Now, They're Curling Without icet The veny popular ice sport af curling lias been given a new olaut as a resuit af Dutcb initia- tive ilunmaking t passible for the game ta be playetivîtbout iece. Ice curling, of Dutcli-Flemisb oigin, dates back fo the ealy part ai the 16tb century. As with golf (which the Dutcli also dlaima ta bave originatet), it firlst tnav- *led ta Scotlancj anti then gratu- aliy spread al aven the world, lintil today it is onie of the most Populan lfai algaines an ice. Inspireti patly by the sutiten popularity ai bowling (ten-pina in the United States anti nine- piues in Europe) and partly by the iucreasing numrber ai Euno- peans now traveling ta winter &parts - Halant. itself fints its wiuter spantens încneasiug by thousautis every year - an etter- prlýsing Dutcb f irm bhas launicheti arail-curling craze. The new game obeys most af the ruIes ai ice curling, althougb the curling steines used are inounteti ou ingeniaus steel bail bearings anti are matie ai a pat- entet materiai which is extreme- ly comnpact anti bard anti bas the tougbness anti resistence s0 es- seutial fan this game. In the absence ai the uisual curling rink this indoor or out- door game la playet on a special.. ly coinstiucte rink ai reconsti- tutet stone wblch cati be easilly laid. _However, this rnk can be immnetiately convertet itaan ice-curling nlnk turinga a perioti of froat, while the rail-curling atones cari alsa be changet for use an ice by a few simple alter- atiouis. Rail curling is playet either i singles (two teamns af one player eacb), doubles two play- ers ini eacb teami) or treblea (teama aif tbree playens each>, po that mnixet doubles are easily arrangeti. The rail-cuirling rink às about 90 luches wide. anti about 85 feet long. The weight of the gtanes varies fromn 28 ta 38 pountis each, anti a normai ink bas 12 stanes manket inl pains, wrltes H. G. Franlçs lu the Chris- tian Science Monitor. A rall-curling match is al- ways playeti aven an oatt num- ber ai ends, the actual number being fixet at the begiuning ai the match. Actuai play is practi-. caily the saine as lu ire curling, although the designers ai this rafler curling have litroduceti one or two special rubes ta mieet ppecial (conditions. Iu roil curling, of c ourse, the excitiug use ai a 3amail broamn wieitiet by a teammate runniug backxvaids ta sweep away auy powtereti suow la not necessany. Yet ta preserve the traditional *customr many rail eut-bers also use the bnoom iat east as a saf e- guarti against thein team's stones being teflecteti by tust on tirt. Ral curling links have aiready been put ita operation ail over Holiaut fnom iHaren lun the rnortb ta Leenteienl the south, anti in- ciutiirg the papulan tourist centers ai Noandwjk on tihe coasit anti Am-ensfoont ini the. beant ai the country, Thene are aisa five af these rinks tiing weil lu Deauville, France, while the new game will be introtucedt t Englanti before Christmas wben a ink is ta open in London. HOW Con 1? By Roberta Lee Q. lew Cal i 1remove sSnti crayon markings from wallpa- per? A. Caver with a paste matie af fuile's earth. anti carbon tena- chiantde, ailow this ta dry, then remnove hlit5ybrnushing. ISSUE 50 - 1962 MIMIC - Joe Laurel does a perfect imitation