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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Nov 1962, p. 5

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iij .-... ..... ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TRUB&DAY. NOVEMBER 22. 190 flic Corporation of the Townsbip ot Clarke Take ntiethat the Counci f heCor-poratýi of the Town-,sh4 cf Clke b-p y its B- o 1465 pased on he uitay 0 ovebr 16,bs ncedtahere be sumitedtoa t< et licctýors o te olceVilae ! rooa Qeto fwic h flo ii ruý c "Are yiiilufavour 0f thle apiainof teTueso te olceVilae f ronoý fra cntac etwveen the Croatocf TeTwnh f ire nhi C0 th Trutes oMeicPoliee Village of Oronlo and the OntalWter Re V',es ommi sýion for îa complete munýiipal atr ysnubingisaldl adPlc ilg orOrono at an estimtd 4LCIs !$7,0. And tae otcetat te said Co4îucil by its B-lwNo, 106pÉsedontheu, thdua o! Ni cm- er, 162 las apitdthât ithevote o! the sadi electrs outhesaid Qustio shai b tken Monday thle Third iday o! December, 1962, betwi cen flic hou'rs f1 'lck0 h reonad if any,ad by flic followin!1g dput1y returuiung ,ÀffcerPn; oi.lek FOLLING PLACE ORONO NMUNICIPAL BtULDING DEPUTY PRETURNING OFFICER MES. 1JAM11ýES ,,RICKABl And take notiCe that01ou Wedn1esdaiy the Twenty ightTi day 0,f No-vemiber, 1962, at the hour of Three o'clock of flie afteruoon, Ensterui Standard Time, at the Coincil Chiambersý in tflic Townsipj Hiall at Orono the liead of fthe said Counil or amemiber o! it, appointcd for that purpose by its resoltion, will atte-nd for thxe piirpose of appoiniting, if SO reqnested, two persous to attend at thxe ùfnal sumintg up of the votes on the said Question by the Clcrk and one person to attend at the polling place on behalf of the persons iterestedl in and desirous &f promnoting votiug lfic af-e firmative on thec sald Quesion and a like number on behaîf o! the persons iuteretsted in aud (de- sirous of promoting vtlng inx the negative on the said Question. And talke notice that ont Menday the Th.ird day of Decembefr, 19)62, at thxe hour of Nine o'clock of fthe alternoon alt fthe Cennleil Chambers -nlute Twsi Hall af Orono the Clerl, of the, Mxmiei- pallty will ttendl and sum 11p the number of votesgvnluteafrtieadeatvadd- clare fthe resuit oft ilie voting on fIxe said Questin. Andf take notice thaf a tenant whio desires to vote on thîs nmatter muatis deliver te fthe Cleik, H. E. Miîoat fIeth(n- i Hall at Orono, not Iter than flic Tenfli day before the day appoiuted for faking the vte, a declaration made in accordauce with the provisions of subsectionr 4 of section 260 of The Municipal Act, RS.O. 1960, Chap, 249 and Amndnetstereto. And take notiece tht any Corporation wishiug tf0 alppoint a nomince to bie addd (1to the voting list mnust, accPording teý law, file with the Clerk at Orono anppitmn in witing flot inter fIxai the Teuth day befoxre the date on whlch the said vote sdm11 be taken. And take notice at auy time nof Iter flan Five days before the d-ay appointed for taking the vote, a judge, upon Uic applic-ation of anY Person WhOse naMe is entcred on fLhe list of voters prepared for the Clerk or of any pyerson entitled fo lbe entered on that list, muy sriefrom theit t the anme of any person whio is; dead or whose naine las been wirongfulliy entered on it, and may add f0 the list the name of! an-ýy person whose ianme las licou wrongly omittcd( from fthe list cor whio, if ak tenaint, thongli he