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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Dec 1962, p. 4

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ÎWOMWO Ott awa N ýliEw s beral Mr 'e toproucl Decenl ~/?*e4t y I Johin Keýrr aýre tlcý ababy boy bore Bowm'anville Hn erto representations made t t l M.K.err J. a sister of m Minister 0f Agr-iiulýture by the On- ilr ed n i iiga rsa tarlo Fluie-Cured clTobacco Grow'ers' 1 'n the SixthLiUne, Marketing Board.A maýjor-ity in Kendal Sho oe In yesterdcay's, Hansarcl at pages against a schiool concert as itmen 2342 and 2343 -NIlbe found W spending hall their nmon hour mu pra- questions asked by Russell C. Honey, tice. So the Sundicay School asked the- M.P. (Durham)ý and Jack Roxiburgh , Training- Sehiool if they would core M.P. (orfolk) anilput on cornie nnibrMr.Mh When no satisactory inform ation Mab!,Lon said Kendal sohool weould pro-. 'was obtained from the government, pare sone numbers. This concert wl I pacd he olowngquestion On1 be held Decemnber the lSth., Tue-da.%ý the Order Paper.This will rquire an nigtnKedlOaeHalCoe or'al answer f rom the MUinister in the ýIdejyti on r- House 0f Comnmons at an early datem, d jo hsJ alf~'vf TG 'J' G .' toktn 4ird 'l e-JycMr 1s. JhnBird, in Sh~yAil Beef short Ribm Rst V1146 3c W nesl5c Cross Cpt Rib Roast A Total of $400 I Bonu~s Tapes ECVE$6.(H) IN BONUS TAPES Tendfer Leaf TEA BA1,S pkg. of 60 MNontar-ci FLOURn Fab - 18e off PET ER GE NT lleg. or Min1t MILýK 0F MAGNESIA pepsodent TOOTRPASTE 7 lb. Bag Giaut Size, 12-oz. Buffle Gijant S'Ze RECEIVE IN -ýBONVS TAF Delsey TISSUE -Clue Twin Pack FqCEV $200 IN BONUS TAPES Fordook entua -Frozenl LIMA BE ANS i,'-oz. T beieSliceed CELERY IHEARTS 12-oz., Pkg., Bunel P ATe E 50 l grde .Easy to Peel Nvl Sunkist Oranges Large Size 88's doz 69c No. 1 Grade Spi-na-Ch 0'z bag 2 for 35e F~or Yur Festive Table - No. 1 Grade lb 49c Emnperor Grapes Juice 48 2;ti o 2z29 c D) SAVER raper 15 oz. Tins mT 2 for 29c là oz. Tins SAUCE 2 for 45c 7oz39e lb bag 69cI 2 lb box 33c 2 lb size 35c Oft 2 Iba9 IGA Potato Chips oz 49c APPLE PIE ea 39e Tlhurs., Fre , Sat., o(l QSolo SMARGARINE 2 lb. SRoyal Goid ý ýGA BUTTER ï ôo Frozen Turkey, Chicken, Peef 'YORK PIES 8 oz 4 foi is45c b54e Ir ~e ~weeî1 that Board The Queen lu rght the provIsIons cf Prodocte Co-opcra~ ~c r toc markctIn~ bacco produced n Ontarie during the ani Her Majesty~ aI '.ina.Li ~.uiçh. tii" .A3g i"utur& ~ Il - îîg .~ il h uc cared v. '0.3 P..oviflce a j T'ar 1962?" whenfewr tan10 MPs stayed ia- rond in the 365-ceMtCmos a this to sday: Thec govereminents'ati tude ý'i S that agr1icutueeat cfIthe Gro ýat Lakeýs is iniiiiportajnt, qow ý ;LjCiold teConservýatives continue to "daýimn-ilational statuiswie they re-, i e4se iea~Iyon he raiiesfor sup- /inday e Žnng wti he pesil& a J. S a41-u, sucpchir.e(, i Bn-lbr bo th a fox imued dotai- .1 for asi b'i e a--)fgîtfor aod e meniroa. The gft1er nr -bm and eah meme w-a 0ehen a ou a- mas boes d'Itfor ureeopeie g a n,1 tihiyers. . Each ujrber supie Mma - I-l sa:i ti go eruet had tht-'T. StaPletOn