- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i i"lm- Imm upu-~~i r ~uA u . ~L u'1 TIWRS~AZ »J~ORMB~R 1t)I, 1062 FOSTAL SERVICE OFFERS SUGGESTIONS FOR~CIISPA The- Christmas Season is alniost up- on us and thie-Post Offtice is on-ce more faced with tic problem of movinlgý maounttains of mail quiclY qand effici- Thi-e mailing public cani assist gr'eat- ly in hs task by followinig tVo pr'act- Sing complete ari correct ad- dires!ses on ail mail. 2. Mailing Chitmia.s mal as early Th 0P1tOfice suggests the lo- ing dead line maiin1g vdates for can-. aýda and th USA. Mlail to distant pobints inCad On h .SA, efoeDecý, th. Mai!l to other orut eo! tow po)-Ints iii Devaluation Helps Xmas. Tree Sale Canada's revalued dollar will add impetus to salés o! Christmas trees to thýe U-.S. Deparîment a! Trade and Cmommerce officiais predictedt. Sales ae- expectedl to top last year's $6 million nmark. Someu Ontario Growers o! the popu- ar Scotch plue are aiready sold out, New U.S. buyers are scourinig the rnakets or addltional sour-ces. A Canadqa before Dec. '1Zth. leMail for local delivery bdf1ore Dec. 17th, By co-operating in the.above inan- ner, postal patrons can hçelp mimns- ely In creating a happier situation re- steady streano! eniquirie~ s i .uiln LOCAL UNEW nta Christmas troc suppliers rigb.tI L C L IV > acraosethie country. MvI- and Mrs. S.J. Norton left by plane for England Saturday, owîing L(, Althouigh1 artificial trees 'are iaking the sudden death o! Mr. Norton cam iradsinto the miarket, new brother. grwngradling and harvesting tecli' nliques are prodlucing a btter qualwty Ms ure i1igs ~iW tree that is enabling the g-reen rtroiaset h ekndwt1Mr n r hold ts own and ta compote inUne, CW. Billings. duce(ýd supplY. Pairk Street, oronlo, Ontarloi TELEPHONE 160J WV APPOINTMENTf I Lt las Meek w'it li o sn iss oise Oowan, Torontoe. Mr.Rober~t Johanson left for lier, home in England owiiig to the deatb: o! lier niother. The Lind'say District of the Ontario Departinent o! Lands and Forests re- ports tie !ollowing: On Noveniber 5th, 1962, Bruce Han- cock of Orono bagged an 8½, year old -buck in Cavan Township, that dres2ýed out at 280 lbs. In case anyone shoil~d believe sucli a prize lias only trophy yalue, Mr. Hancock reports Very tgood eating. No doubt local orcliaxds and grain fields were partly resip)on- sible for the size of tliis animal. Froni the local scene çGerry Duval ht the jack-pot this deer season when lie sliot four deer while lIunting with ,a local crew. This group showed the wvay this year witli six deer for tlieir *week o!f>unting. The Building Commiittee of the itew Christian Education Building of the Orono United Cliurch met Wednesday afternoon to hear any suggestions -on any changes in design of the new ed iý lice. No great changes were promo. ted by anyone. Further meetings are la beclield in this iconnection. The Orono Cu.bs have beendiscontin- ued for the ttue being as litile sup- Parit is being11 receivýed. A meeting is tae be held at tlie inst of Uic year which will decide the fate o! this work in Oroaio and uts continuance will de- pend an the support given at this time The group is lookig for an active and strong Scout conimittee to give tU lders theassistance neededi for th45 RAINEY'S CONFECTIONERY SPECIAL VALUE- GINGERALE, Canada Dry, 3 quart botties for 49c. (Plus iDeposit) Drop mn and See Our Stock of GlU n~rrmpa CHR.ISTMAS CABDS C.GJ.T. Arc and Acetyiene Wvelding A . PeuuL Carol Vagg read us Our "Caîl to Worsliip", and we bow,,ed our h eads inPONE 'eprayer.CoveayPHNSig* Mrs. Cuirour leader, read usa ACAE39 NEWCASTLE RESiDENCE80 4 ijttie story about Christ and the Bible lie s hot - fno Te ocl, uttld4 HW Yo FRT SHLL STATION NORTH 0F -01 ON IGHWAY 115 -8 Soie e esra s a f ew ver1s- es fromn the Bible. Aîter this we sang b hpiqhr Our secretary, Lynda Pears, rend 7 e ý --,c us the secretary'S, report. n0ll call !*I,. ,~~* w.,as answered in biblical naines. The - STUTTS PHAGY ecte cc as tken p. WVe as ol THISWIE AT THE There was a Vesper meeting in M ueta lie invited. It \was RO o 5c to $1 STORE Church ta which all nmenbers a! teUic _C1..T. were invi:ted. It was held on No.23rdc, Fnýciay nig tjh. 1It was aIi! é meeting, we were ýhawn how ta make T hngs aMdI we w-Illo ding ramneqif Id f ese things. Weiee to meet at Mrlis Ca)uver's or KtyArms1trogs t dcrusad henwe ohll have ornx 'Foretinr We are asbygngt For ihe Mon in the hiUS;f D-cemîber. ME'T1Es things for the shut-ins. Afterward ;,, A nw slpmnt i Mn"~Tic, syle by"u-ri". ~Mre, lavuga supper ,-srtddel4gn ,lin blues, g-yreds, browvns and g -cj i'Iu an Judy Va n, I dupa ittle izra'ter'wich the dlishes werl, EN'S ýLEINED GLOVES Leie lovstied tilThfiermo F'm w ic1(jken daur evening we celosed witl warmth in, coid ont - 14 wlU flotnmaiteor shrink. Makolp.Rll hro gýrey.Sizes 8-o 101/ Prive$35 A00glod ariety (of Sport Sirts exp)ertly tailored by Balfour. tien- M HN-2 u it snld f ! u111e0Sut hTrans, cekstriplesa0dothier attractive dnsigal - iszsS., M., L. anCL RCDF.M---- $.0t I9 L ONTRA1ÇTORS FOR FAM~HUEof Gif ts focr eýv e ryone. A goo'd slcto0o oek b Mnacl nit. 7Plaiin aad 1Faney Fe siae ~o s w ïev~ desigas la Viyella, ooi ndNylon o(r 1001 perent T'iex'tured Nylon. P~C AE aî Ailaresbinkprof.Sh-ads o (l ca l, lglt grey, ble,Miite,Prm t ad G rate R pir gri-cenland bro n. izes 1 oi f,1 . 11PR(-ID PRtO M .$1 S . 00 ta $20 arom to r i m e n t is o m i e teaiu ï ta ail kinds of Electrical EquipmCfli so rm n tc m lt i ý1M M11and Appliarlci Woo Cadigns nd uflver bySuch- at Metors Water Heateri "iHiiitleigi". Several styles inicluing . - TV Radiios- Stovs- ïIrns L)e Our Lay Away Semi-ulky ibbed stitched Puillovers wvith ragln steve and Scanilavian desigu Pla Pulvras well1 as diffe'rent deiganu-- Carigfls Svera i sades f rom hihtaUITB-WC cose.Szes ý36 to 46y. ce!(otnBo'dlt eRICED PROM........... $. to 1.5o ineet.PansaeOoopsoa %iripc or Paley deignl. sizes t A, , CDaaeE.Charge CUFF INIES and TIE BAR PRICED...... ;.5-4$00 Seerl eigs iOu!NIksa i n ist er Sce the larg.e Sale BUis "Pa-Irake of Xmas s#vr4lu. uubnCat u akt Rev B. E. Long T ee- HtWiieSe ,5UDY D ME oi auS" in the mail to-dy Ctiff Links per pair------ $20 BTrm-, Brals,&Hadk-YOf -RRC ERCES ORONO c, toalueOO STOR Slae penK 1-3:00 aP.i. TiE XMAStoiFT100STORE L.eskai-d - 1:415 p.M. ý' e 1A..-*.,~. ~i s- KirbyAl -a 2:00 p.m. f TR _ TR N4isbett & Alldread Sheil Seârviece Centre FIRST CLASS LICENSED MECIIANIC Jolm Alldread 24 1-OLIR EMERGENCY TOWING SERVICE 1EASONABLE RATES ON BEPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF~ CARS~,- TRUJCKS - FARM MACHINERY -1 A. 1 -- A N 'N N N. * N N N N N N s' N s- -h N N N N N N N N r N N s -N r -r 'h N N N N N N N N r -N r r r N r N r 'N * 'r- N * 'N N 'h N 'h n N 'N N N N