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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Nov 1962, p. 1

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Receive efl - . gaýIý -re parents,.eur~utue~n' cd Inmbercs andthejir wives af tIra Patureasideuit o h Cabr prescle duing Ire and iras j sitdby H. Duandau L. Aslett. ~ Thas receving wards for thaiV acdmcachievement irere: Donna ,~i (aret, Terry Grahami, Lynda Tyr-. u,-11 cl, Margery eyrel,Leslie Happer, ~ " Ct'?et%.4(~ ~ LtLJ$.Eiîi Wilsonp Bae aua, gljas, - Hamin, Bruce Aluni, Sharon Tambi-lynv, roua g HîI! n'aMth elteLnaLsi Hooper, Arnaold Wallace2, Tel- -Marlon Pelletier, Arnold Wallace, are, front G-ewaDnaCavtSaa nN'"wmn ocsWan andauJLynida Greeuwood, Kelvin îNaewnur, Il yna 'mlv, in Wlsn.Bak ai JhnBrceAluin. Susan Major and Johin Hlîs. heesoanH Le Tcry Gahai, Dugls flini, .The guest speaker, Mr. John Patter 37TLURDANOVEMBER 2t,16,ORON1%O, ONTAIO LIiQ ib Fo aer Vote Tu Be eldThis odyeecme r TIns Monday, Dacamibar 3an425 quliia otars mi maR a choice aud de wa rether or ot t;,te iîiage90J MD7 Ora0ni s tehavea a unicipal inter ystiThe vote is bil eiakn the daeisie,ýn oI tIra voters ou tha instal-F aoncf a cr$eaater systean lu Oronîo a-, an astimatai cas! cf t$175,- 000.It ia euesimiatci that ta r ti fis test un tu use irater rouli cas! Ilah average homne $1.010 a ireek.- Tepoll i li be haildin lu iraOrano Muni ý,cipalildngand l rii haopen t run tIra heur of tan a'clcck lu the mornimng urtil srven inlek utIre ev- ann.There esult o! the vote la ext pata o ha reveaued a-uni ighit monally wrong to mrake "d1as" I H i13g hi - eJ wVs sharing homrework but that-u thUe end the persons, involved were not pre-- Th]e Hîgh- C Camnpaîgn forne pared when the real test icame in the mebeshpseems to have beau a, form cqf final esamus. great success. on Sund'ay, November Plansi, were establislbed for ox.r tSth, the previous record of twenty- forùhlcc-minig sale cf Ulited Church eighta was brokeni, Calendars, This Sunday, Decemiber 2 there wîll Thle theme 0f thef evenring's discus- be no High C meeting becauise of!the ia; wiasChang To give uis a f ew Christmnas examinations. 1 )ut outr ideas Dane Rogerson, peggyHacok ext nmeeýting wi ha held Daèember Wayne Milller and Mary Lynu Baileyi 16 at which tune ire will mieet at thle enacted a skit through which we Ctmrch earlier than usual to go caroI 'bliard a typicýal discussion amnong si7ifIng.r teenagers about eheat*ng iii chool"ca'- wor. Nw tat e wre hining we Wandering bhowtotecelabrate Nnw .vor Nowtha we e in, %e Year's Eva? Look no furtherjComae dividd bia grops ad anseredand juin the 'un at the "HiigirCH at several questions. By compariug au- Hp. sw,ýers we found thatit miras otoîyda ep"e»anTa Gflbart E) ~ ~ e niiM1nn /ern er ,A moat scenjayable evening iras hal d[ -1 I..'A.LJ'...'&A ït'N . YV * 'yV tn Shiloi i Uited Chureh on Frîday, ofMr, .Wsthesr and her pupils' To Police Trustees For I1963 -brga nuisit recitai. Semaet tIrte puptis showai outstauding ability in Fobur nominatians mare eniterai at causiug semae prQblanis and that it vclselectians as maîl as piano, the Villge Namination imeeting ent cauli leai ta tae borraingetfnaoney It la o! great benefit te Starkvilla Friday evaniug lu thea Oronu Munici- ta mneet foiis expansion. He asi that an-! ô-thre uarby cetmmunitieýý te p1al Building. O! tIrafou, hrceaqualiï- hairas standing for alaction su ad have ana of Mra. Wsthauser's nmusi- fiai thuaq in rasuîiing l u no alacti an atai tesea furtiher pragres lutIre car calibre luin mueydt" sai . mn--frvillage Trustee-s fois year. VIan.Tuthea inatter oet municipal SeatGray at the conclusion e! tAce Thosa naminatiedirre Mssrs. J. j lietar antai ta cea it coma ta the racital. f b.. Lairery, H. M. Marcer7,ID. Simposaulia-ga. OnInorpraianhafait thalt soatcf bier pj)upils have tIre ability 1cM-lEt C. Fo)rrte.OthsbiDan euhhaebeau batte offif to play any saiecton by night, Mit h s nominatai W1 M. Marner, 1). Sim.ison In-orpýoration Iai bDeau grauteci. 