ORONO WEEKLY TIMES on which to out your at...- 'VAL or C--C C 1 Prices Effective Dotember 5- 6. 7,8 o Ie Reserve the Rigbht to Limit Quantities uTs ~ k~5c 2l 1.9g Orange-Pineapple, Fruit Punche, Orange, Grape >te i' 59c 2 HI-C$1.09 z65 il 7c 2 lb'$159 'TDRqNK t Jiy-Thursday, Fridiay, Saturday ot'y ýiinPie. ch3 94c PEANUT BUTTER Maxwell lise- 20C Off ý'NSTANT COFEEE 16 oz4c 10$1z.15 ~UN'Y MORN,100 6 TEA BAGS for Fresh Oe ed with dressing OEESS POG -R, SHOULDERRAT f-I lb 43c Jrcsl Oven ready withl dressing BoneessPCr B eles R ot lb Tasty axid WMell Fresh 159 31j 'èd Side B3acon lb 69C tXTRA Total of $4'00 $~EV 4.00LN' 4 ONUS TAPES9 with AYLMER ,A tabr~ 24-oz, jar OMO DETERGîENT - 15e off Glit size (}REAM ISTYLE CORN 215-"5r Tins York Fancy REIE$2ý.00 IN BONUS TAPEIS %ith MIDCHEESE 12-oz. (lut ChryHil Coloured GREENS BEANS Birdscye Frozee lO-oz. No. 1 GRADE CARROTE 2-lb. leill bag Tablerite VacuUifl Packedl ~ECEIV $6~O0IN BOUS TAPES with BUERNS SPA312-z.Tîu Lon1g Griln UINCLE BENS RICE 2-e.Pltg. pBURNS ,SPOEK 1-e.Tin1 jebunsofl & JOhunsOn lSz BANDAIDS sz Plastic or Sheer Strip, DEADMINE For Gifts FrOM CHRISTMAS st7PPLEMIINT SAT. DEC. th SCEDCOOKED M±EATi .,,,~,- NGES lA Cr- LERY Size 13' Large Stalks 2 fr 9c No,.I N1 Grade - Filest Table VarietY POTTOES 10 lb 39c Embark On Reaâii ranrg The Niational Office Management1 They are drilled on1 these problei1:s Association with headlquarters in Wi- until they know tieeatpic low Grove, Pennsylvania and Cha.p. undei4lying each type ofpxolm ters ai over the United States and Then they are given a stiff test o SCanada sponsor annually -a special 'se problems and mnust acquirc tuining prograi for younig people 100% to pass. Tjhose who qualify reý- asp7ji-rg to enter tiS1e ?ield od business. ceive a beautiful certi.ficate idctn i In Oshawa the National Office Maný they have deveIopedc an empIoya1bie- ~ aomet Assciation is represented skill in 'business computations. Iby ýe Ut Ueland ChajLter whch is an, ~~ nthsasicsupporter ,cf ue training The Spelling prograrohiis a simil-, Prga.Br. M C. arett, uperý purpoýse, namey oumotivate studen-s *jvlsing Principal and Propxrietor o to master a list o , used :ýr the Ohw Business College an-d itsi byexectiCves n Li~ation "I'~ Lndsay brandi is charter Se.cretary1 business people generaliy incorr ofIthe bakieîand Ohapter. pneneand th-s eas f commL ication. * Tne( entire student body of the OsJi aw i nd i ndsay BEusiness College Atter intensive researci jnto e I ae egagd i ti Noia pelingvoabuIary of over 10,000 firme anýd nai Ariitlimeitic Training Program. her xecutives, a list of 600 vor-is Th e purpose of the Arithmtic Pro- has been compiled. These are flot te 'mis to enco~urage students tO de- -asv ords ff everyday conversatio-n velpe skill and accuracy in the ar- t tthenrmlvocabulary f .e v itiinetic computJations tht theY will erage business executive. Agan, * use frequently in their aduit life re- suet are drilled on ths list 'theni * gardl.ess of t!;ý type of business they ge etc n ude oi ~mav enter. chosýen frcm Ue 60 ord ,i,] lst.A a- sistandard f 10% must be a- Emphasis is plJaced uipon the use ofL-,Iieve(l before a ceufct an be knowledge and sll in'1 Arithmetiic. issued. Again the crifct niae However, many of Vie probleros are tn e tdn n ee'pdah~ stated in terms f sImple application degree of spefling sk'ill-and together Sto' business situations since th bi wi'th the O .