T>o commremorate t h e anal.- versary, President Kennedy bas scecbdiled a. White Hlouse cere- îmony this manth for soma 30 members off tbe orig-inal Fermi feani (Fermi b.iiself died off cancer in 1954). Tbe Atemie Energy Commission plans cela- bratians arcound the country-. in Chicago, s o re off Fernii's Col- leagues are gatherie>g to plan a. permanent miemori-al to the Ital- ïnn-bore physicist. The triumph f i ýh a f Decemrber day, undar tise stands off fhe University off Chlcago's S f a g 9 Y'ield, wvas only part off a f our- yenr, $2.2 billion effort to b)uild the ffirst atoamic bonib. The ffrst chair, reaction prodcued a bare laalf a watt off power, and, due to wvartime secrecy, there was nio announcement. E v e n Fermni'g ,wife did nat know off ber bus- band's achievenrent uintil 194,9. Moreover, fa many off the ob- servers pres ent tba.t day, tbe, event was almost nnticlimnactic, This in part was due to Ferm's own genius. Pbysicîst George We*il, the mnan who pulled ouf the' control rod, expressed the consensus recently whee be re- ininisced: "I had very littie d1oubt that everytbing wol work eut. I bad sean how Fer- mi's predictions worked... There just wnsn't anybedy whoi could camne close ta hlm from a theorefical p o i n t off view." Fermi's teammates a 1 s e knew fbheffirst chain reactionws just fthe beginninig. Weil remnembers tisat bis elation was "tempered by the concern that the* Gar- mans may have bean ahead off 'us." In the twanty years since thaf first cisain reaction, nuclear wea- pans bave se changed thse mili- fary, and political facts off ife that if is difficult tà conceive Off the world beffore The Bomb. Yet man bas had only imited suc- cess in harnessing tisa atenii fer peacefful uses. More than $2 bil- lion has been invested in, re- searcb, but A-energy stili cani- net compete economically with plenfiful fossil fuels, Last montis the U.S. Atomic Energy Com- mission, in a special report ta President Kennedy, predicted that atemic-power costs will net match tisose off conventional fuels e v e n in such iigi-cosf areas as New Eegland and Cali- fornia until 1968, Nuclear elac- fritity will not niake a signifi- cant dent in the averageý home- owiler's elect rie b i11l unfil thec Despite the setbacks, long- range prospects are bright. Tbe AEC's report foresees that by 1990 Amnericans ceuIri be saving $2 billion a year in po-wer costs. BENEATH THE PALMS - President Kennedy and Prime Ministçr Macmillun chat in a gorden prior to their first offi- ciai con)ference et Naissau, Baihamas. Schooner Reveals Ocean Secrets Lika an ex,ýplorer's ship off aId, Columbia UnÈversity's researchs vessel, tise Vemna, bas returned fron itis longest voyage ladcc witis news off fresis discaveries about a litt-le-known world on earth -- the oceans and seas. The Vema is tise saa-going re- searcis laboratory off Columbia's Lamant Geological Observnfory at Palisades, N.Y., about 20 muiles up the Hudson River frai the univarsity campus. The ship bas complata a 15-moni, 56,000- mile voyage fisat scient ists al- raady rnnk witistise grant oceanc explorations. On fiis crulse, ils l8tis, the Venin iad about a dozani scientifie object 'ives and pursued fhem in tise North and Souths Atlantic de'eans, tise Indian and Pacifie Oceans, and fisc Gulf off Mexico. Essenflnlly, if circumnnavignted the Soufiser I Hemispisere. Ifs broad goal was furtiser knowl- cdge off the structure off the aartis. Mucis off fiscncw knowledge off fbe oceans obtaned in tise past dacade has ' come frai voyages off fise Verma, fthe 202-foot, fisree- masfed schooner. Oc1 previaus voyages, tise Vema devaloped nrew techniques for sfudying tise ocean, tecluding the use off seismie refraction and re- flaction nieasuremerft, and dater- mrined bow gravîty can be mnea- sý,ured on surface vessais. Ifs sailor-sc'intisfs adapted magne- tomaetersfor sea use and develop- cd a precision deptis recorder, A way ta study ocean circulation by a cnrbon-14 method wns ffaund. Tirougb application off thase techniques, physiograpbic maps off tise ocean floor are being made, end sucis major features ns thse woridwide ridge systems have bcdn discovered, processes off marina sadimentation have bean worked ouf, and flic structure of, ocaan basins dcfinad. On1 ifs