1! wrr'te mithn thir gi'de standing, a tm arser qualifIa. Mn. J. b. e, Owvaer, net yat aven. -'Gaed ru uTaaprgrnia twnit.thrýee tems iarrya 1presaut imeurbe a. tIrfltiauMos existai irih Cauncilduriug tara irere piaoduealsiano Salas i oaintaratiriug fraintlla Truistees tr er aJ v ocnoies. for thepresent tixu. e. slilSmmpee î5 Mr. J. IL. 1Lwery than raparting ta Karen Biciefa!Na nUtouville Se tIecave ndber ta the Board for )'tIre Ire melceting statidttSte mai pro- unrvidbl asot.These taing ar16. gr-ýajn iras almost campq'ltaciMc. pan irer Dense lhiotituni Pete r TIremeeting iras very quiet wlthbawar irs cIraian cf tIere ais' Jiaaesno!f euni lBia uni abut twntapesenit. M.W.H. Car- uni1repotai that iling andi chipaton.- Dors are;Rbiso, arjri0Mr- anirs ppointai chaima a!tLiraung baibeau dune uhe enecassary. phu Ji e stha"euser y a! Starkvilemeig uth Mis Aima (Culisacn Haaisa refeited tIrte CDAhedick An-: Fostr ahra aui $hal'an Bt'i- eatayt ireet proje(et aud rail aurinstlla tey Junea Geacb, atarneuni Wil- M i.l1,M. Marrwv ;!(,cheten ut te narth a! tIreVilg.H ana ý 4Trak a! Kaniduluni Barryrna ;Hyur, reportat i piieasa aiaali tuta better cuit iras neai- cfa o!Peîrrytaun. ir lu e cntrcioni yraV Cotna on page 4) C e' efrer at the Orona Uni-i The Ohristian Educatian Builidi LU'5 C-' rasent c con- se 17Suin- Irl, idshi aot de IPk TIretieMentra haliramuli ha usai v eý - elbyhalls. GouLiertenla ieabeig g1ie fo sni rmaIehlgi h turit un 'ni presei stag llraba"se- Il at pinaiout, te oiroudi W.t ta ddtin ! Iwanbulild- ing it irauli la apossile taan- lag h r1i la!! bysonma 9 ',eat. SoajttIera meeting expDrassai tin", nceai a! auauditoruimin tIra flai C. Jones Wins $10OÙ First Prize- Sixteen boueur muer Orono HigIr1 along with a parel eninig a! the Oronc miIce. These etudt ncoltern cf 19 astandarId af seve oateon ail subji puet and presenta aetraof thll -hen sauresixty-f Mr. adiJens ias thre $100.00 win-- ur atcha Orano Athiatiec banquet on, Weduasday avening whaui bis ticket %vas tha chosen ana cd 176, Theana- ni banquet heulu inthe Oddfalluw's j iras spensorad lu aid of wintar sparts. A turkey dilner iras served by the Oron igure Skating Club. O! the 200 tickets an sale 176 irere sold aud nt least 150 were presen't at the banquet, entettalmeut aundrair. Tan naines vrere first drain froni, the drin aud an eliiniation held ef these tan namnes witIr Mr. Joues beiug tie last renaining ticket lu ta drurn. und thus tha irmnner et the $10M.O (Continuai page 3) Thre second annuai Clristnias partyl a! thre Orino Junior Gardaners Cl'ub j toak place Thursday, Nuvamnber 22 in, the Mun-Licipal Building, weith about 50 presaut. Memrbers o! thre Sr. Ctzans Club i asttandad, as guastis o! tLhe chbildren. As aur guaits wireaasmluev- eryon'e enjoyad sanie beautiful Christ- mas m>usie. Mrs. Faluibrathar, aur president, nip a then taillai the party to erder auJ inety an VaSSC iralcomireveryone. Au excellent ilpiay- a! entries ilu SIai thaclssas provdiSte juie At Or ono, 0Art Exhibition1 with a miost difficult task of juiigiug-2. Rare ire would like toeeacily thank On Friiay and Saturday a! last Many o!fth2 pîcturas reafor sl MrC.Lance MPlancaud Nrsafun" wetilla Orana GArt Croup hali tair ad M Lst rasouaba prices wara qui- M\,urriay for so graciausly hligu nulexihibition and saleo!of art ai ted f or som fine pla.