THU1ODAY, NOVENIBEIR 29th, if96Z - 1(,A FANCY 2 z. Tins T m A1O J UTIC'e.,0 9 fort$ CHOICE HALIVES 1 oz Tins 'IGCPACHS 6or g R GE EN GILA NT 1-4 oz. Tins Niblets Cb6for lBETTY UROCKER 1 o. kgs. i ECAKE MIES 3 forI O COMBINATION DAIRY OFFER [ Kraft 16 oz. CHEEZ$ PWHIZAL g and 16 o.pkg. ~RITZ IGA Regular MARGARINE Slb pkgs $1 w, i Tablantýfe -Clanada's Finest Red or Blue Brand Beïef BOe"NELESS DRU'-ND STEAK or ROAST or RUMP ROAST COMBINATIQN OFFER lb TABLERITE WEINERS ALL ¶ 2 lb TABIERITE SIDE BACON 8 oz TABLERITE BOLOGNA b FOR £ CARLOAD SALE' Direct From The Sunny South OR2 doz size2 and Forida GRAPEFRUIT 10 size Florida - The Children's Croie No. 1Grale Clisp, GrdenFresh alit for$ 3 dozen $1 large h,.ad 19c Callfoni - First of ithe Season CELERY 2 large stalks 29c Armstrong's -IGA GRONO, ONTARIO PHONE 16b >0C2 oPrices Effective ÙNov. 28, 29, 20. Dec. Ist. 01Okl Southl Frozen 6oz OR aG JUC ersrethe rilht te [mit Quantities 3 for ionmciNutritionus Siced Pork Liver 16 29c EXTRA a'total of $28 iii Bonus Tapes RECEIVE $1.00 IN B3ONUS TAPESMWITHI 6 15-os. Tins$1.00 32-bulb pkgs. $1,(W 2 4o.Size$,0 6 ïfor$1M)0 RECEIVE $2.00 Mr BONUS TAPES WITH DRAGON BRAND DINNER - Frozen chicken or shrimp 14-os. TABLFIRITE SAUSAGE - SklnLefss Pure Pork 1-lb. pIhg. COOKINO ONIONS - ý-Na, 1 Grade 3-1b. Cela Bag 4 for 4 for Peak Freani Biscuits 8 oz pkg 5) for By Mary Jne Brougpas', Dick Brik1us i rogiS. llt thtevsohool es ewpatitf e ~ ~ 'r1~girls.hvn iise hi Oans GadmoA ar efothe juniol- stru champios and Gae1, gm areIý Leentchmps.rat ee thes ivretl 13 bomt an.Grae girl were vicr tio s Newte y a ve coe a me Mtite ," iie, {namo oll peeb atam. Con grtulaethesGirs. 2cheigsc tOnn ldy 5eringbe-fre coin-ae stedaereewasacheol leyballe gam etee the Grade 129 gls -aidyte o vHlybl Wit ae13by.thesgir l were vic- fl~ ~~~n teiu ftravr clse game. ni I fthesic holwa p-rs (et t iliev-J ent wen th eGad e 12 cBetegsc 'Lheerlears. edIn tharae s2lgirs tenafrnelle voîlybaî. Wih th sta pleir Mçr. Wýc, thorspeon, -an a -ttleluck tirie tle tars efeated theh l- un ale t dft gth,ýern. ptte Dû. n extgtthe gils. i iie fUe Pla,e1renae stiull Ainaon er bthe r ~ ma, whc wil beon December 1 eventheugh xams arejsi.toi, ~he coner. T i beig Clarkes firs fo raito eedeths ae.ikmi ad te mdm-e pit isuccesstýn(. Mk mar, aig theIPckywire h I erecontinest which w a hel i u td e ee formal C. h he uge sîôI1 "Wondrlanoby iglt.eyme be sre tkeptiws daceIn -.rIIn- and akepns te attend.l edbyM.. a te carry foieu face w -,aster oathecorn ter. -r ,) He sad th Ihe applicaionst n- the tothewToniyeto ignugh.a- 'd eii the yeia ang applcatohnoa ergi greemen -twi th te prposai. Weil-site hiad been uclaei l the matter of vwater lie feIt i v. ne essity for thw lag . in e !n n tinig on ,Incourporaitionhed lie ti fait thlis 'Vas,'he aswrfor Orený, Mr. W. J. Rde rtzdthe er ation od the ,Orono Hyro hicb Li ,)f $10,00I0 in bondis. ThL, ruat be a most cepletdIlhesaid. B lso stated tuIsdcewatls ,were