~o Hirdlress i g lePa For eautiful Hair P'S PHARMACY o ]PHONE 16,U if ouir p îenaysysteal le t- function effecti ely -we must lhavea miajoritygoenet My earneî hope for 1963 i tat- andawifl see some party form a ý iinjoity govern- m-ent and tt suligoeiintwill take the lkiuid (f vgru action Carij adliaus will expectrin rder thiat Our Country , i met L e caleg our timef-s. Carance We a.n- clearing ail eT onu' F~- il a d d'o' great ~ redoeed pre~s There is a goo.I s l~ n erepes, weoi or cetten kif 15 anTi the izos na"~e I Corne in anTi 100k theîÀ over. S Dresses, Reg. values te $29 50. Sale Pr-es - Lhes~es aI o~ nO~}l~,, i 9 .~) $17.95 21 Dresses, Reg. valueSi,$1 "J;. Sale Pricî.. hý HATS AT ~2PiricE Yoni may choose any of the balance of o ur desFL',1 anid Winter IHats ai hall rie There are tligd yles lin veloutr and velvet. LADIES' CAR COATS rCoats, sizes 12, 14 ad1.glaval ues 10 ce I S.ý5. rCoat, bonsuiedine, sze1 Rg. $99.Sale jCairnis of Schomberg, Mvr. and rs Hermaiun Dunlop suad Sharon of Scar-I 1oouh Mr. and M -Us. Armond Hol-, linswothof CoanvmIlle, -Mr.',aud[ Mrs. Geo. Duumlpanddugtrsad M. Mînniie Stutt.i MisDorothy -Duailop), ang i'tIl reatvs iom ro sebaIUk, trdt iaonto speaid a few dy vr NewYeas wthMr'.anMr.Wle jDunlop. Taby or New Year's dinner wereLI -~~~~P MnadMs.T .Cwkr r jii M 1%n Mr.G rons.'InwI ýi adri ilye undfmiy MradnrGln liisd ai of i!ny an vilfmuy,1 (à.ll, r wihMr. ad Mrs Irin Raiey Mr. aud r S. Noce Satn eally 0f Cibolrnspent ichWaenI-eday nOrono. byMr. aniMr. ohAFrrester anTi ti1 son pu e er alh ir jwe sud Mrr.Hu. Stanieton a ïami M ir. Frd Grhan. a aknoe 0fOon Neasooiral GraCharge and jmr. Ger- lorougl ,with Cec i Don- 7.- GRAHANIS' ESSO S WISII TO ANNOUNCE Russil . Hoey l>. urlain Murrlay St. John, Burlingluon visited My lecionto eprsen Duha~i vfliliMr. and Mrs. Anýolld Wallace-ý in te 25h Prliaentmake ti anc fa Iduring the Cistr-nas va- lie.Mihaland Ka4r.en Fagan spent the Ch-rislimas vacation Withl theit' rndarnt, r. andm r \î1S. The probleI- 2cngCnaatodlay<Oer cau be solved by the coý-operativce et. iss Josephine Armjisti-ongof West: fort oif ailCadif. Dennis, Mass., spent the Christnmasý hiolidlays wIth IM'rs. T. Wilsoni and Mrs. E. Grady. st is my beef, ndtiS COn-viction Mr and Mrs. Roy Patton returnetd bas tregthned iti rn sevieceIn last Saturday after spen'ding Chist ~Prlaleftthat 6UjCr effort caný be milas week at ber parents Mr. and effective only if goverý,nient gives Mrs. Jam-es Robinson and otiier the ïidn eadership anmdaction that neiers of her famuly near se, will restLore ourtsese o pur'pose and New Brunswivck. They travelled by oui, strong fit ii the future. bus. Mr. ad Mrs. Ed G~ànand fa-ni- ily hiad dlinn-er on New Years Day witli Today hereis' tco(,xnuch doubt andj Mrs. Oliver Gibbs and famuly Dun ineiin otenugi op nd coni-!bartbu. fidnc. dono sy hese tliings in Amiong those who spent Chritmras a arisnsens'ie. They apply to aildj with Mr.,and Mrs. Jack Reid Candia poiticalparies -we re Mr-. Fletcher' Carscadidefl, Mr.1 Johin Patton, Orono; Mvr. and Ms Milton Elot Mr. and Mrs. Ar'thur Aun aplcsnainldefence. Saunders, Bownaruville and Miss We aýolrspedor. unres fwillins Patsy Rei'd, Toronto. 