53 cases of communicable disease 'wýere reported during the month, lu.ý rluding- 24 chickenipoxý, 13 mmps and1 ^j whooping cough. Tuberculosis At four regular monthly x-ray clin ics, 414 persons received a free chest Onny Qe person %was discharged $rmsanato)r"imfollowing invesftiga. tin n ass ch'est x-ray survey Was Jned October il and 12 in South Nlon anglan Township by the Otare De. oaten f Health'. A very complete .canva,,ss of all persons in the ares 'wsmade by the Northumberland~ Dram Tubercolusis and HlealthAs ,-rciation, and the school children re- cevda Heaf tuberculints.Ti survey was held as a fdo-pte Uic -,ne in March 1962 folliin.g whcb -our pensons were admitted te San torium. Resuits of this survey are net ulcemiplete. iismujnizatiot There ,vere 39 immunîzation linice, office and school, at which 128 child- > en ither 'Completed the prnimary! series or received a reinforcing dosel ,,f Qïad vaccine which gives iprotec lien .-aainst diphtherla, tetanus, weoigcough and ooiomyelitis. ,Five hundred anid hity-six aschool1 obidren received a reiuforcaing dose _f diptixexia and tetanus toxeidad polîc1im3etis vaccine; two huudred and twenty-seven dhidren hiad a pri, m--axr mallpox vaccination, and 236 weere-vaccinated. MaentInfant and Preschooi An averaýge ofuaine xeatmo thiers attended each of the prenata] casswhich wvere baU weekly at ,BFcwmvi-anvllle, Port Hope, Cd'bourg and Briglitofi. There were 165 interviews wth nia ,,ernity patients ia hospital, and 84 of 1;hese were, at their request, visited witbin thie finst f aw 4ays alter tlieïr ichiefrein hospitti. PuIblic~ bejhnurses muade 17 homle visita te prenatal patients, 236 visits on beha.1l ifnlfants and 170~ visits concermnug ýresehe)ol ýchi1ren, Tc-aching given by theU publie healtb ,o-urse le general -ad 4e~s not replace,1 buat is supplemexitary te the raedical s;upervision given by the faiily psy' sician. Iu part, it consiaýts lu prepar- 'ýn:g >the mother for chaniges te be ex' petdduring the inaternal periO, d alXpd fer the child'.s infanxcy and early Nurses g-ave xealth inspection to 117Y9 ani vision tests to 1378 achool' Fhildiren. Home visits were umade on 'hehalf of 170 cblidren. Audiomietry The end of Ocober saw th(ý cemple; tien of the first full month <of and- ,jeter tests iu the eenentaryslol These were doue mestly titlxe Pert Hope ares, where the nm4ority of -aI sud town echools were visted. ,Near the end cf the nmonth, tests wyere1 Phone 109 started in theC am-pbellford ares which b!ave thus far included rural schools in Alwick, Perey and Sey- mour Townships and the Village o! Hastings. A 1total of 1,183 tests were comple- ted during the monith, including the routine grades of kiaderg-arten, grade 3 and grade 7. Again, a higli percien- tage of the defects were found in the beginners. Many of these children ap- Scotch Pine Christm'as Trees. $1.50 delivered. Reid Harness, phone ,)-r-6, Orono. a-P FOR SALE One pair of girls Figu-re Skates, size l or will trade fo>r size 1 Or 2. Phxone 1047. a-c Orono RtEALTOR 17-4 Cbureh St. BowmxiaîlO .$,000.00 down buys a 53-Bedroomn Bungalowv near Boiwan-,villé. Bath- rooiu, new oil furnace, larelt $8500.(00 FuIliPrýice. LU [to idve eOiergedL so LUIJ an ia a-U--W1'[ denoïds, eften affecting th( erig FOR SALE 100 acres, Clay loam, 6-room lieuse Retests at a later date, following coS Pair cf boy's Hockey Skates, size 2,1 ihnw3peebtgo au rection of this, usually results iu a nearly new. * 1 creek and pon)id. Wîll pasture 310 normal test. Apply Uarold Cobbledcik, Orono, cattie. Owner wiil trade on tw SaiainOntario. a-o lieuse. Asking only $10,500. Terms. We have been advised te expect, an FOR SALE Modemr 2-Bedroom Bungalow, bath increase iu the incidence of rabies in One pair of girils Figure Skates, aud cill furnace. Smsll barn, 'I acres 19624. Duîng te meth, 1 inresti$2000,00.,on 196263,Durng te mn1h 17size 2. gations were made. Six positive ani- Poe103,Oon1Ms Junior mals were reported and five patients es. -c $2,000.00 deiwn, Modern 3-B(4droom received rabies vaccine. Bunigaýlow, large liviugroom. Cn Interviews by Uhc sanitation staff in FOR SALE 1ntrl lcaiies munlvile.$12,900 the field, in Uic offices, and ytee Redi velvet Jumyper with match ing uotl ans Fl nc 1,0 phone r>eq'uire a large part ofth blouse. Aise black velvet anid nylonjPaue farm, 89 acres with water. spectors' lime la addition te th-'e l.ime dress. Perfect condition. Will fit girl asu i nIcved in making inspetossd1 t 2yas Good barn. Only $6500,00 Ternis. carrying eut investigations. Phone 1021, Orone. a-ci We can have a new hnome bUilt fer I Thezre %were 231 interviews during the,__________________ u,, i Orcmo u,,nr vthe N.H.A. T1»w month. Mleat Inspection 0f 926 aaniais inspected, ail but 14 were approved. 