breaik ig LUp ev ng only .9tone to) walik on, this, lie sl wsfromimpeprcernent work. Mrj. Merýcer in aniswer te the ie w \alk problemn said the Trustees d 1,reatedI the cernent this y ear tec)o the top from pjjýàeling off. AMr.i.un g-ave a .Hydro r ieport in whrco ie- poi'nted out that tie greowih f~ jad b)een ubtatil ver the y ar ad that this meant that w n- deralile mony ha to be spe Id n ke(ep pace with the demanci. Dr ice wa'ir, year'ns when no gro-wthwa ipushinig the Cmiso was able te u u a surplus. The picture la now cliangaed, lie reported. Grwt n nosumpti'om i1951 'toi5")egsbr ed 9-3Per cent and 641 percentfri 1956 te 1961. The ices thisyar lIas been 900,000 kwh fer thie firset tene nimnlhs. With electric Jieatýing inc -eas- nig aod with Ëknv ohrde nd thie rise is exýpeced te continue ieýàý said. Mlr. Dent , ait t'hat, it was psil that the Hydro mray have te issue -a -lebentiiure teove the cest eoef an sien -He aIso noÙe4 that an increase la -7he ceest of power~ was aise te b- lv ed bv the Onitario Hydre in theco- ing year. A few questions centred %rounr th reostruction on Go ,Ajedick ~re nid the stop S'.gii at Miain and MI ,i-reet. Ini the la'tter Mir. Lowery said thlIe Trustees had met with te County Rcfad Commission aind liad askýed ha that the sign bje again1,p-eclon Main -tret.N answer te the recjuès.ha :1lo )een recýeived. tS !le said the Trustees ware ail agree- able for the vote on voeer on Decein- ber~~ ~ 3r."ftepe atwater, Ibu aIl fer it"', lie se-!(.id h lanew op te the peo>ple. Mrý.DT-,ug Simipson stated that ne was laaving !ia lnaine stland aslie mwas verin ,irested in the future ef Orono.1 Hle 'aid be would de hia best. Mr. R. C. Forrester euthined thee',.in- anastatement in whiceh a balance ef $ 17,00f is expapcted at the end of teeo year. Be ai the yaar iad been a g-Qed01ena-fer the Trustees and twe worthwhile -projecta were undertaken. 'A poIiey 0f 1laying curb had been star- ted and on Ccobbledick street a pro-! par roýad rebiiding prejeet was belng comtïiiieted., Durîng tee year theeiouth Complete snapshot onfit ... at low, low iost! Eyerything you need to capture your good tinies in pictures - il in one value-packed ouft! Brownie Fiesta cornera tak-es snaps in color and black-anid-white, even calor slides. Just aim, shoot for 12 big pictures on a roil. For indoor pictures, flash holder slips right on top~ of camera. Outflt includes carrn- era, flash holder, film, bulbs, batteries, neck stirap, Ini gift box, STUTT'S PHA'îenRMVAC.'Y Pineappie Grapefruit Del1 Monte Juice 48 oz tins IGA Apple Juice fancy 1-5 oz 7 for IGA Choice Peas 15 z tin s 8 for-) York Stew Beef or Irish 1 5 oz tins 4 for White Tuna 7 oz tins 3 fr Cý-hamrip-,,inDog. Food J15 oz tin- 8 for 1 iGA F ouil W7r api2 5 fti roli1s IGA Wax Paper 100 ft roll lb 85c PUSS 'NI BOOTS CAT FOOD Cblckenl, Vs i RLECEIVE $6.00 INBONUS TAPES WITII 40- (60- 100 Watt IGA LIQUID DETERGENT KLEENEX - REG. OR CHUBBY h j; PHONE' i«ý OURXO, ONTARIO