latest expadition, flie Vemai carriad ouf nlînost every phanse offoceanograpiieresearchs. It caime home wif h fwo miajor accomplishmenfs. If obtnined more complefa measurements off sedinient layers under fise sur- face off oceans and, f or tise first fime, inade continueus gravity readiares around tise Soufisern miay change knowlecdge of how andc when sedimnent.s were de- posited below ocean floors. Dr Drake snid there is not complet. agreement on this, "but we think the oceanl floor is part off tise orig- inal crust off tise cartis, going back billions off years. If this is true, if is important ta know wbnt the mat erial now covered by sedil- went looks like. 'If may -well be like fthe sur- face off tise moon," he declared. ' Another problem. is fisat sedi- ment found by fise Vemna bas neyer bacc older fisan the Cref a- ceeus, or 100,000,000 years. If tise oceans bave been bere since tise dia begîenings off time, wisy isn't tise sediment older?" >'Tirougi tise prpofiler and by dnting sucb phenomeca as sub- marine volcanoes if wil1 be pas- sible ta determine bow miuch sediment has been deposifed' in a more or less fixed unit -off fume," he said. "Knowing fisis, anea ca either say: bere is the sedimen- fary colume for tise wisole off geologicnl time, or I can say this cousin represents a short period off turre, and prier ta tise deposi,- tien off the discovery, sedimren- fary conditions mnust bave been vastly different. "Another thing: "If you ex- amine rocks oni land," Dr. Drakre Continued, "you are struck by thse ffc t tiat they were Mriginally under the surface off the ocean. Therefore, if you want ta study the processes by whici tisese rocks were emplaced and ta l.ook into the formation off mou-ntain systenis and land areas, ane must study ocean sedimnents anld the rock below it. "Wi-tis fie profiler, we bave a powerfful new tool for doing tisis, and tisis is what we bave been doing on the Venin. If adds up ta almost as grant a ravolution iii ocean gaolegy as the development off the Echo sounder, for deter- mining ocean deptis," Dr. Drake concluded. On tise Vemn.'s gravity werk tisis finie eut, Dr. Maurice Ewicg, director off fie Lamnqnt Geological Obsrvatory, said fisat "if bas long been tise dream off geopisysi-. cists ta obtain gravify measure- rnints aroundic the -world, particu- lnrly tentise Indian and Pacifie Oceanis." Tise only praviaus gravity cir- cuÂmnavigationi was made in 192" by a submarina off the Nether- lands Navy, but tise special apar- atus developad could not niea- sure continuously. The Vema didi fise job witbouf stop, wvrites Josephs Deitcb in tise Christian Science Monitor. wrote letters ot conrplaînt tRo- manoff simýply hung them up (In the -walls off tire men's room of hiis Beverly Hilis restaurant. Back in the days of the 1940s andc 1950s, the cremie de la cremeli 1of Hlyodsocietyv was found at Rýomanoff's tables. The res- jervaion list mright incluide, Jack- Bennyv, the James MTýasons, Paul Douglas, Hedclda Hopper, Jennifer Jonies, Sain Goldwyn, teCl Porters, Frank Sinatra and the Clan, Joan) Crawýford lovedi the Caýesur salad and muinutoe steak, very rare; Zsa Zs;a Gabor order- ed caiviar by the pound and Rbine wvine by the m-agnum>. For Clark, Gable, itwva s alwa'ys chapageice cold. "I detest the salad tradb,"' iRÙ- manaff once said. "If anybo-dy tells lme he's on a diet, 1 telli h'im th1e Brown Derby is justi up t'he street. We admire expensive eýateýrs vwth ,good faste." Mikec laimred the titIe Prnce icalAlexandrovich Dmntri Obolensky Rornaff, though> lbc was actitally borts Rarry- Gergu'- sonl and ra(ised in New YQIrk ore- phanges,. Morrg the, Ebrie, ha pick- ed up an Oxford acýent,, impecr- icable -manners,, and a persuasive m-jy that enabled hîm to, ecome )né-e of tfhe century's more suc- t essful ipsos Irr the I293Gs, haearound upimi Hollywood, where bisý charni drew; a coterie off frÏinds among calecbrities. MUik's senise off style appealed te thieni;he wcsu>ld send out engravedT invitations froms 'HUs Imperiat ihns"irnviting distinguished guests tacockeltails.. The gentry discreetly accepted tbe simple notation in one corner- "BigYour Own ot& In1940, frîends like Charl i Chaplin, John Barry-more, Jocl- Wyýhitneyý, and Humphrey Bogart backçed Get-gusolin-rmanloifiniia