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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Nov 1962, p. 6

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- -~ - ~ -r----'- -~ '- - 2~, fl- Deuth Treo Claimed - 50,000 Vîctims -'It was onceý a ptéaicefl, iny village in the midst of swveet- amligfields, hiedgero-ws and elm trees where o~n moonflit e' nights niaidens strolled with thefr lovera beside a gently rip- pllng brook. But it becam-ie a piace off con- stant death!i It was the site of the dreaded, "neyer green" Ty- burn Tree w-hich was not a tree, but the grixn and ghastly gallows 'where over a period off 600 years moine 50,000 people were hanged - many also drawn and quar- tered. What au contrast! The gallows, somnetimes called by crimi-nals the "Triple Tree" 'or Treeg ged Mare,- was a permanent structure and a commnon place off execution flot only for the whole - of the city a«'London but f'or al- niost ail Engldand. -e r Wooden galleries were erecte e' near it to accomimodate hundreds - of morbid sightseers. They flocked to watch murder- ers, traitors, robbers, highway- men, religious 'martyrs -- as well es miserable wretches who had been caught trying ta picki pock- ets - publicly lianged at Tyburn. Today the new spotlight is fo- -cused on thîs once-gruesome e' aight because it is the centre of a great reconstruction and imprave- ment sehemne - one off the great- - est in modèrni London's history -at Hyde Park Corner and Marbie Arch. For Tyburn Tree, a hiistorie site marked for the cuious in recent years by a small, hardly visible, triangular stone emnbed-. ded in the roadway, stood at what is known today as the north-east corner off Hyde Park, the traffic-ridden junction off Marbie Archi and Edgware Road. e' Oxford Street, leading up ta Marble Arch, is thronged by -' thousands of shoppers today. Centuries ago it was called Ty- burn Road and was filled with people watching the pitiful daily procession off cursing or praying r men and woi-en as they were marched or dragged along it to the ever-ready Tyburn gibbets. r 'They camne fromn the Tower- r of London or Newgate Prison" e' which was on the site of today's Old Bailey. The crowds jerred at some, r cheered others. Tearful wVomYen r gomnetim-es gave the hangmen's r victims flow,ýers or fruit as they - went ta the gallows. r Others wr plied with intoxi;- cating drinks. Many callous sighit- seers bawle coarse jests or r threw soe when they recog- r nized notoriajus criminals bound ffor the scaffold, writes Ashley Brawný, in "Tit-Bits." - ' ' Highwvaymnen were usu ally popular wi-thý1 the crowd. Famous robber and jail breaker- Jack Sheppard's execution at Tybursi attracted a "ýgate" of 200,000. He had plannied another sensa- r ' tionalgtwy at the gallows it- self nd haýd concealed a knife about himn, irtending ta eut through is bonds and dashi r through theý crowd to safety. BCthe kuife wiT05 detected. Sheppard thern implored friends e' elose at hand ta abtain passes- mion off his bodly-immnedia(tely it was eut dow.i "Try ta evv me by putting 'nie quikkly ýin a warm bedl," he DRIVIE CAREULIA - he 1fe yon save nmay be vyiOur n LITTLE SHAVER -_ keith Druke, 2, wonts ta be a ba-se- boll ployer wheri he grows Up, so Fie gets in o littie practtice with dad's Iath-er at his home. yelled to themn desperately. Thism plan also fied. The crowd was dielighite-d then a condemnned man did cheat the gallow,ýs. After a criminal namned Dual had been hang-ed in 1740 he was ceut downi and it was then' noticed thjathie showed sigýns of returing ii,,111e. Eager hands helped to revive himr further and thec mrob sur- rounding him nrefused ta allow him ta be re-hianged. Thiey car- ried him off on their shoulders in triumnph te his home. It's on record that when an- ther Tyburn "vcitîm," Dr. John Story, was hanged in~ 1571 the executioner bungled the job bad- ly. After being eut down, the dloc- tor rose ta his feet and struck the h&ngman "-n the head, knocking himn off the scaffold. The last person ta, be hanged ut Tyburu was John'Austin.