Onom YOLUINW 24, NIJ~NtiBER ~7 THURSDAY, ONTARIO Stxten tudntsR ~cve radatin 0tafoe Club ýPrif. Sissons xtee 5tcens Rcý,-1--'veGra ua" alBenqulet[Mjember 0f S h o l The DurhmColiNo00vLelutPo- h Ce rtiicatesFrom rno au CounyC,0 Buhél huich C ornm. C e tii c t s ra i O ro oet" ethany on Tuesday, Noebr27t1t Prfeso CE. Sissons of Orono< is Guest speaker for the evening wvas -imem)ber of the United Cliuirh Corn Proýroton certificates wvere pres- Honourable nwntion wvas imade of . wrscnia"ltd tbe -tuDr. John Brown, Secretary-treasurer msso wh!-ih s studying the pro~pos- ~ctdto exte nirer puipils of 'the !inose saideni-1 who in prieviouis years lenitson- comipleting their firsL haeoth OtroFuiafd egabeasrcnymclbyteOtao Orc~o PulicSchcol at, the Orono 'iadc received the.r bars lur achieve- te. education. He also 3tated drowIerýs Assoýciat ion, who spoke Oton an Cathli sosfrchne '- dLc mhool ommiý ecem.Tento r.mŽnCTeewre httdya rd ih euainté cnmepoleispeet a nteseparate schoiol system andlthe Hardy. vsh,,d nth ow Iequip themiselves withi a skill to earn Brow,\n stressed the fact that p(ackînlg Cardege-. This, commuission was eorni- 1a~, rono wlthi a full audience nii Academiic: :Daviid Den-,it, Janice a lvin and t lyterpr ne m qualîty are essential in order to ed( last Septemiber at thie 2th General ~Vtndnc. utherford, Sharon Allun, Raif de marktet potatoes or any other comme- Councýil and Prof. C. B. Sissons is oe T'iema.in feature of the eveflifg jong-e, Robert Begt, Gordon Dent, 1 Eneaiet for the evening was dio f eight on the Commission. thepreenaton f wars mI olen lyn, arl GlbnkBrcesuppliedi by the Glee Club and with Thie winner of the 500 Bushel Potato ,--iteiýtaurtherntmusical numbeheslsome1with Club award for obtaining the highest The Comm-ission bas taken Sharp is-~ (e'îio n dertainuien pviddabl te 1 e-0rcrFrs. Wllce dnce routines, by each 0of the 5si yield tbis year le Delbert Oan of sue with thi-e proposasis made. The C1ui andeac indvîdal rom. Mr, Msic: Elaine Forrester., John H roo ms iZ)ke prncpal atedascharmn. Mllbrook. Harvey McGill 0of Ennis- commnission said,: -"We are invited toi Ikpicpl ce scara. ey, Paul Jones, Jan ceý Rutherford, The 1ýsGlee Club sang "At the Gate of Iillen wae second. -)aesp"t isiuin f iearn- Tio.se receiving their promo1tion Mary Tennant, Sharon Allun, Dorothy Hea-,ven'" and "l'se The B'y"' at the Th'ulmCut 0 uhln t ulcepnet rvd e, -ertificates vwere: Robert Best, Duinlop, Patsy Hardy, Chieryl Cooper, nu ftepormad"e sÇubThDa Erincess 50as crow e tl'igq los isructon fise o r o fleon-, _.-nda Boween CFyndpe, C o rdo"bn Patrcia artnr. Beak Bread"' and -Waltzing Mati'- the banquet. The potato princess is tion of the Christian faith. la effect, Del oen lnCro1ikak Sports: Paul Jones, Dorothy Dun- I ja"~ at the close of the program. ch1oen from the Duirian4,H Po -tato this means that the taxpayers' djollars -usan Gilbart, Bruce Mercer, L Dou- îop Robert Lu2ton, Wayne Mercer, Menibers 0f' the Glee Club1 are as i b, the princess being the girl whoý will provide a part of the religious 1s offat, Ros Morris ,Patricia It et Cey opr usnfjos ParterCrag 1~geronRuthSha- iRobet, asf ~Jhry1Cooer~ u~a j hâs the high4itscore on her years: machinery and maintenance of the. trt--,han Sogeso, AnntteVa-Gibrt, Bruce Mercer, Douglas Mo ý opranoüs: Sharon Allun, Susanne'Work in the 4-H club. This year the ;loman