'lwenty-nine por- tions were condemned. Generai Remarks Messrs, T. H. Waters, Senior San- itary Inspecter, aud W. J. Hegle,' Ban'-j itary Inspecter, attended the three- Jay cenference of the Ontario Brandi of tUc anadin Institute ef Santaryl Inspectors lu Sarnia.. Food Sanitalion, in Bakeies, Psychology of PublicRe lations, Sewage Disposai System, Health and Housiug, Hospital' Sanilt- tien and Refuse DisposaI were sonie of the phases of lie inspecters' wol wliich were discussed following paper presentatîonýs. 'Mr. J. D. Finlayson, chairman of tlie Enviroumental Hygiene Section of the! Ontario Public HeaIlti Association, at- tended a Bôard cf Directors meeting in Toronto. It Pays to Advertise --- -FOR SALE -- A bicycle with neiw front whieel. AI- so a four drawer chest patated. Phione 180, Orono. MI.S. L. Plain. a-p SAWS SHARPENE11D Sa&wýs sliarpened on our modern niachinery. Franl, Crowe, 102 Elgin Street, Bowmianville. 50-p NURSING HOME Lyntonihurst Manor Nursing H~ome lias ,varmn comfortable accommioda- tion for bcd and Up patients. Ueason- able rates. Phone Orono 1308. .51-P CHRISTIMAS CONCERT Antioch Public School Cinistmias Concert wiill be held on Tlmrsday, Decemiber 20th in the school. E3very- one wloe - UNXWANTED IHAIR Vanislied away witli SACA-PIILO. SACA-PELO is diffferen~t. It doEýs ýnot dissolve or rernove hair f rom Uhe sur- face, but penetrates and retards growýth of UNWANTED HIAIR. ILot- Beer Lab. Ltd., Ste. 5, 679 Granville St., Vancouver 2, B.C. -4 COMING EVENT Make arrang-emients to attend Clarkoe High School's Formnai on Dec-, emiber 21st at Clarke Higli School Dance to the music of Gordoni Brond from 9 p.m. te 1 a.m. Admision $2.50 per student couple. AdIuitS: $3.50 per couple.,~ COMING EVENT Leskard Chlristmas Concert will b,-, held on Friday, Decemnber 14th at 8 p.m,. in the school. Everyone welcome, down paynxenl with easy monthly payments. Model homes availea)ble for your inspection. Coe'nl d let lis discuss this w'ith you. LisT dOR BUY PH-OTO CO-OP THROUGH OUR, OFFICE Ma-;ny other listings throughout Dur- hiain County aud Oshawa.' A. J. McGILL Phione 1107, OronaO Local Representative L.à±-ï2,9Ê i Cciii our 1ic~nscd Plumb ing&' Mcchanic'rl C"'n~r. ~ who se!IS, jflçtdiJN BURNER SERVICE rIESDPT-BR Morteithi, Monteith [tRiehl & Co. nC"ARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 135 Simeoe St. North, Oshawa Teiephoine* 728-7527 Whîtby 1PAINTING DECORATING BUILING CUPBOARDS 1 g REPAIR AND FINISH FURNITURE ( DOUC SIMPSUN Plhone 209, Orono ' i oc PUMPING OUT SEPT1C TANKS WRITE WASHING STABLES Bert Tompklns Phone Newtonville 4721 DBarnes and Byatn PL" MNGand HEATING Sales and Serviee( 2141HOU71Z BRNER SERVICE B-A F'INANCING Low Interest Rates ( impton CJO. 3-2238 J Tyrone CO 3-2650 Orville ChattertonI Electrical Contracting, Electric lleating Iand Service Phone 1031 Orono, Ontario Box 133 Mo. 8-35521I Stafford Brothers Limited 318 Dtuidas St. E. Whitby, Ont.. Mantufacturers of Cemetery 3Memorials Dealers in Domiestie & Foreign Granites and Marbles - Inscriptions cul and Cemetery Repair Work Ilamiltocs SInsurance Service o Insurance in Mil its Branches f 0 Auto, Package and Composite(' Policies, Fire, Farru, Life, fi urglary, Liability, Marine, (Accident and Sickness, Wind, Bolier, Fideiity Bond, Etc. g Sadie Hamilton Phone Oronio 'I FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Building a bouse? or remodefling your present I one then contact 1 Floyd Nicholson Phone 2191 Orono j Eleci rie M ot ors OWindings, Swltclies, bearbigsallgdI fJBrshes, Electric Toolb; and Sn Applianee Mtr Work Guaranteed 8AI. Heard Ph~lone. 1176, Orouo MARIA SPhono 1Cml4 Orono, L LMPAL Lawrence C. Mlason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT, Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 1-553 Sw. KAY LYCETT, A Rarster -Solîcitoro 1'1 the "ffices of R.R, R.Wattd cli Q,,- g MAÎN ST, ORiONO MERRILL D. RRON o (civil) [1 ntaieLand Surveycr 1121 ue st Bax 1659 O Bowmianvllle,Otal TeJephone 68-)-7251 I LJ. SKAFE Chartered Accomiutn Mainl Street ORONO P.O. Box Ua Tel. 138 1INS-"U RA NC E Ceneral & Life SEE OFFICE -MAIN ST., RONO Or0ono- iicensecd Auct4oner and Vauator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consult mie for tenus and dates Phone 5 r 18 - Orono TrED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales ofa&lU dm and at reasonabi, rotes Conmunicate with irl at Port P*. Ontario- Monuments and FanmiIy Memorials Our quality an 6 service Ieaves nothIing ta> bfe desired Ask~ the pesawhodi bought from ut îegheCur, fi'iend or relatiývo ~COMP~ANY 73 Ontario Street. PORT HOPE "Largeot Display in~otr~. Ontarîo" When lIn Need 0f Letterheads Envelopes Personal Cheques Rubber Stamps 'Anniversary Invitations Contact Orono Weekly Jimes , sabu-mu 1 , Ajax 942-0890