- His hanging.took place'on November 7, 1783.1 Then the Sheriffs of London. decided ta abolish Tyburn 'and oirdered that executions sho;uld take place outsidle the prison at Newgate on1 a new gallows with an fimproved type of "dro~p." There they continiued uintil Publi'c hangings wvere abolishied. But flot tili May 26, 1868, did Eng- land see its last public execution. CHURCHILL STEPS OUT For the fîrst tinme since crack- ing his bf t tig,hbone in Monte his left thighbone in Monte Carlo last June, 87-y1ear-old Sir Winston Churchill felt up ta aa nightii out, The occasion: A Lon-. don gathering of The Other Club, co-founded by Churchill in 1911 as an alliance of political- minded bons vivants. Dining, on soup, fi llt of sole, fillet of bLef, pears, and ice creamn-and drinký- ing, champagne w i t hi every CcUrse-Churchill chinned hap- pily with old chums and topped oýff the eening byw sm-oking a 7- inch cigar. It vwais nearing idi- night when the e-7zPrim-ie Minis- ter lef t, but ai crowd still waited on the sidewvalk for a glimpse of himi. With one handc on a cane and with his, other armi support- ed by a detective-, Chur-chili ,was in no position ta fla'sh his "V' greeting. instead kha called Gut ta the throng: "Goodnight, Blame The Weather On The Moon! Whnraîsîng -cropa vasmore anart Lin science, many farm-ers plante2d potatoes or corn at the full mo n the belief that rain wvrs sure ta fail ;in à fewm days. Meeooogss, off course, dismissed the idea as'a quaint fheldover frorn pagarÀ timres when the moon wýas wor- shipped as a deity with inifluence over the weather. Now it seemns that the amr were right ail along. Using an IBM 650 computer ta analy zç U.S. rainfaîl data over the past 50, years, an astronomer at, New York University's College ,off En- gineering hias found that rai ac- tually does tend ta faîl a few days after ihe c-new, and ful mYoon)s. When the moan is. only a l circle, Donald Bradley and his associates report in the Jour- nal Science, there is a carre- spondiing tendency to dryness. "Our find3ings sýurprised and shocked, a lot of m-eteor-ologist-s at fir-st," Br-adley said wryly last month, "but th-ey're checking their own records and theyv con- firm o(Ur findings. Onle meteorol- ogist in Texas wrote that the luinar influence holds true for his records of 40 years of h-eavy rainf ail in San Salvador, He also has noticeci that flash f lAs nds Texas, are most likely taoccur jus' after a full mnoon." Bradley started amnassinig lis figuýtres back in 1957 whert he n oticed some -odd coin-cidenices" between ithe positions ,;oî tîle plantets and weathe'r-. But flot un- tiI two years ago, when hac join- ed Dr. Max A. Woodburty's re- search group at NYU, was he given the comiputer-S ta check Out 1is "crazy" ideas. "We really just stumbled on the mnoon cor- relation," said Bradley, who still doesn't know the, explanation for his discovery. "At first, I couldin't believe it. Surely, I f ig-' ured, it would have been noied by now. 1 put off conlpleting, the study vfor cight rmainths." Actually, the correlation hiad- been noticed-and disregarded. The Jewish-J Day off Atonemnent, Yom- Kippur, always faIli in the second week off tht lunai, rnonth, and among devout Jewr, there is an aid saying that it Ilever raîns an Yoni Kipptur." As one off Bradley's Jewish colleagues told hilm: "ehad i11,under our noses ail along, and mnissed it.