Catholie Church. ini, andSimpsenWAnnae.tesean-at, Patricia, Partner, Sharon Sjimlpeon 1Bunting, %Wendly Gox, Harry de Jonge, oaoPics a tlInaPo _______________ ceT('eFraser Wallace, John Grady.Drty Dunlop, John Duval aie'ofPntpl duhrofM.n, ýtudents are now attending the Clarkte Slainioter0f Ponypoolwdauglt 0forbean dihSchool hailg passed from the S-olLte wr t oetFretr, Donna Gilbank, Pamcla Mrs. Leonârd lox'ter. u ni Oroo Pblc i Jue.Beet. Robe)trt wavÏs aiso presented wîth Hardy, Patsy Hardy, Julie Jones, T1 jýn ulcSho nJn.a cheque ,0f $îo.00 by the mexnbers Arhur Kpatrick, Edi1-' ilpatCnt The reg-UlrmNITl eeig6 Othier awarde preseefted were as of the Board in recognition ofe this Donald McKenzie, Margaret Middle- . c UnThewa eld on Tul etingovem Aen anc wrds for pefct at- acNiveen. on, 'nM illgaret JlagrN eley s e aX r ber 6 at the homne ofMrs. John SiSet-_ V-nanc duin th 191-2 tr~nto Mr. Harold Cobbledick, chalrmanNxoMrae Tag'fBeele ffleBoard. zpol<e f0 the audiaic Tennant,, Patricia Wallacee )ur r . There were 13 mmespeet Larry Adams, :Ulaiae Foryte tres siuete , orauce'>\,j ezzo: Fred Bunting, Dale C eae i g We opened the meeting witlh flymni anyForrester, Fae Lewis, Donald to.H one u hti 90l h Geke de Jonlge, <alerie Mercer, flar- 'The basic gtruc'ture 0f the Feder- ýNo. 15. Nancy West read the scripture MeKnseCarl erer Bevele U.. ne0fevey hre ersons re -vey Par-tner, Wendy Partrner. ato f Agiutrwaotiedb Marie West -ave the devotional an-d --ýnnaint, Glenda Tonnant. sided ou the farm. Today thisl figure1 Alto: Raîf de JoueJoh 1Hoey, Mzr. Art MVusgrave, Pre,ýident 0f the led us in prayer. Acaidemic awarde for seventy-fv hsdope f Zat f u l vr Paul Jones, Mary Teunaut.Onai Federation 0f Aýgriculture, when h Was uestanda ovat-te an- We continueci with tlhe study book, 1ecn ndoe o ten. "Jobs for the unskilled are goiug wpih vsnis pae ttea- Bi Clwell, Geke de Jonge, Elaine dw"hesianthssoste u'hr Pr tvfaibqettPrtHponN-"The Word and the Way"', discussing Forrste, Pni~ Hadyneedi« fr lefter and urhe 4euca- - re Pa ,ember 24. dl ftemde gscia McI~eni C arodyrer, Donald to.Ell uthr. e etated that pairtieipation at the nYoney, position in eommnunity, homes' Gary Simpson~,'Beverley Tan-i cla-laor y'L i ouuty leveti is very important andmiye. -1 rit, P1ticiaVa1riege'v roiob Isid a }Co Clubryandessential if the work 0f the federation lEt was aunounced there ,olhon er.~C ,i s0f 'pri a progress. Resolutions passed at unit meeting in December, oniyfly Ve Muusic aîwards to: Dale ChUlliuté, . On- turdav evening, Xe. îst, tanoun 'tYlevel go t, h ...lvltognrlmeîg PaeaHardy, Doniald McKenzie, Valerie Mercer, Mrgaret Mi&Iffýton, lillen Millson, Bleverley Tennanft Pat- rida Wallace. Sports mvt'ards to: Susan Caxntrell,, G;eke de Jonge, Daid Dent,- Gléu1fl linaase, John IHooeyt Valerie Mereer, Mvarg-aret Middleton, Weudy Partnier, Douglas Taylor, Donald Todý Ceci] îKennedy, hynda Sqwen, Ruth SIlar- Omtor-Y awars to: Sharon AllUn, ibadNeal, Gordo5n Dent. emultr Mm. Cobbledice, tataci tnat guld- aluce t piji pbir . Shools shouid be streugthieued. iM1l-. bunn outlined thé point ey- Ïterr, for- bars and thl e chol latter ms! institlfted at the Orono sehool. These awards startn ladeb and, a ,greiI for Academic achu6.ý>7ement, partica- Sprsand for attendanea, that latter startijng1hingrde 5. A pupil obtlng i 9 5 point s receives- a schoolatter.. Mr,. DEyket hu presenting the proi-no. RErJU I1rti Onà Tuesday evelnn.