Seing Iý A wvorldi 4 'oies ln the - costing thec r try £1,500,0 - ching pad. The recca 4 hour set by He didis(m0 -~ in a speial -~ Mobil. Thte Bluebird P built wîitb d British con - shipped fero: a ~It is gi r of allto r ~tion atl' faitr, then ir 50113e 5001 r Adelaide,, So 4 'On asit ijniulmabited bell vvi ai Sbird at spe( m,.p h. lu t1v - The two- 4 tial part oî For a recoi recognized, be Made w:l Times of the r-, divided by - o>rage strucl e rediite-d mcii Already o -*)oUed ln exp - 1960, C al 4Thomý-pso-n M.0an on r m.p.h. hurt r Sait flats. - when avera - less thanC - clajrned. -~ It was on year, at ti -~ Donald Can he attackec r"Bristol Sic a less than. 30 r'- or, accelera to 365 11.P. the right wv -~ o! wet sa1t Tih. tires r became ait' -~ sud half a -< where it le. .4 ed. Whien 4 It Donald C inuebut a From thac 5,0001 - full throttle r-ly as a tUr a bird has bE der the dir r- Owen, thie a desigued b: a reach speec a . m.p.h. Your corr r the few w.h bird whenà ed- at Gooci had a brie. r circuit the 4 quite undci r any of us r, fore or aft ater as its r gu-ged and r ney Skîltoci amSce Moul"t *The worà afficially a national aL a tion Interr with its hc - Rules d:cî propu] sien v erýce avai.ý rte form d fin ond s t br uebirdi ýead ied ;peed record that has sLled sinýe 1947 tremi- balance as a project British n motor indus- 00goeýsta the laun- )rd is 394.2 mniles per zBritain's John Çobb. 'O the Utah sait flats le frami a flying start ly designed Railton eproject is the new >oteus jet-euiginedl car ;hje co-operationi of 72. r.)pa n ies anid beiug rn thlere on Jan. 3. teiboui7ne for exhibi- intenatinaltrade n Aprl taa place miles nrhetof oüuth ALustralia. knuown as Lake Eyre, dand classi 'fied as a tain's Donald Camnp- ttempt to drive Blue- eeds iu excess of 400 ivo opposite directions. tvay drive is an essen.- f the record attack. ord to be officially 1a returui run hias to ithin a specified tinie. e two runs are added, t wo, and a mean av- ck ta gîve the officiallY lesý per hour speed. mec maûtorist has trav- cess Qo1400 rm.p.h. In iïfor'âia's Michael becahiëý +the fastest -heswith a 406.6 ieover the Western But, as his retururn a aged was at a speed Cobb's existiug mark, 'ecord eould rot be rSept. 16 lu the sam* Le saie venue, that mnpbell crashed when Id Cobb's record, The ideley engine, using 3" percent of full pow- îted froin a standstill .h. lu 24 seconds, but hIeels ran into a9 patch slost adhesion, the car irborne for 300 yaurds amile froin the point eît the course it crash- the rescuers reached Campbell was severely ut the englue stil! run- it sarne englue, devel- 0brake horepower at e and known general- -h.oprop, the new Blue- beeu constructed. Un- ire.ction of Sir Alfred nlew mnode i has been y Norriz Bros. Ltd., ta is f!ar iu excess of 400 rrespoindent was one of hýo stood by the ,Blue- its engines w-ere start- iw%,ood, Susse-x, and it f outing on the racing 2r.The m-echaîîics, crstandably, preveuted froi standing directly of c the roaring mous- nighity turbo-props lu-. id exuded, writes Syd- .1 in the Christian Sei- -A land speed record la governed by an inter- uthority, the Fedeýra- rnatiofnale Automobile neadquarters lu Paris. 