of his fam.. ous brother, the late Stan Luurel, who with hisi partner Oliver Hardy provided laugh,% for two generations of movie- goers, Joe is niaking a film Dil location. in Milani, ltaly. Treasure Hords- Yours For The, Findong Prof essional fortune hunter3 are stili busy seekingc treasure- hoards salted away by ieading Nazis tiuring the war. Even amnateurs with no more time ta spare than their annuai holidays are getting into the search, which bas alreatiy brought ta light an estîmiated $9,000,000 in mnoney, tjees, gold inigots anti various works of art. But as least another $120,000,- 000 wvorth af treasure and possi- bly as much as $450,000,000, re- mains ta be found, mostly in Italy andi the Mediterranean. Treasure-seeking cati be i dangaerous business. Several peo- pie have been m~urdered because they kniew, too mruch about a $3,000,000 treasure lhoarti la Italy's Lake Coma. Anti a Swissa mntain guide who was indiscreet enaugh ta talk about a cache he hati un- covered near Zermatt disappear- eti without trace during the wini- ter af 1960-. There is no daubt. about the existence af mast of the treas- ures ani even the approximate locations are known. Thi.e duf - Culty is ta finti the exact spot. Few people witnesseti the aic- tuali bidirg of the lbot anti most of those who tid were k-iliet taO stop tl-em(, talking. Eight main hoartis are known ta exist. Hitler sent a plane-boat af golti valueti at $9,N00,00 ta be hidden in Italy. The plane crashed on the Italian site af the Brenner Pasa and the crew were illeti. A Germnan aofficér anti a small party of soltiiers, realizing ta whom, the gold belanged, took it from the plane andi hiti it in roug-h country near Brenner. Al wvere- later reported killeti in action. Thie vast fortune af gold anti jeweis known as Mussolini's Mil- lions, is valueti at mare than $18,000,000. It is alntost certain- 3y at the bottom aof Lakze Cama wliere Mussolini ortiereti it dumap- ed duririg bis flight from th* British andi Americani armies. At Ieast three aof the people who helpedto tdtusnp the vagt treasure-it fllled about 100 cases -are still alive, but aniy one caxi be tracet. This mnan, a GermnanN.O, lias been unable ta show exactly where the cases were thrown. Much of Lake Cama hias been draggeti, withoeut sticcess. Officers serving- with Fieldi- Marshal Kesserlt-ring collected mnuch blot turingf their service i Italy anti are said to have pooaled itrety orsale in mare settlled tinies. But tki Germa1:ns had ta with- Jrawn so quicidy that they hati no chance ta retrieve their tor- tune, which is Stiflsne r in the Venice area. A few af the items known tfor certain ta be in tliisclci' have turniedtiup in recent years, s0 somnebody may be nibbfing at the hoard. Four officers were respon,,sible for, biting the treasure, thzee are teati, whule the wher-eaboffutsaof the fo.urth is unkno'wn. The Nazis, h'at a srial! but hiÀghýly efficient Gestapo unit iît Italy to track tiawn peopde con- xidereti dangerous. These men amasseti a vast for.