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Order Vour Gristmll TURKEY Today - And Be Sure NOTE-Our Xmias Bonis $2z,%5.OO LUCKY DRAVY wiIl be wonx New Vear's Eve Free Entry wivth eaeb o)rder for Canada's Finest Tide --ing size ip.5 Nuitritions No. I Marshi OAR R0%T S :3-1b. Poly Bag Washed, Trimumed - 'No. 1- 10 oz, Bag- 19 c S PUN MAOCH 2 f or3ô 9c "lSpeciaily Seletteci" Choice lRed or Binie Brand "lTie Kùing of Roasts" Standing RIRJAT lb 79C Gennine RIed or Bline Brandi Valute <Jleckd RIB ORCLuB S T EA eK lb 79c% Chioppel - Ready to U-se FRESýH BEEF SUET Plain, or Faney McCormick's Argyle 32 bis'ts Shortbreads 33c LIBBY'S FROZEN FOODS Strawb er ries 2-75c Mixed 1i-o.. Pkgs. V egetables 2-45c lb 29cý Iont Save 3c!Mpl Leat Tender Flake l1b. LARD 2 foir 39c Fresh Baked' Wes-toni, Snnibeam .Peg-. 33e OATMNEAL Malt Co;kies 29cJ Begular 73c! - 17 oz. Boftie - Antiiseptie Listerîne 63c Cornish's Red and White ORONO ONTARIO Dec. 11, 1962f Dualism may be a 'word that le uetc ýrery old as we mneasure timne, but,t 't-he 1-eaning of the w,,ord lias beent !lhe basis for nany an anejent rm- i'lgon, and way of life. The î ea of 1his world being governed by two .-gods, wehether they b,- calle4 lit, and dae*nffl, F;pirit and matter, or1 ,eie good gdd and bad god, ls >still appermost ln the minds of many -people, NWithot reaUizng t, man- vrofeiging Christl'ans, who are reallyt ninerepeoll~ etIl carrythls impres- Sion oît two rulila forces, and. theli, iesare moUded by tins ides.. One -carnin ioutlookIo l, that, mai teq evil and spirit te goad, and yet the -Inw and the Chnlsttn cannot trileratel --Ie ides. tha thero la more than one -4~:if there le one (lad ortly, as w. -éelieve, tber He mu8te ho in control, tej!nd aLis, as we belleve, that He or.- ýtd ail things, and fowda theni"vr Satan, or evil, wae and sf111 miay be 1lo,1ued tipoti Sq u agent of Goa, Neo ý-ýz equal, but sornethlng allcwed by -,3 dta exiot, for Mae use. Soneone ý>id tbat ter. bas to bu evil, if we ewoifid have porwer of choiçe, aiso that ýevil1 creates the tenon rè vquired to ,pr(pel. Our- trobe in undb-rtaËudi-ng, 4k~e reason for evil may stem froixi -i'-e refusalta, see the wliole question ix tlie light cf the far' futur(.; tee l4road outiook. If w. bear in inid, - hut this life le not ail tiiere l, ard r*Mte the pre-sence of evil liere to j Mïbe fuller life proznised to us later, -%hen w. ca ee how our reactloui -nýxwte evil, helps or hainders oiur jpzsgroe.,Weepoike of how manv 'people lrsed to, and still do, look on -miii o>r Satan, as a pereonal Livn -,!lng, anýd wonderi if ti lsn't a re- o!t j experiencqe beng describe and years ago, in the only way peoùple knew liow; by using homelyl ý-igqto plant mmid pie-tures telat z*vDuld regigter the vivici feelings and -Utiough ts ofth11e narrator. jesue Used tifs method in Bis parable,4, te teacb 808n.Simple people can generally Mderstand word Pic'tures. Aheso, 40WIld it bu tUaitUheearly curch il ax '.«ht in. this way about %vhat Uap- ~od"ln Chi7ist." For instance, Mct eng 0-leaffled by His blood. -eyWoi1id relate tis Iti th tthej familiar temple ritual 0 un cleanised by the blood ýpcifli, r their ecriptures et;ated that only in thie, cleansing valid. The dis3ciples epoke of Jesus "pay-1 Some belleve that evil iàe is given power by Our 1 it waE; painted out test that if we had faith, we mountaine. Thie would Cr zard to the people living location, so coud it not mountaiins of trouble and and unhappinees, diqsat!sf leliness, azld any other r . -g theur