'ee that jet or rocket is not allowed. The îstý be steered through _heeIs, Bluebird corn- thiese requirementi n-efore the first attack- riud landl record using meengine, (,f techiicial liter-atulre lable about the Blue- exýam-ple we were ln- laut, from 4510 m.p.h., foot pounds of energy dissipated ln 60 sec- igthe vehicie ta haiut tIlmie in length ASI RONAUTS HONORED- Astronout Walter M. Schirraî, left, and space expert Dr. Werrher vun Braun inspect ,model of f Iying machine designed by Leonordo Dû Vinci dUring re- ception ai dinner, honoring the asti onauts. Buffles 0f The Racetrack Gangs A Jean man with bard, eyem aud -orne- slips of paper in a grubby haud approached a bookie during the Epsomr spring meeting. When the bookie saw hlm he frowned. He recognized a meu-' ber of one o! the Landau race ganigs that had sprung up a few months earlier. "I'm not takring your money," he said. "I, do't wanit trouble." The lean man grinued. "l' a it handing out nmoney. F'a collect- îug, The boys sent me -- seée?"ý He hield up the slips of paper. «These are tickets. The- boys want you ta buy soin.. Read for- yoiurself, and do't say you cau'et." A slip3 was t.ruist iuto the bookie's hand. Poorly printed were the words: "IThis is a donation in aid o! the distressed wlfe of our fried... who bas had the iîsfortuneta. Over the. dots had been penciil-, led a naine. "Go to bell" said the bookle.* The. bookie didn't reaoh homei that night. He was !ouud lu a dlteh, not far f'rom Epsorn race- course, beaten and dlsfigured witb a razor. The. next day the tickets sOld freely among the bookmaker fra- teruity. It was 1921 aud the new racket- was flounishiing. This was the k.lnd o! challenge ,the fledgling Flyiug Squad hadl to mreet lu the early years after it hiad been fouuded. A f ew of the lesser fry were picked up by tiie police, but the liard cane o! the gangs remaiued untouched. Oue tougii bunch came down froin the Midlands and gave the local police somne news. "There are twenty o! us here, ,&Dd we're ail going back." It was a cheap boast, easily broken. Tiiose toughis from Birin- iugam rau up against anotiier mob, known as the Italian Gang, whose members mostly had dark eurly hair, swarthy faces, and a passion for tbin-bladed kuives. That day the botties and knuckle-dusters !ost out ta the atiletto kuives. Saine o! the Birmidnghýam mol> wvere still lu hospital when a coupfle o! men call.ed at an Italian café lu the Clerkeuwell1 area o! London. Six men jumrped up from a table. Siiots wvere fired and tiien the Flying Squad.arrived. Five prisouers were chargaed wtithis off-the'.Course affray. wawere senteuced ta thiree yer'penal serv-itïide. The first real dent had bueen made lu thie aïnour of the race gangs. But race gan.g ivalry had not been deterred fnomn usîing vio- lence anud Iettingl blood. Thien the Binming-ham miiocjdu their close allies, the Leeds moib,- decided tçc finishi the Itaians ind their allies from Loridou's East End during- an Epsomn meeting It was fou-thirty i the after- noon wheu the coachi was bac ked into a uatrrow lane near the Brick Kilui, a pub in Eweïl, fot f ar tramn Epsoin. The -Mîdlander-z alig-hted. Que with glasses slung round hlm shoui-'lder, started down towârds Ewita keep observation. Neanly% twenty minutes later h. MA STER FINGERS - Kinio Etc, for emost master of the koto, plays for his son, Taka- noan, 4, in New York. Kota, multi-.stringed instrunmenit of Jopon, sounds like a cross be- tween a harpsichord aind a guitar and is six feet long. truck that was approaching. Its brakes were stili squealiig when the figaht started. For ten minutes the battie raged. then the Midianders discovered the grini truth. They had ju.mped their pals frora Leeds! By that time too muceh blood had been spilled for a fractured friendship to be mended. The Birmingham mob piled back into their coach and took off. The Flying Squad found it outside a pub iu Kingston. The Squad men then covered each entrance and advanced. They arrested the entire gang of twenty-eight meni, dumped thern in seven vans, and drove them, back to Epsom.. Twenty- three were sentenced to jail, writes Leonard Gribb iu "Tit- Bits." The Flying Squad was into its stride iu dealing witb the race gangs. 