Ybti AVERY* J f~rado '~A" Predressed TURKEY8 Yun45c a@ Young Toms 20lb & up ;39C pirns Shlan»tock - Shiort Shank Ready to Eat Whiole Or BoIt SMOKED HAM¶skinless presswood's Ready to Eat Club Style Glazed Whoale or Haîf PINEAPPLE HAMS Presswooýd's Ready le Eat Familly Style Glazed Bsoneless Pineappile Hams lb 59c lb 89c ,,-, lb. Average lb 99c Formai Not Only For Students Christmras exains have been oewcr a"t BIil pupils. This was very aoril Clarke Hgh 3silce Tuesday. B3oy are, as many of the pupJIs f romn bothi we -lad! TIhis is a tinme when we Sit schoo1, In ade nlew friends. After theý back, hope for the best and let the Sock H4op a very délicious and ap- teachers do the work. Everyoneç is pre ciable dinner was served by the lmsy with the preparation of the first pupils in the Hom1e 9cnmc formai of the school. »ecoratioyns are partmerit. meugiade to match the theme o!f "Wonderland by Niglit". Some stu- As the program came to a close dents ale even getting out of classesi everyone was very enthusiasticabt to work on decorations. We iu<ht th e proram tat they adPul t this dance ought to be a success, 7This tended, formai is not only for the students iHoward StaPletomýe but for anyone who cares to attend. The chiarge is $2.50 for student couple and S3.50 for -others. 1BUý11J.RJRE4 SERV Jane Wjtherspoonl ES A Total of g in Bonus Tapes PZ ECE"VE $600 IN BONUS TAPES witho 0PIE CRUST -MIX - Betty Cruceker 18 oz. iTIDE DETERGiENT - Igc off Ebiig Size, OSERVIETTES White Swan 2 pkgs. of 7011 1CRI&ST TOOTHIPASTE giaut sizOe OFU'N BATH Pinocchio & U 1Jiminiey Cricket eacbi o Cl-IGAETTýIES - Popular Brands Ctn 20 13 RECEI1VE $-1.00 IN BONUS TAPES wth f 0]HE AVY >UTY Reynold4s Wrap 18"' rolU SREýGULAR Reynolds Wrap 12" roIl 13 IECEIVE $2!.0IN BONUS TAPES withý Frozen raevae15.05. Pkg.g g COKING, ONIONS No. 1 Grade 3-lb) bagfl SAUSAGE MEAT - Mapfle Leaf gPure Pork 1-lb. Pk"g.I was the scene of the Grade twelve form party, ln celebration -if thie close of exarns. A vnryv ively volley- baIl gamne started tinsolff.ae we formed sets and square danced until everyone was exhausted. A de-! liclous lunch o! sandwiches nd' tarts was served. Everyone had a wonderful time and hp to havean other !orm party soon. Lynn Baileyv On Thursdayl, lIecember 13th, thec students of Clarke High School w,,ereý entertained by some eighty pupils; fiom Forest Hill Collegiate. Along wthi the Clarke l4igh School Gleei Club the two schools presented a program 0of mii1sic on Thursday iight, which proved enjoyable to ail the people wvho attended. arerin the afternoon the StudI- ents of Clarke Nigh w %ere hosts at a, Sock Frbp in honour of the Forest j Niew Year S. Ein Dancig Strts9:00pM) Monday, Decemiber 3Js HATS HONSPRIZES :ematPie ea 49c. àeSUNKIST large size d&Z 59îc lemeat 2 lb 43clag a liQ' Pickles 24 oz 39c UAN~~extr Olives 12 oz 59c Extra FanceyDaou Pray ùranbemr B.C. PEARS size 80 .5fo49 Poly llltg 21b 39e. No. 1 -C*mde Tender, Ga"0rdeR Fresll Br'àROCCO. ' j" lLI original bunch 29C We Have Pot Flowers For sýale: Folnsettia.s,Azaleas, Mujnis and Chrlstmias CombinlatiOfl 12 oz 55C Cheeze Whiz 16 oz 63C Kraft craeker Barrel OI,"d Cheese village fOon0 BY-LAW 1056 gBYV LAW 19-51j1Ï4011 ABy-Law pe rtaining to suela nwo h iewa~ad~-1 gj moigief mbidnsajunn iewl P1assýed Iiîlv 22nd, 1910 and fre on thc e idealks aalo the r(exuoving 0, f Snuw an ý.d ice fromi the roofs ofbidis adjacent W the s7dewalks Lu the village of g rono : The Police Truistees ffithe village3o! Or iunerc.56 g lause (e) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 193-j, Chapter 266, enacts as 13 fi htnue useto 7 i cuanso uidnsadoinn 1 T hga inde ubtolice4Vll ccvof Oruno, or nIdy gý diud i'e 13of it sita1 clear away and remiove the sflow and ice from~ the o roufs uf such buildings, aind also the snow and iee frô i te 'd2 walks adjourning thâeir premnises. atolYce Village uf ono58or ainy deied ands re u»o!mPiedth PotheesVillagde oshah be r de ied rth ruse uildings 13 gnthe sow ad ice af ere thed idas 4ta the rof f exldi,ý- and hie ownidero ntdh ie ak djcn t h x peAnde thatl a oi uhie bf e erod lhn24buso 3 n all alstor n om n csalb e.oe ihn21 or g amie ta t unr scin5&u teMnç 1Ad hnlt 4 Andthritis haeluhsestio n 4owteaMnicialect e tid te cutots hav ded tohe steh bi afdli t e o ceived athe gcollected lu the saine maimer as ordina tîaxesý 13Rend tbree limes and passed July 22nd, 1940, Chairmian - W. T. Riddell Reev'e- T. A. Reid Clerk - Joseph Meilor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.COD MUSIC Procèeds to, be donated to local Swiiùming Classes