1Y TIMES tt QOffftDepartment, Ottawb R. A. Forrester tor and Manager 'lace To -Live ch received the accent of the bring water to the Village on rmn the progressiveness of the -ono will be the largest rniunii- Mlage. The fact that Orono bias must reveal that the residents community and betil ave unity, .nstailation of a municipal wa- -lace in which to lîve and ilet îons to Corne. id adequate water supply, bet- a boter economny, A municipal housing within the Village and ier the advantageous that may ,tivity in the Village with the tion Building and the installa- bry easily be on the mnove again 1 on their, turn-out at the polis ey made. i Ottawa ng gave thè opposition anl oppor- ity te comment on the progress de on the iegisative program !n past month. t was generally conceded by gev. jiment and opposition parties alike t no great progress lias been made ~en it came te assessing the blame this condition there was, o! course' harp cleavage of opinion. The gev- tment accused the opposition par- of conducting camnpaigns o l- uction, Opposition parties said the ;ernrnent lacked policies and effec- e leadership. The debate rages on *how could the time of the mnem- sb usdmore expeditiougly? w could the legistiative action b. udy Group *us iii, when really il is our -If", and wewon't admit it. ceopie have net ch-angec'i over thie ituries, te the extent that we have- lifferent set of ailiments, than our 5rew cousins- had. Se the query as th-e necessity of discussing thle ex- nce or non-existence of "demons"ý their tetetcudle Justas, tbsase, nd astou rixan dvîl Irelative today, as il ever was. If1,We adisulfere ad cotn devils; a don't have an opinion for our own -beca uo they .ow thdl." seaý,satisfaction, how will we recognze ý,ecusethe Içnw hm,"our own afflictions? The only differ- When we say we know a person, ence today, may lie that our 'demlons'ý -we ore often than not mnean we are! are stream-lined and jet-propelled, - acquainted, to a greater or lesser de'. Somleone said "If there really were gr.ee, wlth that person. This Might dernons, how corne there aren't anyi bave been the meaning hero,evnrun now? Nature alihors ýa 12h-ough Je.su,ý was preaching, at the! vacuumn, and if there is an area 3n lime in Capeornaurni, not in His iom4eour life thal we thliuk is net good, ie'n of Nazareth, where He w0uld then it muwsl be bad. The Hebrew have been a very familiar figure. His meaning of demon is "eue who doeq repuatat'ion had begun te grow lie- ilharrn". Somne may thiuk that this cause of the ,at,,horty felt n )-lis parlicular area is the work of somei t.eaching-; but wheu b ealed the domon that bodos 111 for us. At ti-me demnon-possessed man -in the syna-ý things seem 10 lie -pre-arranged to go gog9Ue, His reputation suddenly spread wrong. Others feol that ovil Is gene- liewild fire, so that ineo ime, rated through our own nervous sy-~ peopl)pe were flecking te hlm for de- slem. liverance frout their many and varied Superstition was very prevalent in ili. Te eope newHl asJeU-, those days, and when aniylhiii.,- hap- but had net yet begun te kuow ,,Him astatws otudrtdt 1 e eoneo! God. The ible dnes set'deue he on l God,11ie ibl, des otwas put down to the Gods or Doutons. ]pek îghlly about any1tiiný», andMaewehvgnet ootr O- wh Ilie re.,A d t &t ilwas the M "do-vegnet heohe x t trerne, and ruled eut the possibility m s"these people harbored, that uh xsene hi sth g Jeeus foCliade te speak, mîit i intof any uheitnTis-teag -'t'o! o failli and reaseniflg, and these to- -eem logical and reasonable that He i gether can g9o f ar in mainlainiug a was approacliing the affliction !in the, healthy mmnd. Experience lias tLaugitý w,;ay liest uudersteod by the people of the public they cali "think" theut- Ilis ime. They definitely bleieved «n1 selves into alrnost auythiug. The thne bactive presence of evil perso-nal- jpower of belief is 'strong eneugh t le ,ties, and He spoke direclly te these mraterialize, both coustructively and' paeeiec famaeileitOlierson ali ties, se the people would, destructively; and in order te be a Th'ey were on the threshhold e! arihnkn tiyw haeoacur zawakenîn1g te the expanse of personal the knowledge that somneon-e before us fredomtelieexprince luChist jacquired fromi someone before hm, freeonito e eperince inChrstand so on. Then we must sort eut the but he imestil wa, fr thm, on-relevant facts,- and rel.ate them toexo- -dage toý fear, and a conviction of evil, si-cniinohriew e possession. Se il must lie deait wiîh sagcodtnsoteiewel- accordingly. 'But sîtlîl the demeuns eal- 1 cerne vegetables.' That, we are not ed 1Hiim, "The Holy One o! God." This 1eattee o, -or Getai u s aia t1; -1enotes defiite awarenoss o! Bis per- j oadlt srao e son1, There is no generalizatien bore, The semedte nowtha *J~uswas We were reninded that, generally Mieyseeac-dto now hal.Jess w s 1peaiing, wo have led sheltered lives, tbe Son 0ff God, How was that! and our thinking is lu teruts of! 01101- There axe lknowvn cases of! mentalý ered lives. If we had been exposed, 1-lness, today, where the patient oýn as rnany pçople 'have been, to contin-j z-Ecovery, spoke of the cessation e! the, uod violence, brutality, and hardship, Voices9 which had plagued hiin and our thinking would lie iufluenced ac-i made hîm do things lio didni't want te, cordingly. lI any case, the nece,ýsslty do.