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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Nov 1962, p. 7

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Rushing To Design ilouses For The M-oon Moouarcitets re la a hurry. The aet design house-s for iýhefl-t e on thef mooin - 1 rid Uiv s rn-ng eout fast. Farfeth-ei~Net at ail Rus- 'sin -cietisaore alreadiçy grap- jpilTiý-i'ng tl he problerr of hous- iiuge tiýr ilr orol-en - zand seV *r-al plan arenow bong rawn ;,Ie uilings wllhave to float ,in thre sen of dlust, several miles d4eep., whc cver-s the i-noon. The élat Îis cqntîiiually grwing, a4bout a udeltons> of it falling on t'o tiresuraceevery daly. S-the bouýses will have to b blceland -aýnchorea firmiy. But fhiste-ail, moon-architects must overcone an immense ter- xestial problem. They must build ani enlormous towor, at Sea ta act as the"oe controling, moon- traffic. Then gianit metal umrbrellas mnust he erected ta defend the roofs of moon-houses fromn the weight of. faffing mieteorites which bomnb the moon at a speed olf fifty mniles per second. Fortunately everything on the moon wighis one-sixth of its weight on oarth. A Ef t designed for a one-ton Ioad bere wvould ho strong enough ta carry six tons onl the noon. Staircases on the moon could be much steeper than they are on earth because moon-inhlabita-nts would ped ta use only on.e-sixth cfY *,he energy wThich we use. Foir the same roasonis moon-runners eould eut the 100-yard record to one and a half seconds. Weatbier will present no diffieulties be- cause theré is iiteraily no weather ion the moon. No louds, fog, raja, wnind or snow. The greatest headlache for the mïýoon-archit-ct ih low Àta combat the 500 degreos difference be- tween the day and the night ;erperaltures. Daylig'ht iasts two weeks, So f3ties darknoss. A special centrai- 16eatiýng systear for the icy nights viii ha'e to ha fturnod into a oongsystem during thle day- Apart friom ,'aboratoi-ies and workghoips, plans must iniclude *nuhspace for bedroom-, I- ing rooma, bathrooars, a k-Itchen, vnd aven a ïn eaoh hbous.. Tins mnay s.em like iuxtiry ta wý bqt l ie ts41 to icombat tegreatest erieis in pc- borïedoni andllnliea Sales Pitch To The U.S. Negro Market For years, U.S. businessmien haPve be en keeniy aware that the $ý20 billion Negro market is a lcaieone. And, with an oeye en thaý strengthehinig economic )power aof colored people, many companles have beamed special pitches toward potentiai Negro custom-ers. Thus, singer Dorothy Dandridge may be used in adver- tisements to tout rice, basebaîl player Wille Mays mray suggest a pancake syrup, and footbalier Roosevet Brown miay be a 'Mari- koro man. The importance of a glood "image" when irig to tap the Negr mareb~~wasundrscored agan i -~newsurvey rýeluased recentljy y the Ceýnter for Re- searel in NMarkýeting- of eksi N.. t was madle for ïa nu.mber of firm-rs la the food. cosmneties, autmotvebeveLrage, and other industjries. Ln taiks with 3,016 Negrýýo faiiies this sping, and summetr, -the inter-viers (al of wvhom 11were Negroes lhemseives) foutnd, for instaoce, that NeýgroeS like -to buy where theyý can work," A full 42 per cent of thos)-e pllcd indicated that they ptniestores ia their areas b-cauise of "positive" attitudes towaý-rd Negr-oes,. Alniost a third said that they will specificaiiy select the brands of companies whic(h they\ believe to hiave fa- vo)rable pDlicieýs toward Negroes. Mo)re than a quarter frankiy ad-' mitdthat they would flot b)uy the products of a com-pany that they thou.gat had a "poorý" atti- tude towaro Neg-roe2s. ndeed,, the studies showed that. many Negroes consider their purchas- ing powcer a weapon in the battie for equal ights. Suich findings are becomning, increa,,singly important te busi- nessn ryingto imake a sale. Asý Wiliamý Capitmaa, presýident' ,f CRM, smmdup, "Un1der- standýcing (Negrcies' attitudces) will open 1the way to more effective advertisýin, promnotion, aýnd dis- tribution polici;es for those mnanu- facturers who ant ta take ad- vantvge of this growing market." OId Lady Liberty StIi-Going Strong Sbe's quite an oldi lady no-w. She waï,s eventy-six on October 28. On the whole she has worn weLil. She still wvears her Roman toga, of course. although its heavy folds are pitted and mark- rd sfiightly by the weather. W'ho iîs she? The Statue of là- ber-ty, whioh tands at the en- trance te New York Harbour, is 305 f t, 6 in. 