0f couirse the Italian m'ob had some laughs at th~e outcomne, but the laughter lacked he-art for they coulid sec a grim warnling tc themsirelves. In the followi-ng sea5onsï th* gangs tended to become lessbos terous on the course and more violent iu the back-streets of theLir home cities Somne of the gangs recruited memnbers for this kind (f gang varfare.util theyv couild tr a neigbouroodwith forty ori fsfty arMed thugs. Tirelessly\ the Filyýing Squad broke up the various gangs in London, but it wA&s slowv, sloggîugin work, for no arreste-d mernibe of~ arace gang dCared to squeal Then the FIlyýing Squad ireceiv- ed an invaluable alIy - radiýo They stopped a fight wththe Italiaus in a Soho club that caged gn tacties. A tele- phone cal] fromn a frightened womau resulted lu a radio, cali, ,iud Flying Squad carscovge on Greek Street, Three tough mobs, had. their fighting spirit broken by Flying Squtad truncehe-ons. The race gangs becamý-e more docile in outwcard appewarance, ansd the "orn twentius" end- eýd ou a much quieter note thari they begani. The gangs were st llU1 working the racoe curses, but1 thlei r gang rivair was Ilesa v'o1 - Not theie ,ast reason for this vwas the Fily\ing Squad's new sqys- tgom of shadlowiug car !oada 0of race mobsters. When they arrived at, a race mýreeting, it was ta tiuid plenty of pl)aini-clothies mien ready ta move lu at the first sig1n of violence. Qune of the last 1big gangs \vas the Ho,tou mob. Its leaders de- cided they had the field ta thern- selves, and set out ta prove it at Leýwes lu) June, 1936. The bookies were to be their victims. But the Flying Squad had been watching the gang very elosely, and its plans were knowu to themý. Brighton police were alerted. Detective-Sergeaut Collier, an expert lu local race-gang warfare, took a specia] squad ta Lewes ta co-operate with the Fliug Squad. The Huxton mobsters were seenà edging uip ta the bookies' stands, Suddenly they pouinced, fdrag- ging veapons from Linder their jackets. Oue bookie was beaten ovier the head, but he managed t t run away, bILoocd streamiug down hisý face Another was alimost killed by a hatchet blow. Then a police whistle shnil)ed, and the weapons were throwui on the grass. But too late. Sixteen csf that mob appeared later at L-wes Assizes. The judge allotted nearly forty-four years to them. The race gangs had taken à blow f rom whicb they neyer re- covered. The bookmakers tbemselves took advautage of the breathinig space tbey had been given by the Flying Squad's unrelenting ef- forts.' They created the Bookmakers' Protection Association. The sport of kings was made saf e again, without one runuing the isk of beiug hustled or jump- ed by race. gang hool,)igans. GABOR THE MERRIER A Tunkish diplamat statiouied Iu Budapest lu the I930s was husbaud No. 1 for Hungarian- boni Zsa Zsa Gabor. By 1955 sheÈ hâd wed and shed two othes- hotel mari Conrad Hilton and ac- tor George Sanders. lu New York City the other day, un- abashedly givîng her age as 37, Zsa Zsa took a fourth mate. Ho is Herbert Loeb Hutuer, 53, a Manhattan investor who drives a red Bentley. Diyorced by bis first wife ls mnh1 Htecu Zsa Zsa's acquisitive eye at a chaity bal.