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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Dec 1962, p. 3

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reak-in At, Mr. Keîth Swarbrick ïnjured sanne hones in his rightIt had wiepaying 'obalon the 28t'h of November at1 C h larke 'Hig-h Scjiool and niow lias_ ,-s 1hand in a cast. Mr. and Ms George Hamilton of ort Chimo have been. visiting her parents, M-,,r, ai-d Mrs. T. Stevens. Ty eft by niotor forth State of iMaine on Tuesday to visit 1Mr. and 1 rs. J ohnl Hellebust and will go on to 'lova Scotia to spendCrita with _.S~ parents and family. Mi ss Shirley Brown ie now employ-ý id in thel Orono TelIephone Office. Mrs. Herb? Mercer had the misfor- lune to fali dlownstairs, break lier1 _,asses and injure a vertibrae in lier hacU a, week ag-o. She is now in Bow- n:anville Hospital, We wish lier a -capid recovery. Thieves gained accese to Kendal ecoo n Thursday, Novembet, 29 by pushing iin a smaillsred window That was open and etrn.Cas ,ýJoom doors were open so they ran- -icked them. Then they li;ftedth-ree 3ýoor-s off their hinges and priedte oPen with a wrecki'ng- bar leavin-g! cYmak on the beatutiful e cor.Ail theygo for theiýr trouble '-wsa S1111aî aount of Red Cross :ioney. Lockhlart,'s Schoolnum iber9 -wsentered earlier in the evening ap- paetyby the same thieves. Cong-ratulations to Neil and Joan Flliott on the birtli Df a daughter, ýXaren Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Greenwood ',and Lynda were guests of the Orono Chamber of Commierce on Thursday iiight at a banquet served in the New ClreHigh School. Lynda was one tif the honour studente of thie formieri OIrono High 1School.1 3IMiss Ruth CoGrdon was homne %ith iier parents for, the weekend and liasý rretur ned ag-ain ta D17unnville. At the timne of writiling cattie are still aut on rang-ei Decemnber and somne of the tarmers are finishlng 'their p$oughing. The fog is slowing' da(.wn the speed 0f the cars except at ioon, when the sun shunes thraugli. Mrs. F. Stoker lias rètiurned ta lier -.hime fromi Sunny4brook Hospital but Snow suffering f rom 'a ceIdý PROWM-IANILLE DEFEATED BY PICTON 8- 5. K endcil The Bowmanville Sh-amroclis took their second defeat in seven league * gaines Iast night when* they dropped c uSe in 8-5 decision to Picton MacFarl ch V %J H o u se lands in the Picton Arenia before o. 1 apacity crowd. Auto Insurance imvdt eon Lqi.h ýTo Increase dropped tLo third place with six, point: Car insurance rates in Ontario will incerease an average of eight percent AUTOS Ïu.u.L niext year, thie Canadlian Underwvriters TWO DEER Association announiced Tuesdlay. Two deer were iled b'y autos neair 1The association said rate increases ýPonI 'typool on Tuesday. The firaSt w"ill' vary from four, to 115pe cent, de. - acident ocoured at 6 :10f.1m).n at the pedrgupon th11-e area. Pontypooi eut-off on Highway 35' penctingThe deer was struc1k by a car drlv'- The association, representing -100 nb oadDul ÊPtioô auto insurance f irms, rouglily bial the number in the province said ratiesi About a mile south 0 f ?antypoo] are expected to Up by four per cent in andi two hours later another deer 'ývas the Toronto area and slightly less in sýj'trulck and k-iiled by a car driven by Niagara Faflls, Oshawa, Sudbur-uy, Ti.m Ernest Gilkes of R.R. 2, Newcastle. mrins, Kirkland Laike and nortlh-east- ern Ontario. The deer wer'e give(n to Deputy' GMe Warden Jerry Duvail and mii All ies wll hve arg i. b sent to the Homie for tIe Aged :-n creases', runiniig as high as 15 per Cbug rcent in Windsor, __________________ Accidents were up in Ontalo met year by five per cent and the averagel Gost cf eachi accident incased by hreper cent ta $,347M,0 The Chain Saw Season ls IHere See thle New 1963 Models SOLO MCCULLOCH PEM1NF>GTON Saws 'et B.aulch Air Cooled Motors Wherr 2Service anid Parts are Always Avallable Lakeshore Rd, Port Hope TU. 5--,,G ;I l: *CaIlyourI .licensed Plumibing &I Meçchaniccil Contractor who sels, instails ..anvdguarantoesi CARMAN PLUMBING &HEATIN Phone 143 Orono ORONOI TINSHOP Sheet Metal Products Made to Order PLUMBING SUPPLIES and Repairs B-H PAINTS etc. R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Oronj RtariO îG REPORT FROM OTTAVA -on a sort of holiday liere~ was a very (Cni df rom -pag-e 2)' unfortunate impiression ito be left by flot have enough hours in the day. Mr. the Prime Minister, As a m Vter of Douglas aid,-"H.oio urable nienbefrs fact, many members of. this - MoUse know, although unf.otunately the spencl Il and 12 hours a day in thie public does flot always know, that the biig and the probem. we face i our f sitting ini the House are only nfot ýgoing to be solved simply by ex- poart "of a mierber's duties, Honour-; tending the hours of siýttîing." able members 'alsc have to speni As one of the members wlio spende time in their offices answering mail,I il or 12 hours (and often more) ini the cryig an researchi, visiting variaus building I must, for this once at east, departmrents, taking Up the problems associate myself with the words ot ofof their canstituents and attending the Honourab e eadýgr C)f ChljN.D.P. the meetings of the camiiittees,- of the Party. House, [rthnk luip.i-pression whJ _Ch-Russell C. IHancy was left yesterday that nxoinl5rs are M.P. - Durliarn F ROYALBowmanville IO A MA.3- 5589 TIS FR1., SAT., DECEMBER 7 -8, 7 & 8:30 PM-i LAbIE muRPHY1 JOHN SAXON oo....ZOIIRA LAMPERT*WARD RAMSEY VS MOftR1W- R 119l , tTH0.ISAL M MO SAT., 3pm CANDY MOORF -BEN jO-HS )MBOY-and the CAP S-UN., O. TUES., WED. at 7:30 p.m. Adult Entertainmient COMING DECEMB"4R 21 to 25, "THE TNTERNS" (.Adlt - M9

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