Will be first vice; Mrs, A. u2iud th sppots romuner"Iwo secndvice; is C. W. Stc<--- enedte cutthesuport frm uderart secreta.ry; Mrs. Wm. Mercer! ry fnimes in the E ast. treaurer. Parsonapen-commttee Mrs. Aemggestd shif to beef cattie fromE.CuuMrW .Fsrad Jaiy trmng asimpacica b- Masq A. Low Plower commnittee . "au se it wouild dcmiand t-wice as nmany latndMsC.W Sewu,. E'litt atn iss . W Steart 'rî's a~ tise s mch.lant luCare t thedot iIl be sent by Mrs. order to croate the samne inceme aLs A o tey ,,ave at present. M10%Hony sAid better solutions INxt mepetinug wHilybeut the bomne oI waut.lbe o p:.note e moi 'sAcf "ese Mrs. M. LuxQn. A del(ious lunch w-as _D Britain and-, if need be, giey km cv- 1by cou hautels, Mrs. W.Mor. also stigmestd a progrrnm toprovide îuhl teechol hilrenanda. ro-Sker reurned by anVou- '-n n51eteIo traeml o-Ia- eSnyr 1Illspital a-nd Mr, suimptin. k ctback With er Arn~1 Petes (NP - Ttmiskaniig) said bý[is party is opposed te collective Mic-xuth Geron was home foruwce farmers whether cf the tye ound inM " k"dNwh ber Mprénts. Russia or 0f thetype ceated in Can- i ada by largecorporations. The tamiiy 'f i 111 hte ar a miîy basil farm untiit stili was the best producer.meve! jute the Pandof bouse. Fair Gate(a cips er Higerl 1962 eld i 19,62 1rm Lrtn 1g îouing dCi it tS . .vod he eastern im- oj arn wssi ebe h Pr were reiewed 't HoeB'avertnat aefedfi, day 0if last week cf alld on the saile~ day. ectin.g Wedn~ .,cietie .The rmeeting aa eil Linsday. Ditrcfct irector R. R. Stewartý apDpeaieýd tei Uic group -io r anobjctv araalof thecir 1962pogmad te iseiport any short(,cniings;. Tkk7!ing M r. tearat is word 01ne [-teiesetative bjcted 1to the rens 0of me xiEibitors in. thecfour and six heurs readyiug -a teýam 'r.sodg theexh'biorshould -change fromr, ovrisand faydshirt" before -<i ng he eaminte the show ring. The problemns f the 1962 fair sea- n l" wer aparntlýy fev oel id wibcutex-ception, the delegates hav gowngreports cf hgirgate reeeipts. 'Tiihefeet cf icrased admission charges was dîscussed at ength. One m--embie sugg.ested the charg pbul be raised te $1 foridute Another argued that ith nrcas-! igpesfor il 1othier comme1,dities and sui'vices, "tSis is neo timie for, ad-ý mission prices to e, h eld down, as long as the pu-blic gelts its money's Greater use of loal talent te heip reduec tSe bgh cosi0fgrandstand perfrmanes( ainiy ittributed te UIch expense ef "imported enteirtabn- mnent") was suggested by severalt :ebr.If thle cost cou1ld be redue- denghit miglit be possible te do -aaywthgrandstanld admission1- chages. Alr. Stewart suggcsted a mieeting c fair board directors to plan a. sta- gered seheclule of fall fair.NewuI cs-on, manager of Lindsay Exiton proposed a rteeting with dircto ý o Dats c 15District 4fairs ae 12, 13, Il: BL1ackstoclk, Au, 3'2y ALI,--30, 31; Ladsay, flept. 18, 19q20 Sept. 1~17: ~oiS".5, 6,7; s Au. , , ,10;Pr -Ôe et 3 Sundrlad, Spt,10, il; and - Tablelite lted ~ Bille ~eet s ABLE DATES ümeu- m-1klýïll_:ýplýl 4 il tîl

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