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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Jan 1963, p. 8

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ce Frîday, IntexnentCARD 0F THANKS I wish4â to eipress m~y sincere tharnksý )RTS to Dr. McXenzie, Dr. GUI and Dr. ge 1) Mann, relatives, f rlends, lod.ges and e - gi neighibours for visits, cards, flowers, sr giand gifts, during my illness at home wqploymient and in Hosptal. Also to Mrs. McKen- Party by na for lier IieIp and kinidnes-s. I tht ~Edfna West >arsori. ,ted that wlile 'Îe could 110ot e details until a polcy 1-yad, nouned by Lr. Pearson, hl y that the tLbýjeral Healthý asically the sa-nie as was ald- thxe Liberal Rai>y la Ottawa. U0l IT beral govermuienit wlI give te estoring confidenlcean'd sur-es aecessatry te get Oa bighi gear. The Hat Plan ctme to work otw;th theý and the provinces but ta ta Iunr wvjat vie aa afford in a; r 79~hi,.h i-ezoins urL-à CAIW OF 1THANKS We would like to express our si- cere tbank s to ail our friends, rela- tives, nelhbours and our family, for thle beautiful gif ts, flowers and cards we received on the occasion of our ,ilver weclding a,,.iversary. Les and Neta Alldred CARD 0F THLANKSj The fam'ly of Van Hattum.s wish te express theim appreciation te their friea.ds and neighbeurs here and îha Tomonto for, their niany acts e! kîind-, aess and, gifts given after the return of Mrs. W. Van Hattun f romi the Tom- ente General Hospital. A special Thlank-you te the ha(Iieýs o!f the UC. Kînýiby and to R-ýev. B. Long o! Oonio. a-p r IN 1MVEMORIAM Inl loving memory of ourm mother, -Rosa J. Conlhi who passed away r January 18thi, 1950. Colle fom us, but leaving niemefiries SDeath can neyer take away. - MIeueries that will aiways linger -While uporn this eartb we stay. -Fondly eneibered by Henry, Walter, M..iton, Ila and Eva. a-p ~FIV 18 3 4eague _lq e icensed PRlwnbîru- & echanicaI Conrrak, Who selis, instaiIls and urna CAR MAN PLUMBING & HEATING; Phone 143 Orono per cn OIFF FR0 VI NOW UNTIL. FEaR(lUARY 2 Lau~s& hudrn}Ail Fi! and 471 oi 3oys Winter Cloihing 'in Sasdah Ad ia l honStr For Men and WVomen NEWCASTLE, ONTAI Park Ontario eomge BY APPOINTMiR'i NUBSI FOR RENT Lyntoffihurst iM A five-mooimed 1bouse at Enterprise, hien fr bed and witli brathroom land oil furnace. i8 o en Apply Mrs. Doris Reynolds, 13 be rates. Brock'St. E., Oshawa, Ont. Phone Phn rolý 723-1623, Oshawa. ft-C SAWS SHARPENED Saws sharpenied on our mnodern,1 h î Cally'our licensed Plumnbing Mechanical Contractor andquarantees Mtrnteith, Monteith' ýiRiehl & Co. CIIARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 135 Simeoe St. North, Oshawa Telephione: 728-7527 macliinery. ej2Eli Ste, Frank Crowe 10 EgnSret Bowmiaflvile. 5- TOWNSHIP O0F CLARKE Application for warble FIy inspector Applications for Warj3le Fly In- spector for the year 1963 will be re* ceived by he u-nder.signed 111)to and including Fe(bruary 4, 1963. Npplicants are requested to state renrnneraý.tiofl expected. Duties to commence Mardi 1, 1963. H. E. Milîson, Clerk,l Township of Clarke. C031ING EVENT Orono Horticultural Society Annuai Meeting and Pot .Luck Supper, Tues- day, January 29th at 6.30 p.rn. in the Oddellow's Hall. Mrs. Norton will shcvr lier alides 0f Newfoufldlafld. Corne and bring a favourite casserole, salad or dessert. 50c will, pay for your 1963 memiber shîp.i and supper. b-c ANNUAL MEETING ORONO JEMETERY COMPANY The reguiar annual meeting o! Lot Holders hi the above Company wil be held in thie Town Hall, Orono, on Mon.i day, January 2lst at 2:00 p.xn. for the purpose of receiving reports, general discussion, and election of Directors for 1963. E. J. Hai-iim, ChairnYian COMING EVE NT The Annai Meeting o! the Orono' Red Cross Society will be hield at the homne of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Te- nant on- Thursday, J.anuary 21h t 2:30 p.m. b-c SCHOOL TRUSTEE FAVORS MUJTEMBREAK "The long holiday at Easter isala- rnosýt USeIÇess as far as the ebiicldrn are concerned, as there is usually too 1much xnud ar oundl for theýni to plIay,"> saffd Dr. E. A. Huat recenti-t at Port Hope-, as he suý-,ggested a mid-term ibreak fori public sehool chiidren. H4e asked at the Sehool Board mi-eet- ing if there was any wjay to gv long weekend hioliday during Febri.-! ary, when the childrea could enjoy a fc ew dayýs of winter sports. ýýuper'visîng- Principal Howard Jer- dan said the sachjool hoidays came un- der, provincial juriisdiction, and Jf any addtional ihohdcays were gîven the, pupils thxe board would be penalized by a cut in the grants. Tae memibers are to gîve togtto the proýposai that they sug'gest ',,he miid-terrn1 break to the Department of Educationà, and iwiii decide at the next meeting wliether or not to subnmit the suggestion. Repaired SBrulshes, Electrie Tools and SmajjG U Appliance Motors Work GUaranteed Phone: 116, ronoý0]f Ajax 42-0890 jFOR 0PAINTING -DEGORAT IN G BUILDING - ÇLPBOARDS f fJ REPAIR AND FINISH FURNIITURE fi CaIl DOJJG SIMPSON Phone 208, Orono Building a House? or remodelling youtr present mie, thon conitact Floyd Nicholson PHONE 12191 ORONO PUMIPINO OUT SEPTIC TANKS WHITE WASHINCY STABLES Bert Toinpkins Phone Newtonville 4721 cONrTRAP.CTOR S FO-R ' LM GanflTIF'H-ATING(. FAM ndIJUSK' Sales and service a 24 OUIDBRNERSERVICEU WIRING ' Free stimaes 0 B-A FINANCENG l APPIAc Er tsc Low Interest lRates Prompt andi Guaranteed flPhir ta ail kincis af FIectricaI Equipnieni j o n ponC. - $catand Applances ri28 $h tMetors - Water I-eaterz Tyrone CO 325o Tr.V. - Radios - Stoves - Irons ýh St. Bowmanvmlli Oz-ono - l½2 story, 011 furnace, wali<- out basement, modern k1tchen, 3 nice brighit bedroom's. Askidng $9000 Leskard - 2 bedroom Bungalow, one acre lot. Ideal for young couple Asking $3,'00.00. Pasture Farma near Tyrone, 68 acres with creek. Approxiamately 55 a.c- res workable. Ail seeded down wjth clover and alfalfa. Some f al wheat Asking $7500.00 - $1500.00 Down. Pasture f arm near Crooked Creek, 62 acres with two good creeks -,oA land and fences. Askýin.g $6800.0(.. Newcastie - Central, -bedrooms, w bathirooms, fumnace. Estate sale, niust be soid. Asking $70M.00. Service Station and Snack Bar, on a Main Road, built-up area near Osb-ý awa, good gallonage, good oppor- tunity for right mari. Akn 2,0 $4000 down, We can have a new home buil't for you in Orono under the N.H.A. Lowv down payaient witlh easy mnonthly payments. Model homes aalIl for your inspection. Come in and flet us discuss this wlth vou. e LIST OR BUY MULTIPLAE LISTINGi .SER VICE (MLS) THROUGH OUR OFFICE A. J. McGILL Phonie 1107, Orono Local Representative Box 133 MO. 8'3552 Stafford BrOIhes Limited 318 Dundlas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufacturers of Ce.metery Memoriats Dealers lii Domrestie & Foreign Granites and M1arbies - Inscriptions Cul and Gemetery Repair Work ilamiltons Insuraiice Service Insurance hi ail its Branches -Auto, Package and Comnposite "Policies, Fire, Farm, Lite, Burglary, Liaiilty, Marine, f AcietandSiksaWnd SBoiler,FdetyonEç u PoeOroilo 1R16 1FJBST MORTLIAGE L.1N Phne MARIAN - A. N phone. 1C*l6 Oroui., Om LEGÂL Lawrence C. Masan, B.A. Barrister and SoI1iciter BOWMANViLLONT, Phones. Office MA 3-5688 Herne MA 3-SS51 w. KAY LYCETT) .A la the Of iLees tof R , R . W addefl Q 'C ' XACN ST.,CIO( TeIephîme 133 Gr.Um - PfSSIOT'- NAL ENGIN A Oniarlo Sn urveyor 12 1 QenSt if 1555 6e2pbe Z-725î, L. J SK IFE Ci hartier-e dAccourglant Main11 St.,, rn e~in OFIEM~A;N 8-T., ORONO Phone 12516 Res. 11714 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator SpeèciaIize ini Farm and Furniture Sales ConsuiIt me for terms and dates Phioné 5 r 18 - Oronc TEi() J A CK:'-0N Aucti»teer and Vaduater Conducts Atoction Salso; *fa» alu and at reasonable rate% communicate ifith hn at P*rI Poe-"., Our qnatlty andà service le1ives nothing 'te be desireà Ask tha person vwho bo(ugh froni 1.1, a neighbour, f riîjnd or reLative The RUTTER C-RAiN!TR COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOQPE IlLargest Dipiay in Southorn Onaio l Orville Chatterton El4eetricat Contracting Electric lleating and Service Photne 10131 Orono, Ontario r r f r r r -4 4 f. 4 -4 4 e~ r r c -4 4 f 4 c- Withy 668-4181l Qà

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