Y second clard $50for third. The Christ niasu decorations wîll lie judged prier VoCbristm-as. Twelve members weýe present at temeeting -,hen the treasurer, Chas. Armstrong reported a bank bal- an-e of 4close te $800.00 and a bond of $1,100.00. This ameunt took inte> ac- oount n paymient o0f $500.00 towvands the new rooims at the skating rlnk. Thnere were however som,,e outstand- ing (eh-equjes that had net as yet 'been from the had ap- express R stated onsidfered 'would be ,re re-1 On D1-ecèieber1st The M erry MNusic M,-akers met at the home f rs M. _q. Staples with 19 menibers present. Donald Mc"enezie, thie president, conducted the nieetig and (presented thle progr-am which oonsisted of pyianIo selections and Ohristmas Carols. New officers were elected for 1963 las follows: President - Suzanine Buniting. Vi(ce Pýresidcenit - Fred Bunting. Secretary - lMaý-rilyn Tam'blyn, Prograni Conventor Beverley Teni- liant. Gaine Committee Ellen Mlsn Sailly Staples, EMaine Schmid. Mari1Yn Tamiblyn Keith West TopniS Scoring Race After eight gamnes BomanIll Siamrocks have first place1 ail 11o thesnselves iin the Lakeshore ïntr m-ediate B League and five h loop's top ten scorers to hl hn stay there. Bowma.nville lias 15 points off fivel wins and a tie as of Thursdiay niglit of last week to almnost double scn placae Pictoni's eight Pints. Uxbridge (six) and Trenton (five) bring ,Up the1 rear. Leiidin; ring race are! th and junior, Srespectirely. ks' fam-ily ac.t Trenton \withi G wilTF 5 2 1 48 3 1 0 33 3 3 0 32 2 4 1 38 A Pt. 276 40 Pt ChrIlIsti yone ho doated rticles aar or whio lelped i axy ke it a reail succees. vinig is a list of the wvýniers oli draws. SCake - AMrs. RseStînson, L. tL by'o Ali M. Virtle t Angel Cakle*- Mrs. Walter Cuh Doiiyv set - Air. Cliff Coop3erl. C-2hileni - Mrs. Cli'ff Cooper. PeunnySale Winneicrs: Avon Set - Lii Bickle, Witbyý. Christmias Wrap -GretaRihr, Bowmaivile. Refrigerator- Set- Helen Redmian, Port Feirry. Tablecl't - Luella sithll, Oshaswa. Poodiec Shirley Murphy, BoDWman- Table Centre - Mrs. R. est,, Orono. DolI - Mrs. Marýjy Morris, Oronjo, Jean Wannan Per-ni.- Mrs. J. C. Gamiey, Orono. Perfume and Soap Setl, Mrs. G. M. Linton, Bowmianville. Fanicy Dish - Mrs. C. Taylor, Oronio. Tra ys- Mrs. E. Couvier, Orone0, Candcy Cane - Mrs. G_. Ganby, Or- ono. Ta ble Centre- Mrs. C. Taylor, Or-ý onio. Table Cloth - Elsie Jones, Orono. FI.ower Container , Mrs. Wmi. Bunt- ing, Oronio,1 Jewellery Set - JeanWaan Orono Jucr-Jean Wannan, Or'ùoe Newcastle Lionso fariýni Keane Éor Uniti ber reftl .Osbýawa, TÉ ~Mr. C'lark e Township Po iservative Association ýono on Friday nilbt, 'e yMr. Honiey in ua Lmens speech Nov. 3.0 ig. guesi speake, a IlPot .ffl genieral meelting -w., redl wvere i n attnac The Newucastle Lions Club held their i fifteenth Charter Anniversary on, Satur-day evening- in the Lions Cnr Bowmanville. Liensý and their wives were not only present fronm Newcastle buit from the district, from Whitlby to Norwo'odyc.. SL vice dC vi2e 5 9 14J 7 512 3 9 12 6 5 Il 1 10 il1 8 2 10 5 5 10 for the ev lor Brent with a 40< District ( ling. Intern i ekard ýercenit pin Co]will and thanked by1 Jose. ost The Rev, R. D. Jonles,a orous and capable speaki .tedthe need o!fsa spirit of egien Conservation throughout the year. He ss jected ai, new levy on at--bis finest at the end o ricipalities that woulll --ie is almost what hes .bled Port J/)pe's an- Wlith this thoiglt and th a cer rid pur- had te d store rooni. Entrance wl!!v ery de d to this romr frem thie the Uni the west of the bleachers. pei ieoms will lie heated froin the chairma funace and when comlpleted' '[de aàdIdtienal facilities at ad th rmk The Co sisting )on St, groups Saturda y1 lai e--xt Week riculua, week, Wednesday rday, Santa will re- d will set-up Santa's ýe at the nortb of. H. in the business sec- vill be fin 7:00 1un- ie evenings and from rday alternoon. ýig sponsored by 'the of Commerce and e district is wvelcome Orono. .ymple luti ecucationaI te 1101h young and Seme 0f the points mentioned w~ Set a goal and keep worlting towý t eveni if somietimnes it is bard. The ability to get along wvith fellowman. (3) Do not hecsii Know your ow-n mind. (4, Hard wu do net be afraid of it. These were just somne of the pK *brougbt out in a fine addjress. rnentioned solie offlie Dii County Farmers whlose hiomes Tie James T. Trophy for the hig Memiber was pres, Jose hy Mms. Jamr Jose received tbet in his absenc(e. Bru M.A. J. Tantiiblyn inany years o!fa'ith salesnan, As Mr. able, o be presenil blntbanked tie el ng-Te Tiowi on the sain and lthienet feeding farr abywith ti Mr. Rickari 17Fan Man report on th Mr. Riek need ain inc lion catte roiefor time. He a it ail Ia," LOA. R-ei nF. C" J. Sne West 1be ga leave stairs 1Vt at! Rot]- jexistili built 1wil p ýssingîj"lie Or 7e coniservative 'est.H[li Band To Entoz>itain tClarke High. School Tonii visit Sant;