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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Dec 1962, p. 6

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g' r g- g -g r r r r r r r g g g -g r' g -r' g r r -f t r g g g r r r g- r g g- r g g g g r 'r r, r r r' g A r g r g',' g g g r r A r' g r' g r r. r' r v r, g, r',"' e"' ~ DRY RUN '- Champion skiers, f rom lefét to right, Benno Fronk holding Florian Lachner and Heid-It Biebi, OIym-pl< Gotd Medol winner, holding Heidi Mjteiroayr, get intc Shape for' skiing cifter a long, bot sumnmer on a dry rum course in Munich, West Germany They hope to get into tip-top condition for numercous s;kîi meets corni ng up. That Fit, Bug Is Back Agçiin First cornes the ligh-thieaded, cottoiiy Feeling anidthen the chi1lis bagpin, making the bones maamn briýtte as glass, The temn- peratura- shoots uip to 102, and the, patient knows hie bas a fi- r1ay date wt an aspirin bottie. Ef U.S, Public flealth Service predictions are correct, this soon will bce th lot of thousanjds ,of, Canadians and Amnericans as Asian flu again sweeps thec coun-j try. Industries are already pro- tacting their workers (and their b5usiness) 'with flu vcie The basis for the health agen- Py's waring is th-e tendency oM the Asian-fluvruwhichl- ast 'appea'redl in 1959, to strike iu tWo- or three-year cycles. Just whyli Asian flui stri-kes in cycles is not known. But whamt is known îs ibat it is caused by type-A Influý,enza viruse's, which ara not only potent (one strain killed eomae 20 million persans lu the worldwida flu aepidemnic of 1918- 19) but devious. A g-iven strain nt type A wil ersist for about tan years, thien fade away tlo be replacad suddenlY -by a "mirutanit," Ï.1 new strain t'o which, vast seg- mýrentfs of the population are not Immune. Recently, howevýer,tw virus experts at the University of Pannsylvani-a madae a revolut- 'tionary discovery about type-A DUa viruses wvhich miglt speil their undoig. Drs. Werner H-enle and Flor- eneS. Llef have fouind that re- peated infection by ouie strain of -y'pý, A produces antibodies ta $everaj_ strains. Ordinarily, Dr. H fenia axplailed recantly, îtha .,ysteni producas a specifie anti- body for aach strair, of virus protecting itýself from- a second ettaIck by that virus. But in 1957, w-,hile analyzing blood serumns ,'omhudreds of youugsters Who had contracted Asian fia, tha investigators found t ha t amTong the epce heavy con- Centrations of Asian--flu a nti- bodies were a few antibodies ta the ty-pe-A strain that caus;ed the WorlId War I eýPideic. This Virus had edis -appeared 1long ha- fore the chiidren -wera boru'. Drs. R1enie and Lief also aýnaly- zed some seruhl-is fs-arn victimis of type A-prim-e flu, whichb was prevalent 'before 1957î. The resuit showed that som-e of the blond specimens contained antibodies taAsian-f lu virus w ,îch "ddn't eLven exist when these patients wýere sick,." Animal experiments confirmned th oncept of "broadened" anti- boLdy response. inoculated onceP 'Vit'I a paýrticular type-A strain, guinea pigis developed antibocties to that strain. But after four doses of the v-irus, antibodies ta teeothe(r traînis appeared in their blond. The nextýi step will be ta maoc- ulate humnans repeatedly w-,ith wekndtype-A