at Cornishs RED &WHITE No. Dealers Please! Deilelous Fruit Beveragffl Larxe 48-os. Tins ALLEN'.S..uD"RINKS 4 for $1 No Dealers Pieue! Choice Quialty, Lees 20os. Tins i"INEAPPLE crushed 5 for $1 N e » feaiers .Plea -se Choice Q uality Ideal B rand 20-oz , in GR"ENWABEANS b6 for $1 No. Dealersl Pieuse,! Garden Patch 14-os. Tins KERNEL CORN" 6 for 79c No. 1)"-ers Piease! Garden Valley <hoie QaIity 28-os, Tins TOMATOIFS 5 for $1 rio. Dealerî Pieuse! Fancy Quallty i/I' Tins - Speclal! S O%"CKp>EY E S A LMOUN 53é Eeg. 69C Boule Jergen'a Lotion 49c Re. tt - Vick's V apo-Rub jar 4% llbby-'S Fancy - Save S TOMATO JUICE Gem MARGARI NE Reg. $2.00 - Hone Permxanent TOiN $1.29 Eeg.ý 79e Brylcream tube 59C 48 oz in 11lb Qulck or Istant- QUAKER QATS sav Maxwell IIouse - Save 25e -10e off pack INSTANT COFFEE Wagsta,ffes - wth added Peetin - Save 10e RASPBERRY JAM Sirrlff's -Save-le' INSTANT POTATOES Buy 1 Get onxe E~ - Save 12e MIR DETERGENT 24 York Assorted- Sav e 24e MEAT STEWS Bee Hive Fancy TABLE SYRUP Wagstaffes w mith Added Pectin - Save Se STRAW"BERRY JAM Face-Elle -- Save 6 cents Twmn Pack, Rolis BATHROOM TISSUE re4c pkg 45c 6oz jar 89c 24 oz jar 39c 6 oz, pkg 29c 1oz twin pak 79c 5 oz .3for 16 24 oz twin rg Tourism Benefits Many Clai Almiost 50 persons, icluding reipre- zentatives of the Orono Chamibex' of aommerce Messrs. Les As1eItt, Ear- eey Partner, Bob Hazelden and Roy Fo4,rrester, aetended a dinner meeýting -)f tee Grea±er Fine Ridge Tourist Iorclat thxe Village Motel, Port ,icpe Fiday evening, to disecuse prob- 12-mUS f nrga-nizaqinn and ffigg2est nos- 1 hav-e -a-9.0 rodi nt to l toi ke jpublicize itextensively. niSp r The Depatment of Tae n Pifblicity wants us to use attraiive H4e urged menibers to pick out somne dms u teDprmi0 ih particular attraction in the area and 'ways won't let us put up signs to ln- play it Up vWith publiclty folders aaif romi motorists where Fthc areas are," pamphlets as wl as far reaching said Dck Lovek-.n of Newcastl_, " advertising mediurns, mentioning lt won-der if the two dep)artinents eouid Mosport track as an at,ýiaction that 1iget tgte? woul readily lenld itself to this pur- Charlie Clay, reccntly aýIpponted pose. projeet conmittec chairman for the -- 1He urged a program to encourage 1 GergeColngBrito, pesienttourists to travel ceff tee main through Geore (oli~, rigiton prsidnt igh-lway3seo they would see more of ,f the Lake Ontario Development As-' the atractive features of the districtý :$ociation, and J)ennI3 Stone, Hxt-and be more likely to sto)p in fil vile, regional 'supervisox, for Ille De' tow,,ns and villages. ~prment of Ta adpullicity, ,were among the guesis Colc Licke reported test touristsl 'Thc purpose of tfus meeting is to bave adviscd him Lthat tbey rcccived Iitlne our problemna, consider our instructions at goveriuirent receptiolu 'luture, and to formulate a plan cd centres at tee border Wo follow thee -action to ZuifilU the oWectlves îet oufl main 'high>ways sucli as 401. -wtxen firest ozigaizeýd," sald Presidenît E-i I4aynes 4of obourg as hýeopnP Mr. Stone said he would look into ihe meerng. the matter an-d sec what could be Mec prcolem 0f finwanelng seauued forcmogt throughout fihe d1scussions, l2t Iîniked stronigly wite thls were