lad ntot made the declirafion preseribeýd by slscn4 (if scin 6,establishes that ho, has thequlfato prescribed by that cton And tanotice flat if fIxeý assent of the electiors3 is ohtained icQuesion st ouftlierelu will b t'faken 1info co-ýnsiderafion lu regullar meeting of Counicil ýommreucing at Two o inckl the after- nooonFridaLy fhe' Fonrfeenf day of Decembler, 196i2, f0 he held flu heCoI l ïie] 1Ch'ambe'rs in the Towusnhip Halýl afOro,01,On.tario. And frthe(r take notice thnt 1,Uiunesgdeebcrtf the aboveQuefsioýn to bc a corrpect stateme t!fic Qestonsubmitted. fed tCf 'ils Sfliday o! Novemnber, 1962. IL E MILSONClerk 1î GMSUITS FORP CLARKE HIGKH SCHOOL cGym suifs aireno avalable- at ArmrolrngS in Oýrono ýor in'sluNeweaislf. LADIES' DRESSES In prlife(l silks,, double kaif wols, -jerseys, Bro- adsand Wooi lane.Al new styles. Priced fromn ............... --...$I,2.5 0 59. KITTE'N and GA-IYT0WN S"fIRTS N hu ave a go h inluwol Finels, Wool Jhecks and Plaids, aIse Plain colours. Size 10te 40. Priced from.............5.9 f$14.98 LAIE' LENAVE KITTE,ýN SWEATERS A fàIblulo sIUne for Faîl anxd Wilnter o etrffeetly ntclgSweaters, Ski-rus aud Sllmes. SHýIRTfS, and SIM3s PULLOV'ýERS and CARDIGANS Il) Orloni Banlon 100 ipoeufen Pure Wooli. Also Bulk),y kufits i fwcufeny-one Oùrlon " BB"TWEEDS, LOOF OAR LADIES' CAR COATS-, lai aminaed ClotI witli Orlou pile lining. 'Ail WoOl' curlj- clofl i lit rayon quiilfd liniung. Goyod quality coffon sude RIC7ED FRO-M........559 059 ITTN )AND eGAYTOWVN SLIM utsrec-fhy or aliWool Flannel in plin tOr cheeks. Doube kniif sfrefchy. Dit! ereuf shlades f0 ch1oose fromn. PRICED fo...........951te $16.e8 MfITTS and GLOVES Woel axxd Orln Mitts and Glojves ._ $1.25 and $M)95 LEATHIER HAND BAGS Ladies LëaUier Haud -9âgs lin c and brown. Priced at.............................. .511.95 NIGIHTGOWNS and PYJAMAS Ladies' Flannelette Niglifgowus uand Pyjal-astý Size smllmedium and large. Priced $2.4,5-$3.95 LINED KID gGLO-VESý Ladies' ined Kid Gloves luincdk Or Lbrewn Priced from................$5.501 te $s6.4 opesn AI[ Day Store Open riofneay a LOCAL NEWS Mi'. and Mrs. J. Arnott and famlily, T2wced, spent the weekend at their homne iinOrono. Miss Marlene Graham-, Queen's, Un- iversity, Kingston, speint the weekend with Mr% andMrs, Ed. Graham and Terry. Mr. andl Mrs. Lloydi Ewing and. dagieToronto spenltl theeeend! wihMrs. C. . MenLaren.lg Ms. C. A. Cuminga, Eowmanvithe ndMs arl Billlngs.g Mr. and Mrs. Evcret St.pEton dinner gtuest;')s o Mrs. -D Pruat W. Mahel RoalWthe brtiPfair. u ro K END AL NJEWS A quiet but pretty, fail wedding wnls solem-,nîzed in Kendal United Churcli on Saturday, Novem-ber 17th at 3:00 p.11-. by tle pastor, Rev. R. C. Whïite, B.A. whien Miss Neya Kathax'ine Fos- ter, dagtro! Mr. and Mrs. Edwin 7oster becamie the bride of Frances 1, Bylsm*na, son o! Mr. and Mrs. F. Bylsim-ja o CmpefciofOntario. The bride was attended b-y Miss NJane P oster and Mr. Lar ry Manders was4 the best man. Mrs. Allen Poster, an int of the bride, played the wedding mnusic. The reception was held lfic ebomi o! the bride. The happy couple left on their wedding trip to Virginla., On November 9th Miss Jane Foster Was hostess for a slxower '0or Miss Iathy Poster xwhen ber girl! riends 2 thcred at the home 0f Mr, and Mrs. 1Allen Foster. Mrs. A. Swarbrick spent the week- end in Toronto with bler dau.