- tune-no estimate 1$ possible- by stealing f romi their 'i.ctims. They acceptet imany bribes to allow people ta escape but hav- ing pocketeti the bribes they hati their victims shot. The Gestapo agentls put their loat together anti hid ili somne- w%,here in Rome. There they hadi ta leave it whien the Ailied atd- vance ralied fCorward. Italfan Po- lice know now that two et these' Gestapo agents returnedt ta Italy in 1954., Apparently they quarreleti over the loot and ioug-ht violent- ly. One was shot throisgh the head: the other diet fromf knife wourds. The only other knowne survivor af the Gestapo group i sWstinl jail paying for war crimeLs, but lie isn't talking. Many officiai anti unoffîcialý searchers have combed Rame without finding the loot. Even the Colosseum i',as been searched for it, writes John Laffin in "Tut- Bits." One af the most infamous af. French colaborators was Paul Gillet, who matie a fortune trram bis treachery. He was paiti a percentage of the weaith ow,,neti by bis victimas. Wben Gillet saw that theet wvas inievitaiIe, lbe bld bis lbat 'KILROY WAS HERE' Yes, there really was a Kilroy. Any GIl, sailor, seabee, or miarine ai Worlti War Il wiii tell you there must have been thausanýdg ofi hem, judging fromn the num- ber ofi places he saw painteti or acrawýleti the words, 4'Kilroy wai liere." But James J. Kilroy, Who passed on the other day in Hali- fax, Massachusetts, claimeti ta b., the oriinal-ani for a numn- ber ai yeara lie bad a wbaie trol- ley car ta show for it. The car bat been awartiet by the Amen..- cati Transit Association on proof satisfactory ta it that the former Boston city councilmian ral startet it ail. Working as au inspector in the Fore River Sipyard, he began chalking "Kilroy was bere" on tanks anti other equlipment ta show that he bat cbecket ilt But now Kilroy is a legend; anti a a legend, Kiiroy wiil always be bere. nean Grenoble lu sautb -east France anti rau for caver. The Resistance- caugit hlm ant lie was executeti, withoutj revealiug tbe secnet of bis treao- Th*. Nazis are knawu ta have pi bim about $l.500,000.lit W samal as samne of the treasures'$ go, butit ut laintact anti till wat lnig ta b. founti. Ail the millions ai peopleý sys- temnaticaliy murderet byth Nazis bat possessions ai so-me kint anti many wene verywe- thiy. Not only were tbey tieprive of thein money anti belongiugs, but even the goiti l the teeth, Whieu Germnany began ta crumr- ble, much ai this boot ,vas but-- riedly loatieti on ta trains anti trucks anti taken-in cases label- led "Documrrents" anti "Armyý Recorts"-to secret stores in the Austrian mountains west of Ilu- nsbruck andt ta thens ilu Ba- varia. Sir.ce 1945 oniy about a ïfiith ai the Vs-asure bas been recov- ered anti this lu Austria. The Bavanian cache remains tutus£- coveret. its value is impossible ta estimalte, kuit it musit run 1ta rmany millions. Mary other simablen treasures are kuýrowu ,nta exisit. Lasit summer twvo policemien lu western Auis- tria fahowet a mnati into Bxre- genz Foresit anti caught hlm digr- ging up a chesit containing dia- -monts anti jew 'ebiery, ahi stoien turing the war. The mati is too \young ýta havhe been a Nazi off icial, but hie is suspecteti of having murderet L~"" 1, -' __ J'DI sva-elothing iand] dvygod't-r Ia Western'u Ontarfila' vllkage ilu icli tebacetot anm' dajry arias. Soi-li riiI bsiWiksà seitia mudarn< 1 badinoons arnt- Mentt abnee-e store. Exceptiotsaally citan'ý stock aur iniilse Mrtgage crucha- s uasagedi on bildiing or wili «onsidIer .lassa.. Apply Box No. 257, j'iSjth' etreat,,. 