-inwa and 'gdsy us r- ity to use ar'itrnictic in practical sit- sCoee'rguacricum f ations is important. The pblm pellkng and VocauIlry Develo- are the type tint should be. under- mn hudmk i 'ue* m stoodL by students t\pd shoiild do lTl1Xcfr1 lyble insfar a' plig scn t'o eliminiate the complainits 0f cm- P cerned.ngisc-i- ployers wlio feel that many young *people coming out of .Hîgi Sciooi lack the abilîty to perforno simrple One of the employers mfosi re j nithematical computations.1 quent complaints has been regard-iig Business College students are given pice. For the third, consecutive ycnr a series f shets contaning a range the Osbnwa and Linds'ay Businessý f practical problemai mot likely toi College are takng some positive stepaý be encoun'tered in the average office. to eliminate thc problem. * RondAbout Us% MANY HIGHI SCHOOL PUPILS NCATE EEVE UR1GES 1TAKE TECHINICAL COURSES I * The response to techic-mial 'trailiigj MITED PLANNING has been overw'ielmng, P'n prinipalcf ort opei~i~~î, In speaing fote te filled counil stat.ed in i s anntinî report at Coi-chaibers following tih emiin mencmen recntl. Ot a~a ttalon Friday evening, Reeve D. J. Cn emiment ef 860, tiere are 393 tnking nting-ýiaiii said it is tirne this vlg one or more sliop options whule ws1hn3n7aot lnnn1o are taking the commercial course or imtdcae ndrcm nedtn tie new council shoud stat wt; a comeria opios.zoning by-law. 1He saîd there, were Thie building- and equipping f te any th ings in planning that were of voainlvvWng bas ronde availabe to his liking but some planning shoulâi b Do Lur1liam Oounty te sanie eduqa- be done and it should start with a tiona11l adva-n a-s f tat larger uiibanl zonîng by-law. He aid the council' centres 1bave btnd . V baif a century. hdprhsd]n n~rnosre Mr: ~i~~r S~i4froni the department of H-gwa 0.,o ýt ndu'strial and landevy effort shoulci In spite of the new desi, be madle to get at lea-st one induisr, science, tecinology and trades, 80. per cent of a student's tiue in grade 9 ta spent on academic subjects while igrades il and !2, 60 to 70 per cent of time is still devoted to ncndemic subjects, lie stated. "Aby sut stili have a sound ed- uctinl bac"kgirouid if heie s to takeC iis proper place, in thee :oecinologiOal woirld of the futuru e. I -mU!st lie SO1 tran'ed thiat he can 3sVteh (rom oone sll 1e aiotheýr, if the need arises,'~ Mr. iBigei1ow statcd. Tic principal emphnsised tint thc c ultural side of education ita net being -ft#8'1(,ted 4 t tc school in a review tioand musical higulligtits lof o f tichea .jw a 76 per cn I ~~ar~ePo~t ~se b ouglïout tic; s cldool in 1961-69- wiefltn enolmc was 593. This lad resulted in 'Q8be- zing promioted.j * An analysis cf Grade 13 eut siowed 243 pa1Pers passed euit of 3ý16j *NWINDUSTRZY'S SODTURNING ON DECEm1,ER7 Fi Tic, officiai sod-turfling of BoWmafltn vi]llc'S newest industry, tic N. E. Sweet Co. Ltd., will take pla-ce Fia at 2:30 p.m.ý Har-vey Moyer, executive superi"v1- 'or 0f'Gen rMotors of Canaqda, will l turn tic firat sodi for tic new chem-i- cal processing plant. AUTO MI LIS DEER IN FO( A- Spike-horied buck -was struck by ag a n kie ate Sunlday night On ihiway 115 about 12 mniles north ef Bomnville. 24, 47,9 Plains Rd., Toronto, -tustainced about $175 daae Bownanville OPP dotancrilent 'blames tic dense f o,-for the accident. Game Wardefl Douglas Powell was g;ven thie carcass. wiici -Will pro()b- Iably give someý senior citizens a, feed of venison. M\r. Cunningham aid several yenrs"ý ago the couiil stailtcd on a five ycar plan to hard surface tee ronds. H,3 snid, nîthougi the aewrscon- struction Iad dlaydthe work, coDn- siderable pregreass md been made and most f tic roads ini ticvllg lidc been bult up nd were liov- reidy forsurfacig. CARNET RICIZARD SIIOVS WORLD CHAMPION BARLEV Garnet Riekard, reeve f Daring'1- ton Townisiip, won tic world Cita- pinhip for 6 roe barley atli Roy ali~ Iîîta Wlinter Fair h Toronto last W'eek, b i n Tillp Colour Kwik Marglarinel T.V .JDinnr 2lb 55c il f)Z 59C "J 'j large head 15 o mil, M mm,1115illimm , m mmé il Imm" wu -eue 'F