vis-es. "If the response is the sm, said Dr. - Ienle, "wýe -tmighit be able to imi- munize agaIinat future vaýriants." How Con 5? By Roberta La. Q.How can 1 restore the ecdar odor to an old ceadar chest or tloset? A. Just by a light sandpaper- lng over the Wood. Ir. this way you open the surface of the Wood &ndic encourague it to "ýbreathie" ê1gaiu. bisý flabby arrns and bis body bent ista a comical crù,u ch, Moore fougit 0o1]Y defenbiv-ely, By tha fourth round, Mioara, bis courdissatius -,ise, wýas a pa- thetic old mais. Clay fooedhima quickly for two eight couints then, puishing rather than punlc- ing, put hlm down. for the last time. At 1:35 of the fourthrond Cassius Clay lied on again. "s I predicted, Moore rmust fe lhin fou.r," said Clay, "and ha dÏid fall in four.' I taik -th trut1. Next isý Sonny Listont. He muti fal After tha fight, Clay j ined Listais at tha victýory party. Told about Clay's lataît prediction, the- beavýywaîght charmpion smI-iled. "You go iglit seconds wthme aund 'il give ynu the fighýt," ha said, staring encngyat Cday. "I'mi not just taikin', I mean it, Clay." For the mioment, Cessius Clay was at a Imss for a po-etic kce-boating And I{Ôw [t Orig inated Ice boatîng historiens mnay dis;- agree ast oaclywhIo sh,'ould ba given credit for evolving tha fis-t ice boat. You lcan takýe you-r pický of several fanciful yarnsý. One dleals 'with a full-skis-ted lady and her ascort skiating on01a Pond miany, miany years ago A gust of winid lifted the lad's Skirts higli end despite bier em- brasdefforts to regauinibe djguity, the wind filled flic bi- loigdirudi and prop)elled lher ra)iidly over the ice. IRer. escort, being of an inven- tiv-e turnr of mind, immadiatelY sawj, the possibilities of combin- ing wind, loth a ,nd ,skater into a, new formi of winiter sport. Hae returrned ta the ice thre 1fo0ilowing day, attirad in what resembled a pair of bat wings. The rasuit of his hasty bandiwork withi thread, canvas and boattans anabled bim, ta sali swiftly ovar the ice ta the dalight and aOf smeta al. To give cradit wbara craditi S due, the first trua le. boats ware originatad by the Dutch and used- as work boats in, tha Nethierlands and ini other countrias along thea Baltîc coasts. Earliast authentie recordj is an engraving deted 1768,.lThesa plans show a conI- vantional bluff-bowed Dutch saili ,lu.g sloop fitted wîvtb a cross piank u-nder the huil balow the mjastý step. The cross plank has a runiner at aach end, The rudder at the stern has its lwrend fitted witb a runner for stingil1 on the ice. This was surely th ancestor Of 1a1l sternstrr. Moreover, this early PDutch craft cou-id be sailed both in wvint±er and summn-er. By reing the cross plank and pIluggIing thp et- tachmient boit 1holes-, ithesea- _wOrtby bull could be returned to sailirsg dcuty (onrithe wte.The practical LDut(cb cfotilnued ta build this typeni conlve-rib"le ie boaIt for mn years,, and Just prior ta World War -il almast identical vers;ions stili er t'Sie:<Ii-sailing" inu Holland. F,rom these Europeen orig'ins, ,c otn was brought ta this country b«y Lthe Dutch settiers in tire Hudson Výallgy. The first icE boats appeared lu the United, States lu 1790-From "Ice Boat- Inýg,", by S. CaîbiouLn Smrith. Lindl3ergh Dumps Junk A-Plenty Haa auclearad out yaur halidaRy souven-irýs Yet? Mas t pao- pie find i t a heert-aching bous- iness, -ehoosing the junk they have ta thraw, awaY.Ye prob- ably the greatestcnot on record wa.vs staged re:enýtly by the veteran air ace, Colonel Charles Lindbergb. First airmran to Fly alone across the Atlantic, lu 1927, ha bas dis- pensýed with tila ýst souvenirs ni his flight, includindFI ,000) con- grtuatryteeg-aa nd ýýmia flUJSPNESS PROPERTIIES FORq SALE livinýg cî arters. store srt thee'ehéiaiir baràbes sh0p 1 iai eut. Gondj, busi' ress, eerstraIly loatet God buylIn vrsess tt? captalý. Gondcivse. vieA. 18 bslft'St, Peterboroughs, OCn BUISNES OPPORTUITIES COMUPLETEIlI assenger car tire retread, Ing sirop. 4 Lodi m'uulds andc stock nf tires. Very asabe Reason for soit- In.. Oea Aller, 388 Portage Rd.,. Niag- ara FaIlls OPPORITUMIT'Y lukceks - For sale, BakcryCoffesho ith aple spaice & opportunity te cxpand, steadY turnover and complete equlpment, tog2ethjer wf gond brick, building anid a mnodes-n 3' bedrouim apartme.nt for $9,9010 Rea- souable ternis for righit party lmmired. late possession: Inform, P.O. Box 282, Dutton, Ont., or phare 52W. GAAG usiness and delersliplu prosperous farmning and tourist ares. 70 mniles fromi Toronto. Modern steamn heatea building, 2 car showroom', parts' rnom, ten stall service dept., 2 boists, offices, 300 feet paved frontage on busy highway. Cloaest opposition 14 miles, 60-80 new units sold yerl. GM cars sold at present, franchise subject toe factory approval. Business is a goig concerlu, approx. $4500,(000 turn overl an- nually. Cash required about $35.00)0. Fincial sta temneuts open to inspection to iterestcd parties e.nly Apply lun per- son or Wvrite Fleck and Keffer, Real- tors, 499Y Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. N> liormiýation ivenon phono. MODERN stirc for eunt. downtown', op- posite. Hudson Ba ' , ideal fer MPli'iiery, Ladies Eeady te> Wcar, Jew,,etjery or FIorlst. Contact Dave Zierlbr, 171 Lochiet St., Sarrnîs. Df 4-5531, NEW INVENTIONS N~EW PRODUCTS- MONEY NEW UDEAS WE devciop finance suid sei. ANY PROFITABLE eDEA H4U 9-4443 BOX 154, POSTAL STA "K" TORONTO If? Write SCOPE UJNLI/MITED eOATS SAVE huindreda nf -dollars by buylng youi boat and motor now when prices are lowest. Visit oir boat lot soon just 4 miles North West nf London. We have new sud used boats 14, to 24 ft. A widle selection of outboard motors and accessorles. Prices drastlcally, reducced. Trade, termis, free storage until spring. Wilker Boats Ltd. Hyde Park, Ont. COINS COINS wauted, pay highest prices. 196' Coin Catalogue 25e. Gary', <8), 9910 Jas. par Ave. Edmonton, Alta. 00-ITYOURSELF HOME BREWING tbe easy Wy.5()ý brIngs )you compîte instructions for a quality brew. T. Passey, 13091-106 A. Avenue, North Surrey, B.C. FOR SALE- MISCEL LANEOUS MlON %vorking. tools for sale, lathes3; shapers, mulng niachines; dril presses, heavy hack saws e tc. Cao bc accu oper- ating under power. bargain 'prices. Oea. C. Ketting & Sonsý Limnited, Gait,, Ont., 54-56 Ainslile S. S. Phone 621-3740 OIL portraits Big 8 x l'0 Size tiand- painted irons Suapahots to your volours, Orly $6 95, IslIand Traders, 134 ieppe Avenbue, Pointe Claire, Quebec. PON-Y harniess $3800. GirtIs nd Head size required. Orders filled on receipt; Of onyOrder pflus Sales Tacx Dealer finquiries invttedc. j-ou's Harness Shop, P.O. Box 237, Thamesville, Ont_, estlab, 1932. FARMS FOR SALE 20o ACREF farm a North Onslow, Que- berc for sale. 65 acres tiiled, balane iii mnixedl bush. Gondl bouse: two barns. Creck on property bas an abundlance of trout. Contact: Mi. .Joseph J. Hickey, RR No. 3 ALMONTE, Ontario for fur- tIser deteils. FARM HELP WANTED WANTED nman for large dairy farm,. Muai bie fully exprenccd. Modein houise. or, gond home Niagara district. Stato wages. John Kanyn, RR. 1 Stavenisville, Ot. IIELP WANTED MALE TINSMITH WANTED CAPABLE ni operating work shop, If linterested wýrite P.O. Box 5, Moorefield, ont. HAI4DICRAFTS - HOBBIES PROFITABL E HOBBY MARE beaifuL bronches, carrings, usceekaces at hollec. Easy 'o do. Si tce ynur frienda. Ecel,-lent profits. Learu More about Jewýel-Craft. Write L. G. tMurgaitroyd t)e., Dapt. W-S, Agincourt, ont. fiOpSES REGISTERED Arabian, auid crosses, yearlings sud waslg.For i;stings send sampd ddressed envelope ta, A. & B. Krngscote, R.R. 6, Rockwood, ont. LIVESTOCK POLLED short1horns put miore profitlui beef raisin.g. For information. wbiere you eau and.%ý-why ou shosldexamoiine tbis old brrecd with miodes-o look, Write C. V. Weir. 305 Horner Ave, Toronto 14. MAerlNnERY FOR I1.R.e &ICAPRD Snnaw Bloser, Model tGuS Standard GoAersment size, BUDlA. 6 Cýl. Gas. moor AodefllI513A, Blower 2ltotur - Buda 6 Qyl. Diesel Mode1' 6' I0909 5½" bor e - 7 lhi' troise. Per- f et I codition. prie' .. 1 $7,5010, INTERNATIONAL 41 Wheel l die rck, equipment MjrFrink Vpowsideý wigail hvdraulîcally eperated, ready tf ow Price .$4,5U00 F,.W.D MdliIAR truk inch and st(eel box,. Very good' condition. Pricn.............$1 ,800. VPo.......... ... ..$275 0ine -low'...... ................- $473 AD'AMS ERoadý etýader with' l'nternatlonal Ga, motor. Tanidem rear axIe. Real good worklng order. PrOIe .. $3,50C RIGE EENAN ButaotCiane, wllit8 1,ton. Rbe irs $2,200 T(UCYRIJS ERLE Shovel' & Back 1Roc, Modet'1lPB (new motor)' goond operat- iirg c ondition. Prte......... 1 0 BANTAM' SHOVEL mounted on, .MC *101 \Wltelen r. ane Boom, Back Hoe and Shovel P'erfect -ondltion, new, tires, Ail' for. $7,500 TWO TRACTA,-IR Air Compressors, Le Roi lModel' 105. ?Both irgondowrkn condition. Price' ecrI . 1,950' TWO' 0 TOWMVOBILES, auitable' for mnv- hirg' arcraft. EL5ady' to workç, powprcd' î,Chyserindustrial engies, ibid drive. Frire' each............$1,500, SHOR MULE, suitable for toewing or puhngcars arotincI garage,, takes hlte ruomn, good working condition. 0111,.............. .....$750 1957 CESSNA,1 AIRCRAFT -Modl' 172 ~4 Passýesiger. Radio- cqtip¶)ecd. FIerfect condi1tion. New irtoNo' hours. price$,80 TIlla INTERNAi'TIONAL Bulldcozer trac- toi', very 'good riutiiïg rder, sed new ehains Prïce ..........$1,995 X>DHDI- )1ESE, L JOWERED OL IVER CLETRAC Pulldozer blade' on front, dittis grader- ou rear, sveïghs about C2 tons NOt Used murh - rosi gond con- dition, Giv-e aaprice ., -$8,90f) OLIVER CRAWLER CT.ETRAC, fronit mouted bulldozer blade, *'rear mounud HOPTO DITCHIER, extra gondl conidïtion, weighs ab)out 8 tous. Pripee.............4,000 OLIVEr, BULLDOZER about 8 Ton witls Butlldýozer bîad, gradte biflder. Good wýogking conditicon.Pri-e . 2,500ý TDlO INTERNATIONAL BULLDOZER EQ IPPED WITFI BLADE, ALL RECONDITIONED, n e wv t r a c k s. Price $1,500 WEIMnEN MOTORS LTD. 275 BETHANY RD., LACI4UTE. QUE. Tel. LO 2-5238 MEDICAL DON'T WAIT -- EVERY SUFFERER 0F RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 EXPRESS COLLECT POSTS ECZEMA SALVE BANISII the torment ni. dry eczcmaiý rashres and weeplng skini troubles, Posi 'a tczems Salv wtLi fot disappoint yen itcehing "suacfing aud burnlng ecze- lna, a5cm' ri1gworm, pimnples suid foot cczemna, will responld readcily to the stainless, odorleas ointment regardiesaý ,of how sftuhhorn or hnpelcss flrci' SeeM. Sent Pas'1 Free on Recelpt of Pîie PRICE $3-50 PER JAR POS7 S REMEDIES 2865 St Clair Aven~ue East Toronto OF îNTEREST TO ALL LITTLE tolks gifi! Letter from'..Santa> plus wondlerful colorfui, Ideal gifi auy child Mail ec child's naIne, address, $0.Box 2, Two Rivers, Wisconsïin. OPPORTUNITIES DIVING MAKE BIG MONEY ENQUIRE-b NOW ABOUIfT OUR FAIMOUS SCHOOL, IN UNDER WATER OGIN NORTHERN AQUA SALVAGE CO'. M84 TROUT LAME ROAD NORTH SAY, ONTARrO SMART POOCH-Mister 'Tirm a fox terrier, conibrko1 Gnswers to questions in mul- tiplication, division, addition aind subtraction which are asked of him in sulent moving lips. Lip reuding is only one of Tim's many accomplish- ments, aci-cord1ing to his master. Cassius Certainly Talks A. Good Fight Before lis twelve-i-trud f iglt with Arche Moore in Los An- g'eles last month, undefeated Cassius Clay, journeyrnan poet and lyr ical pugilist, made his expected prediction. 'il say it again, I've said it before," boast-. ed 20-vear-old Clay, "Archie Moore will fali in four." In his two years as a profe.s- sional, Clay's predictions (cor- rectly naming thie knockout rounds in ten ofhiffte fights) and personality have been far miore impressive than his vie- tor-iesý. Against a carefully chos- en collection of second-rater, Clay hias been fast, clever,, and unLtstd. Against 45-to 50-year- old Archie Moore, who was fighting and quipping profession- aill'y long before Clay was born, Cassius appearedl to be up against his gretest test-both in the ring andi out. in the pre-fight Battie of the Mouths, Clay more thani held his owý%n. When Moore announced h. had developed a special punch, the Lip Buttoner, Clay countered with his Pension Punch (ga' anteed to put old Archie into re- tirmen")and needled him at the -weigh-in. "Two hundred fights," said Clay, whien Moore weighed in at 197, and hie looks like Chullbby Checker." D es pite a persistent, though to- tally unsubstantiated, rumor that Clay couldni't lose; the MoIore- Clay debate stili drew a capacity crowd of 16,20, including heavy- weight Sonny Liston, into th e Sports Arena, and kept' the odds on Ciay from soaring abo-e 2-1 over the Sentimental favorite from San Diego. Yet once the fighit started, Clay's superiorîty wýas overýwhelming-. He had youth and speed; MKoore, lookding more pregnant thian powerful, had no- thi ,;i head buried behind e e' g' TOOL & DIE MAKERS TOOLROM MACHINISTS WELDING FIXTURE MAKERS Applicanits must have aipprenticeship, or written proof of 10 year experience at the trade or U.A.W. Skilled Trades Card. Tool & Die Makers . $2.51-$2.61I Toolroom Machinists $2.32-$2.46 Weiding Fixture Makers. $2.34-$2.44 Cost of Living