'ï-oontp 143. Ont. ýOMPLETE passenger car tire retnesd- itxg- hop. 4' Lodi mnoulds sud ,stock oi tires. Very reasonabll. Reason- for' seil ltag OeaAlSis>. 385 Portage Rdi.. Niag-- ara Feuse. OPPORTUNIII!Y knocks For sale, Bakýery-Coiieeshiop, ithi ample space & oppostunity to expand, steady furnover sud romplete equitimenit, together wlib good brick builtiltg sud a -a ode ii 2 rbedrooro apartment for, $9.900 Rea- aonable terra fors- igt pas-t>' mmeci- iote possession: Inform. P.O. Box 282, Outton. Ont., or phone 52W. GARAGE buisiniess and dealership in prosperous fss-n suad touriat iare.70 miles from Toronto, Modern steam heatec bilding,,, 2 car showroom, parts l'oom, feu staîl service dept., 2 boists, roffices, 300 feefi paved frouýiage on busyt higbrway. Closest opposition 14 miles, 9 0-80 new unifia aold yearly. GM cars solci at prenant, franchise subjert ta, flsctory approval. Bursiness it- s golsig- cancer, approx. $400,000 tus- oves' an- niually. Cash requlred about $3510M0 Pisanrlal statements open to- inspectiont, ta Isteresteci parties only. Apply' 1h- per'- soin or write Fleck andl Keffer, Real-' fors, 4"1 YaVng@ St., Toronto, Ont. Nco îIssia-sation given on phone. VENIFNG, establlrdt. your ewn, route,' or- ewn y,.ur, awn nrachine-. D5riruss eoffee- sud dharoiste air Iargiin, prîées.. Cèadiem eGames & Nivelty Co,, 5"Dl Mc' Do.nw' St.,. Pe1'erborosigh>. Ott!>. Samie MIO8RRN store- for-vent. <iiowstown-, op- poite Ifudis Bs>'-d, Ideail fO- MilIlheny',. Redy o Wear, Jewellor3' or- Florist. CoMacet flaye Zi*LriWr, In Locil fSt, serntr. Dl -y537'. "IODU«7nfe apple rtflfor-satc-, in, reoxfeiappifr growftTe dlif. -c.Aver- aile yfelki in excess of 3ül0O0O sfe 51%McintosYh, 25% 5py's. P'y eq&ifp- péd wftls machmnery, orefrard- boKes, etc Céld andotrlef tmosphere sora avairable. If not genuïnety inferested l a subsatiar fïnanctltpro>pisltftin T c» waste yosr flem- orurs. DETAILEI) information ansd fixataI? statemnents avafraie fron.v R. T. Mc- Morran, 2070 Clrae 0Cresce-nt, Meaqg&r palls, Ontario. GOING CONCERN 2-BAY SUNOCO STATION AND GARAGE EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE Austin Car and Truck rranchtse Land - Building - Stock, Etc. .Establislied 25 Vears Mufrtgage Money Available Growing outsiçle business linterest. require owner's attention. Contact GLEN RISHEA BOX 117, NORWICH, ONT. CisAIN SAWS -McCtLLQCH chainsaws, sales service, ahrpening. Parts and service on Br1ggs,. Johnson, Lanson. Power Proiiucts and Clinton engines. Kighltey Auto Efec- fric Ltd. 126 York St. London, GE 4-6863 COINS COIlNS wvanted, pay higlhest prices. 1963 Coin Catalogue 21). Gary's (8>)9"le Jas. per Ave. Edmontoni, Alfa. the wner ai the loot, who was foalîsh eniough 1ita get drunk and give away the secret. Mare treasures are> in Swiss batiks. Many af themi will neyer be claimned because the depasi- tors have vanished. What ta do with ahl this wealth Io an embarras.sing question for the Swiss Governneflt. The treasure hititen inu moun- tains, forests anti lakes probably belongs naw ta the persan who fintis it, less, perhaps a slice for the Inland Revenue tiepartmrent of the cauntry