lui THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7th, 1963, ORONO, ONTRIO Local Fair To Again Sponsor Drama Festival A meeting of the Durham Central J Agricultural Society was beld at tie •' on Mondar, Febru-.Announce GIJts ry 4tI with Mr. Jose, te new pres- M'ent and the 1963 Drectors. Mrs. Marno Samunel chairman o! the Drama Festival andJ er commit- t e et with the directors to discuss tihe Festival in 1963 regarding a bud- get. Mrs. Samuel vutlUned the funct- ions of the varis members of her 1eûmmittee and also gave a detailed aecount of expenses. The directors were wholeheartedlv n favour of eponsqring the Festival, and nrom- ied their support in selling tickets and interesting ienbers in attending the plays. The Society will be respon- sible for all expenses incurred in- ciuding the lunch served each even- bg. Mrs. Don Staples has kindly con- sented to te Social Convenor for the coming year and all directors and their wives will be asked to assis» her. Some discusion was held regard- sng suitable facilities for holding Vhe Festival in the Town Hall but since the Plays had been held in Orono in thse past and have been given the identity of the Orono Drama Festival it was felt that we shiould continue 10o holi the plays in the Town Hall. Two tenders were discussed for the operation of the Midway at the 1963 f air and the tender of Mr. Dane Found was acceptedi for a 5 year per- ted. Mr. Found will pay the Board a a sum of $600.030 for tie concession along with a limited space south o the diining hall and in ths centre of thse track. Mr. Horace Best, president of the thletic Association reported on tâe completion of Vie new refresisment booth at the Arena and finances ere outlined. The total cost of the project was in the neigibourhood of $1300.00 which is $500:00 abovve the origInal estimate discussed with Vie Fair Directors. There was also a request from the Athletic Association for two fire escapes from the basement diressing roois and these are to be dealt with at a later meeting. Two committees were appoiated as follows : Promotion-G. Carson, R. Dickson, R. Gilbart, W. E. Reid, D. Found, A. Blancoard, R. J. Taggart, C. W. Bill- ings. Outdoor E:hlbits-G. Carson, ,. Found, W. E. Reid, Gord Watson, Bob Moffat. For Trent U Mr. E C. Brauni, Chairmea n of the Trent University Foinding Fund, an- nounceti Two gifts recently. Westclox Canarda T mted has made a donation of $35,000 towards the 5- vear founding progran. In making h- gft, Mr. F. R Pope saidI tie con- tribution is being maide to indicate his company's whole-hearted approval C entorsement of the aims and ideals of Trent University. "There can be no doubt that this new uni- versity will be of immense value to our employees and, in fact, to all of us who live i anid arounid the City of Peterborougi." No D.e le Cai Accidents On Saturday Sudden death struck twice within a half hour on tie highways near here Saturday morning. At 8:30 a.m. Bert Keene, 19 of Court St., Newmarket, was killed wIen bis small imported car skldded on Highway 35 anti crashe sideways Lnto a guard rail. The accident occurredi a short dis- tance north of the Highiway 2 inter- change, as the car was soutibounid. The force of the impact drove the --ard post almost to tie centre of the small car, yet the post remained intact. The deatih of Gwendolyn Joan Ro- berts, 83 Buckingham Avenue, Osh- awa, occurred suldenly Saturday as the result of an accident in dense fog on Hfghway 401, between Newcastle a- the Newtonville cut-off. Miss Roberts was killed when the car in which she was riding struck a snowplow. She suffered a broken neck. The driver of the car was Norman Scott Davis, 22 of 28 Grandview Ave., FIue-Cured Tobacco Varieties For 1963 There are eight prescribed flue- cured tobacco varieties listed under the Seeds Regulations of the Seeds Act that may be sold in Canada or imported into Canada; namely, Hicks Broadleaf, White Gold, Del- crest, Jamaica Wrapper, Yellow Golti Delhi 61, Jadel and Virginia Gold. These varieties may be sold as Can- ada Certified No. 1 and No. 2 Canada No. 1 and No. -2 seed. Canada Certi- d seeti must be the progeny of ýteeder seed and produced by mem- bers of the Canadian Seed Growers' Association. Breeder seed is selected ai grown by the Canada Depart- ment of Agriculture, Experiniental Farn, Delii, and available only to members of the C.S.G.A. Canada Certified seed is field inspected, test-. ed, labelled