lidess Sliced E, - ACON Leaï "Tender Sweet"l Bonelesa& Lm Steaks or Suices KI PPERS sRed or Blue Bra nd Beef [B ROAST lb 59c Vaeuum Packag-e 6 oz pak 49c lb 33c lb65 EXTRA a total of $ 3 0 je Donus Tapes RECEj%7E $600 IN BONUS TAPES WITH Pineapple Grapefruit SURF DETERiEINT - 3-4c off JEWEL SIIORTENING - 5c off 48 oz. Tin King Size 1 lb.. pkg. RECEIVE $1.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH FACELLE TISSUYE - white or pik Twin Pack RECEIVE S2.00 IN BONUS TAPES W'ITHI ROYAL GOLD EGGCS ' Grade A' GiREEN BEANS MKCains ýFrozen Frendh Style 10 o.Fg COOKED MEAT.Tabl,-rite Sliced- 6 oz. PI<g. COKING ýONIONS - No. 1i Grade 's 2 for 39c mAode e 16os ia ~M RGARINE 2 A~-S2for1c~Available Thurs., Fr1. & Sat. Oily for79c APPLE PIE Hospitality ,lS 0 fo "9c ýÏl Oatineal 13e37Cro *DAIYS COOKWES 16 o 7 40 Fathom - Fedeai (overn1net Inspactedý( 5 lb pkg 57c COD FILLETS 3 lb.- Dag lb pkgs 45c e"a 39C 2 pkgs 49c aný,ýdom Welghzts lb 33c a Thae Bowmanville boys took the vie- FEW VOTE~S CAST FOR tory in the game by a score Of3-1.1 PORT HOPE~ COUNOIL Sn-At' jBowmanville's gharp shooter wasI James Inghanm polled three oe IMark Johinson 'mho scoredi two goals more than his tw.ýo oppônèents cebn on assists from Doug Stitt. Doug ed to gain the one couniel seat a Stutt scored the third goal for Bow,- stakýe in tihe recent "little electionP" manville unassistect, thus being Resu1 of the vote at the 17 pofLlmg Ivolved i l he Bowmanville goals. subdivisions was: The Orono goal was scored byI James Inghaim, 445 votes Randy Tennant on a rasotro Mrs. Lyn l 1,1i, 75 votes BanMoffat. WibrBr, 167 votes I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e he rooneu waasjooW:- o Iglitwa the vote that it t-k Donni Alln, gol: MchaelGarm li st 30 mlinuittes to0 tabulate tihe e Wayïjne Couvier, J'rn Partner, Cagsuhls. One polling station reported t within four minules of the pcIls Co , r ian lakrands Tnan, ciosing. Only 887 votes were cast Robin Winter, BLain Mof f a,ý, Davil of an eligible tot[al of 5,086, represeý Ma 1n, ar Ln.Dsa o, n g eoughIly 17 per cent ballotiag. Tle -dy Robinsonj. LLWEES c Th-e second ga1n0'ofthe eveinig A n (,c h S( en , endled in a 4 ahl tie between the 0l'on1 Pee We13a0'theBowia ,ville Ato il (Continued from. page 1) AilStrs.Th gae askeenly Coni- Mr. Erneýý' Moas, la reýponisLbIefo týes;te dand 'Oronio hlada total 0f tWentyý ',e planting of the beautitifuil, thriv'n tvo lcyes iithis age group in ýApt trees Snow suiundîfg ii twoplaersdresedinspac-ious grounds. This land was td-n- 10 to 12. aeaeri-t h eod Eric Duvall scorecd two Orono goalsatd acodïge xerodsw with assists going to Bob Tunstaîl have, by a Mr. George Dobson, situ- andl Steven West. steven BlacJk and ated on Lot 25, Con. 4, now own_-d b y Steven West scored the other t-wo Or- Mr. Colville Evans. ono >goals. Besides scoring one goal maul Atelîs s0fthe i at "e àt Stevenl West was credited with as- 15fAnoc"othanmeAtoh s'sts on the other hIe(e Orono goals. sets a high standard for the res'Idents DonieTod ws e te ron 0 tsto 'ive I4> to. DonieTod %as n he loo rts