concerniet. But if you finti any ai the bul- lion keep quiet about it until you have it in a batik-aor you probably won't live ta enjay it. maDE' nufor large dii'r ftt.nn Mfuai-be fkill3r experiëeeÉi. Mbduswr boujjse; Oi goDd houne-Niagara distict. state wagle J»hn fIQ-nyn, RR; 1V Stevensville, ant*. FOW SALE MISCIELLANEOUS, MRON workiIng tols forial.lafhes; sisapeva.mlln 1ahie 1:cttlpresses, Sheavy hartsaa-aVC à')be seen aper- atinig under power, bagýA il ps-iresý Geo. C-. Kalttinig A-Sons Limîted, Gait, Ont., 54-56 Ai-salie Si. S. Phlone 621-3740 PONY har'ness-5 -0-Gis-fil und Head aise requlteeL Ordars iilled on rerelpt of MN1ley OTrd plus Sales Tax Dealer inquinies invitéci Long's Itarness Shop, P.O. Box-' 237. Thamesville, Ont.. estab. 1932.- 1 OIL portraits Big 3l x 10 Size fl-and- paInteti fru'n s »Sholato yurcolour. Oniy $69Y5 Iithnd Traders, 134 Dinpp* AvRlnue, Pointe Claire, Quobec. IRRIGANTIONrQUIPMENT FOR SALE IBRIArIJ~ SIe:New and uscd irri- gation, pipe,. puanps, sprfiiklers and fit- tings at big savangs. . Ekmple: Newý 5001 gallon fper Min ute 1,ero. puompa just $456.010; 4' alumninum. pipe' M) cents lier fot, Wrtte, Plniens' onnein Vanden. laushe Irrigatiobn, 4& Equipment Ltd,. B ox S18r,.CraMiI, Ont. Phone 582-2380.. POLIED'shotbona.putmore profit l, beeS ralsihsg For Informuatitn whlere you-oaa' and why you shousît examine t1is ld oebreed wv,'mdra ,ak rte- j M~ Ve Wèit 3510rn1've., ntoi14) âICARI) Snow Blower, AMbdel' «1>5. st45knw hasmmnitsie, BUDlIt6: CYL. G-asmoter Mbdel BfA\flbwaýr bMotor - Blidis 6 CyL:Dit-sel Mtdell 6DHiOS 5b'~ ivre-Trii stroiie. PLr- ecconditisr. Ilte .- -.. '50,. M'TERN24A'TIBAL 4' Wieeil drime- teuckz, equillnTeirti M'iisr Frni, CV--pltw, sidt Il wihg- aIl bdaukiiroperated: readv- t'opibw. lPvie.$45 e. W,11),MisI1 AR tà,iénckwhinthaid steel, bou,,. Weusy9g0àiloniiiibùný qIlle ................... ....... $47; AkDAIRS Road! CI'er wi'thilqieeimail bonal Ga a3 ilmoVosulless nsanl R'eml! goad warltoe-g ordev-. Pri-ce. $,5001 EUGlHES IirI~ tsasbut<rie %wýiBl lit 8;tom.'Oultifer ltres. .. * BEUCX'aUSEïrIIIs sýe1 i& 5a floc,. lMoýde) î"13,(00ew mo4itent goodi aperat- ing eauii.Pien -..-. .".b 1 BA7MSH0OVEL rsasasated osaGIRC. 10 'Wbeeler Cnsase Boom', Rack Hoe snd Sso'ell PefeCt MoelstMio es. rim tirca. As for........ -ýý-ý,ý-..$,50 TWO TRACT/AIR Air Vmpeesasrs, Le Roi lMode) 105. EBth lin good workn conidition. 'rice eacli ýý. e,5 ?XWO TOWMOBI32LES, saitalple fars mcv- inig airer-ait. lReady Vto wcss-k,poed by chrysier fndutstnial essgisrs, fibid( drive. Psiceecd$.... 0 StiOl MULE, suitable for toýwingj or puslsing cars arossnd gâtra3'e, tak-es little rom,>g0ond wos-k)ng condition. Only $750 1957 CESSNA A1IRCRAF7 Model 172 4 Passenger. Rtadio equipped. Penfect condition. Newv Motor. No bous-s. paire.............$6,00 'rnI8 INTERNATIONAL Bnlldozer trac- tor, ves-y good nunning oz-der, needs new chaina. Price .-.-..-... »DH DIESEL POWEREID OLIVER CLETnIAC, Bulldozer blade on front ditch grader on yens-. weighns about1- tans Not ued much real g ood con- dition. GIve awsy pnice.$8900O OLIVER CRAWLER CLETRAC ' front, mounted bulldozer blad e rear inounted BOPTO DITCHIER, extra good condition, w6elghs about S ions. Prire..............4,00 QLIVEI. BULLDOZER about i8 Ton wth Bulldozer blade. grade botilIdes-. Good wvorldng condition. Price -..