ý As she told it: "He was dancing with another wo- mian. I looked at Herbent and that othen womnan neyer saw hlmi again-I hiope-." How Con I? By Roberta Lee Q. Hlow can 1 prevent olive ail tramn becoming raucid? A. Add two lumps of sugar ta a quart jan of the olive oul. Q. How can 1 t e11 by the flame lu iny hot water hleater whether the heater is worklng iefflclently or not? A. If fli-ef 1amnie is red or orange - and not predominaut- ly blue - it ueeds adjusting. It's not giving as much heat au It should, and it forins carbon on the bottoîn of the tank, w,&hieh slows do'wu the heating of the water. Soin., of the carban drops luto, and clogs, the burmer ()ut- lets. ISSUE 48 - 1962 .ARTICLES FOR SALE U0OB2E3iL4,DE doll lothes Gift box cfM jer $200. Satisfaction guaranteed. If C.f.D. enclose 25c for mailing. Enclose lengthi and %valst of 4011. Mrs. Scrinî- Shasw Box 551, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTIJNITY knocksý For sale, Bakey-Cofeebop ithample spac'_e & opportunlit 'y to expand, steady turnover and complete equipmnent, together witb gond brick building and a modern 'i bedroorn apartmnent for, $9,900 - Rea- soniable ternis for righit patrty. imrmed- iate possession: Inform, P.O. Box 182, Dutton, Ont., or phone 52W. RESTAURAINT.all equipment, bilding. and boathouse. Summner business 5 Mos.. nets about $15.000. Sacrifice $35.000 with $15,000 dowýn, located in good town lu Muskoka For a rare bargalin contact W. McAuley, Realtor, 28 Prince Sti, Oshawa. 723-2512 or res. Whitby 668- 6765. Service Station TWO bay, station witleh 5-roolm apart- mient attached onfilhway No. 2, juat west of Kingston at Odessa . 0Oitheated. space in ululding swailable to include snack bar. Ample parlding. Low taxes, 1962 gallonage 162,000. Price approxi. mateiy $18500. Cail or wrvite E. 8utler, 84 Brock St., Kingston, Ont. Phono 546- 6707. NEW INVENTIONS NE5W PRODUC- n=MON EY NEW IDEAS WE develop finanice and seil. AMY PROFITABLE IDEA OU 94-M# BOX ffl, PPOSTAL STA. K» TOOTO 12 Write SçCOPE UJrqýMtTED BUSINESS PROPERTrES FOR SALE COMMECIALproperty coonslatlng of living quartera, store anýd three,-Cbair barbey shop. $1.25 hair eut. Good bisai. nes centrally located. Good buY 'for person wth capital. G004 Investment, Write A. Priolo. 269 Charlotte St., Peterborough, Ont. ORILLIA DISTRICT GENERAL store; biandies groceries, hardware, fishlng equlpment. budera' supplies snd Esso gaa, withi snack bar and living quartera. Lot 265'x 150', nicely landscaped. Grosalng over $40,000. Ownier entering ninistry. Ask- lng $23,000 xith $6,700 down. RED aind Wbite groeery; modern self- serve, well equ.lpped store, witb 7-roonn apt. Groslng over $110.000, net over $6,000; in progressive village. Asklng $28,000 with $6,725 down, plus stock. Balance 1I mtge. at 6%,. Easy ternsa. WE spoclalse in businest proporties. Contact Kent Moody c/o Frank H,. Rowan, Rtr., 52 Miçsissagi St. W. Orillila, phone 325-2281, evgs. 326-7965. COINS COINS wanted, pay hilhest prices. t963 Coin Cetalo. ue 25c. GarY'a (8) 9910 .Iaa- per Ave. *Edmonton, Alt&. FARM I4ELP WANTED WANTED man for large dalry farin. Must be fully experienced. !Modemn house. or good home Niagara district. State wages John Krnyn, RR. 1I Stevensville, Ont. FOR SALE - MISCELLANROUS IliON worklng tooLs for sasle. lathea; shapers.illllng machines; di-il' presses, heavy hackç sawa etc. Can be seen oper- stlng under power, bargain priceâ. Geo. C. lCittlng A Sonsi Limited, Galt, Ont., 54-56 Ainsi!* St. S. Phono 621-3740 011 portraits. Big 8 x 10 Sire Rand- painted from Snapshots ta your colours. Orly $ I. sland Traders, 134 Dieppe Avenue, Pointe Claire, Quebec. PONY harness $38.00). Glrth and Head aize required. Orders fllled on recelit of M1oney Order plus Sales Tsix. Dealer, Inquirles Invlted. Long'. Homoes.s$hop, P.O. Box 237, Thaïeevillo, ont., etab. 1932. HANDICRAFTS - HOBBIES PROH)ýTABL E HOBBY MIAKE beautîfuI bronches, earrings, iecklaees at home. Easy to do Sel ta your frienrda Excellent profits. Learn more about Jewel-Craft. Write L. G. Murgatroyd Co., Dept. W-5, Aglinc6urt, Ont REGISTERED Arabiansansd crosses, yearlings and