The early settlers of this eto p)erforming an 'excellent job. were: Thle Wad-dells, oe'ils PEE WEEES IN TOURNAMENT Thie Orono Pee Wees are to play in ai hockey tournament in Millbro--ok this Saturday. BANTAMIS The Orono on Friday night' at the local rink camne up against à fast s-kating and conditioned Bantain squad from ilbro and were put down to defeat by a score of 8-2. Thie Orono goas ere scored by B. Poster, with a<sist to Bob 'Betit and by BOýb est withi assist to Douglas Mof, fat. Doug Dart and BilanMDwel both scored 'Iwo goals for Millbr-ooï4 with single couinters to Wmn. Vorton,l Ron Worr, Doug Hopkins and K Young. ;,Brian McDow7,ell also Wasý credlited with two assists. UVIN OVER ZION Thow Orono Bantais playing ai jlague gaine Satuirday evening lui New(daý,stle took a win over the Zion BatInsbya score o -3YA, hog 0rnoscored the first g oal 0f the tan hey had 10 come frinbhn in the thIrd peiodý( to taike the victory. GayVan Dam opened 'thle scoring, in the gýam-e and tbis Put Orono o the ;coreboard. iLs goal was assfste by Bo,,b BesI. Before the end 0f the first period Zion had tied the score at one alI on a goal by Finney witb assist te, Hircock, Zion scOred tavo goals in thie seco,,nd period by R'obson and Hïrcocic. Both goals wereunsied Orono counted onegol iithe period, that by Bob B-eat w-th aSsst to B. Poster. ~Ging into the third period Oro>no j railed in a 3-2 score bu+t two goals by Gary Van Dum an 1 Bob 1Best put I the Orono crew ýroulIt c front. Deug- M!o!fat and Bob Best both counted assists on the third period goals, LPaul Jones was in the Orono goal 1and in bis firatI gam-e in this pc>sition came forlth with, a fine effort. Ricky Neal, who has been playng goal, plydawing prto. 'aTDm Ke ~~' a~i ~~ck rovi(ied a .solid delaseforOroimo and especiajiy so in the thîrd period. 3M11)DCET The Or,,oo Midgets, after p,ýlaying toleaguegas re lied for first place with Bowm,-ranvill e, These two teanm m 'l 0Oron0 Saturday even- i ing and Playing to a 3 ail tie faileti to break the deadlock for tirst plae. Positions in the standing to date- are as follows: Orono ................... 3 points Bowlnranville... ......... 3 pointsý Newcastle.............t1point Zion .................pon The Midget division in hockey [s pr'ovidin-gùgod eneraimetfor those whO attend the gaines. The game 0on Sa3turlday in Orono w'as no exception and the tVwo te-ams Orono and Bwailebttled- it out wt theý 3 ail tie rýesulti;ngý. 'nie Oronio -OaIs were by Gordon Dent, Terry Grabaim and Allen Fisk. 1Assista We-nt to TryCox and Robin bain, Moffat, Pollard, 14unter, BDg- hnViokers, Little, Bragg. Ogàen, Dobson, Gam8sby, Rolph, Motilton, Foster, Peggy Oliver, McLeods and Mrs. Curtis. Throýugh-l the years from 1862 to 16 there have been miany changes 0,nc ,mj3rovemnefts in S.S. No. 8. Mixch of this infoimation cm from mîaterjal prepared by a formý'er teacher, Mrs. Stanley Sharpe (ie jAie eo.) Canadian Statesman Sale! 6Et lb plkg 45c California's Fïnest Table Variety No. I Grade GRAPE S BBAGE 2 for 35c LERY large stalk 19C AppIes 6 quart 69C Cil IJ