>" How Con jP By Roberta Lee Q.How can 1 teniderize steaks? A. By mîixing asml quantity o- vinegýar and olive ail thor- oughly, rubbing thiIis on bothi sides of the steak, theni allow- ing it ta stand for about two hours before cook'in.g, Just as the proof off the pud- ding la-in the eatin1g, so the reai test of the used car la in the driv- ing - over a period off time. This means after yo-u own the car. But before you buy you can gix*e it some thorough, on-tha- spot teýsts (just as Grandma samn- ples tise plum pudcding whifi is "in the makcing") that will -giva a reasoniably coreplete Pic- turc. If the salesman has a sou-nd car for sale, ha will flot object to the tests. If he doas abject, you've flushed your biîd wmithoutee beating the bush. Thie fallowing recommiended tests wvere publis'hed ini the Sep- tember, 1962, issue off Consumi-er Reportsý (a publication iof the nonprofit, noncommarcial organ)- iza.tion, Consumers Union, Mouint Vernon, N.Y. These testsar vital in the final stages off buying - sdcr After rnany off them thelrnge0o posberepair coSts will beiv en, wrlites Donald G Mthin theChrsti aSç-ience Mntr Stuy ighigtsand reflecT- tions aiong the bady sides (oit- tin,- fanders> and to)p. Do this in a good ligît. Repainted or rpl ara'as on the maetai indicata pa)s- sible damnage ta th,-cr' basic structure. Probe by thumb or fne pressure alang- the lower adges 'if body,, and trunIk araLOr. signs of weakenied or rusi ted maetai1. Bubb-les, blemnishes, or flaking of paint, as well as ac- tuai rust, are indications off in- terniaIruistinlg, whichi is difficult and expensffve - anid may in the cnd b(> infipratical - ta rpair Run -windows uip and down; if they do0flot worýk, repair is fair ly expansive. Openi the doorus and ARTICLES FOR SALE HOMEMIADE do1f l othsa' 4115box f' tes, n.00. Satisfaciong'aralùeed. If C.O.D. enclose 25e fer naaailiisag. liaalosa length anti waist of dioh.i. Ml strltw- iàsaw, Box ff, (Dartmoutlh, Nav& 'o'~ 3113116155 pkcPERTy FiSe SALs. C0,11MEBVIA-L pa'perty eousisting cet lhiaa»g quartera, tone andtIiriee-c1ýar Naborttr sahepý$1.25 haïa' eut. Goi sts uI' ness, centraliy locateti. (lood buy for persan with capital. Geot i ivestinent. F'terborough, 01nt. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Marketerïa-Post Office WELL establ'isheti business, 10 pilles north-east of Mero on No. 7 Hwy. Large 33'x42' store pilus 20'x24' sien- age r0oom; 6 large modemre roms gtore for livîing quartera; atitional' 70' ef higisway commercial lanti for- furtiser develepmaent. $1,,500$1,600 weekly tarn- over. Equipmnent valieti ai$5»,00. Ven- dem guarantees of~00e stock. $47,500 buys landi building, equipment and Stock . $19.506otiawn. Atiditienal revenue. Contact brker Wilisori'-eity Co., Reai- ters, 4560 Kingston R'd., West Hifi. Am 1.3326. (1) LARGE four bay service station& garage, in Ilighg1aieO'nt. Lecatetioe milUe fron 401 lllghway anCi si%' milee froni Ridýetûwn, prescrnt gall'onage 70,000. Tires, etl, ports, laoeur over Tilsrty thousanti dollars. Full price twenty-enle theusanti seven hundredj anti fifty doltirs. Docna paymeint sev. enty-five hbmadred ddeflhars, there- la.e wantierful' epenfnag fer electrie 'welder In tiis ores. (2) 14(; acre Tebacco tarin, two homes, two greenisonees, ail equlipmnaat UËsrfrtih3'Ïng ibree tmaetea's, close toa 60 acres of M B. Elghtis. Pull) price $78,. CO0000 d tvienpaynaent $20,000.00. tod- Bmey, Ont ffistrict. W3>37 Acreý General Farn ail' won-' a1ble anti leveI, locatcd at Weat Lo'ne Osn hiha 401 & & 7. Fil 1prica 6% 00-.00 wtis 2000.0. in.' 14) Three - 100 acre tarmns for saleatt approx. fifteen te twenty tioseaatti iîtis 25% down payaient. West Lorne, Reidnoy &Dutten ares. t5) We have space avoulable for sale for ornall facterýy wiih 1,000l square feet of floor space, railway sidIng, lake water, lew taxes. Close te) markets,' 10 miles frenu Windsor, 150 miles frem Toronte. Aise avoulable In sprinug of 1963 two stores tisai cari ho bufit te your ewn specîficatIons. whIsci we will rent with hast, hydre anti natural gas. (6) We have'anl excellent opening 'fer dentîstInii West Lorne, Ont. Tis ares will cever s 20 ile radius, a ne eof., ficeewill bo matie avallable and we ,Ill arrange for a hiseme on rentai r ur chase hasis ant aIse Mill arrange fer a boan te purchase oqipaýnenit requireti fer-tise business. '(i) Tise samne arrangements mayv be ,male, fer a Medical tioctor intt'ise vil- lage eof Retney, 'Ont. For Partleulars Phone or Write GEORGE R. .OHNSTON REALTOR West Lorne, Box 249 or phone 164 NEW INVENTIfINS NE1W PRODUCTS- MOO4IY NEW IDEAS Wl slevelop iinape and oeil ANY PROFITABLE IDEA MU 9-4443 BOX 154, POSTAL STA. "K" TORONTO as Write SCOPE UNLIMITED COINS wantet.i, syhighest pices. 