ý There are also cases- of mentalj for a central core of strength and patients responding to love, when al power is evident, for we do't firid '-ther means 0f communication faîled. this in our-"oi" Jesus Chist 'Could il lie that Jesus' love, the moat brouglit this close 10 us, and oly asq yeowerf1ul force in the world, pene- we keep the channel opeu by the con- trated and. cleansed an area that iistant forward motion o! delvory, cani umapproacisble uinless the host la wil- J we liecome 'usWruents o! oui- Father iing. E-vil l.- quite capable of tisin and Creator.. lu availing o-urselves et, tur mentality te mnale it appear that and mnaking known thîs power t.o il Iis somelhinlg or someon else malt-1 those around ius. -p-P A UNG FOIâ 9WTER Liead Ier rthiberai Pty aurd KHu S ORS AT Om hONORono mtu Lide or heriber l PrLýaurit) ou , SPrew roA theR( OmJno K ai that if the government would advis kth Associationr irvaded the Or- aîl opposition parties of the schedule ono rink on Monday eveninig armed for its legislative prograzn lie wcuüd with xakes and shovels. The f loor area then propose that the representatives the rink was leveled-off iu prepar* of the four parties would st down ation for ice nmaling in~ the near îu- and discuss the apportionm.ent of F111 was aisodrawn in 10 assist lu the Di time for each stage of the Prograrn. levelling of the base for -1ie. h Speaking for the Social Cred(it Pr The Orono Pee Wees m et in th Or ty, Gilles Gregoire (Lapoi;nte) nnd foi, ono Municipal Building on Saturday the N.D.P. Party, Stanley' vKnowles morning last and te boys were preo (Winnipeg- Nortli Centre) pprd pa'rlng for the coming hoc,-key ,oea- the suggesion of! Mr. Chevrier anl son~. I agreed that there should be oe_________________ kind of a cýonference at the top evel of al four parties te deal wth thel, hveu',gh. .,t the adjournment of the expedition of the nation's bujsirIýqs. dbt at 5 o'olock thiat afterinÔii meembers were stili talking of howv the welcomed the offer of c-oerEo j as to turn out more jegisls.tionj. from, the threo opposition parties. e Wn h ae resumred the nexýt went on to say that the House pres- i vTommy Douiglas, Ilederfe! he ently sits 30 hours a week and that : "- ýD P. Party expressed výIews whiich; would bie advisable to consider :.wI1an sure' were shared by manqiy creasing the heurs o! sitting in ani at- miembers who find that they now do' tempt, te push more legisiatin (Continued page .,,) 1~ MI - ~.>N FAR~~J D<emawboe 7ïud N*wnEuwý, sd &aawxy4bve JOHN P. ROBARTS Prime Minîster of Ontario mir HuMNRGT DAY' #M %N DECEMBER IoTH, the 14th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human ---------Rights- we can note with some satis- li.eeSfaction, that in the past year our Province has taken another substantial Step toward impie- n enting its principles by the enactmen.t of the Ontarlo Human Rights Code. By bringing together into a single statute ail of the various human rights legisiation passed since 1944, by enlarging the scope of the Ontario Human Rights Commission and by appointing a fuil-time Director with additionai staff, we are now in a much better posiion t o proCced with a greatly expanded educational program designed to make the aims of the Code better kriown and understood by our people. It is a matter for gratification. too, that in the development of its program of education and enlightenment the Commission is receiving the active and wholehearted co-operation of our churches, schools, industry, trade unions, and a wide variety of community organiza- tions. This is surely the best proof that our citizens, individually and collectively, look upen our Human Rights Code as a reflection of the community conscience; that they are prepared to play their full part in applyiing its principIes in theïr daily relationships, not just because the law requires h,~ but because truly enlightened social behaviour demands It. While we deplore and coun.dm violations of human rîghts eise- Where in the world and staü4 àIhast before sucl ugiy manifestations as the Berlin Wall, we must n~ever cease to concern ourselves with those waiis of prejudice which still exist in our own commiunîty-6and sometimes iù, our own mninds - and which deny to our fellow citizens thatj'ustice and equaiity of opportunity which is their inalienable right. Justice, lilçe cha4ity, should begiîn at home. Let Human Rights Day be, among other things, a time for self çxamination in order to miake certain that we are faîthfully adhering to those lofty principles of the Univers ai Declaration on which the Parliament of Canada -and the Legisiature of Ontario have piaced their seai. Aé m