-0f this week, sonie very 1beautfiul and interesfing tlJa Orono Horticultitral Soiety held sifiles 0>f Otbawa, the St. Lawrance couples eujo-yed an aveuiug of aucUre at the home 6f Mm. sud Mrs W 1E Arm-str.ong.,-'irst sud se.c5ld IPlizc weut f0 Mm. aud Mme.s Chas. Bruce,, aset prize to Marilyn Haucock.- Mauy! Other prises wara exehanged duringl a gaime whila <dffee sud habalurgevsi wame served. The uominaflng comrrïtte p -,resent-i ed the folowng .late of offîcers forý Vice ?ra.sident: Gady -ài"dLes -As. Secrafary: iArthur sud Betty New~ muan. Treasurei': Kathy sud- Chas. Amm-. sbro-qg. Lunch~: Joanne and, Chue' ' -ton Rana sud Lau Peame, 'a tUiîd eù te c 'ske4. Pianiet: Gladys- Brown, Mme. -Mvor-i 'ton, asssioýant Social Comimittea: Two couplas arei tbeh pice4d by th(,e ex-qaeu,ïve- et eae mneeting f0 Ulp with the social acf- be further studied. Each 'Jear a brief Collection was faken and lunch, cotaüiling .these reý-eiJutis Lis pres- served. entëd to the goverumieut. -1 We closed the meeting- with the Maniy of the Fdrtineaccom- 341p :8 enedictiou. plishniens duiring ,,the past f ew years -were given by Mr. Muesgr~ave. F ric F-alles. A presenfation from the Federation Clarke Township - Clajrence AIlin, was made by Mr. Doig Kemp fo j Don Staples. Larry Weish, Bowmariville and Bill! Manvers -'Ray Robinson, Lawreuice Olan,- !ilIbrook, winuetrs of the 4-H Staples. 'Potato judgrnk competition at Guelph. Drigo John Kuo,çý, Bruice Ta)yý Th olovigdirectlor. for 1963'lor. were elected: i Cartwrighf Dalton Dorrell, M~errili Hope Townshi~p - Milîordc White, "7,11 Camp. Westýn tnniser.The executive wil ha elecfed at the Cavan Townshilp -Tom McCamuis, Jauuýtamýy Drc Meeting. In PlannmingSt udent's EcdIu caUniorà The, rinç,pal 0f theý tIiairannual 4unristsras rmaetiulg aiSuE nenay, Upper uanads Vilger, IVLOfl f th e J. mee Uting5.. show n tUeOcdeWlow's Hall. The treal aud som-e local sceies.' Past presidant, Don sud JeannelcboMmE.GWt meeting opened >with tUe singing of Stapîtas Weme thahked Icfor iaadnl g t e lsn t heO'on UaMaple Leaf an~d womds of wel- Th(ysvn Ultýe mag-cub tbmougl a nmost lut arestiug ~ Cmeieet re -come by the preside¶t, John cîehi41 twm uç ,-o-ci4allrplinn tdns TUpeawere fifty in attan<lauce. Veepoe er oeysdwere, ailso outliued the opportf a- r ai caltengc " forte iudgée, M- . vino able for hou3 tudonts Asingeong of Chrisinas Camole, H rry, Jose 0f Newcastle who did sa tf gain th neded inlform eýonducted tiy Mys.- Raymond, Cita- om*ne' 4fýlet job. Tlie iesults are âasjJ ,JJ 4 g a course>o tee m-an ,vnLhMme. Fred Yeoat tUe piano, follows: asu4 -deda~ i during their secoudfary e( vras enjioyed by 111 Donna, Dohmetas' 'àJ~ > Ilahulce udEise mon an Iwappad Gift Pareel Saturd5a, De,e,In4biro8h i iteuaY 1Mm. Witheispoon was vtemy sweetiy "Awa luna MI' tY'Cai-'l v ' Drcl1gUnuci .as& Bar a s om~ A short busins sessiop Was car- Helen Schmid. iSP ctatoms xvl seeinét aive jI f h"Or-ono p ried ou lu whidhi iwas eportad thaf Chitmas Dinlung Table Arrange- ous Santa Float ever presanbed 11 hiina l Orono To ver elaven bundrea f ulip bu] ,iadment- Helen SchmidDoothy Braucn aaa U iigSchotlBy f e -sîf itb td beau plaaved lu ý e e ry4Iiou.i-s,.workirpý.s,4on -gHeu - H é reed f0 tUe pmese lu Oropln by éithe. ohn culua1 be Chrintmýa s Mua xsam the structure and