$2,500 TD9 INTERNATIONAL BULLDOZER EQUIPPED, WITH 1 BLADE, AU, RECONDITIONEID, n ew%ç tract s. psie $ 4,500 WELDEN MOTORS LTD. 275 METHANY RD., LACHUITE, QULI. Tel. LO 2-5238 MEDICAL POSTS ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torn>ent ot dry eczema rashesanad weepIng skin troubleFi. poss cze-ma Salve w1ll fot disappuint you Itching, scaiding and bursiing Peze- mna, acrir, ingworm; pimples snd foot ecea ill sespond readly ta tlhe stainlesa, odolesa onniment reganciles of how astubiara ori hopeless they seern. Sent Post Frae on Raceit f Pric* FRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto Man122ML Buund~c~ssn,h~i1drenî sduits. Guaran- tied. 41 oune bottk, $21N, cash, oq- mw1ey orclé.. 'i.ninr l s a~Cn, 22 iOzaril Crecent. Tosollts;Oe 5. Glriba._ I1IGHLY RECOMMEND-D- e3Y-$ SUFFERER 0F REWAlýMCRANF& OR NEURITISï'SHOUI)TPY( DIX0MS, REM&5-Y' MUNRO'S DRUGSTORE 333 ELGIN OTTAWAý $11.25 EXPRESS «DIJLECt O)PPORTUNITîES FOR aE DWm N' Bt. A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADIMO 5CHO0Li. Gýrea opportunity' Learr, Hairdressing, Pieasant dignfied Professiofn jgýoosý * wages rhousands of seesis Wlarvel raduates Amlerica's Greateat Svsýterr r lustrated cata1og-ua Ftt'ee Write os. Cal>' Marvel Hoirdressinlg Scho&I 258 Bioer st W. Tù,oito Br"anchaes 44 Kng St. W HsitiLo- 72 fidèau Street. Onttwma SlD CORf4i ingiybid rry~u~area? IbhatiV Phtde- Seed Garni l'idë'î- mtstndine 1 aS ity llybrýd1iWAdt -5ý i. 1)eenbomting records- thr05ughüutf fthe-oes'rn growihg areâs of, Qanada. Pltide cnàrrias. a fuWlirUe of; hbrtdÊ«eit inilhe , tuinga!! Sii Bithin vatn diittftLbtt ilin fil t1l91- j tculârs writee Prldêt, ydti',cbm2n5wo .4tr)iie;,iniillixaii1etce.;Phanu- C-L,_ Wililr,, Rý-MtrÀe TWAErI SiDf0.Rk5 ltag IIaul1ditw IIISII&avPUUhi dttà pooGaessitig, emisnee ani, Maihinti snegi.M-01'ne oiauti5s, itii 1Llý ditilapliione sa htetnuya Well' *ABdiemV. GE V3a1*flaor v4i ir t*e- slWoPJ ab Me , Klh sSt ±fd>s011t., 1for145111 7(I»fUinElTboI dge Vir EaJ12io: own a'àe Tontes S4inmwsr BesanËt abs liIMua hLa. ceDss, 0Lefi aailemni ouse, 2 f sslly eqiiped aussnler esttages witlls flydse 6 o, T aere, bui. *gueid! fiallqt a wawocbutÉièý,. .1 Le Monilclair lit FAMOUS FOR CUISiNE JST. ADiLES QUERC FRENCHI Canadian atsnoaphere.ý EXCLUSIVE Snd resorfi - ski ilit - Smd achool - ski weeka. LUXUJRIOUS cocktail lounge. P-resent- ing ditily ini Copper Bar and nightl>r dancing "The Mlontelair Musicians." WANTED TO PUY WANTED FOR CASH- WILL PAY $35 EACH FOR Germcon Luger Pîstols DESCRIBE in first lettersns iobr condition, mnarkings on upper surface, Unr.egistered %wespona wanted as welI (f romn responsible parties onlyl, f or same car be regiisflered. AnI nquiriet promptly answered. Apply Bob War- wck. 33 Phair Av*., Waiiaceburg, Ont. SEASCAPE -- "Breezing Up," ci saoscoipe by artist Winslow Homer, will be depicted on o stamp scheduled to go orn solç in Dec in Gloucester, Mass, -~ i~ WATER WAITER - Citizen rît Venice, Itoly, sits in ainkie-,deep wuter, seemingly unconl- cerned about t-he heavy rains that have rumned his 112e ev'z H wits iesl for his wuiter (wadler?) to wnde out to hlm ond wait orfl hlm- PerhoiP, is,-'s bi-t.