rrap of Scoulol vers to- In the wreck r-mniss markers. Thien trie wnoue group wAoulîd proceesi to swim fromtise north buoy taward the aouth.. Alter a Spartan breakfast -we picked up our dîving equiÎp- ment and waded out taoOur as- signed boats in thI-e cave. Then, bexeatb deep blue skies andi liii- Iowy cumulus clouda, vwe cruised seaward t o w a r d Matanceras Point. For over an bour the divers porpoised Liup and down la the heavy surfinioving southward, mainliainiilg a sem-biance of a straight line. There were ne "re- ports" until we were almnost di- rectly off the candelabra tree mnark er. The diver wvbo made the first report was f airiy close ta shore, Even so, we o-rdered tIre Mexican manning the oars in ouIt boati to row toward 'hhm. As we puiied near, siPipig an alarmiing quantity of wtr other divers began ta sinIg out. Then al at once everyanie seemesi 10 be shantung11 simultaneOu-sly l Spnih!Imade notes. on the rnap by -guess-,ork-thee marker line lhd loDng since partesi ... Thee mapplingopraiaiin tise formai sense wasterinaed.It nadi not been a - totalý fiaisco. Thie divrs asisear[ched tise north endi of thbe reef faIirIihoraughly and we e satisfieci thaqt the 1,ottomn cntaned nting note- worthy. Bath dvn boats ,vere an- v-hored near the wreck,aWd soon thse ëIear seýater was alive witIr rearly fily eager skin divers. Many af tè,explar!ing a can1- non wreck for tise first imle, ivere disappointed. T'ley hias ex- pected ta finsi a Ibull intact, ansi thouglili ur wok woûid conisli primariiy of breaing intao one of the antciert, ms-ovrdhalcb- es. They son earneci, as we ha,'d learnei, Itlta goet ai flise cargo of an ancient wreck ýin the lro- ne it muat bu our after blour, paU[nding hislsinta a marbl-toublbankýet of living cor-al. There was relatively littIe pounding rthis first dy ri 'Diingforpleasure and Treas- ure," byClay Blair, Jr. Thse psuiis Ille oldeat liv- ing Aerica anssasalm.11Its for- FACE 0F TRA personi ficotion rning wtches fr stroys the four-f DY - Subzerc, wintertime f rames t1is personai trcigedy, as Mrs Nellie Flem- a home ccoss the street while fire de- ily flot where she ived iri St. Louis, Mo. Death Was Lurking In Ocean Depths Ba the glaring noantimie Sua, tIre gaud 'y yelow diïving cbam- ber caliesi Athantis swung sligbit- ly sie ta ide as tIre crane lose- eresi it toward tbe sparkling bUe sujrface af Avalon Harbour at Santa Catalina Islandi. TIren, at 12l.04, p.mi, oaking hlike a marra- trous cylindrica]. insecli ibbils pgyakgas capsules andi limp joining tubes, the Alilatis plunk- ed out of tise sunlight into the dark fathoma of tise sea. Wàihn the 4- by P2k - foot cisambe5ýr, sweating la glass-faced booda andi beavy ru-bber akin- diving suits, Hannes Keller andi Pete-r'Smýall were shoaling for a record. By theý plan, they woklId 1 Cave tise chamiber 1,000 feet down, near t'ise ocean fcloor, ansi swim fIree deeper liban mnan hasi everdne Tise starli of tIre asiventure basi been smrnaath. On board tise Euir- eka, ltbe ail exploration .ship whicbh aundehed tise Alantlis, Keller hasi painstakinghy double- checked plana, procedures, andi crew. il seas, alier ail, Iris pro- j ect. A 28-yvear-old Swissý malibema- tician, Keller boped lia prove - primarihy ta lihe U.S. Navy, wbrcb financesi part, of the experiment -tisali bY breathling a secret mixture a seS Ire had 'crncact- esi, divers couid aperate freehy at fantaîh eîb nisti lld(avos ihiat neiesis of tishep-thse bends. Smlall, a 3J-year-ald reporter for Tise London Daily Telegrapli, was biere prl for Ille stoQrY, partly asahrk arlmoatLtjlar. 1Ilbave a feeling that Hannres doýesn'li really nieesi iltia scre gs," said Christ;opiser Wlitaker, 19, a stand-by safet-y iver., "He reallyJIras blocdlk a wlsaile.» Only 410 minates, afte.r tIre At- lanlils sank fromr view, bow,ýever, it becamne apparent that the ex- periment wass ehw gaing wrang. Two television cmrsfixedi outside tseAtiantis. s& bsrr at sres aboard shïpo, ould, monitor activîty lis tise hme. badr't servesi as weil as expeci- edi. Tbrough -mncis of thre de- scent elier SmaflN's oyr Kîe body blocsed ithe ve.Bt tison at 12.42, observers said, tise eerie spctcl o smen's foo t lea-v- ing tise Allantis escape bhatch flpasis'esi ars iescreen.i Then aflier a pau--se Keller re- parted on the radio: -¶1 tiink wue have a ga- eis"Soon. tise TV monitors seemed ta show - tise pivture was nat perfect -bota men siumped over. Keller's assistants order-ed tise Atiantis raisesi to 200 feet, a n c3 safeliy divers - Whiltaker a,-" Dick Anderson, 30 - Àsere sn tao canverlitise chamrber fnoin Keller's gas rmixture 10co- pressesi air. This done, the safety divers sur7faced only ta learn that ob- servera hasid (eterm-inies i theAt- lantis batch was laîn.Chria Whittaker, thaugb b is nase was bleeding, jainesi Ande-rson li diving again. "We found a pie-ce of swim fin was cauglit in tise btb"An- dersoin recalled last week. "I et1'1 away tise fin. I indicaited tao Chýris lie sisauld suirface- and bell1 thjem ta,)pull ltibe bell up. He swam (out oain myvview. After abDout lc ien inutes the bal was not being baistedsi s 1 wvent ta) the top. Tisey s2-id Chris bad niever came Up,)" Whittaker was hst'- divers caulsi nat find ibis bd.Aid a second death was discaveresi whien the Atia'ntis was haistesi ta tise deck. Afiter six isours oi d-ecompresalan, tr-ie balicl was opened, and Peter Smrall'a body was removed. Hanines Keller, tlhouilh lie hadi been unconsý,ciauis, emnergesi in gaadi shape. "I opened üour face maýs1ks," Keler recalled. "Peter waa con- sci'ons at that lime. 1 knew it îwIould make us bath unconsciaus, but 1 knew thiere was enougbI air oubside remasks lanlthe diving bell to last us unli we reachesi tlie suirface." Keller, Iis gas mixture -stli a sere, bad lilille furiher ta Say excepli te comment: "Inthse ab- strac-t sense aur diving expert- nient wa3s ailîl a succeas." How Con 5? By Roberta Lee Q.How canti 1renew ehecked or "crazed" varnisheol or lacquer- ed surfaces on furniture? A, This can oflien be done simphy by using a pad of fine steel wol dipped. la rottenstonei paste. Rub until the surface is smooth to the tboucis, then wipe- off sith a rag dippesi mb toÉlIns- ner, apply two coats 0f wax, andi buff it down. Q. Please suggest atn easy and safte way to cheek for air or gas- thie 19-16 season tinst i b'all' players, began, d iappeanri,7g, iintb the dgouttunnel. Whn, tiey belatedily îearnèd tlie' finaL, cr, they also k-new they' badi seen a catch whose superior they'cL probably neyer witness. It was awa, sunny, Appril afternoon, andlci the smeil of spring in the air was accç!pkila- nied by a promnise of a great basebali year. For this was the inaugurýal ot the first pbst-war selasoôn, and alm-ost ail the olol, familiar faces were back- in the iine-ups aflier those long, hard yeairs in wýhich the rosters haid been tomn apart b.y the absence of men in service. Cleveland's Bob Felier and the White Sox's Bill Dietrich began delivery on the unispoken prom- ise of good things to cor-ne by hooking up in suc!h apihrs di-el as seldom la sseen be fo May Day. Six years before Fel_ 1er'had macle history by s tarting the 1940 seatson with the only Opening Day no -hitter 'in the~ record booaks,,. solit on. the vecrY saemound.. Niow he was ai- not -as. goodi - and so was, Die,- trichli, whose' «ixn, .no-hitter, was. n.ie-yarsbehind' himi. The rindians. and te White Sox, hadi finishid fiftb. and sixth,, re- spnectively,. in. 19415, but this cday' tbe'pla ' ed. i.e chlamipions. Thei Sox didn't get i bit off Feller vn.til, Taf t Wright's. single wilib! onweet ini the fourtb,. and. the C.evelanders niicked Dietr:ich. for oiy two, bits iri the firat five iinnigs,, as. tIe goose eg-gs tPok ibeir tplaces. la. soleni ipairs. The visitors put a. solitary î'un' acroass. in the sixtis. on. a.walk. lin George Case and. singles by Hank Edwards and Les.Fleming. Butý. the Hase oouldn't score off. Feil- er, allb.io-mgh they camne c1ose i tihe eigbth wben Dosai- Koiiowvay singleci, went toi thi.rd on. Thu.r- mai Tucker's. infi.eld euit anct was thr-own. out at the plate. by Case ilieu le liiied toi score eni r.alpis Hodgin's, pincis ingle. The -score atill was, 1-01 wen the White Sox went te, bat in thse Laszthall raf the rninth, nig Bob lK'enned1y went -c» ,toyi ieck hit for Ditrich a.nid drew, the game-t's first base on bafls offl aïi apae titring FelIleý. Wally Moses laid d.own a, e fect sacrifie--burt, andi Kenunedy' was on second wiýClîihe tyiig rua. Th-_ itte kaut of aabes wbo 3used to st in th Ireciherj. in the sbadoew o£ the el t fieldi grandstanol grew' fever.ish witla uncertuainty. Jimmý,iie 'Dykes sent up Murre(I Jon-es (wbo ,later, wben serctis Bostoni , ws. nw as Jake Jones), ta bat for Floy ' d Baker. Jones,, was a long ,bail hitter, andl V-ith arilt-adelbatte2r f n a rgtane picetse at fieidpd hlm- straUiglit andi f airly deep - Case in lefi fieli, Edlwards in right andi, ilacenitre, a younig uilnnawn witb tise im- probable naine of Bob Lemon. Jones caugb1t ihold of Fe-ller's first pitch aind sent, a Texas Leagur loopingi toward rigliht centre. Tise Wind, blowingl in as us ual1 over Ilhe bleacher ites' beads, held tise bail up but caused it ta drift out of the out- fedr'reacli. It was a certain base bit. Ken- niedy dug for third and Mule THaas, coaching thiere, gesticulated for hum ta go ail the way.ý Edwards didn't have a chance for thre bail, Neither did huiis Lemacn fellose, il seemed, but he s treakeol in, his head and shoul- ders -h-uncheol sa far forward lie iooked as if be .couldn't stay on bis feet for many mocre of those great, fast strides. Kneedy bad rouinded thIrd and seas on bis wray home witb the tyinig run sehen Lemnon, only a f ew dozen feet fram the edge of of Kawartha. ats Se iincrne. Restauiranit can owner or leased, $25,000, Owner, Box 128,. Feneloei tinig andi dry gooas store3 Onial'e i.. A1V ...,4.. raeý_d'Ion building', 'r iII osider ee. Apply Box No. 257, 1218t'it Street,, Tpronto 14, obt. "The ColIing Cobbler " INVEST OR$ nLeed1i fo- fi'anchising ný Canada and LLSj. MODE RNSI4 0 N W H EELS, with. proven histories. Brochures. J. Bruce Winnacott1. 15me S a" L'ine Rd., Oetawa,. 3 GOING, CONCERNi 2-BÀAY SUNOCO STATION' AND, GARtAGE- EXCLIVE FRANCHISE Austin C02randI Tlmn5a fanehMs,' Land BuildiingSiSoek, Etc,. Estabiished; 25, Year& Mnrtgage Miomey As'ailàbi1eý GSowing ogttide businless interests. Oontaci GLEN: RISHEK Box. i1L. "NO1pWiCW'. N4,T. GCOINS wanted, pay bighesriprïces. 16 Coin, (ata1ogue 25C Gary's. tB) 991vijae, per Av,-. Edmonten>. Alla. HEL!P, WANT5D. oMALE-i -FARM! HELP WANTJ,,Di ý esn« man. for dairy faràn, State esp3erience- and wages. RhIlip. GrA»ski,, Abrl, erry,. ont-. F0RLIiED. shýothornb put, more profi, lo heef, raising For- information, wbere yon, caýn and w.hy you. shouldi exarins. thsoJd. breed with, modperoiook, wMife. C- W Wieir. 3,orer AveG., To ontcile. DIXQN'S.REM>ED.Y - FQGRýNElRIJiIS, A.ND, RHEUMATI1E.PAINS, THOUSANDS, SAT.ISIEDI. MIJNRO'S. DRuG STORE 33$ ELGIN' 0OTTAW,&, $1'.25. EXPR~ES-,U±ECT thbe iifield. 1hýmehed isef-Ii n aýilng, lb olive and stretchedi omit bis. iadh'and as he «rasheeL liai the grass. B'all , g1oveu andi ccens lice fie'de2r wereiu Ixtfedim lia.a spectacsaair t tam bl he;, leiinndicy1 crossizag. lte pla.tei b.efoaie Lemonm couil!geti toe is. feet aa.dtues tIh-b i'to, Loua 'oiadreai.r There ýas -nosppeaetr senoreboard On tIre gý7mIdtandý's ilLperdec uaMing at Comniiskey Pa11rk,, as Ilhere is. todaly, andl nei- liber of tihe regulir boards on Qinte opf.thae blea-cherites. l'oT. r mt- lier Gf secoýnds libere wee nany out theri-ii nlihe wiarin April sun Who tha-uglii thre score was tieçl. Thse gamblers, quickest anol ci-n- niest obsýerVers of ail, stod ruot- ed i their places, squinting to- ward the diawmano. Thse inhabi- liats of the Cleveland bulipen, dow-n in the r-ight field corner, didlkeie There even see-med to be a mom-ent's hesitation on the ' part of the Indians in the field. It wasn't until the Indians starteol 1trotting toward the dugout that those in the bleachers were ver- tain Lemon had caught the bal, Kneyhad been doubled off second, the gaie was ove n the White Sox had lost, 1-0. A year later, ici his book, "Strikeout Story," Bob Feiler <or bis co-writer, Franklin Lewis) called Lemon's catch "the great- est outfie'ld play 1, have ever sen"Feller's opinion is good enough for anybýody who was in Comiskey Park on April 16, 1946. ISSUE 1 -1963 -i NURSEI irector