Bonus -- 5É1 an Hr. Shift Work -Pemium .9e can Hr. Geneýral Increase -6ct an Hr. Dec. 17/62 Benefîts paid aifter 3 months Âpply in writing or in perton l'o 1Employment Office MASSEY - FERGUSON 921 king Street Wlest Employmnent Office will b. open 9 A JM. to 4 P.M. Saturday - December Bk M14fflAAND WGMEN' àrn AN'O'AS IEA'DI*4G, 9C1IOOI Vicasan4 cdignified prf 0sin Lno wvageo Thnuî_sasds- of stie-osfail Mlarvel Gradustes Amenics'gý, Greateat Svsteiii lR3Àuttrated Catalogue l"roc Write oir Cal Marvel Hairdressing Schooi' 35g nloor St. W,. Torpntb' 1Branches 44 Kng St. W.. liamilt0nu 72 Bildesu Street, Ottawa' PROPERTIES FOR SALE AN 8-rooml framne house \with hasement; new ocilfursiace. built-11 u cuphOarda,; garage, gond well and gardlensot Close Ito sacool. ltchhon sa gond road 2 miles off Hlwy. 14. 5 miles north of Stlrllng. A real buy for somoue wh would like to live ilu, e rural commumty'. Pll prie $3,500. Muast be cash te setie cabale. APPlY Harold Holden, R.R.1, Harold, ont. Phone Stirlin9, e1xet0r S3-882. EIGT MAile point, Lake Sîne; retire or enjoy yoqur funi! suzniner in this city stylje ranch buggo ediarI og con. struction, fiflyV wtuterixed, pauielled liv- ing ronm, 01)en firep1lace, modern kit-. ehen, full dining roin,. 3l large bed. rmoomel, bathiornm. ail con'vcniences, iu- cludfing tetephone; 100'" lakefrnae 29' dock, saf e beachl; (doub)leatbd garage. Frice $18,q00. Call PMr. - e, 46T-08811,. or res. 232-0330. Raberl Casa,, Realtor, 976f Coxwell Ave., Toruont4) SEE C O'RN' IC rnwasst ta' p)romote an'otbad irng ýjbrid iyons- arcsý'17That's Ptid.e Seed iCorn' Pride%, cusanig85 das' hybyrid Prride 5i bas. Iseas ettnrerord#' thrnesghout tbbec con swirgareaa f fjbnaiada. Pride (carrier a fliti1111ne 4f hyvbrid's.Gel ins the swsnviiutliisOÏ S,11 Prïde in, ycs.r 'district. For fuiS al'n. licuilars write Pride Hybrid company of Canrada, Clsatlsam, On1arioý SW INIC S' RE egïstered Yakhr seife Pathoglen free breCI gits, scoP roe, 86 15q daY'sservir_ýe ebaa.four- br-ed eressbrsdg0t'., Jack NPetla'rcott,. RA), Art<anla. OntarÏo. nBRXTISI Empire, Latin Am ia Wrd Unu sual app)rovals for serions' nlSe tors. Cul. W. Greene>tdieiýwïli;d el' Aia', Marytanli. TRADE SCi-tOOLS CoMpLETE bursiness machine train' ing lncludiasg L..Key Pac~daýtý proceýsaing comlpto'Ister sisal Marchantill Burrcughs Mno aclta ti-t lith dictaphonýe may ha etaken at V9Wl Academny. GE 2-3481 or visit the saco> aI 306 King St., Londaiv, Ont., fol' tIsIS Information. VACZéATION PROPERTîES FOR SAI.E TOURISTlodgze for sale; knlown a Towc's Summer Resort at Belnanut Lake. ConsiFts of one -ronned bocise, 2 fully equlpl'cd summyer cotaeswtlb Isydro, 6 or 7 acres land, gocod flslslng9 sud isuntin.P rice $85Qtl. lRetirï1eg' phone 778-3737. Riaveleck, Wila Towet;s MaveIock, Ont, WANTEO TO BUY WANTED FOR CASH WILL PAY $s35 EACFI FOR Germon Luger Pistofs' IDESCRIBE lu firat lette s esri alubr condition, mairkiug-1s ou sapp)er srae Unpregistered weaponflS wauted as %7e"' «from esouibeparties ol',fi samle can bie registered.Ai nqrris prompt1ly answercd. APPh' Bob War- wik 3Phair Ave., We'flaceburg, 0Cnt, Oua o 1f thes,,e days itwilb too cold f0 o f iant job i -as too hot tu o 0Iast sifmmier. ISSUE 49 - 191,2

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