY'0F CIHRIS TMAS niay b4-1 p ntially Iost to you if you have a bearing P oH'tn1! The joyous voices of children ... the happy carôllers at your deor .. . the traditionaI belis pealhtg out the message of goowill... you wili want te enjoy al of these! If you have a hearing problem, DO seeMr. W. E. Lang, EATON'S trained Ilearing Consultant. Mr. Lang, il test your heariug audiometrically - at no charge; and determine which type of hearing aid is best suited te your particular problem. EATON'S has a wiç1e range of hearing aids, from co-nventional types to.the very newest in-the-ear electronie inodels. EATON'S- HEARING CENTRE OFFERS " AUDIO.METRIC TESTING " PRIVATE CONSULTATION ROOM " 1HOME CONSULTATION IF DESIRED -FOR AN APPOINTM',ENT, PHONE W. E. LANO-X EATON'S HEARING CENTRE, UTPPER! LEVEL DEPT. 421 TIIN1W IILIAEIS ONuY CHEVROIR OF ERS1111$ PROVE PAY OFF, UN POWERW oPEiRIORMANCE AID DEPENDABUIIY 1 963 Chevrolet trucks proved their mttîs before they went on sale. To do this, six Chevrolets were taken across the continent for a 2,000 mile shakedawn rmn through some of the wildest terrain in-North America-the Baja California penlinsula in Mexico. Chevrolet's power, performance and depend- ability paid off -the enitire run was completed without a brcakdown, fallure or delay; and with enly normal maintenance! That's how '63 Chovrolet trucks got the namne "The New Reiables". This proven rcliability is built into every '63 Chevrolet truck. Whether you run 'em cross- c;ountry or cross-town, '63 Chevis will delîver what they promise! Gt the tacts todIa4, from your local Chevrolot truck dealer, then you'ill know - Chevrolet'pays off! egNE P aW230fcu.'6n, Sixv(140 hpland a 292 cngne - a. Si0 (16 ip. BStx are4equp and awit 7-bearing crankshafts, positive crankcase ventilation, fuii-flow ou i iter and Deicotron gen- erators. They're the newest additions te Che roiet's complete uine of proven performance- testad engines. IIe TWO NEW SUSPENSIONS. Liglit DLItY Chevies feature independent coïl spring front -r' suspension& for top comfort and increased durabîlity. Standard equipmient for Mediums and Nevles la Chevroiet's nleW Variable-Rate leaf spring front suspensioni. -Baed on Chevroet's work-proved Vari-Rate rear suspension, it Pro- Ides better traclîInganhalngwtrecd maintenance. -n adigwt eue NEW FRAMES. Stronger, more durable ladder. type frames art '63 Çlevroet's backbone. Each -' f rame, in each series, has been specificaily en- gineered snd bujlit 1teneet the demanda of ioad e nd roid conditions. Its £hevroiet's way of mak- ing sure that every paykad pays off ln profits A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE BE sure t-o see Bonanzd oûn the 080-T-V net-worfk eachi Suriday. CheCk your local listinig for channjel and tune. BOWMANVILâlE R OquY W. NI1C HO0LS PHONE 728-6206 -17 NEW POWER for 63, ChevroleV has two new , ý 11, - -7- -1 il