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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Nov 1962, p. 7

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Thre's A Saint Even For Toothache! iy 100 years OId, but the first den- tists were Babylonians of 5,000 RC. who used herbs ta "ure the devii that cnuseth toothache." Their favurte wre claves or cmmoplaced in a c-avity of the aching tooth in an effort ta bring relief. A primitive form af toothbrut.tsh was usedI by the peo)ple of India in 500 B.C. In London, in 137(i, the Dentists' Guiid was forrneýd ïand d for 43.7 Years. During the ninieteenth century, Britis'h people bcame very teeth- coniscious aind rmany tpe)o ý9wd!ers w1ere advertised for eaning and keepingý molars whtand the mouth set Tootbrushesi, aLis weunw hm ar)e onlY aot200 'years aid. They uwere ariginally vmade fram th Ie bristies of w-ild boars. The Patron Sa'int ofTotah is st. Appollonia, who was mar- tyý'rcd in Alexýandria in 248 A.D. Among the torturesý she enduýred befare being burnit at the stake, was the crude extraction of hier tehby ýuIling, breaking and knocking them aout. Her. speciai dlay is FYebruary 9. Sa if yýou have ti see your dentist-* Eskimos get vcry littie dental trouble; nor Indlians, who keep taO a str-ict, v-egetaian diet, or Australian aborigines. But, once the 'y change over ta Vihe t 'ype of foodis We eat, dna decay resitis. African natives visiting Great 19ritain invariably avoid swect- stuff s and maîntain their regÎular Use of tooth-picks ta keep their Healthy teeth are wellusd And bt-oe varies consider- ebly from ai ne nation ta another. Ani Eskimo exerts 345 pou-ndis prsuewhen he masticates t-he raw fish and fat, which f ormi Part of lis diet, and aisa when kie cbews leather ta make it sup- pIJeecnaugh for use as harness or lacings for bis clothes. Oui, biting power is a011Y eround 171 paunds. becauiseve are used ta soft, slushy feods. Chewing hlard fonds stîmulates ihe blaod ta the gums, keeping ilhcm and the teeth healthy. Rt 9lso helps te dlean theyn by errmoving acids and other harm- eui depesits, Her Cat Came to, Her Rescuel [t Is Yald that the dog 1,11-ina's lest frlend. But far as three- >ear--old Monika Skoda IS Lcon- qerned, the best. lriend she wlil *ver have is Minki-a magnifi- cent black cat. For Monika owes ber 1f e t) %he ct-. a IAe that was sert- «iusiy endangered hy a huge alsa- 'Ijan dog. It happened in Pfaffs',tttcn, a villIage near Vienna. Her parents VOLUNTEER -, Nga Dinh Le ihuy, 16, niece of President Ngo Dinh Diemn of Viet Nom, dg among women voILunte-ers toking training in Saigan ta fight Comrmunist Viet Cong, ISSU.'IE 48 - 1962 had âriven Monika and Minki ta a publie bouse b-etvieen the fa- p-sous vIneyards of Pfiaffstattcn. Th-e mothor ind fatýher were sitting at anc of the rouighwo- on tables, drinking heuriiger and chatting with friends. They did not notice their daughiter slip away te explore the gardonis. The gardens were large and Monika wandered afimlessly for sevoral minutes, with the cnt paddling silentiy along behiind. Even-tuiiy thelic -rl found somne san et play with, whilc the cnt jumiped on ta a hiedge. Minki was the first ta notice Fatbe pubiican's powerful ai- satian, dog. She nrched her back aind spat at fhie intruder, bout Fox teek ine notice - his interest wns centred an the littie girl. In her innocence, Monika rase ta pet the animal. She thaughlt hie was friendly liko the r doge. It wvas a terrible mistake. Mon- ika's sudden movement spurred the alsatian inta action. The dlog bnred bis teeth and, with n vi- clous suari, sprang at the chiid, knocking hier te the ground. Before she couid uitter a cry, the dag hnd bitten hier several timýes on the face.,Mnia ost consciausnesq. ,And she w,,ould have lest hier life ha.d net Minki camne ta the rescue. Crouchecd on top of the hiedge, she sprang at the nîsatian, clnwinig for the dog's eyes. Fox turned ta face biis new opponient and a bloody fight ensuied. Hear ing the terrifying noises cf battie, Monika's parenjts and the publican rushed te the scene and managed te draýg the animais apart. The dlog lest an eye and Miniki was badly bitten. A doctor wvas clled ta treat Mionika for shock and facial in- juries. Bath Manika and Mi;nki recov- ered quicekiy - and tbey are even stoner friends now. At Least They Don't Chew It For Yout. The lnrgest autamatic pusb- button restaurant in the U.S. -_ perhaps the worid - bas juet opcncd in Chicago ta such acco- lades as that of the advertisiug matn wha especinlly liked a des- sert: "The cheesecake le Just great. Net anc of those litie wedgesi you usualiy get. A renily bIg piece. And anly a quarter?" "Lt passes the bot test for me," mnriked a businesw-oman. "Thie roast park was renliy bot w,ýhen Igot IV'" Two ladies said the- food hiad been egod eauh, but admnit- ted thcy dïd net care for the 4,ustle, even thaugh it ail taok pince lu wbat tlhey conceded waa a hnndsomnely decorated canta- loupe-orange, echocolntc-brownjp and cream setting,. The restaurant lsethBrnss Rail Automnatic Restaurant, imper - sonal even ta the nutomnaic coin a nd bill changer. t is lacatcdt in a, lawer street-level aren of Michigan Aven-ue's famnous Wrýig- ley Building. t is the newest nnd iargest of its type there and is the iatest venture of 'the- Inter- state Vecding Cemnpany which la head-qua&rtered there. nterstate's president, Ronald Wolff, told newsmien prier ta the publia oponing about the restaur- antIs concept, an enterprise strongiy remniniscent of, but much mare highly aiutomnatic than, Newr York City's famned Automnats. "'We can serve mare people (250 seated at any anc time) than a canventionni restaurant of the sanme size. We offer mare con- venience ta people on the mnr. With vending machines we can offer wide variety an-d highi vol- umie at standard prices. We are close ta dcmannd in an office- bulding location such as this. "A restaurant of this type is posbebecause of imrproved technelogy in vending equipmient, because of thie development of speciall1y preparod nmeals lfor LEAD MAN - Jack Page used to waik his dag, Judy, via a iead, but nawaday/s Judly gets a ride araunid this park. "Be- ware of dag-,sign is jlust ta show that Judy, nine years aid, doesni't want ta be bothered by ainyone TlUIZKEY TIMETABLE -The foilowling timetable for roasting turkcy is front Uhe U.S. Paultry and Egg National Board: Purchascd Applro)xi-nate Ready-to- Co ok Weight 6 ta 8 lb. 8 ta 12 lb. 12 te 16 lb. 16 ta 2U l. 20 ta 24 lb. SOven Temperature. 325'F. 3251F. 325'F. 325'F. 325'F. Internai Temperaturt. 190'-195 F. 190'-1950F. 1901-195 -F. 19V-195'F. 1901-195'-F. Total Timec for Stuffed Turko-ye* 3'/ to 4 hous 4 ta 4½ heurs 4 1/2 ta 5½ 2hours 51/ata 61'2' heurs 61/ste 7 haurs *Shertcn time L2 ta isheurs for vinstuffed turkeys - the shôerter Mime for birds up te 12 ibs. and the lo)nger Urne for birds over 12 ibs, If the turkey purchased ca.rnes 9apecifie ins«tuctions for hnndiing anid cooking (an the wrapper or Insert sheet), foliow th11 Ose reca- mendatians. Truc raasting laslow eooking by dry heat on a rack lu en çpen pan. Audj no wntcr, noi çover uer searing le requi-red., Varïations of this mcthod aiea give satlsfactory resuits, Wbnt- over the method, ai-wnys comýj- plt. ronsting in anecocntinueusý oaaklng pcriod. To Roast: 1. Prehleat aven ta 325' F. (slw). 2. Rhue buird wltb coid watcr, drin and pat diry. Rub cavity of bird llghtiy with sait. Do neot sait if stuffced. 3. FUI11xishbone area (neck' with ýsttlffing if used, Fasten neck Akin tac back -with skýewer. Fi cavity iigbtly, if stuffing le used. PuOsb dru-msticks under band of akin ît at!!:ior ltic them ta tail. 4. Place turkey an) rack in shal- low raastîng pan. Brusb ekin wltb fatd. Place in prch-eated avenl. If desired, baste or brush occa- gionallY with pan drîppinge - especcaliy nny dry areas. Wben turkcy il 2% donc, cut cord or band of skin Pt drumsticks. 5. Continue roastfing until donie. To test doneness, a raast mneat therm-o-meter placed in center of the thickest breast muscle sol register 190'-195' F. If sctufn is used, it should register 16ý5,, Y rd the samne tîme. Turkey is done when m îeat at thickest part of drumstick feels very soft- when pressed between protected fin- gers. ,1 * If yauL like a plain bread stuf- fing, try this for a 14-18 paundi ready-to-cuook bird. If you have more than yau need - or yoû may want to make mare for this purpose -- bake the stuffing int a loaf pan or casserole the tast ou the turkey is roasting. Batei with pan drippings, if desired. BREAD STUFFING 1 cup fat 1 cup miinced onion 1 quart diced celery 4quarts brcad cubes, f irmly packed (2-4-day-oid bread) ,1 tablespoon sait 1/2 teaspoon pepper 2 teaspoons pouitry scasoning 1%~-2 cups broth, mnilk or water Cook anion and celery in fat aver low heat, stirring occasion- ally, until onion is soft, but flot brwe.Meanwhile, blQnd sea- saings,,, with bread cubes; add anian, celery, an-d fat. Blend. Pour the broth gradually over surface, stirring iightly. Add maore sea- saning as dlesired. When serving a roasted stuffed turkey, plan ta have it eut of the over 20-30 minutes befare you serve it. This gives the mient timie ta absorb the j uices. Also, it carves more easily. And. just a word ta help wvhoever is carvinig don't overload the platter wvith fnncy garnishes that get ini his way! Limîit the decoration ta parsleyl and perhaps anc veget- able or- fruit ta be served with the turkey. If you like potataes seasoned withi a touch of diii and cheese, try these for Christmas Day. HÏERBi CHEESE POTATO PUFES 8 cubes (1/-inch) mild Cheddar cheese 1 envelope instant miashed pota- tocs 2 eggs ~teaspoon sait ' teaspoon dried diii or12 tea- spoons freshi dilii chapped 2 tabiespoons meited butter. Cut cheese into cubes and ]et warm to roomn temperature. Pre- pare potatacs as directed on packagec. Add eggs ta potatocs, 1 at a timie, beating afier each addition. Add sait and diii and mnix ýwell. Divide into 8 partions. On a w,ýell-greased baking- sheet, shape patato m-ixture into mnounids wîth aýi cube of chee-se inserted' in ceriter cl each. Drizzle 1$a of the butter over' the mndJCS. Bakle at 400 'F. unitil heated and tipped with br'own - 18-20 minutes. Bruish with remnaining butter and serve immnedfintely. A garni-iishi that you miight like ta use instead of salnd for yaur dinner is fruit in orange cups. Lt serves 8. APPLE-RAISIN COMPOTE 1-N ORANGE B,,ASKETS 2 cups choppced apples, 14 cap each, wicaddark, raisins 'teaspoon sait 2 abiespoons sugar V4 up watcr 4oranges Cook tagether slaiy apples, raisins, sait, sugar, nnd watcr - about 15 minutes. Cut oranges la haif; remove sections fromi sheli. Cut sections inta smiall pieces and add ta apple maixture. Serve either wnrmn or ch)illed in the orange shelil. PUMYPKIN CHEESE CAKE Crust: ilscups cr u sh ed g r am 1 c rackers vi cap melted butter Scup saigal, V~tenspoon cinnamnon Filling: 1'2~ cups smal curd cottage cheese i cup canned pampkini 4 egg yoiks %cup sug-ar VC t.easpoon Sait V~teaspoon cinnamon / taspoon claves / teaspoonutrnmeg 4 cgg whites, stiffly beatenk Put cottage cheese thraugh sieve or beat well with mixer, Blend in pumpkin nnid egg yalks. Com-ibine sugar, sait, and spices and ndd ta cheese mnixture. Beat thoroughly. Graduaily faid in stiffiy bent cgg whitcs. Pour into 9- or 10-inch spring formi pan nand ,persuade the State Electriciy Boarid ta shif t the(- location of the ponteu station and leave the "You don't fnd muca bladder- wort about noady,"sid Rob- ert George, chairiman (cfthe na- ture trust. "Lt wouJd be a Pity ta loCe Wt. WealIso have- a païir oI marsh- warbler birds (Ahey'rerare, tes) nesting on the site Mndvould like (hem lef t lon ls. use a smooth olishwbell cleaning fine pieces üfslvr Then wash the silver tlsoýroul?,AY in wawter, dry it w i i and! pollsh it with a sat cloth.ý To keep it brilliant, put silver in a plythene bg.. tightly N N -N N N N N N N 25 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N .5 N N r. -r SUPERSPOOF - Cames naw a movie, "The Thriil of It Ail," which lampoons flot oniy tele- vision's carbon copy formats but aiso its soap huckstering cammerciais. High iight cf the film is sudsy Pamela Cur- ran, above who uses and recommends "Happy S'qap" ta S M E L L like a star, s N N N N N N s' N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N r N N N N N N s N s N N r s- s WAR'S FAR EAST ARENA - Bas'ic area brocketed by the Red Chinese assauit an Inidia is portrayed Qcri Newsmap, abave At Ieft, 'Chinese seek ta increaise contrai of'border urea between Ladakh and Chinese-diomnated Tfibet. Withý f irm contrai, they cauld command several routes, including pûsses through near-impassible fnountains. At right, Coammiunists press ç!ong the McMq hon Line (white arrow) which approximciîtes the narthern Assam barder, runininglç fromn its junctUre with Bhutan ta upper right oni rnap, where Assam and Burmao border; meet. imm-edîately ta the south of the McMahan Line is the North East Agency. With this area in their conitrai, Red Chinese woucLid have a lever with which to pry Indiu f rani her cliainisin Ladakh, ta the west, under the threat of continued ottack. bake at 35001. efor 45-5,01 x lq (Test with mttraw tonset if cheej is set.) Turn off heat aend leave cake in aven for thu.emvN fromn oven and put on saur creanm tapping. Topping: 1 cup soaur creatn, 1/14 cup brown sugar, 12 teaspoon . grnted orange peel. Comýjbine in- gredients. Pour over wam heeseý cake and bake in hot aven, 45V0- F., for, 5 minutes, . Mkes 10-12 servings. O0! TO BE IN ENGLAND Botanists and brwtcesare fighiting ta ýsave an iacr1e 0f blac- derwort plants t, hreat-eneüd byN p lans for a ne-, power staLtion in The bladderwort l rare in- sect-eating plaànt uwih pre2tty yellaw flowers. The Giaucestershire TÎrust for Nattrre Conservation ,s tryîng t

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