'highf and hoicis aloft in her miassive- right hand a torch of freedoin. Her i-nîcknamne is Miss Liberty, ýHer creator, the French scuiptor Batbidiwho specialîzed in gig-antic and ostentatious monu- mIents,' could n-r have im.agin- ed that his statue of "Liberty Enlightenin~g the World" would become si.-h a famn-ous landicmark. Wveighing 100 tons, the statue cost S!50,000 and its base and pedestal $2 10,000. t was a glft from 1t people of France ta the United States. Slxty men tocok ten years to buiild this colossal ,4tatue whi-ch wras oarried te America In 350 pieces in French- warships. At the ý iinauguration and dedi- cation ae-eenty-slx years agoBar- tholdi eut the rope whlch drap- ped the flag from the face of the Grea-t crowd's watched as Prosï- idont Cleveland acccpted "Misz Llet"and the ceremrony ciosed wihthe singing of the hyn, the Old 1Rundredth.1 Bartholdi's nmothor was bis mfodel for ilthe statue. The righit arçn 'imeasures 42ft., the hand l6ft. 8 la,, the 'Index finiger 8ft, and the fingernails are l13in. long. t takes a smiail army of "beýau- tîis" every fow years Io give MisLiberty" the fli troat- ment. SHAPE 0F WINGS TO COME -- The 160-foot-long basic outtlire of wings for the C-141 jet cargo transport is traced by a line up of master tooting gouges. The gouges, pro- duced by Lackheed Aircraift were lateri'hipped to sugcontrac- tors building the variaus portions. RIB TICKLERS - High voltage come-dyýjolted television vi ew- ers when Lucilie Bail teamed with Dunny Kaye in a speciai show. Kaye has been signed for weekly -one hour television shows planned for nextr seaison Y'~à TBLE TALKS 1ýýMYe Jm Awcivcwe. CH1USTMIAS PUiDDING DARK CHRISTMAS CAKE 3 cups (1 lb.),seoless raisins 3 cups chopped dates 3 cups (15 ozs.> currants 2 cips raisins 1'l cuep choppedl nuts 8 ozs. (about iýj cups) sticet ZV cepis sifted ail-perpose mixed peels (bread) flour 8 ozs. (about 11:, cups) sliced 4 eggs citron 2 cuPs llght mnolasses 8 ozs. slicod glace pineapple 2 cuips buttermilk 9 ozs, (about 2 ceps) coarsel, 11/ eups finely ground or chopped nutsý chopped suiet'i1lb. butter Y~cep fruit juice with favorite 2½ ceps segar f lavoring adalea 8 eggs 2 lie ceps fine dry bread crumbs 1 cup thick tart ielly Steaspoons baking soda M2, eup apricot nectar ½teaspoon laveýs *41 ceps sifted ali-purpose iteaspoon allspice (bread) flour 1 teaspoon nutineg 2 teaspoons sait 1 teaspoon cinnam-on iM2ý teaspoons baking soda Z2 teaspoons sait 3 teaspoonis cinnamon Combine raisins and currants 1 teaspoon alispice la a saucepan. Cover with water '/2 teaspoon laves end bring to bio'ling point. Imr- î teaspocns inace medîat1ely drain or dry. 2 teaspoons flavorinig Add nuts and dredge la 1 cup Line three 9 by 5 by 21/2 inci of' the flour. loaf pans with aluminum foil Beqt eggs until light and f luffy. Grease well. Pit and slice dates GraduoaILiy add molasses, buit- Rinse, drain and dry raïîsînn t4ermiik, suet and fruit julce with Combine ail fruits, peels an( flavoring. Stir in bread crumbs, nu ts. Mix thoroughiy. Bien( tslftedl flour, soda, spices and sait. butter and sugar. Fold in fruit and nuts. Mix thor- Ba hruhy d gs 1 oughy. our ntotwe ell at a tim e, boating well after eact greased 6-cup moulds and one 3- additio'n. Add jelly and aprico cup heat-resîstant bowl. Cover nectar and beat weil. Graduail) Ptaghtly puddigesedo ,ckin add sifted dry ingredients anc Pbl, ae uding1steonearack la m flavoring. Fold in fruit mixtunr boiigweristaesSea Pour into propared pans. or about 21,'2to 3 hours. Cool puddings, wrap carefuily, lael Bace ila very slo-w 250 degrl.ei andi store in a cool dry place. To degree ovea for 30 minutes. In serve, re-steamr and serve hot crease oven temperature to 2T wlth your favorite sauce. degrees and continue to balk * * ,about i hour 45 minutes longer, Makes about 7Y/2 lbs. cake aftte baking. * * vd ly d r- 75 MINCEMEAT 3 cups seedless raisins ,3' eps currants 2 cups granulated segar 1 pound ,inely chopped suet 5 medium apples 1. teaspoon sait /z teaspofon grounal cinnamon, !, teaspoon ground cloves j/ cup eider or grape luice i cup browned, blinched almonds Wash raisins and currants. Waish, corn. peel and chop apples. Ccb 1cal ing1re-dients except nuLts wich si hoildbcadedjust before ungmincemeatJ in p1ies. etc. Store minicemeat iin a covered crock or sealers in the rfiea tor or other very cold place. Mince pe-ue3 cups mince- mecat and r/4 cup of the browned aimonds for a 9-inch double crust pie. Bake in a hot oven of 425 deg. F. for 40 minutes- or until crust is deljiately browned. Fruit cake panis may be lined with 2 thicknesses of greased brown paper and one thickness of greased waxed paper or they 1may be lined with one thickness of g1reased foul with the shiny side turned down and away fromn the cake. Lining the pans 'pir"- vents a heavy crust forming on the ca-ke. A pound of raisins, prunes and drîed aprîcots ail esr from V/1 to 31/ cup--s. One' dried fruit mnay he substituted for another in mnost recipes as long as you keep the total amount 'of fruit the same. * * Al'- purpose (bread) f lour makes a more satisfactor*y batter which holds the fruit weii dis- tributed throughout the cake. The cake alsosem to slice better. * Tube and loaft panis iare pop- ular for fruit cakkes but almost amy shape of pani may be used,(. Empty coffee, baking powdei or fruit cans make idieal panis for fruit cake gif t giving.,, Neyer f iii the panss m-ore than ½2-inch from the top. 1,* To prevent fruit cake tromn "crmbîg,"chill it several hours before uitting it. If- it does crumib, use these deliciously flavored crrum-bs as; topping for ice cream or sherbet. i Giazed fruit cakes always làok very gala. Just bring corn syrup, mola1sses mnixed with three timies as mnuch water, or honey to a fu-l] boil then spread or brush on w-arm cake as it is cooling. A shailow pan of water piaced on a iower sheif of the oven un- dter the cake will help p revent the e drying ou'. With Christmas and INew Year dinners coming along soon, you may want a neýw cranbe rry sauce to serve. Here is one uýsing fresh cranberries. GINGER CRANBERRIES 4 cuips (1 pound) fresh craxiberries 1- large orange, quartered reiove seeds) 1 cup raisins ¼cup honey ¾cup sugar 11V2 teaspoons ginger Put cranberries and range through fond chopper. Mix with raisins, honey, sugar arnd ginger. Chili in refrigerator several hours to allo-w flavors to blend. Makes 2 plats. EIGHT TEACHERS Graeme Young ma2y be the- motpampered schoolboy i Britain. The 112-year-old sonr of a British civil servant, Graeme has eight tea4ýh-ers ail to hiarseif. He is the oniy student at Sutton, Higli, a private boysý' schooi just outside London. Oaly last June, iGraemye had 250 schoolarates; then it was aPnnounýeJ that Sut- ton Hfigh would ho, demoililhed 'in a local redevelocpment project. Ahl the youngsters found new ,qchoolsIq-excep-Lt Graeme, ' ,who la* iegally entitled to stay uantil thIe term end-s on Dec, 14. Battie Looms On Nutrition Front U' \" far can the Unit d ý'-1States 'government go in crigwhat ai eadýing nutritionist has ,called "ýnuiti!onal nonsense"' A tu-ofwartest - possibiy recigeven to