UYon Save 10e!- 16 oz. bot. 49û 3m oz. bot. SLiquld (leaner fiPurex - 4's oll0,0et lssue 49C sae FROEN FOOD FEATURESISiePg Cod FFllets 29e rYou Save 4!- BirdsEBye- 9 oz. Pkgs. 2FO Frenc F'ries 'cm5c Best Buy! - You Save 22û! -Heluz Tomato Soupe Best Buy 1 - You Save le! - Hraft Deluxe Cheese Suices Bos Buy! - ou Sove 6e! - Red & Wblte3 Instant Coffee Facial Tîssue Rest Buy! - Yen Save 4r! Javex Liquid Bleach Best Buly! - You Save 64-1 National Tea Bags Swýeet, Juiry - sunklist - (Good(1size ORANGE"S Nuitritiolus and E'nrciNt). 1 CARROTS stloz. Celle Bafg of 50's 39c doz 49c 3 1b. Poly Çrisp and Crumchy No.i 19c CELERY 1 Jumbo Size Stalks ea 29c Ontatrio - No. 1 Grade - YELLOWAV ON IONS9 3 lb poly 1 9c SPECIAL OFFER RSUGAR lOci o Only SWlth the purchase of 4 (ieneral Eleetrie - Lamp Bibs ai Regutlar Price.U Red & White Sets ICE CRE4AM pint brick 25c Fo.r ley Walks sift ICE SALT 5 lb bag 26c The Price Cornish's Red and White ORGNO mIE 1 -'- The Orono Bible Study Group KENDAL NEWS teI January li? 1963 ef there beîng two exi-sting pewers, Holidays are over and schools are WaE goed and evil; but God will destroy open again, some of them, like New- e Fer a Christian, MoJnismf is just as evil when the time is right, as We are; tenville, a couple ef days late be- the ?unjTaGceptalble as is dualism. In eliher told in 1 Cor. 15; 24-28. He bas nany cause ef frozen pipes which werefr -aýse, the handUng ef the problem etý positive m,-ethoids ef destroyinig or caused by the ou1 beceming tee thickln revil is net satisïflactory. The Monist ý,'doing away with," Which our negat- Sûr_____________ ,says, -We ourselves and ail nature, ivism does net recegnize. We may p :ere really God; that "Go-d" is just a dest1o"ourenemyn by rnaking a as well as a measure ù, time. It is .r rnef th s nitotal et il t is. ldfriend of. hlm. Dees our ne.-ative ap- -net enoegt tesay "I try ite do the Wit tis ensi iepoit n mdproach malke us use the word "de, best 1I <n". We could be overlooking rea wewere asked, "Do you agriee that stroy" when we ceuld say "conri" thetc, ht Qdcn ek I s -vhen you pray, yeu pr'ay to your- or "change." As ,w,,th the word '"ire",aind be blind te the tact that our self- Bi --self?" "being used te cleanse and purîty, 1semdpora snneitn ee ï,,hen ,most nften wi asocgtetn ittfp itiý 1 ,ti __ _e rju This mroultl imtply perfection in 'us, fer, we dan- enly honestly pray teG ýsomeone or sernetin-g greater liban o-urselves. We know that we pray, and -wve certaiifly know we are net perfect, ~so ,the Menst theory is shaken- bere, Zit a scienties wants te learn about thse chemicai content ce a large body ,-ftwater, lie doesn't start out te test tise coniplete area of inundation. He -ets a ssnall quantity ef water, on thýe reasenable understandiig tat one ecuptul etf said water, lias, in preper tien and ratio, thse exact ehemical rontent efthtie wbole. Regardless of thse size and purity ofthtie basic In. gredienle, thse possibility ef pelut,.in' wid break-down îs ever present. Se it ;s witis Mis, and Qod's giftt the spart of His Divine Spirit. Evert theougixwe contais Vthe divine epark, J4 'I contained in is fulness andl per- -1ction? How can thiis lie, Nvheni Jesus e04, ek ye flrst thse Kingdom ef God, etc. " Would He fid t necesaary Io ad'vlse us thugly, if lihe Divine spark in eacit of us was ful powered awl4 in ils entirety? Tisere would b'ý ho roon for growth, if "griowthi" is lb. rlit word te use, and Paul, ln wýritûng te lise Ephesi-ans 4; 11--15, ia piied. definitely, tfhat we assist encîi other in tis "growing Up into Christ. 'i1 We can. only guard agains',I olltiont by contiua expesure te the bright light ef Christ. Thse-Monist disposes et evil by a veriooklng it; saying it îs only ilsý ulsion, not real, What is themeng r4 "reýal". Someone Who _refuses Ie identify a thissg, is refusing te see ii But if we say a ting is "real" , then we identify ih. If we are Jinest nil things, we mustI a4mit te the ea t y ')f evil ail areund us. We dscussed te du'alit, euloe burning and destructýi. teI i o G It was suggested that mnaybe we take a restricted view of the indwell- ing Holy Spirit of the inidividu-al, that we must realize that QCod is wthin; that means flot onliy ourself, but the person standing- next to us, and acroos f rom us. We are helpless te niake contact by ourseif, but Jesus Christ is our~ brid;4e to Qed our Patiher, and Man Ôùur. lpther. Tiis is the "King dom- oltsGod"; roit a place, but a ternm of 5oviýreigtity, We must corne ie our ew'n t1drstlandin.g of our position in th e Ki ,ng-don of God, and only through cons-tant conqideration ef His word as relited te' our day te day living, can the uncertainties be settied itoa fouir-square support, which is eternal. TIhis Word eternal refEýrs te a quality Tke Chain Saw Seison See the. New 1903 Modela SOLO H4OMELFTE REULNGTON Saws at B8aulch Air CooIed Motors Wbhere Service and parts a"e Always Avale Lakeshe B ld., Port Hope TU. 5260 We spo>ke eft Heu being lite a peried ef separatien we have te go throuh lemrming gradutlly, being forgiven "ýseventy tines seven", until w. at last, coen mb Qd's presence. Do we have te knew Christ in erder te b. saved by Hlm? Dees our refusai 'o follow Hirnsln this lite mean we close thse deer ef salvation pesitiveiyé or could the "bouse etfniany miansions" be thse lives te cerne, and added op- pertunities te grow in Graceé Whe are th. "aiseep oetheb, ther fo14"? aD ent da: Srun. As one mian rem-arked the .ly differeilce inside and outsîde as there was mnore wind outalde. endal scihool was able te start on ie third et January. Seme ef the Lrmers hiad the water pipes burst Ltheir stables on New, Year'sý eve. me et the ladieýs lest their biouse- ants, iTe seventit line was the buiis!s >ad in the country last Sunday wvitb ie skiers throngin.g te the skLng at -lmacSembe's. Even ite soutb side f ùhe seventh line wai covered wItb ginners learniiig toeç4ki. Mrs. Richard Manning w"s ln Co- our-x during the holiday season gir ig a hel-ping hand te lier son John nd famnily. John is the proud fatiher Eanother baby boy. Mr. Arthur Thonipson and is iothex visited Mrs. F. BrimaconibG iBowmnaiv-ille Hosipital on Sunday. iey found ber qulté eboorfuil and iterested i things. Mrs. C. Thonip' n celebrated ber birthday on Tuea- ORUNO TINSHOP Sheet'Metal Produets Made to Order PLUMBING SUPPLIES adRe'pairs, B-H PAINTS etc. R. E.. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario 2for n, T-Boue, Sirloirt Speemally Seleceted Value Cheek'd k Sale lb 89c ROLLED A(b eather Meals Leani, Boneleffs I PLATE l 9 ing Beef 1b59c l Fresh Baked! Weston or Sunbeam ANGEL CAKE Regular 39e ea 35c Aimt Mary's Slced BREAD Full 24-oz. Leaf 21c 10 oz. Tins for $ 1 2 for 59c 5 oz j*ar 69'c ONTARIO NOW IS THE TIME FORJ Remodelling,redecorating repairs & maintenance work. Men and materials are available now. WHY WAJT FOR, SPRJNG call your NATIONAL EM"j.PLOY MENT OFFICE it)iSmoe St. S., Oshawia Phone 728-4631