r ~THURSDAY, NOEBR29t1 6 ORONO WEEKLY T1F¶E Sister Betty Major andlbr conite- d emitte itte ad al e lpe at eveniflg Sister.Gmh OROINO W7EEKLY TIMES 1Preside-nt0f Rebekcih As3 bl rNoe br 7t, h rrpr-fýtdtatpnserbig 4uthorized as Second Class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawvve *Tmetn 0 ether Lodge No ieted or t ,Banaar for 8aturdîay' Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester v isits '%rono L.o -gè 33ý4 was beld in the [,O.O.F. Hail. Dcebe St, and asked ail whoa Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager Sister Alice Hooey, Noble Grand ir-ln Cha gýe of a booth or table to b- - onay Nvmbr 9t.,aspecial Sister Hyckie was called oni toidn and Sister Laverne Barrabhal1,; on ar' Frid'ay nighlt at 7:;30 t ar - 'VOTE "YES" ]~~~l4 on etn as helci at Orono spabe ods were very inspîffl Vice Grand assisting. ange their sp ace. Monday, Deeïe r ars" a"i OooWe0h .O..F. HUall. Maybelle Rebekah and each member preent coud learn Ail officers were present to fifi their! tpadcie to holdi theChit - voters af the Village wlll pass their decision on construction of a I4odge, Port Perry and Heather Re- ich f rom ber message.1 respective stations, mauls party on the sýaine ilt as ouir Municipal Water Sytm.rkahi Lodge, Orono met together ta -AIh ls fti ytm esg h Minutes of the last regular mieeting '~:t reguflar meeting, Tuesday, Dc The most important aspect of thts decision will bc tbhe assuranlCEý honour Sister Eula Hyckie, President iwere. read also minutes of the special I eiler t. tht nI lagu have an adequate ad .afe supply of ot the Rebekah Assembiy.Pridnredaumb 0qesos meeting Noveniber -9h. Accounts i There wili be exchan-e of gifts 11ot w, terfr 1 umbu ' coif 'î iôi.-Nofling could be m~ore 'important to hcsoudasenu tug, thi ~bi~ Reors Sste AiceHoeyNole ran, hlc soul casemuc tougt. were received, approved and p)ass<ed t eeced $1,00, ind a dinner. Wheree- iiiis Vilan-,id ti hul1r rve er ou cosdtio.Rprs Sse lceH ol rnWhat have 1 4one? for payment. ithe dnrris to lie served will be de- SMeHealth Unit and the local doctor point to the fact that mTuOII presided assisted by Siýster Lillian itrLvne1raalgveantevrye 6 rdsire in he sppryed sfe ttee nsupply arpr, Nbsa rendofterbelen Orono. i i i- 1eroueLavernth lBarrul reort fgave ac cid asdonin theffie vernd nearbrsfuture. in The cost, liowever, is a faeotor whivh often determines decision but Harpe, obl erandfabele wl-vthahavs ee do bne it lastofultheporst 0f er ctiity as Conveflor Oficers and heneshoirl bus- lu the case f $1.00 a week for municipal water, the cost seemns quite 1dg, oroPrrg eht a esin-enfttom ftr estngMjormittee rofied tometun. dhveasor u re-asonable. During the forepart 0f this week we checked witb New- Sister Laverne Barraball, Vice 1ogSi rBtt-aoro dr fms meig castie P.U.C. and find tibat the average family home in Newcastle is Gado ~hrLdeadSse What would become of the bodge if, the lunch comxmttee for the Special1 Lod ge closed afterich a scai paig$.7awe~t epay the capital cost of ',he system and for Gado etrLoganS ist ery- niember bad done exactly as Meeting to receive the President, hour was spent. ~monthly consumption of 2000 gallons of water. (The average home bGle oga soore V ythiceGrd f ay- 1have done? $2500. affsessment, 66 foot frontage). It was also noted that the major- bleLdeaitdfrmhr a- How many tmes have 1 been absentI ity of 170 families using municipal water in Newcastle were under thýe tion. -,,Iien I could blave been preselit if 1 2000 galion mar"k. This bears out the O.W.R.C. ln thathte cost for Opening- exercises were conducted bard ma>de an effort to do $0? Municipal wate.r is witlhin the range o! the residents aof Orono by Sister Alice Hooey, Noble Grand. Have I visited the' sick an-d' spoke n and iwil assur-e a igher standard 0f health for al Visitors were graciously reeeived by 1 kdnd word to cheer tbemi in their u --Vote -YES" on Monday, Decemiber 3rd. Sister Lillian Harper, Noble Grand. affliction? oe _____________________________________ su 0ficer an meibes o! ýPo,rt Would I be pleased to receive the 3II A Perry Lodge formning a guard of hon- e, ondrio in caseof sick-oQ U IC K ~C LE A IM LA ~our. barge abhaggy ui ee edris as 1 have g-iven Cthers? 