THUIISDAY, NOVEMBET~ 22. 1962 Cas at ornshsRED & WRIITE a s t n i sphone Cornish's 1121 Orono For Free Hoe lvr y FAMTOUS CIHQUITA Flnest Fload -No. 1Grade LETTUCE large head I. 9c Freshi No. 1 Grade Curly SPINACN 10 oz ceýllo 19C Wanhdsd Waxeid - No. 1 Grade, TURNIPS lbc CHICKENS orxfi rud( & Whitu's Own Brand - MiId Suas oned Hickory Snioked TREND WEINERS lb 49c BEST BUY! - You Save 4c! - Eniter the "HELGA TOO"' CONTEST Lushus Jely Dessert 4 for 35c BEST BUY! - You Save -7e! Paak.Le Flour. Reg. - Butteninilk - Biuckwheat 16)-eZ. Pkgs. AUNT JEMIMA 2 for 39c BEFST, BUY! - Yon Saveu-le! Crown Goldlene Syrlup 2 lb 33c BEST UY !-Youi Savu 6,,! - Chieken Noodie - Tomnato Vegetable LIPTON SUPiS 3 pkgs 35c BEST BUY! - Youi Save 13eý! Para .nt Flllaney, Red '/i' Tin Cohoe SALMOIN, 2 for 85c BEST BUY! - You Save 16e! - 35ftf Pack KING suze CI3ER $r1.07 lb only 33c At tractLive Prices. Cali today 'and let us discuss your n eeds. W«e cut and wrap Quarters of Quality Beef for Home Freezers AtM BROOM SALE Save 20e! Clean Sweep Velv et Tip 79e $ 1.29 A Food Saver - S aran Wrap Leaver's Choice Whoule Mushrooms Best Buy! - YorkBrand Cholce Quality - You Save 184 Dessert PEARS 20 oz 28-0z. 'fins Feature You Save 9c Walker's SALTINES Feature! - You Save 4c! Romi SPAGHETTI OR ELBOW MACARONI Fuature! You SaveIle! Alcan Mubium U 12nch - )WRAP.2 ri 5 for 97c 4 for 99e. - Save 17e. 16-oz. pkg-. 2 for 49'c lO-ozl. Fkgs. 2for 37c 25 ft. ROUS olls for 59c SUPREME FROZEN VEGETABLES ECONOMYg CORN MIX. VEG. GREE'lèN BEANS WAX BEANS 49c; Peas & Carrots FRENCH FRIES 57c 59eý 43c 53c Ask About Additional Savingâ on, Cases of 12 Lots O ro no B!3Iblet2St u dy G ro UP Nov. 22, 1962 buit He builds it Up, if we a lthe iast ittle Wiile, w have scrl and honestly. pndered a bit about sin, conisideredj Owing to our human lega( th,, outlook on questions of demon-1 possession, advocated te teady prac- our social structure, we affucl tice of Bible study and on Mondav nc e cue in conitact with,J rrgh ast, our approach to the subject way:;n e sew a' ot prayer was Jike comuing in Iuouch know ail the circumstances will- a sturdy roat whosu pow)-ýerfu]l han our own, hcw evident isL ýtufluenlce is required tohu, cleanse, r prayer for guidance to1 oar feed, or whatever else is iieedu-. -,-s in order that we miay hell Por a strong heaitby growth. b lve theirs, or at least Vo no We don't have to understand ail the ihen. Sometimes our problur mkeohanies of prayer in order for it wii e xuceallun e ile be effective. A practising Christian prj)ayed, but we don't know tb knxows that; not only because JesusI )f God, and it's possible thiat stthat "men ouglt aluways to pray ition is to have things remain itd not be faint", but because if hie are. ïs a sincere foliowur of Christ, 5t ia because lie has already turnud te. More ften thit we realize, Wmu, and proved that this p->wer jF411, wltat li neced la graup ra.We may thin¶c of it as a dàorway aîrengtii and-- power li.u nbur îk GGd. Il la up to us whethuri we eveoein about the sanie thing -use tiis doorway or net; God wo , wUd inispire the ný.esearl do for us what we cau do for our- te aecomplîsh wVhatever is, seives, and we eau certaInly lean on E arnest prayer oft tii typg this door enouglit teo find out that our tr>anlsformi the ,world. We can Igeavenly Fathur is just on the other e dby Cod when we are lna gade waiting for, us Lo imaku a way relAationship wth Hlmi througl lor Him Vto corne through. Co-opera-herd willingness o co-operi lion is required. Insinee prayer, o)r ~ue n which thiere la no intention oi eto!a md fteý lblloeing up wlth action 0f the sort Mein tnwas mad e ofne s -ueeded ta like a ruvolving door, which ,amta eonyueoea oloses as it opens. We can hiold it cf our brain; which called &tpe an us thepasageprovided, referuence to large shela a: op e sn dluse othe assaectonas curnela. TItis evolved Into ad ,uoen as- it la madle, or we ean just go cuission on the connection ýrund andi round; we have a choice ' hýoughts we have in this lite Whun we hear cf people in trouble on bealing they have on the lifet fËie other ide of te world, we feel Our thughlta arei'all recorded sevsand our sub-consFciour khat we can't do rauch about it awvay' iover hure; but honest sinceru prayer on, them at will. Itself, carnies