BIRTH 'FfMADLL-Bill anid Madelon are ýýhipy to anliounce the birth o-f their righ-lter Nancyv Kimi, 6 ibs. 5', ozs.,ý l!,To7ember l7th, 1962 at Memorial BIRTH BL-ACK-Robert and Barliara are appy to ainnvunce the birih of a 0oni Pe-ýter Shawn, Friday, November 2ý3rd ý.J the Memorial Hospital, Bwa ,ille. Weight 7 lb. ý oz. A brother' ~rRichard,7 Gary and Stephen. a-p BIRTH 2I',TIOTT Neil and Joanl (nee Alin>i ~apply nnoncethe birth of their12 i.vda, Novem-iher 18, 1962, at Hu- ANNOUNCEMENT The marriage is announ'ced of Annie E. Cornish, Orono, to Norman S. Mce- Nally, Cotborne, at Orono Unitedi Ohurch on Wednesday, Novem(ber 28. Re.Basil Long officiated. They were, attended by ,r and Mrs. Wm-. E. Reid, Orono. COMING EVENT The Ocldfeilows Serviceý ClUb are' spnorn heir annuaiiil Draw for 20 turkeyvs at a Dance in the Town Hall, Orono onFray December î4th, 1962 Jrim Fishier's Orchestra. Dancing 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Admission $1.00 per person. ýproeedS CoMjjniiuityservi7ce. Draw tickýets ar1 aailable from nu-embeio o-r .lVemioial Hsptal, w7ýestoni. and somie stores in the village.- Every- a-p one Vwelcome. C-0 CAZZD 0F THANUS Iwouldlike o takmy rind, CISTMAS CONCERT ihbours andi Hether -elili Te Enterprise Sehool Chrlstmag Lod,-ge for flowers and cad etm ocr ill 1me held on Thursday ;itring miy stay in hos;pital loeennDcmbr2t t :0pm up*îecial Lthanks «to Dr. MeKensie , -nii, ccr.bî-2 a-a e0 p 2ugss, nuirses and staff of botb_________________ Bomavileand OhaaHospitals CMN VN ý1r their. kinldness and care. VN 1OONO UNITED CHURCH Alex ,ýWatson. SUNDAY SCHOOL PAGEANT a-p To be hield in t'hie Chuirch on Satur- CAR 0FTHAKSday, Decemiber 22 at 7:310 p.m. Every- We would like to express our si nenecme-Slvrcoletin c-ere tha-nks o friends for the beauti- flfloral tributes, cards and expres- ,ions of sympathy during our recent COMING EVENT hecreaven-entl in Vthe loss of a beloved! The Christmnas Meeting and Chirist- tather and' grandfather, the late' mas Show of te Orono Horti1cultura] ,George Junkin. b Society will be held la the 1.0.0Y,. A special thanks to Dr. McKenzie' Hall on Tulesday Evening, Decemibel «nd the Barlew Funeral H.4ome. I 4,'1962. Competitions for the show, wiU The Long Famifly. be as follows: a-pl Gift Parcel, Christmas Wrapped nor o exceed 16". DIE»Christmias Dining Table Arrange -AE-At Strathaven NlTu rsi ng nment, not over 10", high. 'Home, Bowmanvllle on Ttesdà,y,; Christmas Mlantel Arrangement. Nokveiber 27, 1962, Caroline Lucy Christmas Door Decoiration. B3ayer, aged 86 years. Wife of the late CrsmsArngmn ihaR Ernest John Sayer, form'ily of 13aLe.. lius Tnie. Resting at the Morris Funieral Chapel, Therie to be lst: $ 1.00; 2nd: .75c; Bown-invilile. Service, In, the, Chapel 3rdc: .7)0c. on Thursday it 1:30 pm Interment Mrs. Norton wiIl show slides tif BomnvleCemnetery.a- their trip o Newfoundf-land. b-c RICHARDSON-Suckenly at Ponty-i pool on Monday, November 16, 19621 Jýbseph T. Richardson, age 43 years,l son of the laite Mr. and] Mrs. Berti RM-(,iavýdson, dear brother of Clifford Jof Oshawa, Rtufli (Mrs. Bruce Fisk), aind olnPontyvpool, Mad1eline (Mrs. Russel Kerr), Bethanyv. Resting at the, -Morris Funeral Cheape), Bowman- ville. Service in Plontypool United jChurch on Thursdlay at 3:00 p.m. In- termient Pontypool 'Cemneter-1. a-p ITSb ALL UN TH Thiree, Guinea Pigs and cage to give Teenage girls desires baby sitting! PhneOrna141. - job, even4ings- and weekends.1 ______________ _10110._____ Apply Margaret Mitchell, phone WANTED 2!92J, Orono. a-p Bocarci wanted for young working girl. Apply Box 35, Orono, Ontario. - a-Ào E a ___ __FOR ____SW LTREF AN 100six fo R ndscoc LEe ELTE 400 stmsfotrne d Scotch P4n-. ellot t re ALTORiil nalor phone 6z,17affter 6 p.m. b-c ___________________________600 acre farm-!, Ptroog area, 'NWANLTED H1AIR houses, 3 large silos, 3 large Vanished- away with SACA-PELO. barnis, auitomnatie Silo unloader anci 3ACAN-PFLO is different. 1V does neot automiatie feieding system. Present-1 dissolve or remove hiair from ilthe 5sui- ly feeding 300 steers. Owners age face, but peýnetra.tes andratardsrasoni for sale. $65,000.00. Terrs. groýwth of UNWANTED HA. L6 acre farnm witb.3-edoo ouse, Beer Lab11. Ltd., Ste. 5, 679 Granville bthoofurrnace, painted barn, St., Vancou(aver 2, B.C. p«40'good water supply. Located niear - - _ -- ---- 1 Enniskillen, $13,000.00. Terras. For SALE $1000.00 dow,%n bülys unfinish,0d 2-bed- Two evening- dresses, Approximate- reom Bungalow near Tyrone. Must ly size 12. One black and w-hite and b odV eteesae 40.0fl ýone pale blue. pie Mrs. A. Van den Heuval. P-hone i 6-PeB. vavllnw mdr 1522, Ooo - building completely leased. toves NURSING HOMIE and Frig-s incudiced. $13,090. downi Lyntonhiurst Manor Nursing Home $1000.00 do-wn buys 3-bedroom bousùe h~swarm comfortable accoran-odaiý in Orono, new furnace, good weill. t;oni for bedl and up patients. Reason-ý Carnies for $60.00 monthly. $6500.00 abl!e rates. full price. P'hone Orono 13.08. 51-p Sacrifice - Health forces sale of Ser- __________________________ vire Station, Snack B>ar, Grocery, HAT EXCnANGxED good repair trade near Oshawa îa On Wednesday evening at the Odd- built-up area on. busy road. Ask- f ellow's Hall a dark grey hatl ,as ex- ing $29,000.00 Make offer. Ternis. ch1anged for a liglIt grey hat. The iii IS R BUY PHOTO CO-OP itials of F. T. wil appear on the size THROUGH OUR OFFICE tag. The person having this bat please Many other listings throughout Dur- contact Mr. Fred Trull, Orono. a -c hamn County and Oshawa, HEATHER SOCIAL CLUB1 BAZAtR . uMcGILL Io be hield at the ODDFELLOW'S IHALL phione 1407, Oronlo SATÙRDAY, DECEMBER 1Ist Local Representative at 2:30 p.m. Homie Baking-, 1Knittirig and Fancy Work, Toucli and Take, Nearly new I' I k  Aprons, Candy, and Country Store, JCorne and enioy the various boothsi and have afternoon tep, with us. orders taken for Hmead Chrstmas Cakes, phone Mrs. Betty 1 11 Major, 15210 or Mrs. Velma Watson 1461, Orono. Penny Sale Booth. I~ Do you know MR. R. M. '-.i'lckson Trhere's aioodchacetat, ioi do. -H'e lives aind work:s aryghtheeHege t s aro und quitfe 1a lotËandCi he knows this týs own- very well. Thaît's part of his job. He's the manager of yor local brandi o Ç~.naiImperial Bank<. of Coimmerce. And Îhe's a good ma to k-now. For, help with f-inancýial miat- ters or for sound advice, on anyting to do- with if you haven't aheay et hým, b'y al mîeans caPi i n . l'Ibe gLad o ec ou OVer 1260 braches tu serve yoy, licensed Plumnbini Mecchanical Conftractoy who selis. insta lis and gaat BNERNEERVCE Monteith, Monteith :LRieht & Co. 135 SàimeOe St. North, Oshawa Whitby 668-4131 Ajax 942-090 g BULIG EnFO R AT IG -CUPBOARDSg g pý'EPAIR AiNO FINIS H FURNITURE 1 hne203, Oronio SEPTJC TANKS WIHTE WA-SHIING STABgLES Bert Tompkins Phone Newtonville 4721 DBames andi Byam PLUBNGand BEATING O 13sales and Service f S24 HOUE BURNER SERVICE J BA FI1-;NNCIN; G O HamptonCO, 3-2288 n Q TyroneCO 3-26,50 IOrviliè chatterton Electrical Contracting Electric H-eating 1 and Servie- Phonle 1031 I Orono, Ontario Box 13 MO. 8-355 Stafford Brothers Limlited 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manuactuersof Cern etery Menoials Dealers in Dom1-estie. & Fnrei'gu Granites and lWrarbles Inscriptions Cul and cemietery Repair Work SInsurance Service g 0 Insurance in all its BranchesQ Auto, Package and Composite a Policies, Fire, Farm, Life, QBurgiary, LiabiIity, Marine, j jAccident and Sickness, Wind, 1 g Boier, Fideîity Bond, Etc. Q 0 Sadie Hamilton g Phonie Orono IR1 OFIRST MïORTGAGE LOANS one then contact Phne2191 Orono Qrshs, E1lectrie Tools ond mi1 Appliance 'Mo1tors Work Gunraateed g 1) phone: 1176, Orono Q.1 ORZONO -MEDICAL CENTRE PHYSICÂAN ad SURGEON Poe186 Res. 147 MfARIAýN A. KILPATRIZCK, IReg, N Phione 193 OFFICEiHouRtS 2:00) 1o)4: 00J 7:00 Vo 8:00Mn WEDiNESDAYS and SATURDAYS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY DR. R. J. TAGGART VErE!UIIPRY SURGEON Phone 1(416 Orono, On& Lawrence C. Mason, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor BOqMANVîLLE, ONT. Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-555J gW. KAY LYCETT, gBarristeri-, Solicitor In th'e 0f fi-es of Q MAIN ST., ORONO g ~MRRJL D. BROWN g (Civil) g Ontario Land Surveyor g121 Queen st eRox 1459 g Bowmanvllle, Ontarïo g Telephone 623-7251 Chartered Accoirniant Main Street ORO1NO 1>0. Box M Tel. 18 IN SU R'A NC E SEE OFFICE. M 'N:T, ORONO Furuiture Sales Con-suit meÊ 'for ternis and dates Phone 5 'r 18 - Orono AuctineerandVlao Comn. tewith hlm ai Pugri pe4rý -.- ~; Our quatity and service Ieavecs nothing to bce desireci Ask the person wvho bought f om 1Â& a neighbour, friend or relativeý The RUTTER GRANITE COMI>AN y 73 Ontarlo Street PORT HOPE 'Largest Display in Souther,* i Ontario"