0f dllas o wepôn tht Wll eye The Annual Cilarke District L.O. be ffctie n or efnce. W are wiil mieet in Kendal L.0.L. Hall oni decfaujLtiflg Mhi ou? omitLjtmfefts 10 Nato and we aý re dtsappointiflg andi Wednesday, January tb at 8 >o'cocký frustratiflg oui lle becIau'se we Ire- p.m. Al mieniliers are requested to fuse ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~b tomk elln nntoa epresent. fuseto naheon iatinal New -y-ear's Day guests witb r defence pollcy. and Mrs. Carl Biliniig,, were Missi Audrey B3illiugs, Oshawva; Mr. and There vijll be hîonesýt differences of~ Mrs. George Cole, Mrs. Rowena Sher- opinion among Canatrcuans aýs ta rY, Miss Lois Sherry, Port Hope; Miss whether or flot auri. Coutry should Carole Little, Kendal; Mn. and Mrs. acquire nuiclear weaLpons. 'rhere will Alex Wat3son, Mrs. Ruby Porter, Mirs, be houest differences of opinion a- Heber Souch, Mrs. Harry Bailey, mong Canadians as to- the pole our Wayne and Lynn Bailey, Orono. Country shoild(, pla',y, if any, la Nato. iMir. and Mrs. Jim Riokalby and Mr. Because there will be such dI'fferences1 Normnan Ricikaby with Mr. and Mrs. f o)pinion 15 noj reason wvhy deelelwonsl Allan Shields, Toronto, for Ne~W shiould flot be mnade, Ail Canadians years. will respect and observe deocisions Guests wîth Mvr. and Mrs. R. E. made by, govern-rnent on) national de- Logan were Mr, and Mrs. E. G. Ray defence arnd other national problerne. and Bill, Islinpton; Mir. ai-d Mss. Neil Elliott anid Waren, Weston and: j Mr. and Mrs. Normnan AllUn and Sliair- In 1963 1 would personally welcoinC on, tcewf. clear cuit stat-eflents 0f natutional le-1 Mr. andi Mrs. Heniy LeValla.ft of fenice policy, whejicther tliey iaay corne Scaxiboro visited on New Year's day fr oni the Primne nse or from the 1wlh Mrs. J. F. Stevenson. Leaders o f the- Opposition parties. Iu Po.C B n r.SisfelI commnri ri may Canadians 1nay this week to speud a v,)aon Of h Tuz- not pesnaljgree with the content sou, Arizona. of such a' statemrfIent but I will sainte Miis. M. H. Staples aud Miss Sally the leader anid the armty who places Staples spent NeW Years with Mir, somie definite poic po record. and Mrs. Allan Strike .and family, Bfowmriviille. The sanie Management and IMechanic wîll be pleased - to serve you there. deiivered 24l-Hour Towing Service Lubrication and Washing QUICK CLEAN Dry C1ecing cand Lctundry :FREE Pickup and Delivery in ( Tues day & Fridai Telephone Mrs. Ronnie West. Phone 235 OROÛNOS5c te $1 STORE LF3 1_JANEU'R F, te AUR Z Retlrprice ..~L' RC --- .... B o:ys' odryPns V, boxe-r ast, sizes 7 o 12 SA LE PRICE.. $18 Tumlesetc. Pricedi at .. each 9c. or 3 fýe25Ce Wvomen's Slippers, fur trimmed, 2', colours, sizes range f ro m5 to 9. Priced per pair........... 99c, Note Sampler, 24 N'ýotes, 2 car CeaI, greeni rseyV with orl on size 16. legilar Price $15.00 I/cfft y fthe bai- alle o u e- 'eaI sets and enwslt, lso ys car cOate.ý Store OCpen Monday they have moved to the Iniperial Station At EiLterprïse on Ilighway 115 IC Durig the New Vear re- ces ofParliamient 1 MUllbe pleased to attend at your home, farm , factory or place of busi- ness te dsus any matter re- latng to my duties as yojur mein ber of Parliamient. Ila order to arrange ealis and avoid duplication of travel 1 arn settiag out below the daye on which I will be vis ïtng the folowng coinmunities. Janamry Sth, Bowmnville January 9h, Darliiigtefl. january lotii, Mlll1brook, Cavait Jaauary llth, 'laver. -Jaauaryv 12th, Hope. Itnt-ary 141h, Cartwright ,iiaiay 151h, Orono, Norlt 'I Clarkce IIaiiary 161h, Newcastle, South cI8rke, vailabie any evenlng or any date other me by 1lter or' telephonle at My office SMoore Drive Port Hope ORu ,9s s eilC.oney M.P., DURHAM SUNDAi