weanlngs. For listings serid stamped addressed envelope to A. & . Kîngscoto, R.R. 5, Rockwooci, Ont. LIVESTOCIC POLLED shorthorns put more profit lu beef ralslng. For information, where you can snd why you should examilno this old breed wlth modern 1ook, write C, V. Welt, 303 Hortier Ave., Toronto 14. MEDICAL PROVEIN REMEDY - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY MUNDO'S DRUG STORE 333 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 EXPRESS'COLLECT POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISII lie tomient o01 dr'y ecemb rashesa nd weeping skit, trousl*ea. Post's Eczemna Salve v'i11 not isappoÏlt you Itchlng. scaldlng snd bumning ecae- ma, acnie rlnigwormn, pimnpleasund fO<4 eczema,, wlll reapond readillyto the stalulïess, odorleas oiutnient reg9ardlezs of how stuibborn rio Peleas they 5seesa sent Post Froe on Recelpi of Priec PRýicE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St Clair Avenue Ewst Toronto 0F- INTEREST TO ALL e, lu. onderful clorful, Ideal glft anÉ î,ld Mail eachi chill's namne, addreat $1,00. Box 2, Two Riveraî, WlsconslnI, OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN DL A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANAOA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opporiunlty Leemu llairdressiug î Pleasant di glfied profession gooel wage5 Thoussands of successful Marvel Graduates Amerlea'5 Greatest System mlustrated Catalogue 11ree, Write or Catià Marvel Hoirdressing School 358 loor St. W.-Toronto Branches 44King St. W., luiamitou 72 Rideau Streei, Otbiawa PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR sale - One thousassd acres cdbal yzith river runnl ng throsrgh il. lu Tomn- Ship of St. Edmunds. on Higiway 6, oi> Bruce Peninisula. No corresponîdence, For an sppolntmneDt to inspeet propets' phone 788R. Roy Ashcrof t, Goulkf Sts'e&', Wlertoni, Ontario. SDCORN DO you want to promlote an on-,tatasd- lng hybrld !i yourar? Thst's P'rid Seed Corn! Pride's outstanding 115 4sF bybrld Pride 5 bias been scttïing records throughout the corn growing area.s of Canada. Pride carrnes a fuli Une of hybrids. Get in the swing et tiniga!! SelI Pide fil you r distriek Fo>r funlPar- ticulars write PrideýHybrid Company of' Canada, Chatham), Ontario, STAMPS BRITIS14 Empire, Latin Ame-rica.Wê Unusual approvals for tors. Col. W. Greene. Idlcwild. Bel IAir, maryland, ALL difierent packts: 100 i].S sodns- seman. $1 00 150-$2.00. 215 Valicâr, $1.4(> 50 Vatican $3,00, 1000 Wonid nIde $n 50. ARMONK STAMP CO. Armanr, . 10W York. TRADE SCI400LS COMPLETE business miachine train. Ing lncluding I.B.M. Ney Purnch, data procesai,h _comptoneter and NMarchant Burroughs NMonroe calculators Mtsiii' litIs dictaphone may bc taken ai We1fiý Acadonsy. GE 2-3481 or vîsït the selsool at 306 King St., London, Ont.ý, for fsslt Informnation. VACATION PROPERTIES FOR SALE TÏOIRIST lodge for sale; knowss a Towe's Sumimer Resori ai 3efmon*ý Lake. Conýsista of one 9-roomjed 1>00e, 2 fully equlpped summier coýttazces wil?È hydro, 6 or 7 acres land, good fishlng- and huntings.*Price ý,do Retîrnnr> Çhonie 778-U737. H1avelcck. WflI1ien* owaHavelock, Ot WANTEO TO BUY WANTED FOR CASH WILL PAY $35 EACH FOR Germon Luger Pistois DESCRIIIE tn firat letter serial nusmbey, condition, markings on upper surface. Unrelstred eapns anted as voll (fromi responaible parties o)nlyt,, for' saine can bc registcred. AIl inqujirlee prosiptly answýcredl. Apply Bob War- wick. 53 Phaîr Ave., Weltacebt.rg, Ont. *rm oblîgated te tak. o ne 0< thec preumure oftmny budy baMu r' u _sually foul on top of cars,, but flot in Partlcan-d, Ore. This car -as ce tree, when winds bled it it down, up went the unirsuspectinig auto.