196,9 CiCatalogue 25c. Gary's (3) 9910 Jas. per Ave. Edmonton, Aita. FARM HELP WANTED WANTED mon for large tiairy farmi. Must ho fully exýperieniceti. Modern isouse.or gý'-ooti homle Niagara distriet. Stat, .oo John Kanyni, RR. 1 Stevenaville, Ont. close thiem without slaming, if they sa", ar do not fit, or drap down on painor nmust be slammi-red ta close, they wilI ujs- tually be liard to fix, and, worse, may indficate a bent fame. Checkýý the car's trnteirior for, sigris offlbard use or abuse (brok- an cushion springs, worn, pedal padsi paint off staering wýhea.l). Check ihie tires, including thie spare. If they are, badly worn, and the car is a naw modal, it probably has run up at least 20,- 000 miles. Unevenly wamn treada an any tire indicate tchat the ,front end has been, or is, out of line. Raalignment costs uLp ta $15. R6bushing, up ta $90. Press your foot sedl on the braka pedal for a minute or "-o. If it sinks slowl-y under pressure, there is hydraulic leakage. Fail- urç ta repair is hiazardous, and rapair cost runs from $Si0 ta 50 .Start the angine anid check ail instruments, flashing Iighýts and gauges ta make sure thiey are functioning. A, warniing li'gh1i or ammteîcanshow thiat thie gen- eratar is not chiaîging. Cost ta rt-piri or replaci(e $20 ta) $50. Stanýd broadsidJe ta thie front whieel, grasýp it at thaE top) with bath hlands, and' shake it ta and rfi-arn ou with Vigar.- -I LunkIing' saunds, or a lot off f rea play, is n sign off oos o won wheel bear- ings or off worni suspensionjoits Repair oiff he l 'atter $20 ta $40. Puis", down rht cly at fine corner off thep car at a time, so as ta set it bouncingc. The car shoufld, when .you release it, move upir) (dow0ýrn anld th)en stop au an eqilibrium position Freer continiuai m-otio -as Uup and don-SigniSworn jshock ahb- soirbers, wib hu> e replac.- ed or ~ftv s wltas comfort PARM EQUPME4T ICRAEMAR F'EED T-RUCKS rc use. SgIIIid1Y cntrueüedî wthilhis'avy wood'eas hse and isdes te- piece 20 gauge galvanized ireon boltem and ends <j1o oints>. iM'otliled o011.twe' 2'.75 x l'0" seiiii'.so4ïd' ru'is'er wliteL's an«i onie 6" swi-vel' ruiste'r castor. Freinrfac,- toy te' vota'. No' ISeal1ers Yen'ý malte the savinga. Two aigus 32- anti' 26" wide, lioth 72" long x 36" lWgb. Ouily $67.50, andi $T.00. Cash withý endear Wr iOD, F.O.B. St .Jaco1às. Kraemer Woodcraft, St. Jýacob5, Ont. Phole, Mohiawkc 4.203T. FOR SALI - M'ISCELLAMEOUS OIL portraits. Big 8 x 10 Size 1Hanti- paintedti roamSnapshots te your colours. Oly $6,95. IsIandý Traders, 1341 Dieppe Avenue, Pointe Claire, Quebec. NO' MORE BATTERY 'TROUBLE fer the Life of your car. VX6. wlien atitedti te yur battery dissolves thse lëati suiphaLe which la tthe seft spongy filln tisai f oms on tise battery ziid aIse on tise pistes, closIng the pores anti eholtlng t he' battery te dleath, VX6 1s fully guaranteeti. Senti monleY erder for only $2.98 (plus 3%ý sales tax> te H'oward E. Tuckey, P.O. Box 4021, Lotn. iois, ont. HI'ONDqCRAP-TS$ - HOBBIES PROFITABLE HOBBY MAKE beautiful' breoche8, earrlngs, ireelàces at home. Easy te do. Sel t.o your f ie "I .Excelleýnt profits. Learmu oeabout Jewel-Craft. Write L. a, mtirgatroyd Ca_.,.Dwpt. W.5, Agincouî,, I4ELP WAMTErîa - MALE TEAR g as- pens earrxa yen instant dol' lars. .lUst FsupIr the' ditani'$8.95, reý taES. RUas $5t.0 ton sainple pïesa trea- she1ils, big profit detalls. Safityemrdt Pr*dLhetsý, 4024 Wa-equatrie; Newarkt 'M, Nlew Jersey- 0014 TA B'L. Es i AND) MINIMUIM QUALtFtCATIOI'4 AGE 17 TO 35 HE erHT-'", WEtGHT-160 LBS. EDUCATYON - GRADE -00, APPLY On PERSON TO MET ROPOL TAN IORONTO POUCE Personnel Office 92 KING STREET EAST OFFICE HOURS: monciay ta frOtOai a .m. tas 4 p.m. MORSES REGISTERED Aabians anti crosses1ý yearlings anti'we-aninga-ý. Fori, 1stisg5 Rendj stamipeti atitressýetienvelope ýte A. & B. Kingscoti-, R. R. Y, Rocrcwood, Ont. LîVMSTOC< POLLED asortiserns put more profit 5n beef raising. F'or information, where yen can and wisy yen s1tseuîd examiàne this old brPed wt modem Iook, write C. V., WeIr. 305 Horner Av*., Toronto 14, .MIS3CELLAVEOUS TOM BER, WANTED STANDING timber wantei send ail de. tala. Price, on the stump. McGuire Sales, Box 458, Ajax, Ont. MEDICAL DON'T DELAY! EVERY SUFFERER 0F RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURiTIS SHOLL TRY DIXON'S REMEDY MU.NRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA $1 .25 EXPRESS COLLECT POST'S EÇZEMA SALVE BANlSH the torment ottidra cer rashes andi weeping skin troubles. Pest's tEzema Salve wil nfot dlisappoint yen Itchisig scalding andi burning ecze, ma, acne igwrpimples anti foot eczraa, nl respondl readiy te the stainles, odorleas oint-moni regardless of hew stubbern et hop)elessa lhev seeni Setnt *Post Free on Recelpt of Price PRICE "3.50 PER JOAR POST'S FREMEDIES 2865 St Clair Avenue East Toronto MIMLSAnD ADMEUI8 LAfI V30 'S4?fiAIýp. Iiedgurned camet adadde s ae2sbsrI hndsome MR> W'stpeïitfTpp r-p. '4, 6587 P7maMI CiPFONRTUNMES, FORt MEU Ama WMEUJ BL A HAIRDRESSEI' i0iqeCANAODR'8 LEAMÇYN. SrI400L Ga'eat, fOppGrtiunott Learn frdi-essiing Pleasanit dignified profession gooQi wages 2lleusands e& suec-,ssfulti Marvel Graduates America's Greatest Syste,,m' MlUStrated Câtaloigue Fi'eE Write orcàMI Morvel Haîrdressing School 338 Bloor St. W., Turontto '14 King st. W., Ramuiten 72 Rideau Street, Otta 0F INTEREST TO, MLII IITTLE folks gift! Lett,.r freniS*t5 plius wonderful colorftïl' Ideal gift esy' child. Mail each child'à naine, addre.s;C $1.0. Box 2, Two Rivers, Wleeonshl PETS CAiNAIES, hlgh cissa winniig straïIs,, bred rollers, aiso beauiful' rednamsut frosted reda. J. A. Reynond, Willamms. town, Ont. PR0PERTIES. MC*-,SAMI! $1.00 ACRE, Linds, farma, cottkges, htanting fishing sites, nanel' lands, sellà tog for taxes. Senti' l0 2L1for large' kita. Taxe Land Sales, Rby 201lW; CoitP water, Ontario. PI4OT(5) STA*IPS 2¶SQfIOSTAPS' cur lptogimPlt. os negaflIrte madeie nto, 100. stamp. sidze pbot9ii. M11gb se, pertoyated anti gummeýit, backs Fast serx'ièe Youi or. !igiiial' retuvnred unfiarmedI' 104) Photo. gtamnps- $'T00. Toppaul Cb., 6587 Pe»rî, crept. Z-3 Cýaveland 30, Oliios STAMPS EIUTSHSlipfr. Latih. Ainii .Worldî Utlisinual approvais for srius cIle' iors. coýL. W « reene. iittýwild, Bel Aft' rAarylWsnd. ALL dif ferent pnekets3: 100 V.S. oonml iüsarm. $3OS 1 B 00 l25 Vbittcn ?1.40)t M5 Vthican, $.300:1 ISi Wi3rii:i witie $2'50. ARMON'( ST.4IMP' MO rmonk, . New, York. KAUiO11E Ptari, EhgUMlil yüorksMi'ea-. All' fomahflssstoC tfiome top"bibodi Iflates SI1tor-Cain [Parns-, and Walker Fannas Rerd Sire CbIamspien Tsrlk 71R boas rand 'opien glts R'.R. 'a Ilb Agatha, Oe*ario. PFbones: KWlcheimtr: f5W S'7887,, et. Apathia 74237115. COMPLEZfE Otsirres haellbe, traits. irrg IierLding LUM Key PUnvhlt dIàteý proceessïng, comsptaaeter- sad liarchanut Buirrughs - Monroe eal2eurators Mua4Wi ltis dictaphone may be, talionatt WMISe Academly. GE 2.3e4sl or vt'itt ise' soiseo$ ai 30& iCfrrg St., LGndcn,ý Ont, for L§Ü111 Informatfon. STATIMARYENPGOERS Prpare for yeur exams Wrfte SOHOIOL (il" STATINARYE-NG!NEVr.iEGf IM BAVER REND' CUESÇINT "la tlais tho eciaty editore Well, 1 have sema neýws for yen." Before You Buy That Used Car -7M

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