power, and the cumul- ative, concrete help that resuits buc. il tre bu any diffoe< ciause of gunuine cioncern, ijs prooften our aculs in Heaver of titat power. wouici we bu known in theh P-ayer and fia ith are two sides cf Ïby othera, if there is no diif the saine door we spoke 0c f. st. pau, in 'the light of this, why do du-scribed faith beautifuily when liu now, on earth, that we area «aid, 'F'aith is te subgtance cf te oome people and rç-peled b things hepj3ed for-, the evidience -)I Ou.tward beauty doesn't nec tbiings net seen,' and ~e we pray fLave any bearing on this c ie failth., we muîst realize thnat eCom- it Is an inux' existence; mii, piste and abouenredrtoC Goi mmd, and huarct muets huear is ruqýuired of vus, in order fori im ç,ne aaid thot if our lovedc 4o bestow on us wh,,at He w*il- \vwheth- with Gcd, and if God la with or it bu according te eux' own iduae ,or cour loved cnes can>t bu fi m*t. TiE fath wec are given, yw'heu Witat a wonderful thouglit! TIJ we corne te lnow Jesu6 Christ, and t ud Up discussion about teq 4oeeVt usually ~ipe over lligllt, rneýiately after we quit thù until te ti-mu 0f judgument. Whether it is a state 0f aluup, or awarunuss, tihe important Vhing Vo rumember is, Lprahthat wu wiii bu with Jesus, for He sad, in John 14; 2 and 3 -- "In my1 *cy, and Father's housu are, many mansiona: et every- IF IT WERE NOT 50 I WOULD in eome!*HAVE TOLDJ YOU. I goa te prepare a possibly place for you. And if I go and prepare s ther aIpac for you, 1 WIILL COME A- th ned1 AN, AND RECEIVE YOU- UNTO live our MYSELF; that where I am, there ye ]p others miay bu aiso." Blussed promise! We ot hinder tenid Vo make a complete break bu-j nsuevei tweun living and dying; rau ene cauise t hink 0f it just as chiange; just asl the xnind nature neyr wastes anythlng, b ut t- ite soi- lous change thinga, and thev go on n as thuiy uxisting in somêe other forni, This lite. no, la uisecessary, but wlhen .1V ls done, we are more fre o live ,:tmore fuill epcffib- aud aatlstylng lite than. ever before, prayer, ru, pray-1 We experienced the begirnngs g of whi eh t this through prayer, riglit now, for It .y action scens Vo multiply our abilities, and ,needed. potentlalitles; we are tuiied ~to thi. Pe could infinite and %we becomle vessels ajnd cnofly bu channuls for ilis love and grace and1 the rlgiht h whole- Yitrt s4cientif le nali part forth a id smiall deuep dis- betwenT cand the V o cee id in our- us draw, -nce bu- en? Hot'N liereaftei if£terencu." we find, attractec by othurý c(essarlý conditdon, ild ýneut -t. Some onles are( ius, ther lr away rbis open 8tate li laeartth Povidnski electedi trial by judgean Case Dism ssédjury and pleaded not guilty. ' T C'TkC~- aymond Gallagelher of Ajax, was if \"O LJeLsentenced to a three-year trii chage f beakng nd nteingPoýrtsrncuth Penitent!larv, Xng ton, thAuhmPrmrCut September 24, after hie ple0aded guilty- the Yurhm Famers Oouty O-opto a sirnilar citarge.. %vas dismiissed against FIan1 Povin- aIdof hity i cort n Bwn~nvile Gordoni Simpson of Orono, affist, on Tuesday for "lack of ooncrete evi-atmngrcth Copad e was aWakenud by the aharmi about, denu.w12:15 am. Sept. 5. 1Crown Attorney Harry Deyman"I aw a mnan crouciiud over, run- said that whilu there is a great deal ngangteorhid.otebul 0fsuspicion, hie doubtud Whethe.r ing," said Mr. Sinpson "then he there was sufficient evidence te> com, headed through a field in the direction- ) mit the accused to hligher court, of Vite woods."1 licensed Plumbing& Mechcrncal Contractor wJIo sells> instal.: 1 nd 8uarantees CARMAN PLIJMBING & HEATTNG ,Phone 143 Orono ROYAL Bowmanville MA.3- 5589ý ROYAL CLOSED TIUJRSDAY TRIS FRI. and SAT., NOVEMBER 23 and 24 Two complete shows at 7 and 9:15 p.m. "Thae Mani Who Shot Liberty Valance"l JAMES STEWART, JOHN WAYNE, VERA MILES SUN., NOVEIMBER 25 to SAT., Dec. lst (7 Days) 77 mdnfêwptcF. ~H Fni., Sat ut i and 9:15 p. 8n. -te Thurs, 7:30 p.m, N N N N -y N 39c 1O.oz. Tiii 39c w t N N N N y, N 'i N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ~ N s N N s N N s N N s N N N N N N N y, N N t~ N N N N N N N N N N N i N N s ORONO TINSHOP Sheet Metal Products Made to Order PLUMBING SUPPLIES and Repairs B-H PAINTS etc. R. E. LOGAN, Prop. ~l - - -- . 'q , Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario