ijeaverton, uOre. x ou ion a ring w,ýith thumb and forefinger around the eue - rather tighit," recited blonid, 26-year-old Dar- lene McCabe, "Uppor ar-nstilId forearmn freeC and easy. Your el- bow is the hîinge." And, te demenstrate that ithe formnula worked, Mrs. cCb clef'ly ,ven2t through the motions. Cuje-baîil clicked on one-bal, which dropped cle-anly into a side pocket. Mrs. M.çab's pu- pil smuiled. The instruýctor imade it look se easy. Pýool was realy very nice. lndeed, pool is getting nicer by the day. The smote -a.nd- spittoeni dépcor of the pool hall is giving way te air conidtioning and deep-pile carpets. The tabletops now are blue or gold or tanger- ine instead of thé traditional ,reen. Even the name ai the gamne has been changd--it's bu- liards, please, not pool (techini- eaily, of course, it shouid be pooket bilIiards). The strategy Of ail this is simple enou-gh: Scrub dewn the pool-h~all image ta lure that new leisure class, the Amrericant womian; thon sit Darik and countj the take. IL worked with bow%,,iln, didn't, it? "Three years frein now this l wili be even bigger than bowl- ingy," mpredicts J. T. Mtchum Jr, whbo hired an interior decorator ta tone -up hld IRack-N-C-uo on Atlanta's Maietta Street. Ini ail, Mjitchum spenit $100,000 th-ere be- forýe bis fifteen beige -tcppÇod tables wvere ready last O)ctober; he bhas already opened another Atlanta Rack-N-Cue and plans3 ight more. At the lunch heur, secretaries Play a few racks t $an heur per table. "I'm shoo- :rg for 5,000 tables around the South," Mitchun says buoyantly, "1and if 1 can just rnakc a dollar a day on each o," thetn, l'Il ba aplpy." Althoughjl the spikehieeled girls at Mitchum's areni't likoly to spot MUinnesota Fats 5 in a gainecf 30, somje of the instruction is good. Darlene MrCabe, who earxs $5 an hour for teacinrg ins à Portland suburb, has beeïn _ýbooting Pool since shewa 10, whren her father miade ber prac- Lieas much as tbrpee heurs a dajy. But Mrs Je-an. Wang, whoj teýaches in Philadelphia, was es ri; gorously schooied. "Ijq s 1Iearned how te shoot -ince I esehere," she ýsay3 candidflY. The oNýers, ai course, donl't rae ow thr. girls handile thelir cLues, but connoisseu-rs rcf the aidI- Éwtl, on)e-fligbtr-up cens are ap- ~aldby thet garae'5nwtl vjingsý. "SomQ instruactorC at thies* gwplace,% dont knoaw Whieh of a the eue-stick to us, AnrtsAthur Tekas, whlo oper- aea the.Texas-boy-Teka% Billard - ý-tb ln Dallas. ."If y&ouwant ia eteally seriaus gaine of pool,". » Wthement- customer cimed , .-you go te a real billard parlor. grethore are any women arOun4 ieethey usualiY have c s ~ uhte ke their mout-he t '-Fi-cm NEWSWEEK 1h. used to .dfqor hours en I. Ton ~e d.ldedtO tak STRIKING UP A STORM - Heat rcdiajtionf rom a. cigajrette!ý. lighter looks ike ai thun-derstorm end heait f rom a humari hand creates a halo effect in this picture takeri cit NBh~p hypersonic wind tunnel in Hawthorne, Cahýf. Auir is ordiirrariy invisible, but with the aiid of on arrangement of prism-s and mirrors called a schlieron optical system, wind tunnel engin- eers con see air pressure chao:nges. Durîng actuol tests, iu- the tunnel, sçale mQdels of aircrnft and space vehicles are sub- jected ta airfiow up to 1,4 times the speèdl of soui. Schie-ree pictures show shock waves and other pressure changes wh-h help engîneers improve the vehicles' desigr. Greait Changes At No. 10 Downing Street st elecof t-ho most f amous-. addressos l t-be world. Bulit- by an aileged "stingy, perfidious rogue," it lias stood as t-be bub of Western political domination for t-o cent-unies, Yet- t-bis residence was built- oýn a comparat-ive shoestrihg çvit-h inifenior miat-erials. And because et that, h is costing Brit-ishr tax- payers a fort-une te rebuild. The addre-sg ha No. 10 Down- ing Street-. Originally, it, was thaug,-ht t-bat th-e wrkaon No. 10 - iand Il sud 12 - woid b. finlsbeýdls- summetr. But t-he conitractors, i ound so muob extlra work lu- volved in strengtheniug t-be weak structure, t-bat-t-be first estiniate of S-400,000 for the job wai &crapped sud a new figure of £600,000 substitut-ed. Thon t-be work wa.s plaguad byý s trikes. Rebuiidiug stoppedl comn- pletely for more than twa mnuthi avenr a teabrak dispute. Altomgether, neariy four mn-s w.-ork waa losi 1y at-ber bonusi. itrksand bad -weat-ber. Nýow t-beMiuitr 'i Wurks là resiqgn.d ta payi-ng £ 9e00,0 . fore hustOry eau utart- being made again atI No, 10. Titis zhomi e.ai BritisiiPrime Ministers for M30years was buit 'by Sir George Downing, whco went t-o Amyerica and gradi-at-ed at- xvard Uruive,rs.ity-t-b frs Engishanta ret-umu wltb au Dwigwie a polit-bcal tun ooat. lie serývedc Cromiwell as Ambasdoret-The. Hague, ,whereý h* met Oharles Il and realized ltat Erglanci was ripe for amo- Me pleged u support t-oý iOýhar1es vha gave bu ma knight- Shood. Diaist- Samiuel PE-pys iaid 1o c Dowing - under whom ha eerved at thbe Trea.sury: "He iï x ÉÏlngy felllow that- I do net car. Na. 10 DowningSretsad axs a. -monum ent ta the man's nieanîness, and gave him the un- offI'iciai titie ai Brit*in's fîrst Sir. Winston Churehill, we if3 '%vas Primne Mini.stor, said of tjqý esidence:ý "It is shaky and lightly blit." Reconstruction wiorker.s dis.. covered tis when they guLtte-d the buildfings in 19M0 One of them said: "If I had been 'living there I1 would have called in the Sanitary In.sp.c- But sanie giood has resulted frorn Sir George vownin'g's no- tOrlous "econor iy.' Discoveries Of riCli histo' ical significance have been m:,d)c by thewo- men cexeavati7ýg the ite. Evidence w as found that Down.. ing, Street waâ built on the site ai the Westminster Palace af Tudor times, And fif teen fîeet undcer Treasury7 Green w-as dis- co)verýed the pianks and polos which formed thle floor et a Archeoloistsare tremenidus- y ivexcited aotthedicey They believe ,thaýt pýt-teiry found there in thousands of fineex amples, indicates a mid Saxont village settiem-ent of A.D. 650 ta 850.. ther pottery, glass and pîpes - n use between 1550 and tihe eig hteenth cenitury - wvere also unearthed. Sixteenth-cenitury Tudor finds included more- than 1,000 pottery vessels --- mainly drinking mnugs, plates, c-ream bowls and cooking pots - and îren tools and weap- ens, But the mnot intriguing- dis- Cov-,ery waS the skll Of a younj1g 7man b-.eheaded between 200 and 300 years ao The method cf hurýal, the coni- dition of the suland the Place where it was f ourd suiggests that it migh-t ho the -ul of Illte Duke etMonm-oth. Ho ws the iek- gitmat so cfCharles 11, and was eeue t the age cfi. y- ý anti wfle-ro - sIC ull "Va s (-LIilCI could hv been bis garden,'" said M'\,r. Michael ,JGreen. the Mn istry of WerýLks- arehaeelogist tin ohageetthe ecvtos 17isiory say' s tb.at t-he Buke was striuk many tîntes hy t-ho axe hetore t-ho execution was colirt- pleted, writes John tGatherer ini The skll wýýa, tound in a, con- t-aier ew oututtofa. sile Piece o-f stono jirsi, large enough te hald thbe siruil. Whien tir rnvaiesare crn- pileted No. 10 wil Once !agai>a ho- Corne thbe- target ('dhnnel. r t-ehusaý,nd et sig1ht-seers oe-nýy yean. street ttiWbitehaiI bhasawy helM a st-range fscrrtii ork Crowd1S. The Il920Cis and jUst af'týer thle Secoünd WorMd Wam were lii must nre takigpeniod' t- -No. i eoansianirs They were ealled t-ot-hc door a-s Olten as 100 tirnes a day h,),ypeoplle who ony t, ope totou h t-le s'cores of mncaswostopped tac kiss h. A Minîstry iet Works afficîal said that il' : as intended ta ro- sýtore t-ho: bu'iding mucb as il had looked fon czent-unies. The facade wiil be t-ho saInie ,and fanouns interior roernls, such as t-be cîrea-n and goId Cabinet, roomi, will be restored intact. But t-be interior bas been gut- ted te make t pos-sible te rýe- place tlle .lutter of panielled raomns witb- a modemn recon- stucin fbusinesslike et fi- ciency. The aid black- door, with its fam-ýoujs kocker and sen-i-circu1.- Ian failigbit wil1 be given back ta the -new No, 10. Buit inside thie building, Cabinet Ministers wrill ne longer bear the creaking and shivering of ancient flons. And at the hack, Lady Doro- thy Macmnillan will be able t-o re$tore bon wonderfuil ganden in the shade of the old walls. NEwv lawns will be laid te repflace, those tired wihbthe t-rainp- t thoughtful pol)iticianls -and -e bard w oafet gitten ing aido parties. Mr. Mvacmnillan b as sahd t-bat ho expoctsIo-o gobck t N. 0 next summOlr. When ho dees hoe will finid thiat hfas nover had IM. 10 se ood.ù( Athletic Heroes And C ngarette Plugs -~i-c coaches Who satoke ini Lilie leeker room or on t-be playing fieid or lend their naines te the commecialendorsemlent cf cig- arettes or alcohiolie beverages are net pr-oviding the proper "heo ima)ge" fer higli school athietes. That is t-ho conviction of sonme 200 bigb scbool athietie and pby- sicai duatiçn irect-ors cf thbý Cenference on Secondary Schoo Athletic Acdrninistration meeting, recýently ai t-ho U.S. National Ed- ucation Association hoadquartors. The conference teck a strong position, passing a reselution ad- vocating that prof essionai atb- lotos "be earnestly requested ta refrain fremn permitt-ng the use cf thoir -names in tbe promotion or sale of cigarettes or alcobolic beverages." The conference went even fur- t-ber te urge t-bat manufactuners, distnibutors, advert-isers, a n d n-ews dîssemninating media refrain tram soliciiing at-hietes toe n- dorse tobacce and alcoholic bey- erages. STrie delegý1aies in t-aking t-bis ac- tion hiad inilmmnd t-be increasing use of bailpipyers and et-hon at- let-es in cigarette TV commercials and ot-ber ferms cf advert-isingZ. In ikigt-bis act-ian, t-be con- ference aligaed lt-self wiib Gov,- orner Collins;, lead cf t-ho Na- tional Associat-ion etBof cs- ors, xho recent-iy deniounced cig- arette commercials whicb, lho contends, are deliberately aimied a- yeung people- FOR SALE Soth Ànnfrersary Sale leagkLarge asraetcurrent cl ors. Bundie ' ibs. (25 to 40Uar tdj or i '11.7. Ettosw c&aU kindcf Style, si 1es anId eolors. !Package (7b to 800 biittons) fer $1 40. L ,50 ydsz. $10.144' yds. s,200. SchaeFer, Drum- niondville, Que. FLORI'A PROPERTIES FOR SALE F(M, Rsale. 'tetirc wltls lncome. Modeým dufflex near ocears, good nste. $214.000.. omwner îgevfng. carmel Burke, T09' Brciec AvP. flayIorna eachb, Flaý FLORfD'A IESORTS Visit Fort Louderdale TIIE. rp woniderand anid stay at Staffley a B 1each Apartments, efficien- edes for I1 oz 2> l-and 3-bedroom lapart- mnenst& easoniable rates. I block tram tiue becb anid thse centire of the beach, aetivïife. Fr-ee TV in every aparmet dalynza! sevie.For rsrain write. Staffley's Ueach Apartmenis, 2927 B&anyan St, Ft. Lauderdale, Fia. KRAFT ENVELOPES ENVELOPES' Brown kraft, 200, 6½x-9½ $3.6W, 9x12, $6040, U.S. value, !)ostad Othiers,, samiples free, Arco Prodiuctï, P,0. Box 61-E, Forest His 75, Newe Y rk. L IVESTOC K POLLED shortisorns put more profit tn beef raising For information v>h ere yozu can and why 101u ahoul1d examPinIe this old breed with modern look wVrite C. V