1 ~' Su p po~srt vio V e by thbe guard and later r)iesentedit Ha ve d toLianu! iy!ieds0 Tr s e the aims and objects of the order witl<h Dry Clea.nirg cn cu r *The honoured guests received were ia veiw of getting- their 't- plica)ti rst - USister Eula Hyckie, London, Ont., 1An, i in Partnersbip wîtb thbe ons? Attei eu Frio r Pu th ber ciU a r cetoteea en running the biisin- F E E Pc u n ir egula montbly meeting, made by the Police Trustees and that awa, District Deputy President o! R is rîght for somieone else to do oýn Monday the Orono Police Trustees1 their legal couancil woufld enact in the District No. 8, Osaw E; îserhthewr n et xeta yassed i motion recommleiiding todietn as suggested by the Trus- Margaret Browning, AaDsrc qa hr ! h eeis eiey in O'ono 1the incooing Trustees that a request te.Depuity President o! District No. 7, Arn 1 going to continue in the sanieUv Irom the Orono Associate Library be M.JL.owy tedhah Osbaw,,a West. old way or ami I going ta start some-1f acted upon with the establishment o!f r ~b oey ttdta e After a very short business session thiflg constructive? iýyid y aPublic bibrary for flie Vilage 1 could not support sueh action as a pageant "Temple of Friendsliip" Heather bodge undler the guidance' sl Oron. Aleter as rceied ramthegranting the exemption at this tume was exemplified by eight Past Noble of Sister Aice Hooey conute(h ~ 4~t~9- tiatniovd taittheCente b taed he or this pageant were Sister Cora The Co>nvenor o! the Programme Teeon wspse ythe memibersiup of nd ne h icmtacs n rns0 Hahrbdecholit loigeecissvr fiin ly. 13 '..ne Wst.Phone 23 t 4~S Cantrell and Sister Elsie Jonles, Committee Sister Gladys Brown then1 M4ayrbelle Lodge thon took over an tool, charge of the reniainder o! the ~Ms ~ni et porltrayed "The Lord's Prayer." This evening. After an hour o! entertain- C was done by the lighting o! Candles. m'ent o! local talent, refreshinents' The soloist was Sister buella Kennedy were served under the direction o! t,-ý IZ uýM In M" ilno, aparenl!yentiled 1qu Ma ga rpatoe and apprly entthed ex- eilovtr fin sidewalks ametfI emptionl wbicbi wyouJ amonunt in, tbe 11p foriscsso bt was hield over ei ffuroo io no)00, waý so the uni h eebrmeeting when the Fon tud le comd-b-aW, coul-d lie reviewedl. Tt was felt M.M 'r- -tiù t a enrst rt amor resdxabl h verthat roui-e action should be tere. h - tinwas in- tak!el' as anme0wlks are not -te(1alunsuppl i~t~ iee e-bigsoeJddrp h itr iè n the Viillae ndwi e 4 ýy1h ~-~jTh ý oe 'etd ih teforce-t -:10 poslUtiocf offeriing* anr atrtn ive met o! te yll and alsotowa -w p 1oostion to e encurge a deits L o eten it stu e enforcd.Te t-1e Centre. Ihara-tt tha il the byv-lowl The!harm n s tated t ho wais to be eibrced then- it hlad ta, be ta dbu-iinformied hat -t1le ~'wlil1-Il mta s I ih 1om efore the% <3o i wul4-supor an<--decision} Trustee- agamn. on Deceniber l8tb.AGhrlMt, eu herltIpl pr e~~ r- r --r- GH VROLET .. Creat new features, brillianlt new ideas re'6-ýj3 Chlevrolet oeffers yon a hi-, bunJdie of 1mon1ey- ..etne-ieexhaut sy stem ... te ne-w 2eotrcai vr Refl'I fluer abo t yo r savîg bue~tsîlv' n~c owning and driving more of generator thaut saves oni batteries. MIl this-pua et - requ~cd 10give ou. I e sute to se Bonte CBC-TV etor each Sunday. Check your local listing for cliannel andi tim.e. ý e ee youur de,,- 1f-! 1er oet Special "Go Withl Thle Greats" Hi,'-Fi LP Record Ailumi Cit er. Hospital Insurance 215 Yi(JNt. ïïE RkT TRO 7, ONTARIO B V 'tAN"L EYIC .S P ONE 728-62 - Cetfcate hardy. U"W A V Lt"