the courts-, is- ini the offing,. t revolves ar'ound som)1e of thle daims m iade today for 1the so- called "health foods"; thie promno- tion of certain food prodlucts on the basis of claimed bnft;and the ciaimed nutritional necessity for vrosvitamîin proýducts. Touching off the fray was a proposed new set of regulations, by the Food and Drug, Adm-inis- tration governing the labeieing of these products. t is the resýponsibility et ttiie agency to see that foods arepuire and safe and that they are truith- fully and informativeiy labl)eld. Ahl the new regulatins have to do with laheiing daimis. The $i,000,000,0û00induitry af- fected by thesesrign regulà- tions has declared war. Neyer before, it is said, has the È3ood and Drug Administration been bomnbarded by, so many pro- tests - more than 30,000 from industry, piling up into some 225 volumes, not 'to mention the 70,- 000 or more from posteards showered on Coagress. Producers of safflower o)il pro- duets, "sea saîts," and pr)ioteiný boosters were alarmned. Businiess- men who seil these products saw profits dwindling, wie Jose- phine Ripley in the 'Christian, Sciençe Monitor. The Food and Drug Adminis- tration finally issued a staiîeinent- of denial that the newv regula- tions would have or were intend- cd to-put people eut Of Ibusin-ess or cut, profits. AI] it waats to do, iltlias ex- plained, is "to discourage the ad- dition of needlessly large amounts ol' vitamins and inerais to foodï suppiemrents simaply as a sales- promotion device. " t seeks to prevent consumers "from 'being misîcci by a listing of -ingredients wihicb have no ,value as food supplements. "Such 'shotgua' formulas now, contain as many as 50 to 70 in- gredients, only a fewý of which are recognized as essential in nutrition,"' says the ag-ency. The proposed reg-ulations aiso) are directed at "false or m-islead- iag labeliag which may lead con- sumners ta believe that flhe aver- ag merican diet resuits in iii bealth and that nutritional sup- piements are requiredi to preveat or cure this." With respect ta foods, the agency is (Du!tot crack down on the use of "nconfattenl.ig" oir "low-calorie" or other terms suggestive of benefit in weight, control. If you aspire ta the hîýghcst place ni hano disgrace f0 stop at the second, or even the third, AUTOMATI C BEAT - Young women look over a multiple rug beater machie irvent4t by a West Berliner, who exhibited the controption at a local industrial fair. LIGHT CHRISTMAS CAKE 1 cup dried apricots % cups dark raisins 2 eups golden raisins 8 ozs. (about 2 cup) sliced - almonds 8 ozs, (about 1i dp) halved candied cherries 16 ozs. (about 2 cups) lced mixed candied fruits andl peels 1?, ozs. about 2 cups) diced candied ]pineappleý 1 ,4 cups shortening 1 ý4 CUPS liqUid honey 6 eggs 21,- cupaslfted ali-puirpose (bread) flour 1 teaspoon bakîg powder 114 teaspoons sait 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 - teaspoon loves Line a greased 10-inch tube pani with 2 thicknesses of greasedl brown paper and, one of greased waxed paper. Cover apricots with boiiing wvater and let stand 5 minutes. Draih and, using scissýors, euit apricots in s1ices. Commrie apricots, raisins, nut-Is, cherries, canidied fruits anmd peels. Mi-x-thoroughlly, Biend shorcitteniing and! honiey. -eti gs, one ai a time. Sift together four, baking powder, salit and spices. Blend into batter. Stir in fruits and uts, miî-ýng welL. Spoon into prepared pan. Bake in very sloDw, 250-dlegree, oven, with shallow pan, of hot water on floor ot vn about 4 hours, Makes i tube cake about 7" '4 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NI NI 's" NI NI NI N N NI "N N NI N NI '"1 N "1 -N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -'4 N N N N N '4 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N k N. '4

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