technical equipment Itime most important ini bule bd eenb.dontin fc~b~tçl-Miier ,Sata WAill hea'awondeful 5gb,. Robarte plan we are in ,aln's Glory Sa shheim, Mojla'sxid, Chisitmia Doo, Decortidil - Alice'Tit~wi iè~1U~ u~idtpe9 lesi.A caused by an error in delivery Ilwas e Hooae, Repe Ob~hHelen Sclmid, 1, parada mncluing the OronoBand: lie said, unejplyen suggested that lu tUe eping tUe ,il- Christmas Arrangemnxt wthta Pe- %.1e ith ~schWaiitar h ie in té on f é igo -ge would c aknowI as the Tu E 1 tgions 'Themae -Eilean Billings' Alca aaewt uhfmla iUgt Jaga, 0f Ontario. A vote 0f thanke by H-ooay.5 ucNtt en,-~ép~lei f4me Faîrbmther, was tanderèd the1 Lunch was sarved f0 ail preseut by ,FrtyteSnwaTre ld\i0 aien on behaîf 0f the Society. tUep social convelior, John Couvier,1 Vl~ar aay tee Mmt .> Art Lo0f Kendal slUowed ind lier committea. iTeprd st -meiea ~~ater Folr Oon yFeT I~ TUe(,,vofere of.0 ranocomleelre- -;vaýte iissule folloiwed a similar pattemn varsedi a decîsion nmacle comae tsv co that of bydro some years ago when years ago sud on Mouday gave a die-l ,ot unt il the second vote was baud elsiva approval for 'tha const'rutuion of j was aproval receiv'ad from tUee lac- a com-plate -Municipal Watiè'l supply. J orat topur:coaee tUa local Hydroi 'The vote carriad better tluan 'two -tej y f rom "the Ontatrio Iydmo sy- ûna with the finali couint being 207 in j tei for a sUI.un 91 $8000J60 favour, 99 ,opposedl aud with six spo'l- ed ballots. Total numiher voting ws It le nof axpacfed that construction 312 of a possible 425 makîng a seventy of theallaer worke u rin"wl t1irea percent tumu-ouf at the polis to start muetu befor<e July 1sf. Prlor f0 deelde this issue. '- any construction tUa neeessary de- This was e asecond vota f0 bcheldi tailed pans nfust ba drawu up by au« onwater j-ipthe 'Viaga of Orono. The gnae By-laws aud agreemenfs iXs vote wae heldt lu 1960 wvhich wae mnuet also be agreed f0 sud iguned etîefe-atad byà -aûO1xit 0f '19 to 13. The' bebweeu the Ontario Wafem Rasources Commission and the rmun1cipauity. Tenders wiil be rallei d udjpprov-aks of tUe systemi by tUa 0 W R C and ap- p>roval 1 omtUa Ouftari uicpa Board miruet al ha finalized bafore work can st art ou tUa projacf. Iu miost cases [Ibis work takces from five f0 siXý moulUs, we undatrstand. TUeý vote on M .ndy gve approval for tUe expanditume of $175,00.00 for a, completa wafier systeri in Orono. The Counceil of the Township 0f Clarke will review thUeeuf of tUe votei their mid mout meting sud no doubt wuvll give their -appro'vsl f0 car- ry on tUe wishiee 0f the electors. Cia them ' ubl the ecduc tcnil ani cilat iirke ýHigh ing and rc-trainirg of the uneuuplbyed ,spoon, lu mat %wifh suceess, hae aid, sud event. lic 13chool ualîy ouf, of this came futhat devel- uleed for opmeut ilu the education fieldti where, cation. He tcucl trade and business f rain- ies -avail- ing was madle availa'ole. (J parente -Mr. Witherspoon referred f0 theI on inse-Federýal sd Provincial ast eta aii t to follow supplying funde for the construction~ at ion. an equipping 0f teQhnieal schools. The Durhamî County Districit Higb' te guest School Board was oue 0f the firsf 1ent exer- boards f0 fake advautage of thisýj ie School sehemie aud a new teehniclal sehool1 Hail f'illed lias been completted lu Port Hopel Ld parents. vbr studeuts of the area eau gain, tim as, clnical and