-hter, Mrs, W, H. Foster, Mrs. R. Carrufli- rs and Miss R'ae Howell mnotored nip to thec Royal Winter Fair on Wednes-ý day and vatched Ed. Sullivan judge 1,ith e prize turnip pie. xhli United Chul Womien met in thc e durceh school on Wedniesday ev- ening, Novemiber 14l, with the presi-' dent Mrs. J. Stapleton in the chair. Theý attendlance was snmail as some of t'he members hdgon0e to the Eia Itonof was an article wvritten by P1adr e Young entitlcd 'vrtighas it SPrice." ouri. rstasbaleof n ew ani used wa rm othng s te be en tu l1aartba noýrth 0of Rc aet Christmas. Anyone having articles to dnt s asked to le-ave themn at Mrs. W. H.The planning of our' kitchen and tlic choosing o! an elec- trie stove was discýusscd. A comiti tee ,vas appointed to niake plans andf dealwththis rmatter namrely Mrs. W. Poster, Mris. J. Stapleton and Miss C. W. Stewart. Car-ols were sung, led by Mrs. A. Swarbrick. Lunch was served by MIrs. J. Stapleton. Mrs. E. Wynn is at the Lodge Nur-~ sing Heeln Newcastle for thc win- fer. Her a- was injured by n fail at Mr'., Fred Wnni's homne two weeks iao but -4 improving and the swellingl ls guýi11g down, PH-ONE 129 CONTRA1ITORS FOR FARM 1and HOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaira toalal kindis of Electrical Equipmet and Appliances Suc4i at Metors .Wate,.r -atr T.V. - Radios Stoves- Irons r~UNITED cIuRCN S Orono Pastoral Rev B. E. Long SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25 CHURCH SERVICES Orono -- 11:00 a.rm. Leskard - 1:45 p.m. Kirby - 3:00 p.m., SUNDAY SCHIOOL Orono - 10:00 am. Leskard - 1:45 p.m. Kuirby - 2:00 p.m. GRAHAM'Sj EssoService Highway 115, Southi of OronloÏ ANNOUNCINO t 24 HOUiR T iOWINGZSE NICEC Licensed Mle1chanic E Gencral Repairs, Motorer baulyh-ksI ______ f0Cars andTrucks-i Phone: Garage, 1621J Res. ii Nisbett & Alldread Sheli Service Centre FIRST CLASS LICENSED ÏMECHANIC John Alldread 24 HOUR ETMERGý"ENCY TOWING SERVICE REASONABLE RATES ON REPAIES TO AIL MIAKES 0F CAR~S - TRUCKS - FAEM MACHINERY Arc and Acetylene Welding A Specialty Days' PHONES Niglits GA-IRAGiE 3896 NEWCASTLE RESI[DEN*CE 3401 FIRST SHELL STATIO-N NORTH 0F 401 ON HIGHWAY 115 8 5 MIS WEEK AT THIE ORONO 5c to $1 STORE SPECIAL PRICES ON CHIRISTMAS WRAPPING Box of 1 Rolis 360 inches, regular 98e for ... 79e Box of 19 RoIls 2'0 in. x 120 in., regular 98e for 79c Foul Wrapping, boxed with Metal Cutter, 26 in.x 90 in. Regular price was 98c. Now for........ -79e Other Wrappings priced from........ 10c. to 49e English Bonie China Cups and Saucers, over 12 assiorted patterns to elhoose fromn. Complete With box for onlyr.......................... 98e Men's Dress Hose, E1a.-±ic Cuff, 85 o, Kroy Wool, 15% Nylon. One of our best selling socks. Regular pricewa $1.19. Now selling for.,.......... $1.0 Men's White Dress Shirts; short point fused collar Size 14¼1I to 16V2. Each for ...........$S2.981 Ladies' Snow Boots, fleece lined, rubber soles and h eels. 'Sizes 5 to 9. Pair f or.......$3.77 Log Cabin Chocolates, assorted flavours, hard and soft centres. Fresh direct f romn the f actory. JMix yur own. Pou-nd for ............77e After Dinner Mints, coloured or plain, FuIl pound Cello bag for ,....... ........... 39e T.V. Snack Tables, brass plated, foldiing legs, two patterns to choose from. Each.......... $1.77 Nylon Rose, Dress Sheer, guaranteed first quality. Boxed ................ý. . 2 pair for $1.29 * N N N N N. N N N N N N N N. N N N s N N N N N N N

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