restaurant- If quiekly becarne the neighborhood 'bar and grill for scores of ffilmndom's famouns, There was one probicem: The_ raamn had onlyý five front tables; n'obody wanrted to) sit in the rear. Soa Mike roved hs rest f R's back ta back, toippedc by a crawri clown the str-eet into a dining room sa designed that there were no front or rear tables; averyo vne could stare at leveryone eise. "A soup stain on Jack Benny's Iwaistcoat at one end of thse rooni is instantly visible ta Humphirey Bogart at tise other extremity off the dumn-p," said _Mike vwith satis- Ifaction. In19,58, Romnaffbit a 1high- water mark, witb tise partfy hle tblrew when be became a citizen. ("I lhe-reby ireno(unce imyv daiml that I ai Prince of ailtise Rus- si!ans," saïd Mike.) Everybody whlo was anyvbody showed up dressed in theeeng' color motiff-red, t, and Blue, But fastes in Hollywood were rapidly changing. Deatltç taxes, foreign productions took their f011 on Mike's customers. Sa, too, said sanie, d i d thse astronomnie prices and decliningý cuisine. Me- tbod actors ie sweatshirts patron- ized cafffee-bouses ta falk off art; corn-fed Cleopatras on the -y up preferred hamburgers and' sis;tane avaiains for th,- rignt, party. Reply Box 778, North Say, Onlt. "The CcrIIling CobbîleT" 1UNESTOtS needed, foiù frainchising in Cànada 'Mid USA. MCFDERN SHOP' ON1 W ilEtS, witli proven histories.« Bs'ochlures. J. Bru>ce Wihtiaeott. 15Q&4 a se Ltne' R., Ofawa 31 XtIJX1JfB CR145ATUR1E. drawm î1h' llitç" x. M"W, auitat3ia' fer framlkig. satisfaction, guarantoed. Send cleair snapsl oi, 1obby~ an-di $U98 Cariomt're, e 375 cbl. ado Springs, « tbradiD, USA% 1381>5& wated, pay iighesù priees I16ý3' Ctiln' C5tI âblgte25C 4ary' (8ý 1911), 'a% pet Ame. EdmoionnAlta. PfDlUl3b itotîoms.plUt m'a .proïmin.la )efraitiing. ,infovrmetirilwhere. yen Ocaa andi why ou shouid exain e th!,, oild; bteed w0 ' M dtr .Vpik Ji*s C ~W '30Y. sumrre1Ë Awa'- lro",le 1 red wine. Mrsa inem- kim iad si«tf beryÇ" MiU e'saidol1sadly« "'A slisrt- less, 1 hatiesF,. tielesa tpe'ofnef be'ry.. Th-e're' is no, lo3nger rooni liere' for an ellegat restaismat o'f this ltind..- Last montr,. Ro- marmol1 am1nou mcef he ,wou1 crose' f cargod 01N ew Ye0r's Eve. Looking' bock, the, lPrîrtce off aDil ihe Russâlris sïgbedl is.stal- gicailly: ý"his iîs ffeei en-iam E M. -from NEWýSWYEK FRENCII HAVE A WOrDý For Ir From EBritain's Dirctesa off Bcd- ford-third wife of the profit- mînded pe7er itrho op,,ened bis ancestral estate to payinig rub- be-rneckers - Europe-based U.S. , olumnjist Johni Crosby go"tl te guiided tour off Wobcurn Abbey. In a corridor linedT with portraits, the French-borni ducltess coni- platedi an ancient Countess o0 Esseýx and said fondly: "She bwum off bier husba'. 'Ees why lier daughiter ees born in the ToWer off Lon-doa." Next pictuire: The third duke. He ees no good. He gamble away most of the mnoney, the bastard." Crosby mused ini bis Herald Tribune- syndicated~ columnn: "Killing husband is bumnan but gambling the money out off the family caf- fers wsufrial. NURSES WANTEUII Director of Nursingi THiE Kenora. GeneraI> liospital, beautt., ffil l ocatedî on thie Lake of the Wôo(s haS a posijtion availablk' .for' a iretoÏ'- oS Nursing. Generoiis personnel poli- oisand p olicies foi gent-DI l dit, nxurses are avilbiê' ow'reqaest Thye. room' siiite altoavaIlahIa" 1iiiNtxrseg, Eesldtotre shiotid applicant. wish -to lI 'e. th. PLEAS« appiy to MR A. C DUNCAN;, ADMINSTRMû19v KENOWIA 48EN«1tAV ROSITAUti KENORA,> Gl4ÏA'Rlo'_ MEN 'AO WOM~EN SE A AM I DRESSER' GrealUporunt LeaceHlireasi Pleasant diMÂifîe itoi' ssiony. e'g>rni wagcs. Thouisands of successfifli Mirvetî fit'aduaitLs Write or,(Cal] Marvet- Hairdiressing. SdiolI 358, Bloor St. W., TrrOn$e"O Branches. 44, Kng St. W HaSmilton, 7~2 Rideau> Street, iQiuiwa> PERSNAIL BILE Uti4DERSTrAiqDINCi IS, POSSIBLE~ ClirïstaitelXpbllhne,. aBox ,81T., 'atf0d pw~Eui5 QR' S> WM wa1f.ee, fres.et-isg, x»i ;hmnesa- Q0- p1otnties, Iransibes, Fàinî, Hiamtes, Or- ehardà ain alceaiOre lr5OPertýI. <8lWqt- agam e awtly' Lt, 5"1*8rud~A ~flLL et on>appimt. 1 fbit S. Iii .TIi. Khâkespcèrp Oc,, No 1%E4. for110, enims. Approevalh earqsem . Mîlsa.P Fatkenhant. t*.. 81, 3,. Latoea btsvg, tNov. scOfia. 17 PAYS TO USE DUR CLASSWFIED COLUIMNS