tradles training. B-e ei d blistory 0f(a although fie was -Old Hat" i n h tha new he. ities if s a new feafume lun hue very cru--ua7re. years iago e e~eh- one otétme coin f sreams of education open f0 students ýf baud. A . ler tUe new seeme. Arts and Sc- -und Bulsiless an Com'icc.TUl set trgup 0f these tbree courses. ,,,e eaidl ý -(s011n ll te beginuling and th-at thle mainprolemwas to cuame! U students in tlle proper branuches. Soestudlents in the new e chool in Por Hoeiae in al conifused state", '~r a'd"andin a efort o crreCl the- rblem the DurbamiiiBoard bas ,et iup ;a coiice whà ref0 suea thx arens atudent.Inforrmation se being-gafhetred st the puU*îe echool 1level fýn or use in assisting with. tUe ' u" c o0f courses f0 takýe. Ani effort le1 ~h. also beingma 1-1tU seondi- school and by thle Board- Uncler tlle public Scbool insýpectorI information is being comnpued on al ftd nts rorigrade 4 f0 grade:8. jThisinomtn wil be avaIilabile foie the principale of both the public and high scooôls lu order that they a assiet in poviding information for the! p D o n i ents and even to giviug advice lu whichi braueh ',Ue studeut ebould fol-1 [y the fac- 10w. ld that theilTUe HigUi Schiol Board, stated Mm.l najority of Witherspoon, le prepamiug a brochure! abour wae lun wbich al courses available iu alu re-educat- ilechools in tUe district wiIl bc outliued.! This will be made available for et- dlents 0f grade 7 antd 8 aud their par- ente an-d will hae in their bauds wifhin a short finie. Mr. Wlfherepoon also stated that1 prior to Ghritmnas hie will be visitin.- every Publie Sehool lu tUe amea to dis- eues with t'aie tudeuts auid their Print- cipale the courses baiug- soughfi by fthe grade eight pupils. Trutire early part tof January ail stridents of grade eigh't antd theii, parents will be itnvited ta the Clasrke Higb<ScUool wbien the prdb.. lem e au aigaiui be discuseed and fthe facilities at tUe school vieweçl, If a- fer this tlier~ e is tîfl doubt Parente and studeun may attend auriOpier House at tUe naw Port. Hope 1Seh,--oî where they (cari see at first baud w1ut le lueing offered. By the end of Jamu- amy tarns will he sent ouf to grade e' hf studeute lu wbich information teý- corebeing sought wilI be askeci for. Thjs a n"'ensry l order that tUe r1i ehoo4-l lm-ay p :i"foite com1'inlg ter1ni and btain tUe eceWeces ,U. Witherspoon recommcnd dthat zduuýht texisted ýn Vhe chanuel a stu-~ l 'nt sho l pusiixe wh-n lalgPub- 1,;()ol, I yshould attend the -eS ehool and tU the geneaai nus(Artsa and Science) wifh eifher aîîi IndustrJaJ Arts option, or a Buein- ,ssý or Commerce option. At the end )Igad n;ine a studeuf may transfar from ithie genemal course to aither a rad1,e or business course witbouf 100es- irg a yaar :)f sclool. Thre principal, said thafa a stuident could nof transfer after grade nine froin a trade or ,ommn-erce course witbout loosing a yeam. Ha said ha was not ta1kîuK clown a vojcational coureýs( for if was proving most succeseful but bie was warninrg studients 0f the danger of' getting into the wmoug course and Uaviug f0 take the year over if theyv wel-e f0 transfer. aaan1 mbsz ed tbe fiportance at this stage lu thie education 0f a eblld. In celoslug hae ongrafulated tUe graduates from ithe Oronro Public Î S1h001 who wera now attendiug the' uew Clarke Fligh Sehool, and wishe& them well. ý- ýt , - -ý 11, 11, ý - - - - 1