Cash atrnishs ED & WR-ITE S a v e a a ü sPhone 4jorniil's 1121 Orono For Free Homne Delivery Bstilixy V save év! ShrifGoo)d Mornmng 24 c z 47c Enter the 'Hielga Tou' Contest Featuire! V on Save 9c! Betty Croocker Layer Style CAKE MIX 2for 69)c Ben.t Buy! - Vo)ix Save 10(c! 31ONARCH TEA BISK Wetnor Snnbeam Hernit - eg' 3Sc COOKIES l8f or29c .~I DEBACON ugar Cured, BACONRindless 'Ta-sty Milti, Canada Packers WEJNERS 3 lb bag 99e Extra Lean - No Waste! - Swveet Picktel(d - Cryovae IHalve Cottmage Rolis, lb 55er, Polar Ring FBeef - Ideal for Steak-on-a-bÙm Steakettes Von Save 26, Aylmer uC'ATSUP lb 49c il.-«n. Boftles 6for $1 Voix Savte2)9c! - Dr. Baliard's 15-on. Tins Champion Dog Food 9 for $1 Voni Save 22e! - Heinz Brand TOMn'ATO SOU? 10-oz. Tins 9for $ 1 i lb, 57c We cnt andd wrap Quarter& of Quait:, 1ef for Hlomle Freezers A Attractive Prices. Cailinii today anfd let us discttss yourr needs. ImiuSave 23t, 1-lb). Packages Solo V1Rft' ,iîftIL'-Îl) for $1 Von Save 30c! Packages of 2OOs Kleenex iSS;UFS' 7 fo $ Von Save 16c! - White or Coloured - Tolt Tisi WHITE SWAN 8 for $1b Von Save 17c,; Greeni Giant Faxxcy 15-oz Tins CORN '41C ream Style,. 6 for $1, You Save 25e! - Chioice Qniality - Z8z in TOMATOES'" 5 for $1 Save lde! - le Sale SOAP Sweatheart 4 Bar Pack 12 for $1 FRSHFruits and Vegetables Quality Dessert CHOICE PEARS Cholce Quallty Red Ipitteti CHERRIES 5ozý 5 f or $p 5 for $1 Choice Qnallty Cruslxed PINEAPPLE 20 N-w Brunswick No. i Grade oz 5for $ 1 50Olb bag 99c Win3 $1000 0 .(Continued tramr page 1) eThe other nine rceived oxe ut cocoate. Te ten nain-es drlaWnl ~wr:Teddy Rob-inison, Douig Allen, Fr,-:nk Re.aciev, 3Mrs. Wm,. Irwin,M. 3J ones, mns. Graham, GenT zàanu,,- Don Tennant, Bob Hzlo n Afeature of the evening, acnd al- wasapopubar event, was ,the Sll()-, mg 1f oc) ovies by MNrs. W.Ar- stog in which many fmlirfaces un t)ije ,creen witli othier event3ssucIý as t--re Santa pnaeamd the Orono J~îwere viewedl. Tocwnship Meet (Contlinued f rom- page 1) ouilwill again be lieaded by eeeH, E. Wahey and Deputy- eeeJohn Stone. Counciliors Roy FseRobert Chater and Lorne Per- aUtwill complete the admninistra-! tive- body of five. lthe Township Public, Sehool areai -Lafwrence Greenwaod and William llein were returned by acclamiatin A few over twenty attended 'the meeting. Reports were first rece&ved tram ICic two schoo1 trustees with M~r. L. ,rwGceexiwaod pointixng out that the uco1rate haid gone up due to the 1îet that the B3oard had buiît three mbfflls li recent yeaums. He said that1 tbere would be inlre building in the: fiture and especially so if restriettions 'wore eased on building. He felt that (aai'kçe was just beglnning to wtness thbe growth in buidixng and the rate of 4bts growth icoulti determine school ,-eWts andi taxe. -Mr. Wm. Allen stated that tue fad ýýrved two years on the Board. He' oaàd that education was becoming more important every year and this -wamore true to-day than ever ho- !iore. He aimao sai I that 'the Board was wtost willing ta co-operate andt 1 hear. èebmpiaints when tiuey arise. DL)epu-tyreeve Johnli Stone, cara ej! the Roati andi Bridge icommittee e- pofrteti on this phase L)f Town-shlp -worl<. He ewate t) hat a number of the pi:ojeets this year had g-one over theîr butdget but that the over-aUl budget' vxss stil being adheired to. He outineti .~numiber of the major projectsli-, Au.