Weir 305 Horner Ave. Toronto M4. feit that it was perhaps neot with- in the province of the conference to appear to dictate the conduct of professional athietes. With semre softening of ian- guage, the resolution was agreed upon, however. What concernS those Who work, closely with teen-agýers, as do ath- letic directors, is the natural in- clination of youth toward hiero worship. "High school age stu- dents are at a most impression- able stage given to hero wrhp pînig," as thledeete xesd How Con I? By Roberta Lee Q. ow can 1 remove an inhk stain from a rug? A. The-,se- can usuallyý be re- rwoved by making a paste of but- torm-ilk- and starch, ajpplying, and evigit on for twý.o or three, da-ys., Thenl rinise and let dry. Reea te process îf necessary. Q. ow eau I separate a numn- ber of postage stamps that have becomo- stuck ightly together?: A. Doni't soak theým. Instead, layv a thMin paper over themi and run a moderately hot iren ever' the papeýr. They will corne apatt easily, anci thie gluewill stili bP usabie. 14ELP WNANTED MALE FAR-M IELP WANTED Experiened man for dlairy farmi State experience and wagea PhilP Gorcaki. Port Fry Ont. MALE SALES HELF WANTE-O FULL OR PARý'T TIME ARE you nlow sefling or do y Out wiah te, sell? Then we hiave an opening for yau, Prestige Amieriean Company con-lnienc- lireg perationsi in Caniada requires sales, staff to initrodue aur pragr"amW on ïan appointmlent hasts. IHigi c1omiSsioný and bonus rate. Experilence nef neci. essary but car aii asse-t. Our tralntngif program wAil sLtnyuoff quickl..Par confidential intLerview w ýrite Box 259,' 123-18th Street, Toronto 14, Onit. MEDICAL AETHRITIS! Home trea!iment, eïn. piete recovery posssble. Pesatdiet practive, Information $20.(0. Steam iibath cabinetnake your own, ciseap. easy, Weight 6 Iibs. Instructions $ý2.00, satiS-> faction. Johns;on Yacu.tat, H, Aîask(a. NATURE'S HELP- DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS;. NEURITIS. THOIJSANDS PRAISINC. 1T. MUNPO'S DRUG*STORE- 335 ELGIN OTTAWA$1 .25 EXPRESS COLLUCT* POST'S ECZEMA SÂtVE' BANISE tise torment cM drs,, eezenia rases and weeping iu'trsl5 Pest's Ecz.emia Salve mitl est disappolais yon rtchlng, scaldin4 n* srrlg es ma, acne. ringwornipflnp,and, focadi eczema, will respondI reasÈ1li te t stainles, oc.drtess oiistSent egardesa- 1cflisow stuishoru o, -yis ýssaat1eseem, Sen't posttFree àsi, Rxce1pï1 04, ÎFrac*' FRICS $3B01PT JA«# POSTS REMEM1f S A -LMANAC 19621! 5ii'4Wipgse' portuiies, llents~atheBs. fisiing days, ahsiedy~ a'sde horoscope f, e,.Sc-. Exc1cilieset inng. 0P WFRE~ O'ALL JUST RELZASL-Di I1163, Tes.he, i-' of whçosa1ie, soiapedy ieas. iý mioney-savxâat pprssiiir iem ce free ansd, Ilard-to.-ind ftcima, pluas- usuai projfitnakng information. Wrîte- O. K..A,e, Box W&, Bssrf's FeUe. Oný- tariet OPPORTUITUIES FOR MEN ANU WOMEN BE A HÀJRDRESSER lOîiY CANADA'S LEADING SCIIOOL. Great Opportunity Learn Hairdresaing Pleasant dignîfled profeasien. çooft wages Tbeusands cf successfsml Mlarve> Graduatea Aenie'a Greutest Syatem fllustrated Catalogue Free Write or Csl Morvel Hairdressing Srhool 38 5Bloor St. W., Toronto Branch es 4,é King St. W., l:mniltoti 72 Rideau Street, Ottawva PERSOI4AL BE firi.tot wear, beautiful perfumnj Jewelry, tisai Royalty woulidweril g ridie. Further information write: Ash- ee Enterprises, 58 Jiones Street, Oak,- ville, Ontarie. BIBLE UNDERSTANDING 15 POSSIBLE For aids ta ible Study, free. WnitG Chrl'.tadelphians, Box Mtl1, ttrantÇfasaj, Ont. PROFITABLE OCCUPATION4S $298 INVENTION chainges b1acký, iwblto ,iat o beautiful calera. Terrifie. pro- ltable seller. Write: Excellent Buys, 34 Easît l2thi St., New York 3, New York. Dsept. CW1f.