- - OBONO WEEKLV TIMFiS THURSDAY, !~OVE~GIE1~ ~ 1062 IGAROALGOLD Cheese Slices "8 oz pkg 2 5c BLUE BONNET KWIK Margarine 2 Il HOSPITALITY Thurs., Fr1. and Sat. Only Bhieberry- Pie CRISP A-ND SERVE Sunbeam Rolis IGA 418 Outee Tius AP~PLEfu EXTRA a total of $,2- in Bonus Tapes RrECEiVFI $6» IN B4$-NUS TAPES WITJ* POW»ER.ED 3MIK>, Caration 1nsi4nt THRIT DETEÇRGENT, Liquid 24 REGEIV£ $2.0 IN BONUS TAPES MW1TH GLIDE LJQUID STABOII SHREDDED WHEAT È'ROZEN RASPBERRIIES, Fraseùrvale ONTARIO POTATOES,, No. 1 Gr-ade pkgs 61 c 2 'I Il daiftrou wee aiowe a boys chulloicC. $,1,0 5VS ALUE 0F In r-elatiion t th s, ail boys who Teer eoois and sFtaFtisF- 1%c3 'v ~ ~ ~ ~ à entase tatedance albac(]fth najoDprteto wudhave liked ta bave been, can Agicutur creor»ts Ithe farm -value of *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~( 'src-p o b- anigee il rps in DurhamCoun'ty ti Wednesday at 3:15 ln the Gm There ya totailed$43,60 is pienty of fun for nîl and a variety Thie report gives the foliowing , g or dncesto laru.ures: wrilter wlseat, 250,600 bus.- or 37.4 bus. per, acre valuedl at$3590 Our assembly this week was livened oats, 1,963,400 bushels or 53.5 busirels up with a skit thioughý-t Up by Grade 54.000 butsliels or 41.7D bus'elIs per acre thirteen and Daisy (Bill) Reid, en- per, acre valued t $,7,0; aIt tjiitld How ta Cet a Date for the vllat $0500; rni -lxd ran,64 Saidie Hawkins dance in Six Easy 600 buhes or, 53.4 b1ishlelsý per ac-re~ Lessons." AIse for a littie variety % valulat $410,200; all hay crops 8, trad al "Singaog with Miss Whit- 600 tons or 1-S1 tons per acre valuedý aker.",t $,321,600; ecorn for foddler, 35,-300 StLephen 'Witherspooil tons or 10.38 tons per acre, valued at.' -~ ---$178, 300; cor', for husking, 40,00OO htI. On Tu.esday, Novemaber 13, the or 70 bushels per acre valued at S5. Clarke Higli Sehoýol was host to a S001; potb.tlis, 2,1,20 busirels or M2't band from Adam Scott Collegi'0tal bucte, per-ar aud t$389. Peterboro0. Ail hur.concert M'as gllý[' t 32-iflj in the auditorium and fihe programmse WÛLlRN1 S AKR IL. contained many humorous selectiob i,Nr*NbLION,,TJ lt along whIth two Chinese songs pils t ie A~V~SR «I uisual band selections. Thre ba~nd lias'Tire committee in charge of the been in existance just tWo yeS.rs and NeWcasl1tle Lions Club l5th AnnA-J-c is undier thre leadership of Mr. be. k saru Chaurter dinner and diance to b-e- Perhaps Ciarhle will be able to boastilield lu;ilthe L,,ins Coýmmunity Centre, sucir a band in the liear- futuîre. ilu Bownanville on Saturday, Deceým- - ber 8tb have announiced that they Fourteen studeuts frem CIarvke and ave been -ost fo14tuua,)te lu securi ng- some from Courtice, under tire guid- ithe serviîces Of tImt great preac"her1 ance of 3Miss M. Whitakeil an'd Mýitnhe nd lecturer,, the Re v. R '-eh Parks tr-aveled to Massey H-all Ui ardfD. Jones, director of(tire Can,aia Torant-)on Novemiber !4. There vve 1Co)Uncîl of Christians and JTews. ,ittenided ai Stuident's Concert of thi Toronito Sympilhony Orchestra led by WaterSsskýindi. Thre guest artist w\as Miss Barbara 'Straithdele,Soprano.- he-SERVcE aM rendered two nmbe and r'eceived' an excellent receptioni from the audi-ià ence be,'ing brouight back for tliree en- cores. The pr og-ra mmne a Vienne.se adcontaiued selections from (Der Ilaud1eum 11Yieri,) "Der, Posen kavali er" and othiers, This evening of ciassical mIc w,',as mcireujoyed by the stu- dentsI II/I BE HAPPYULETtIBEN ILast week the Boys Athletic Society -ele'tedJ their Of-ficers for the School Year. They are as follows: LPresideirt - Don Oolwell '> ecrtay'-I'asuer- Arthur Rein- Stra. Representatives: SGrarfe 13 - Donl CoIweil Grade 12- Andy Murphy Grade il - Terry Grahami, lIdso Weir-1 Grade 10- Bruce Mercer, rsriani G -radeiî - Barry Watt, San'dy Bowiýns. KODAK YARDLEYS REVLON See Them At r- ÎSTUTT'S PHARMAOY ORONO, ONTARJO PHONIE -lui- SWýýIrT PREMIUM W E inersi -u ORONO, ONTARIO Cell pakag lb 4 c (Governmnexit Inispected) lb 33c BLEF OR BEEF GRAY 5onet 49c 1Â-o 4fo4,'5c fi Ib. box oz. eitf~ 82oz. b«Mie CREA'M STY-LE STOKLEY CORN Lusc1ERON PREM MEAT FOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE te lilmit quantibfes ~g. et 12 15 os, 10 lb. bag SUICE» COOXKED HAM, Tablerite, va-. sfitled 6 %)Z. 15 ounce tin 2 for 2c,- 2 for 85c. NOVENIBER 21 to 2 4. We jreserve thie right PHONE 165 SWIFTS PEIiSLEDMild Cuired PE ýM7ýA L dz6.%43e BýACK BACON MOZâ3, eah 4 5c 40HM RO pkg 25c Co d FilJ11et s DIRPECT FROM-ý THE SUINNY SOUTH SWEET and JUICY ' ~ NO.I GADE size 2.5049 B RO C COIDL! f reshbunch 5c CAR ROT 1S 3 lb cello bagy 19c GRAPES 2 Ibs 29c Cooking OÉ-nions 3 lb cello 19eW il - - -- - - - z3 w m ý- - ermstrong's IG A THURSDAY, NOVElýMER 22, IW2 EME±I- "'-iE Imm 'IOR AIL CHANEL EVENING IN PARIS DU BARRY OLD SPICE Oldma mse. mke bi anui EFEAT TRENTON ElVERS preicios ad ogPach ores~oThe BowmaitvUe Shamrocks jd t3lrk Himin Tiri ay willwsfeated te~t nn Flsvers on 130w- h 1eid on lridaýy. On commiandi, ail teavit- ie ice ia t ýýThw~y t v aiyMay Pened the doors and thesfî t ain c hes aono E c ridth-e e frl Mtle Lii\b-. anileshome ce. uns with tSe ecm te& b n ebeci, àACfCOverpu0 wnr- endane wer aardd Il'.he omlientsWe't bthn't'h thma5.D'nM- Drl\aps weue allowed tbucaryetCe L'l Asi ct n ra " Ab~~ersacroset'Ilrshid of CiarRecoutdtoec.frTetno~ r~ih o ir SaieHak ý1 ane foi ngrDrk te a nge eýýfý 41 il 'df- i