~ding the Manvers boundary, the roads arouti Mospýort are st-il a pro- 4 -h ami 5th lines 0f Clarke, Lakzeshore lnom andi that more resurfacinig 1nust, ~9dt 0fLeskrdOroo ani to le done. In the latter the problem is IXaplton sde rod. I here to start, lie stateti. RyFoster, ciira of finiane, gaveehe fiancial report and aiso, ate tatie was enjoying thie coin- ~Iex buiness f the Township. Ropr hater, a -member of thei >týf a Ian Bidge eommrittee, Spoke- afprobi-1leis, with the CNR overhead dg.H' f etitthat the program 0 odswas roresig avourably but ati there v,s st;Ili a lot to do and it spssbethaIt the budget for roadeý ýIy hae"tobe Increased. Lorne Perrault spolke briefly statingI bat lie would continue to do his besti Steinterelet of thie taxpayers in the coin ear. tRIeevo, Walkey on reporting pointed o:an exýpenditure (f $18 maillion oniý Oounty roads during the year. He al- so referred to a meeting with proper- by owners on the seventh line where irogress îs being made to purchase [and for the con)tinulnIg of this Counfty road wpest to Highwhay 115. He saad axcollection in the Township %vas x i good condition, In spealdng on Townsh4p affairs, lie said that the fire proýtection progr4am had as yet 2-otý prog-ressed too) wedl. An abendoned Ccneter-y coxnnuttee lias beeii net-up andi ,vorklig, a naw fux'nace was in,9alled in the ToVn Hâll, h riÏ6rted.. The reeve rald the The Chain Saw StasoR Is Here See the XNew 1993 Models nOMELIITIE CADIEN Saws at 3*aulch Air CooIed Mtors Witere Serice and Parts are Always Available Lakeshore Md., Port Hope TU. 5-2'760 in ncmmenpting on planning the receve said they would like to stay a-, way fro it but it appeared that Vley couid not afford to do so very mutchl lonerlTe meetinig was informled thiat Mr. Walkey intends to rua for' wvardnci this coming year. In a question) period L. Greenrwood a)skedî for informnation reg-arding f in- aniÀal reliationsbip between the Toýwn-ý ship and Mosport.. The reeve estated thaýt olycuen taxes were unpaid.. W. E. Armnstrong stated that ndoth- in', had ever been spent on the roadis in the Mosport area over the past 251 years and if tihe recent expenditure was spread over this perioti it would amiount to very little. Mr. Carlos Tanublyn questioned the maive to extend the 7th line prograrn toKib thus forcing traftfic on- this r'oad to use 115 to get onto the county roati al the ,;Ixth.lino. He feît a proper cloverleaf should lie erected at the sixth andi that a more positive stLand shoulti be taken by council. M.- Callyvouc liceised Plumbiig & Mechanical Contractor wh4o selis, instalis anda'gut - arntees CARMAN PLUMBING & IIEATING Phone 143 Orono ORONO TINSHOP Sheet Metal Producta Made to Order ?LUMINGSUPPLIES and Repairs B-H PAINTS etc. R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Pho'ne 11816 Orono, Ontario THOMAS G"EORÇE JUNJlN iFo-r over twenly yea-rs Mr. Junkîn1 The death occurreti at the l3owm-an- wsan emloee0fthe Board 0À f ville Memorial Ho1,spital, Novermber Water, Ligi-it and Power Coisioîn 16, 1962, of Thomas George Junin.etenelon Falis. The deased alas the son of the DiteHe is viei:,by one dultr Thomias Junkin and bIsa tt eMary Norma, tMu ssers, Aa (Mms. Jane Pabterson and lie was Che hues Younglhusband) Orono, Gladys (Mrs. band of the late Annie r>owhey, who S. Lewis) Los Angeles, also two3 predeceased him Nov. 20, grandsons, Philip and Clifford Long. was in iris ïth year. The bodly rested at the Barlow Fn erail Home, Oro(no, until Monday when Mr. junikin was born in, Verulam. the funeral was held 5in the Uniited Township and lived there until lis Çhurch, Fenelon Falls at 2 with m-ýarriage m-oving to Linidsay and then thîe Rev. M< C. Fishier officiating. lix Fenelon Fialîs where )-ie resideti The palibearers wyere Fred Jackett, tuntil 1959 when he nmovd to Orono 't,.C1are Junkîn, HartadJnkn sa live with lis daughlter Normna (Mrs, rhm MtcîaJunkIn, hoa Basil Long). Graham. ROYALBowmanville MA.3- 5589 THIS THURS. at 7:30 - FR1., SAT. 7 -, 9:15 EaC»"'COLR'PANA yiSION" j" N N N N N N N H s N N N N N N N N s N N s N N N N N N N N N N N i N. N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N.. N N N N s N '1 N N N N N N N N N I