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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Dec 1962, p. 8

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Allen, Or- thie Morris n-ville on Cemetery. LoIa's Beauty Shopp Park Slýtreet, orollo, Ontario TELEP110ONE I1603 BY APPOINVIMENT Gift-shopping fime is short!I MokE the moýst of by shopping he-rel GOVERNMENT 0F ONTARIO - TRADE CRUS ADE 1pair off Horckeyý Skates, size 3S, in excellent condition. Rtaye West, FOR SALE anetelectriec $5.0; Quebed ceai Heater $500; Lady's white Skates, size 8 $3,00; Space heater oih tank $2,00; Truck Jack P.00; Bumper JackQ$1.QO; 1. near inenwTires, 6.70x15, one Chiev wheel and tube ait for $20.00 Evenhngs -- R-alph M~cMackin, tk APPLE CIDER FOR SALE Specîal for the holiday. Fresh Ap - Ipie Cider,7c a gailln. fMr. Alberi FPos, Phiole 223î, Oron.o.i W-ANTED oeelephone Operatorwaed jin writing b (ýBox 118, Orono. SAW'S SHIARPENED Saws sharpenred on our Apply LN MEMORIAM1 MafjcDONALD- Cherished nienoriesl of a dear Dad ai-d Mother who passed awa Setember5, 1947; Peceinber 25, 19)54. Ycuri presence we miss Your imemory vW9 treasuire. Loving- you always, Fogtigyou neyer. Always remeunibered by the fan-rly.1 CHRISTMAS CONCERT Antioch Public Sehool Christmasl Concert will be held on 'Thuirsday,i December 2th ln the schocl. Every- one wvei.c(jne.e- CO-MING EVENT Ma,.Lke arrangements to attend Clarke High School's Formai on, Dec- enmber 21 st at Clarke High School) Dance to the music of Gordon Brond from 9 p.mi. to 1 a.m.ý Adi,-ision $ý2.50 per student couple. Aduts: $350A per Couple. c-c modernm machinery, Frank Çýrowe, 10ù2 Elgin Street, BowmvranviIle. 50-p FLOWERIN(; PLANTS FOR SALE Azaleas, Chrysanthemuims, Poin- settias, Cyclamien. for sale. George- York, phone 17316, Orono. b-c UNWANXTED HAIR Vanishned away with SC-EO SACA-PEt4O le different. It does not dissolve or remnove hair from the sur- face, bout penetrates and retardsi gr ot f UNWANTED HAIR. Lor-ý Beer Lab. LtdI, Ste. 5, 679 Granville St, Vancouver 2, B.C. P-40l rzNRSING HOME Lyntonihurst Manor Nursiýng Home has wamcmotbeaccommiloda - tion for bed and Up) patienits. Reasoil- able rates. Phone Orono 1308. 51-p MIERR c H 1s"MA and a f~~ ~ roih tf n aaeete HAPPY NEW VEAU the Durhami Couinty Sales Arena. No Sale on Thursday, Decoýmber 27. RECEPTION On theoccasion of their golden wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. George Waddell, Bethany, Onarlo, will be very pleased to welcome frienis at their homie on Frlday, Dec,- ember 28th, in the 3afterfloofl betweefl the hours of two and £ive, and in Che evening from seven until fine o'clock. a-p M1ARI,ýAtmE ANNOUNCE-MENT Mr. and Mrs. T. Parks, Newcastle, wish te anno)unce the marriage caf theirý daughter, Ami jennifer to Roger Blrock Barlow, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Barlow, Orono. Thle wedding tooki ,,lrcn n+ the oo - UniTtc Church on NOTICE Thle Hi C Cr-oup sold their quotai of Ohurclt Calendars. They have or- dered more and wil anvas mhe re- mnainder of Orono. Anyone living out- side the Village wishing a Calendar, please phone Diane G3iibart or Robert Roibineon.a- U Orville Chatterton