debta" anc "ransammg j" stunbingbwoczes we are îoreverl thena, because they were RIl f amiliar faelýng. witha these terine. In tUfs way, Jeas Ie al things toalal men. No mnatter en Catastrophes oa be natutaî OC- what level an individuai existe, lie curances withrut being edIl, as I5 ol WMl find the truth of Je-sus lîves o no ors; le uf re mand'se bs tlat love!l in tUe pletures h. je mositersut fmnscelenea famiila wlt. H canbu xpereùoi me disasters, or floods. ThesO3 farilir wth.He anbe --xenee,-,dwould be evil. lt Fseone tilat àmo ai- in anyorree terme. lows a certain arniunt of sufftoring ta Do wo thintia of "evll" or the ï'detil" be, but caii we call all suffering euti, as an oppcetng force, independent of when we can't poseb1y knew tii the Qe'd? Some llidn't helleve Iis poss- atten-dnug Ouro ist4oesgGin ible, because o-verythlag le made by are not God's theuýgh'tg on th i meth- God. Then doee't tis tae us baick ods an manner of teaching JES way- ta tee thou«ltt that evil la good gme wand children. Our disaater =iiy be wrong; for "God created, and !bund God's blesslng, because We are Short. eventhlig vry good.1" Satan %vu gI ited, but GCed takieS th__ leu vio,, ,iaid ta b. very beautâtul, but la tii. of -ternity- An aburm=ane ot wliat book of Job, Satans actvitlea were tei wO OCU "riche", May be thae very ztricted., . "thus fur, no further.," thi2g tUaI'wlfl carry usq a long way . Wýhet about the. différence bt'wen avay tram 'Ccd. .moral .xil and the exila we encouater About uxing tforce to e ixbat exil. la nature5, snc am earthquaksa, jInterterce truh lv enakes, etc. Noâh took o. t these rne touh lv %V "exile" Into QUe Ark wth hm. Snie1 believe tUaI eninity waa neyer in- tendekl to exist between'i man and the, animnaleq, for all were cre-ated l lve. What ffi happen along the way?1 R OO The Chai. Saw Stasea id Home Seo tu e 10% 1modeb. UHOMGITO Bauicli Air Cooled Motors Wberfâ ServletN and Parts aré AJWay"Avaeb. leake.hwe Rd*, Poet iioe TU,.î-276 w1ich Christian epproach ehould be used in le situ- any set of circumstances, even ifj Peterborough UJniversity à them, mnartyrdorn was called for. The valuf.e(otnedfo e2 ýhat the placed on the "good" of anything, ad (Wste n ined1rmpage2 is oui- criterion; only as high as that And West en lyTmtwB fe value, le oui' response in Chri Hnrscure adGrdat or i living, and martyrdom for is uwn 1 oos cures and Gthe P- ref co saike le veainglese; eomethlng good emS ongadtwia fr c* miust be accomnplislied, some Danpria-adi wl a re n ciple upheld.j phesize teaching In the liberai artg Christ died for ue, but He aekq us and pure sciencffl leading to a Bac&- to live for H M ilts canr be a para. elor'o degree. Pr-medical ajid Preý~ dox, for if we live fo)r Christ, We may Dental! courses V111, however, b. ,) x die for Hlm; we may flot choose to b. tegrs.tefl with the regular curriculA a martyr, but rns.rtyrdomn niay corne ,îmmdately touIS. CARIMAN PLUMBnNG & HEATING Pfwue 143 Orono TINSHOPH ROYA L Bowmanvllle MA.3- 5589 PlI. and SÂT., DEC. 14 - 5 "Tarza Sos te laits" COLOR - XIK NMRE T«HE"8 "TARZAW' PWPURE TO DATZ - A[80- "S8eeret Partuer"9 STEWART ORANGER, HAVAIHARAREET SUN., MON., TUES., WED. at 7.30 tive8 his most ,Iectrifying rote as Ira Hayes ... hero ý0 of Iwo Jimnal FR1, SAT., DEC. 21-22 CHILDREN'S SNOW QUEEN" CAR' MOTHFIRS: We'U ook aîter the .bI Attractively Crisp, tasty Orono Bible Study Group Sheet Metal Products Made to Order PLUMBING SUPPLIES and Repairs B-H PAINTS etc. IR. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario