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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jan 1963, p. 1

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THURSDAY, JANUABV ierceý electi pla ce lfl'P' liT- Blaclistooli; - -ing a Ler tiigiie 0f education. lier Mr. J,ý C. Taimblyn of the meiber- re:ý slip coiniittee welcomc.d Raye Ly- ick- cett, Chas. Proste, Gordon Watson elti and i Wm Davey to the meeting. C. ýi-i-- PRIZE WINNER In fie home Christmas tiecoraition coutest the following prise winners twere selected by Messrs. H. Duval Sand L. Aslett with al prise monies SdonatedtI o a charity in nme of fie wiuer. 1s, it pri7e - Dong Simupson with dont- -to oing to fie Hi-art Fund. 2nd prise - Everett BroSwn. with Sdonxation going- to fie C P. andiT Funti. ~-3rd prise, - Jlm Major wihh donation ho fie Salvalion Army.. Mi%- L. T.owerv flh1PstiollPlia i-epnit andi Sou Improvenient Aiolto wili' be formeti. Ail interested. beef, producers are invitedte h attend this meeting. A number 0f open mieetings will be hi-ici'n the Pari-h Hall, BowmanvillI- diuig thec monfi 0f February. The speakers and dates are as follows: 4 F'eb. 5 - Dr. Julian - Swlne Diseases; Feb. 12 - Don MoArtliur - Fariro qed- it; Fcb. 19 - Johni Daîrym.-pie - GrIain Corn Ration; Fe-b. 26 - Dr. Arclibiald - Apple Growers. Anyone interested in these tocpios Le invited to attend. In order fiat more neenbers of fie xcal, paiper, Ébat tbe lI Pi-eation 0f ince ,ficK)Iit. a nyexpo-n A motion at te meeting passet nhee iiy chaiging- the meeting, date fi-orn the Out- Mr. bowcry feilt tbat it s'hould bave fi-at Thursday ho fie Second Mnta bbc comic hifore the g-eneral meeting antiofoh fe monlihh commnncing ah 6:00 p.m. lage rîg BonA nd t Croeàtp n- 'I1just have b oface up ho 1h and Hi- was preeldient 0f the -Noitliumrber- lur gI'i-manti bear it"," a tbcofan- ltýidanti Durhami Fluc.-Curcd Tobac- eor irQi-orge Vani ,i Dam after- losing hi c rowcrs Association threc ycai-s a nti eirie 1962 crop wi-n bis trage go. bar-n burnetiTurdyaftcrnoon a Thl ire Thuriay wýa dîsovert -ni, bout 3:45. ant 5,00 ; :45 p.mi. by Pipi-i Cola truck tii-uv The harn n 5,0 i-nlso r MckAdame OfoffOono who notic lvi.tobaîcco wcre lest, bt fie Pontypool smioke pouriuýg frýoro fie bain as hie aI Fine Departmcunt. managedte hSiave drove pasi. anii adjacent garage anti the bouse The blaze lhat progi-csseti too tai, tbc which was 60 fi-et away. Soi- emal for- any 0f the contet0fieb-nh fiepici-s of equiprocut anti machiner,? hi- saveti when fir-men arriveti. 'i-ai value t a about $2,000 were loat in fi e Cause 0f fie blase, WbJiciîwa arn Tot00,an d amage was eshiiatet ah f ought for more than an hou r, a air 26,00,andw-as coveredt hfe maxi- 1neit bei-n dehermineti. mumn possible tinter bari-in uuri "The neig.hibours were a gi-eat iTelp. s'as auce. Pire loss w-i stilI i-ipi-isent a lu saving adjacent buildings but il ffice consideraîbe amunIo the owiei-. was hoo laVe to Save anyfthing froni [ber Mr-. Van Dam i-aid it was a g'ood the liaru," sait Mn. Van Dam. nto crop, l avng won fie top awarti iii Mr. Van Dam iw-as in the bouse'dis-, ,ono the C.I.L., tobacco comipetihion aI fie cuissiug fertiliser wifi 'Salesnian Rosai dit! Nerfolk Couity Pair aI Sinicoe las' Gillanut, Orono, when fie lire was se-c- hall, wh-ne almost 70 farmers com- di-covereti, tiTi pited.-Hi- is miaried and lias thi-e e hilti. ifi-i Mi-.'Van DIicm's 100 acre farn iLe i-e ho weri ah sehool turing the the 1 ocateti one mile southhcf Pontyirool lire. VOWS Solemnized In United-- --rc usze 1maiti was Mise Maie Yi- of Orono, jcedr ionacsoisat O- j sister «oh fe bride. Miss d8tainbcn sesoiesan age gown w-as peppermi gr-e are a corsage 0f yi-bow' muma. 162 leugfi peau de soie wili matc'hin.g Later tiTe couple hi-lt for a wedding ýeol ovi-sirt, bier heaidi-ess a sp1avoffthip to 0'htawa 'anti Motreal. For i-o, peppermint gi-een pelaIs with match- travelling the bride chose a goîti rîli j ing veil, Miss Yeo's gown was pepyper- boucle sheafi toýppeti wlit blacek per- Lson mjint green pi-aiu de soie himid witth han jacket anti blacki accessories. Oui la 1w band off peppermnint greenu tiim- Aberticen St., OshaW-a. Or- j mcd w-th lace. TiTiy carrieti nocse- Thi- bride wvae honoureti aI a pi-e- o0f -ays ont yelIow anti white chrysauifie-, nuptial showcr a heTi homte Of Mn. e. nms.1 Chailes Sti intüon gi ven by Mirs.Ch. i Mi-. Aay Frost ,Wrston was best tainton antidaulierKathy. The i-man andthfe ushers were a frieuti of sl'ower w-as aihentied týil may of fiel >wn tiTi groomn, IMn. Peter Belsey, WhiiVby Of tiTi-br'ide'secigaqanne ai ni i- . Grant Yeo, Orono, brother off antiyffnd. A kitdhen show,%er w-as tbi t-bridie. heidnithe lhome 0f Mrs.Maihl Te A i-coipilon was hi-Id ah,'PThe Acres1ICiast 'Jr., atteudeti by the bitie's edyhi-ri-'fie guests were receivi-i b omrhgT colfiui.A pi-es- tnt le riti-' moierwbowore a cherry ,enitatinn was hi-Id by the Vincent as- faille slieatiT with beige accessories Massey Home andi School Associaion, )ns. anti corsage of white- muriis. She w-as, ant ilaother by the "Vinceul Mass;ey wïas aqseteti by fie groom's mohherwh echn staff in Osh'na wa weie tfie zhi, hie s Inaugural Meeting 0f STownshiïp Co.unct-ili Held tion of the 'Townlship of Clark~e %vas The Township of Clarke held' thei-r jstarted in t1he early thirties of the 19UI saiuametnon usayiiIe cenuay.Gulace 2OlIjhU Counil iChamtbers 0f fie Towndùii I M, a4~el ~voJad etiec o aHall, Orono.' Reeve H. E. Walkey clearecl po,, ot 21, 5:111Conicession i. * cliredc1 the ýneetirIg with al i mnbers, 0ýf Glzirke, liow owned bby Iir- . j. ai-. nia Ih tofcouincilîpresent. eslýdben a student at Giaso wFo4r E tr )svlt and i ~nborough UIni'versity anci sol was. well fittedti o assist in the du The High SSchool Board bias formedi Revý. Basil Long Co-nduteti a short cation of lie e u ldance Comimttee, for, the wliole period of praYer andi spoke brielly -ho yain o isrct haCmilte sm ieU conceil. Followýing fie opening cere- He ),Ienel a .school in his lhomne for of 'the Elenoeintary School înspectors, mies couicil ank ti tse si wted, chiltiren 0fd fie early settlers and Elemjienitary and High Sehool Princi-wthcueiwr, tlterwle many gratefuli", týooltadivantage')f pals_ý, Guidance Teachers adantI Mcm- iregust f tliis opportunity. býers from the Board. 9he Comlmittee r.Wle hadinrblii i ,va fonie, fi- hedeslgi ofa ui.basemefit 0f the Orono *United ebuildh, Whien a schiool buewseetdwsfed f orithe desig 0foa'Une - - on a site just east of fie presenit fimgidnepoga1fr h i Couineil openiet for general business 0i cooaFraguidance pog 1r building, the niorth-wiest corner o)f the ciosFian the afternoon andi first re<ieived 1-. Biglmif armconsisting 0o û 4,h efectietitmt sart 'in tbe M.Mercer ai-id R. C. Foi-esterOroinc eeenayschools anti a uniformnr, Con. 4, now ownedi by Mr-.Bok Police TPrustees, \vho requested.cocun- Cowan, Mr. Waddell took 'charge an i syst'em of testing pupils wifl be start- cil o pss resolution askiiig tËle gave his services gal.A ld ed in 1963, uLsing the samre tests for Ontario Water Resotirces Conml4thslon teacher, Miss Wells, succeecded hl a al'eletetary lbseton. The esis ito enter into an agreemient with A1 Anhtioch. She vvas followved by, M1r' f ths .t ilb en nt i ihToiwnship off Clarke on beltalf '0f the, Fer'guson who marrieti Mis Oan oei5lhOl Villa.-e 0f Orono for the iskltbQ the section, then followcd'DY M. E veý,ry grade 8 pu1-pil lhas a choice 0f1 a water systero in Orono. Thé~ Trnf?- Strchn n te ary 186O's. one of thi-ce branchies available iq tees pointed out that they hhad n~e A portion of the fii-t school is situ grade' 9. with the O.W.R.C. anJti ta as fieý in use as an imiplenient shbcd, sitaheti Commiiss'on met n January 15t1i the, on Mr. Brooks Cowan's fai-mi. (1) Arts & Sciences- available to) wi>shes this requet to be before tbc I1863 - Parents hýd hopay50ealili scliools'. Commission on this date. The Coan- la ~ ~ ~ ~ 5c (2j uiesadCmec avald- misinmeets only four tjimes a yeslr, ~pcrpupl pr qurte fo et-cnti able at Bowmvi-anvillc, Courticean The necessary pesolution \ws passedj sechool., Moveti by Mr. Bigam sec_- Port Hope.j by counîcil. ondd b M-. uress fat tle rate f3, Science, Tcchnology & Trades- bill tis years be 7-'c per quar-ter for ah Port Hope. TeTute loaleiCuclt attending the 0chooi.TeTrsesao !edCuc t Movet as an amiencdment by Mri-. 'ne g 9d pupil %vill be giveni consitier the establishmnt of a Townl- George Dobson and seconded by MNTr. forme hto li out,: slip Public bibi-ari-yn place of hie, James Wadtiell tiat the rate bill his (1) a general information shleet (the present Orono Library. R. Foi-rester year be 50c pe-r quarterý for each pupul samie for al)' statedtifat if the Public Library wa atteùadin- fie !echool. (i aPotHp ih-testabliseetifor only fie Police Vige Mr. Jolin Strachan's salai-y for, year (3) a sheet for the local biigh cchool that one miiil on th"e Vilage ai-ses 1863 '%vs $280.0-- qihe a difference After halking to the parents, eacb m rent would colleet a litile over $7N00A9 frosu. today's standards. 1st1udent will hiandti 1 bis tenicher fie1wvhile if the blrary was cStabltlieet Ah, the- juliction of _four oade fere ge.neral informnation sheet and cifýier as a Township - biiai-y a quarter of was a wonderflul natural ste orirte shecet for Port Hope or the local a -Mill would colect $1000.00. Ifb wasc usual school sports. There wýas »oüt high, schûoo. Any information nceeded ,aitso poiuited outV fint a Public Library vitages. m'lay be hati fromi the local elemient-: for the Police Village only woul re- -There was a swanrp t fie soulli ai-yschool teacher, the Inspectorý or, ceive a grant 0f 40%'1 while a Tewn-. which wae s soimpiiesviç,tecin th ie eHigir Schoo1 Principa. Anyonje in- 'ship bi'brary grant would drop tý th eienIîs g9a1y-1 ugitTo vîsi thIeir camps -was vcr,i-yien-ding at considerei t quit- lik by the Obili-ý i-en. -Another favorite i-isoi-h wAas Mh. Tom wnew-e sornetimes lad aniien- joyah1le pielnie. Fi-oui.-tbc north aidje g-taiyrisiug until you reach the top, you ai-c stricken w-iTh the cutiten panorama of natui-'s lovlinese. The bluie waters of ILaite Ont-arîo at-ite b-fore as lai- as eye eau süec, lu fie eanly days fie sailing vesesl could hi-e sieu on its waters. Many tbriving co-m-mnities are Le be si-en. Truiy bbc resiticuis bat reasou'io bchi-routi of île lantimarki, Mb. Tom. The ni-w achool w-as wei-l built - a creidîtbo fie esectioni. Thiey i-en liatia bell er-cteti through bbe efforts of Miss Teena Fer- guson, the money being raiceti through a social enterhninmi-nh -ich coulti hi- hi-anti from fite point of tiis lar-fameti Antiocli. Oui- of Anljocl's i-ahi-medtehicers,1 (ConDlinti3e page 5'. t~ht 1 n fie Por Ho"iý"pe Sholi' 5 inivitecl to attend a Parents' Niglt ah PâtHop oSip$i. Mnfy ~nnvjWith graVe being apiplieti aone 4t.The{ Parents' Niglit at IV.ibook, m-ili <charge for an Orono bibi-aiy in aniClke we ýre Tues'day, January un Orono only was enpectedti o pro- Sth, anda Bowmiarvile to be belti vidie iougiily $1200.00. A quaiter 0f a Wednesti'ay, January 16, 1963. iii. charge in fie whole Townshlp forc ya Townshipbi-ay plus fie .25% R siuldbe weibore tht a ' ant wouid provide appi-oximiately las possibe a student shoultichoose a 1300h$10.0frbi--ypr course that wýillhtead Vo bis planfoi' pse.The $1400.0esfaiso stateti tha cducationaaLler high echool.No sub- they wuldm arte an early an- jecs- should, be oititeti that will be ser CO hiia iptecATownhip idun-t ni-cessýai-y ater higlh echool. Any In- cohter il favo ifythat fli i Trc- epectLor, Principal or Teacher wlll be tees could foi-m a Police Village Li- hainppy to give ativice wiTeu asketi. brai-y as soon as possible. H. K, The Comiitteeus comnposeti of:the Merci-n aso pointeti out thatimany in thrce elemeuitary Sbool inspectore, the Towuship were certainy intere-at- Mn. Holmnes, 'Mr-. inan a7ntiMn .Wi-b-. cd n the bib-ai-y. Counicilior Postai-- cher - fýie ,thi-e Supervising Principale titi howeven feel fiat tfie-in fie Mn. Jordan, Port Hope; Mn. Thom-p- east anid soutf h fe Township would son, Bowmanville; anti uMri. Hobbs, possïbly have littleiertiest lu a Li, Souhha Darlington - andi ail Hie.h Sdbol briy in Orono. PrincI pal- ani -tifii -' Guitdin c e nin - Mn. Hase of Port Hiope, Mn. Ellîoth, of Bowmauvilll anti Mnr. Munday ç0f Courtice - fie Chtair-man of fie Bonart, Mn% Tambiyi-t anti Mr, Strike, Chair- mon 0f tiTi Boni-d'a Managemienti Commibheýe.i 1 i4ornýe JPerrault. O1rono Police Trustees Prepare P'iiig,--RoyFI TefolloWinga V t also made b on For Yeai's Activites iT h The ron Polce rustes e 1R. Poster, .c-hart The ron PôiceTrutee ,ed a-ir'tiing Up of a Public Library in Orôhoj organization mneeting on Monday ev- and thouglit it advi.sable t* first place 1T<> the Orono C enin.g when the chairmnan w 1sap' his before the Couincil of the Tou H. E. Walkey, J. S- pointed and duties for the year al- ship of Clarkie to see if theyv would To the Clarke To, lotted. set iup a Township Library. It wasn. o:R.Cue i et that e'ven though tthe TowvnshipcwI'ssin .Crt R. C. Forrester w'as appointed would recei-ve a lesser grant, it would To the Clarke Tc cha irmnan for the year 1963 on mnotion iiie a lesser charge on, th taxpayers Gonisision: R. F 0f H. M. Mert-cer and D. M. Simipsonl.,0f the entre Township raLlier thain The trustees then discussed the pro., jcUStthie Police Vfflage oarryving th1s i To the Orono P po.sed agree(ment tr, be sought belween cost. H. M. Mercer and R. C. For-.. est H. M. Merce, thte Ontario Water Repsources Cc)m- ~rester wvere to approach counei.1 Ama u~ Ei, Il mission and the Township of Clarke bhis and the resolu4ion fo>r water, adH E. WaIk ey. ,on behalf of the Police Village ef Or- In appointmnents H. M. Mercer is onio. The Trustees having mnet Irecent- 10 look after Village Roads, hthe Muni- To the Durhanir ly wît the OW.R.C.and having cipal Centre and Tree Planting ~j ~ ~ R eredthaïthfe Commission would Remioval; D. M. SimUpson, sidewalks, consid1evri pliainon .Janiiary LIndustry and l, ianqicing; R .Fr l5t paseda resolution requesting rester, waLter ad Lîrary Also in thea*c tha th Tonshp paýss the neoessary ,tA letLer ws eeîedfim thle ~A. P. z a re ,ctin o tha rte O1,1o pla.rtrG mpnrqetn aiHethHare1I tin oidc~n efrete omi-miein slr o ~~of ioa tt ersnaieo sino) aurrlt.n ha h ho Trutes w r pay rAtoiya~ Foloig h Cmmsio ivngf~ 40. o siar okph f 'Lire Menoiail will tc he F-d opepr ipoiinr ient had been adie Uon1yV lst year A rslto a repot fr slimssonto he ntal Ie chirmn as auithorized to meet f ie clerk to adver ~ufc~alBor frtheiýr a oa1 ihthle cea Fly In1spector for' With th Otrl MncialBar'eIYDRO APPOIlNTMENýTS rsluinalso qenatie roval lelailed plans for M. .M ercer was appo-Jinted as ing the 1borrowingi Lenderlng Vil] have to be drawn up by)a, ma of the Orono Hydro C oin ) for, tie Orono Pî th ngncr. f~n it Dog Snison -as reasi- tion of $3500 a Thie Trustees also d;scýussied the setý- uerDurhan1 counityIL ;l Ili mu

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