i ~ ~ - mi i MiIm.tllllfl ëë ORONO WEEKLY TIME DURHAM COUNTY CO-OPERATIVE Compelete Médical, Coverage AT COS Without a Mledical Examination NO ÂGE LIMIT Ail Claims paîd according to the Ontario Medical Association 1962 Tarîff of Fees Applications -and Rates from MNrs, obr Chater, Leskard Mr. llarry Wade, R.R. 3, Newcastle R. Gi. MOFFAT, Sec.-Treas, Phone 163j, Orono, Onttarie, Ideal Christmas Gif ts M1ýE'S SOCKS Men' VlyellaSocksin long or short lengthis. Vlyela is a lamn-i)s ixtare of lambs- wool antI long staple cotton, SI.pui n n the Vales of Der)yaire,. This wonderful yarn makes your socks soft and extraordlnarily comifortable. These socks neyer lose fileir quality if you wash ln warm wate.r, rinfie well, ifIA shrnks we replace. Slaze 1½1.Pie........15-00 Monre.lUltTonghile Soeks, "oe"two diferent patteras. C<Ikier green' .Davy, grey, brow-n, ùhareoaj. Pnlce........ Mens Stretch Nlo Soýks, interlined wt ctn.Fits sizes !Ü-12. Price ..............011O Other Sojcks prie(] rom 10-.5 M.EN1ý'S SHIRTS .Men's Palfour shirts for those whlo appre- ciatet the finest. "Fully giaraniteed" in printed cottonis, autiientic Tartans. Size S. M.L L. -,PricedtIfrom $.0-79 MEN'S PULLOVERS A-ND CARDIGANS Men's H1untlelgh Pullover andI Cardigans i i j 1%pure Botan-y Wool. Plain or fancy patterns. Price......................95$39 -31EINIS GLOVES Fojr the ulitimate hùi coiont *id nearablity bjlack leather, lined witb thierno oartzplated Q2n nkylon fabric. Size c9/z-lOYz price .........3. 50 LADIES, AYNNîGIES Capril andI Shortie Pyjamas, La<ûe trîni. il, ccoinur of Pik, and bît. 1 ... $.95 - $3.915 LADIES' FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS Nihgon.Sigze S, M1 and L. Price $2.952- CHENILLE MATS Ii lor.f browvn and green. Size 24 by36. plilîced a............ .9 PILLOW CASES and IIEET Boxed PiIlow Cases and tIE-t f0 match. Clus of bine or pink borders. Pri-e. >-. TABLE CLOTH SETS Table Cioth Set witbi lace trimk. Colour beige wvith whlite lace, Clotb 2xl Six Napkins PLACE lMAT SETS Four Tapestry Pae asandtour Ser- %jette-. Pried at............3.95 BRIDGE SETS Linen Emïbroid*ered B>ridlge Sets. Cloth size 3 .,1611og wlth ftour Napklnks.1.5 41 BOXE» PILLOW CASES Embroidered in white or but$.1 NOTTINGHIAM LACE CLOTH i 100 percen-t TeryleneNtinam ac iclt, sz 05Colour vwhite. Prict-d . .9t ()Pen Al Day 9 artr n ' WednesdaY " m St s 5 5 I 5 '5 Store Open mconday TIIURSDAY, NOVEIIRU 2th, 1962 with Mn. and Mris. F. 0, Cooper. Airs. Norman Allhn spent a few (lays laast week with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Elliott, Weston. Mis's Marion rrown, Oshawa, spent thie weekýend With Mr. ai-d Mrs. J. D. Brown. Mr,. and Mrs. Wmi. Massey of Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gamney, Or- on-o visited1 with Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Robinson, Sund'iay. Mr. John Penifound, Robent and Jimi Perifound, Tononto; Mr. Roy Pen, found, Mr, Allan Penfound and daugh.- tei, Mary, Mi,. an-d Mrs. Clarence Penfound of Oshawa spent Sunday with Mns. M. H. Staples. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Stnike, Ronnie, Bobbie and Danny, spent Sunday wvitt Mvr. and Mrs. Donald Staples and faily. Visitons with Mns. W. Stutt on Fl day ast wene Mn. Raipli Stutt, Co- bourg and his two sister, Mrs. L. De- mairy and dlaughiten,. and Miss Edng Stutt. Mr. Russell Rogerson is visiting bis pa,ýrents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Van den Heuvel, and brothers. The Orono Juinior Gardener~s are provig busy itte Elves and on Sat- urday morning wene prepa.ring for, thje Snýnta Claus puaade to b-' lheld in Bocwm.anvillce on Saturday, Decemnber 8th. The 0Onoogo are entering a fotinIllte parade denoting, "Peace j On Earth"'. tna for the float is being -uplIed by the Bowmianville' Kiwanis CIlub.1 Thie Saturvday project for the JLunor Qdeeswas the makiIing of Disney- i lan harctermasks. whiuh %will also b)e? used (,in the parade by the tLwelve! attending Junior Gardeners wvho wil rIdeo n he4r onfloat. On Tue(sdayv CHEx-TV teievised a i *tmnuite docmentary of! on Oron-o famrm. It was dwIm-ng the Rural Round- <I up program wlt' if Roikb. Th)e farm w-,as that oýf Mr. DonatJld S lnwic he lieuse and the new barn were shocwni. The farmn oper- ation of raising pigs \was featured as well as the practicabihIity of the new biarn. Mr. and Mrs. George Cawker and family were Suinday visitors with NMr. and Mrs. M. J. Taniblyni. PLEASE RETURN Pen-sons liatviig tols bonrowed i 'ront H. M.Mercer, 0Orono Garage, are asked to rtrn theml as roon as possile. -C, OronoEbectic PHONE 129 CONTRACýTORS FOR FARM and fOUSE WTIrI FreeEtmae APPLIANCE SA,"LES Prompt and Guaranteecl Repairt, to ail kinds of Electrical Equipmeiii and Appliances Such at Metors Water Heaters T.V. - Radjios -Stoves -Irain% 1, ýUNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge 7 Minister Rev B. E. Long SUNDAY, DECEM1BER 2 CHURCH SERVICES Orono - 11:00 a. L-eskard 1:L45 p.m. Kirby - 3:00 p.m. SUNDAY SUHOOL Ororio - 10:00 amn Leskard-- 1:45 p.ni. ir'rby .-- 2:00f p.xn. N isbett & Alldread Sheli Servicee Centre FIRST CLASS LICENSED M1ECH1-ANIC -)10111AlIqldreatd 241 HOUR EMERGENCY TOWING SERVICE REASONABLE RATES ON REPAIRS TO AIL MARES 0F CARS - TRUCKS - FARM MAUHINERY 'Arc and Acetylene Welding A Specialty Days 6ARAGE 38»6 PRONES NEWCASTLE Nlghts RESIDENCE 8401 FIRST SHELL STATION NO F 401 ON HIIGHWAY M115'3 MIS WEEK ATI THE ORON 5cto $ STRE SPECIAL PRICES ON CHIRISTMAS WRAPPING Blox of 4 Rolis 360 inches, regular- 98e for .. . 79le Box of 'D Roils 90 in. x 120 in., regular 98c for 79e Poil Wrapping, boxed with Metal Cutter, 26 ini.x 90 in. Regu-lar price w as 98c. Now for ......... 79e Othier Wriappings priced from ....... 10C. to 49c English Bone China Cups and Saucers, over 12 assorted patterns to chloose from. Complete withi box for only.............. ........ 98e Men's Dres-s iose, Elafic Cuff, 85%ý/ Kroy Wool, 15%ý' Nylon. One of our best selling socks. Regular price was $1.19. Now,ý selling for .........ý. .0 1 Men's White Dress Shirts, short point fused j coDllar '4,e', to 11 -. ach for......$2.98 Ladies' Snow Boots, fleece lined, rubber soles and h eels. Sizes -5 to 9. Pa ir for .......... ..$3.77 Log Cabin Chocolates, assorted flavours, bard and soft centres. Fresh direct frohi the factor-y. Mix yur own. Pound for,ý................. 77e After Dinner Mints, coloured or plain, Pull pound Cello bag for ............39,c T.V. Snack Tables, brass plated, foldling le'gs, two patterns to chioosefrm Each..........$S177 Nylon Hose, Dr-ess Sh-eer-, guaranteed first quality. Boxed. ....... ......... 2 pair for $1.29 LOCAL NEWS f o1i RAJNEY'S CONFECTIONERY ,versity, Kingston, spent the weeilend f wvith Alrs. C. B. Tyrreil, Mar-ge-ry andu L,id. and Mrs. Jacki Bail and G SECALVA UE 0f ylmr pen th weked Ilh GINGERALE, Canada Dry, 3 quart botties for 49e Mrs. N. F. P1orte-r. Mr. and Mrs, Bob Cooper and I am-, ily, Warn ihspent t he TnDrop ila and see our stock o! end ,,,ith thieir parents, Mr. andMr 0. Coope 11ndMr i. andMrs. Cl fTiK w R rI nant. OHRITMASWRAPPING 'PAPER Mir. Ae Watson returned hio me f roml Bow, Lmnille lemourial Bsia iPOPULAR L.P. RECORIDS on Saturday after sýpen1ding severa] L moinths owing to a frautureci bip. Mrs.f NE IS'S OX CHOCOLATES Watson al.o returned home aftero spending a ,-(eik witnmrand Mrs. T-,E ACE Archie WVatsoni and family at Water- IE ACE fi Fine assoýrtm-ent of O PIPES AND LIORTErýS Mr- and Mrs. Bilh Found andi son,G Toronto visilted over the weekçnd with Mr. and Mrs. Dane _Found and Mary'.fiAetfoBOV NVLE LE ER Mx. and Mrs. Eric Carleton and >son on. Fand Hope spent the weekexid with OITOUR BARBER IS RAY BROWN M.adMrs. Ray Carleton.o Mr. and Mrs. O). Fagan and fa.mily, O 10:ýCOý:o o-o-->JO==Oý<--o<O=-ýýc.D1ý Mi N. ~ N. N s N N. N. N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N s N N N N N N N N N N N s N N s s s 'N. N N s' s