jElectrical Contracting Eleictrie 1Heating i and Service phone 1031 (Orono, Ontario i Stafford Brothers Limlted 318 Dundas St. E. ihittby, Ont. Manufaeturers of Cemetery Memorials Dealers üh Domestie & Foreign Gra'inites and M1arbies - Inscriptions Cul and Cemetery Repair Work Hiaiitons Monday, Decemyber4 l7th, 1962 WANTED Insurance Servu;e U Garage in Orotio for winter nionthos, not deMa terage. Telephone Ron An- days. ap f NOTICE FOR L Sta ~Io ANNUAL SCflOOL MEETING E L th olon i Publie Sehools Act, Section 24 'le) ' As required by TheO Publice -.l~~Christmas Day Ring Act, 1, the undersigned, Secretary o! f te Board of Trustees of Orono Scheoil Section No. 12 in the Township of out our Good Wishes Clarke herelby gv notice thattef Annual School Meeting of the SuIport- as- you go ion your way ors etf the Publie Scliool in the Section will ho héId at Lhe School on Wednea- day, the 26th day of Deceniber, 1962, at teheur 0f 8 &oek in te ater.. non for e tryansationtyetirst ineo,5a rIerne oUote te tuis- lawfully bro)ught before the neeting. Date-d tIis 12 day of Deceuber J"2~ Horar-ie R. Beot, Secretary, )3oard of !1irsteem. f b-co 1 wish te express my appreclabloni for the many acts 0f kpndness, flowers and carde f romi frieild$ and îieighors dcuring my stay in Memnorial Hospital, Bowmanville. A special thanks to D)r. A. F. MoKennie and the nurses for thecir ind attention. Mr. Stan Bah1 CADOF TïIANKS We wish fto express OUr' sincere t aniks tu, frîends, relatives and nei.-h- bours for kind expressions of sy- pathy at the time of our recent ber- cave ment ini the loss of a beloved mnother, the late Mrs. Mladison ýHall of Orono. Frank and Catherine Ardron, Tor- ente. 0a-P ~WnigRepaired 1Brushes, El(rcToolad S a!l O Applilance Motors O Work xirnes0 AI. Heard G Phiono: 1176, Orone 31ARIAN A. KILPATRICK, Reg. phono 193 OFFICE HOUR8,& 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. 7:00&to 8:00 p.xm. WEDNESD-AYS ai-d SATURDATS, BY APPOINTMENT INLY DR. R. J. TAGGART VF-rE4aWÀRY SURGEON SPhono i(16 Orono, 0«& Lawrence C. Mason, BlA Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones. Office- MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-55A3 SW. KAY LYCET,>BA i -n thte Offi1ces of fi ÎA[N ST., ORONO. (i Telephonce 38 rono J .SA B.A,,Se. O *L,,13 PROFSSINALENG1NEEI 13 Ontarlo Ln reyor 13 21QucaSt Bax 1659 9 Bowilalivllie, naï g Telepph4ene 623-7251 L. J. SKAIFE IChartered Accointant "15V APPONTMLENT ONLV' Mai SteetopONO P.O. Bow, Tel. 13,3 INS URA N CE Ceneral & Life -SE E FRED0 LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN 8UT., ORONO Phone 12516 Res. 11714 JACK REID 1 Orono's Licensed Atictioneer and Valuatop, Specialîze in Earm and Furniture Sals Consuit me for térms 1 and dates jPoe5 r 18 TEl) JACKSON Auctioneer and ValuaeUr Coniducts Auction Sales of .&H 4w» ean t reasonable ret« Communleate witb hlm et PortF« Ontario- Fanil Meorad Our 1uality and service Ieavet nothirag to be desired Asic the person who bouglit frcrm ta a #ieiqhbour, friend or relative T he R UTThER -2,RANI1TRF 73 Onta rio e W ý PORT HOPE "LretDisplay in Souithern 1 e i

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