ýce:s. Prices range- lu tIejuiging departient.cth Orona Mlunicpal Buildng.TIra ai trm $7.0t a 00. TIre flleiîng -ar ea esuis a!fthn xhbittn irs as st é nna.wrthly ith 1The OoeArt Gtoup no irmeatý juigng: utay fie covasss on.... -fy Thewae ciy t the Cirk- Sehool ui ývtIra Door arrangemet 1 AnnaT onar-group ara caertainlytaIoha camuded -amtershiP a! twentyThe uwr a genan 2.Evlen Bawn 3 Elin monbi fne shawing o! arteuiitl1a0hast tIreshow over tIre past week-end iras 'Iairactaeitis. adeceo!tesucaa hat itLis groupq Jolie Nd ý,inetuen atbtr isiyiata-is having l ins !ield A! aniavelil Mantel arranementOf. t'lO! iaypitn U alaianw - G! n_1, ,ira a lzpay y stients Smd;2. Dale lillia;3.Elaa ecalourcs canas ruanrmflu ri ava jststateaitSis year andi Sehinui. uncrs uter Sc"n1s, boos and a f au talnt iras eviient in th e rork. Schmd. vra glainm acaou, as i r oin lue at a-? ab;emta1 au tIreaex- pcial Class fori ni M9 yar ad amhrMon ~ loiP"tr-ar tn 1. Banie Bro'2 recu 3raxvu;ý 3. Taio Mflnrd te( entirabI ulding con anic a!ftIra levais nather Pif n' -y r1' oi id On tire jtan having it al cilvided tutu par- eaDai f tlie ha0ll i- mananet lasarours.t he hall le The iplans, as yyt, are nat finalizai F--euith a s wraamnsarani fu4ther meetings ara axpectai dta h epc 105 yS 19T» bha hétt in ts mlle hapa 1 splendifi suc hs From Orono Chamber 1son principal of thie Ontario TriniingknOW'ýledige cf their strengths and Sdhoal for Boys, Bownian ville, was in' -1ss Dn' eyonyusl troduced ta the audience by, Mr. L, alane," hie said. "Consuit yaur Par, Aslett. ents aud teachers." IL leineeot tt- M l. rPa1t e r san cangraFatu lot ed(jthle portant to, estuablishi a goal for anly parets rbowere present stating thilat with this can oue plan a course t they muis'tha proud of the work of h alwd haiechidren "Vn hve psse ta The speaker stated that theav- theuyou vaues and have assisted [les- of bigher edlucation biave openadj 'n prmtn ereducation","liea 8.nthlat boys and g1irls of today cati said. choose firii a dliversîfied- field. Ha Toth sudnts 'ha raminded tbem si al ad i aaiabIe' andctd that raywudsoa,,n be writinig Lat01O:1 Came of Corn, h~'r lit et i eaus ad ioul ham-ce was paiganim llportant pr atenig omeceen.At this byý giving such aidi. The speaker a point, he saidt, you are not ýornpleting gain ampha>llýsizecl iie neai 0f Setting your aducation but rthr ou are eu- a goal and lplaning bathacdnc tering a nwfiald. The word1 conin al4y n ticial1y. menemntmeans thcbagnnin0or Thedeaapnetof thle "whale be- the start. ing" miust iseinclude a growth sc Thespakr oita t te fact that ùjail audSp ratnaljly, said Mr, Pate-r- lemetr doi nwbdci-at.B a 3Iotasulch activities, S50 mencmeut. Ths shaln, he saqý-idraiyavialas nmusic, draina,â is the first phae hich prepares thal andl spart:ng, activities. These me stuldeut for. the Seonjdary -levTel cf aLto bea fpart f fe, aiad. educaftion. "You 1are t lO build o on u M.A Wtespoprincipal cf elementary edcaiof reading, ar- Ithe schoaol, and on behiaîf of the ho ithmnatic, grammi-ar etc." Thé, reai ndstludents,thne the Ôron*ý test cornes at the end o!f schooling: Chaurber cf Comerce for tIle worký ;vhent"-aestudieut muist enter a tradeLIay ere doing lu placing em-iphasis3 a fui timae jo'b, enter Univarsity or onlacedemic achil 'evemntÈ. Halnsc salie ather phse f aducation oCr congratulated the Oha-mber in that work. "It,18 at ts levaI on con-they wirraassisting students attain a ecfntbcme !the utmast higher degree ocf eduication in ta!,î importance," hie sid,. Mau:ly students thay irere supplying funtds for thia have been lbat through tha teck of! igher forin -1Of education. planning and thle speaker empbasized Eaoh-I lady atteniîng u huna thtnir was the tume ta give thoughlt avening iras the re2cipient cf a rosatý for the future. auJl a bouquet cf flairera iras present- A stuient imust plan with tha hueoi-- aita tille presidceft's wif e, lVrs. H-i ledge of self, tiiea know,ýledga af thlii Partuer aud thea seceetary's wdie, Mrs., values, thair ýintelligence and the B. Hazalden-. SC± 1 t'O\k I an" Major, A. W V tUtti 425 j7 1

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