re- ports o! a lick of generai support -within tee council's area. n was9 polnted out that not Only the cxrto' f restauantiis and accora- moýdatlqn etbihxnsbenefîttfrom the tourlat dollar, but fiat almosi everyone in blffliness in the area stanids la profit. Distrlbution of evcry tourist dOllar1 was quoted as follows :- 31 cents fori food and bevern-ge, 20 cents for retail purebncases, 24 cents for accommoda%- tiop,, 16 cents for transportation anid9 cents foi' entertainient and msel A far rahigexaniple of benefiti nxot otten cons-dered froi thee pres-i Pence <1 of -es WSsaid 10 le fixe caîls doctors in the Earea would re-1 el--ve If any of itee tourists were in- jured or becvamue il!, 'Elveryone ',21tIc area must realize tourist busines-s las somethIng la il rtlemn," sid Deznis Stone 0f tIc Deprtmuitcf Tr-ave1 and Publiclty, adwocatilg au neae nm niber-1 slip and support of e local tourist1 promotion organization.1 One cf the nmen attending the meet- ing suggested a return to the namne "Rîce Lake and Trent Va-iley" for thxe group instead of "Great PineRlge",: as the places were fami-iliar to touriste The Chai Saw'Season Sibe tii. New 1963 Modeq PeEMNGTON Saws at Baealcb Air Cooled Motors1 Where Service and Parts am'. Always Avallabler Lakesboro Rd., Pert Hope U TtU 5-210 gou otlineý,d the plans of his coin- miteanid expalned how they ex- pcted to achieve results. NO INJURIES IN TWO-CAR CRASH' A two-car crash occurred on Il!gh- way 2 about a mile ea,<t cf )Bownxstn ville at 8:25 p.m. Tuesday uxght. There were no injuries reported. - Police say the drivers were George Stanley Lunn of Orono and Dav'd Rogers of 3M0Wlo avenue, Downo- view Total damage is estlmated &t $400. Conîtable iCenneth Suddard la-. Veeýtlgated,. lake. Cari) brtaxg aboýut 17 cents a pound at the Toronbc and Picton centres, most of the carp are smoked for t e exiport market, The departmnent official said one ton of cearp were lifted from Sturgeoni Lake on Monday by Mr. Vancott f rom alrnost 1,000l yards of net' turgeon lias been thle largest single produelng lake, it was noted. lIow- ever, the number of carp token, froin the lalces has been dropplng ecd year since the start of the commercial op- eration four years ago. It la flot yet known whethcr Ibis in.- dicates a dec-reisse i l ieovr nuinber (.4 carp for at presen, I %n- taèncial nettlng le the only method 0fý reducixg their ranks. Carp, a bottom-eeding large scaled 11gb, ofter grow to 30 pounds and axe looked on by botb biologiste and wport fisherinen as being detrimnental toi search of food. This rooting mnuddjesi o*her fieh, because of their hiabit ofi rootlng ibt, river and lake botton iiia thc water and destroys the food ardj spainng areas for gaine fish, O ROND TINSHOP Sheet Metal Products Made to Order PLUMBING SUPPLIES and Repairs B -H P AI1N TS tc. L R. E.LOGAN Pr-p Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario I2~t NGW IS THE TIME SFOR Remodelling, redecorating repairs & maintenance work. Men and materials are available now. WHY WAJT FOR, SPRING cail your N A TION A L EPIGYMVAE NT OU l-FI c E 34Sinxc St. S., Osh-.aa Il Phone '723-4631 i. Waste For Rtoasting rPORK LOINS 9 lean uneaty pork ER al-w ays tender 1 Wl 111.11M ou," Imm M . mi M 9c