and sealed by the Plant Products Division, Production and Marketing Branch, Cnada Denart- ment of Agriculture, and must meet tie isolation, varietal purity, yield, quality, and freedom from disease requirements of the Association. Can- Mr.Brentials anounetia gft sbwa who receiveti bruiseti ribsaa No. 1 and NO. 2 seed of the pres- Mr. Braund also aninouincedi a gift of $5,000 from Craig, Zeidler anditsvarieties ]s not requiretito Strong, the well-known firm or archi- Alo n atuniaa accident at meet tie standards set forth for Can- tect. M. Zdle bastee açivey Eterprise bill hospitalizedth ie occu- daCerifieti seeti ani teefr tects. M.Zeile hsbeen actively involvedin the initial planning ofPer stem-coulti eof inferior quaity. Tie dif- poain.Th a struck aPet eence betweea No. 1 anti No. 2 seeti the University. oal.Th i tiseUniersty.trueck drivea tyv Ron9ie Tylro! tit No. 1 seeti must have a germn- Orono. Tise sandler was travelling ination of not less tbaa 75 per cent. The Trent Uiniversity Founding norti on tise south ,side o! Enterprise Fuid is seeking $1,520,000 in publicHl On seelng tie car advancing to- Hicks, tise most popular vanety in subscriptions in a Campaign sched- wands hlm, Mr. Taylor pullet erecent years, bas teen renamed nîcti~~~ ~~~ tnb opeeibyMri 93 rc k to a Malt. Tise car wastre- Hik Boalaf to eliminate thle -led to b)e com-pleted by Mlarch 1963. A further $9,705,000 is anticipatedIing soutisat tie tUe o! tie accident, confusion over the two names for Vie *rom Provin'al and Federal Govern- Considerabletimagewasdole to sane variety in Canada. Tiis variety tshe car as it hit tie front left side o wa orîg1ally callei 2Hcks In the Un- tise racekc. ribedvaiit S ties itutws nrenameuHicks Broaileef by tise N i Carolina Crop Alrs nSovmert saoaonaantregist- eneriewitbhtiseiTUSlDAiie1957. Tise Tll hn re anoo Te rn st ruc aaaind;s nani the trucktdCanoeinaywere3cemarea(ota estsOathDelii as tsiel, qulity, LitntoIreNIIL T ounr nt si ofEntr iscacaracterisýtics, leef numnber' HlOdnleafvsin. No sgaificant differ- Tbnreehoeyvteame fr'on- tise Vil- 1t Tise Orono Batanis.setaeirrfirst ,wastravfouet-between the two- e of Groin, wv Illtake par 't >1n tie ation h the tournam eat acd1e:4t for any o!tie meationet meNHL Touament to e ee.i i ben tiey play agaiast tie Newcastle meacurements or tests. laiparticular, ilbrook this Saturtay. Tissetea-h B aas. ifth they are successful t wasfrodifference ta lengtisor -'epreseýnting On-ono will te tise Atoms, tisis f eature they will tisea play wi thof tise leeves between tise two PeeWees tise tbree tise fina lhampioaIsb]ipmsries. Other et thc a factor that as been ques- livisions there is to be seventeen teanm enteret iin this group aIre froinijtionc since tise vd rety was renamet teamns tisus neIessitating an, early llrook, Keene, bittle Birtain anti at"ionr Bfrotilesaf" an tise Unite startlute tournament prior to eigsvtiesntoo.nv , cock Saturtiay mprBing. r eIn tie Atono division Vie Orono aefi r The Orono PeeWees are the first Orono teani to play on Saturdiay with tseir opening game being at 8:45 wien they meet Little Britain. Orono sac on two other occasions de- eated this teani uring the season st are t'us expected to do so again. Other teams entered in tihis division are from Millbrook, Newcastle, Cean- n:ngton, Littl Britain anti Keene. HcksBraef and White Gold are tani takes to tise ice at 1:45. Having HTc(s roandleafan Wfe icar neived a bye in the series they will recommended for most flue-cured play the winner of the first Atom tobacco areas in Ontario except those 'ame either Newcastle or Canning- heavilv affecteti by weather fleck, ton. Otier teanis are from Millbrook I then Delcrest is considered superier anti Newcastle. t hsas more tolerance. Although Delii 61 is more tolerant of weather Theuris mfo Vi lsasecti o o o n t e c t an D elc est he quality is us- Strovdaye isafo tis sein wo the ally slightly lower. Growers to test Prvnc.Lter th ml ilbe Ild at Cannington. (Continled page 8) ts Not Ail Hockey At Tne Oteo Rmk, 78 Figure Skae, O heis Ptay Broombal Recei Horticulture Ser At a recent meeting of the Orono worker in the orgar Horticultural Society a presentation with the diploma Mrs of a Service Diploma was made toi presented with a f] Mrs. Fred Tamblyn of Orono. Mrs. [Mrs. Tamblyn still en; Tamblyn, a charter member of the which d-qring the su local organization has been an active the care giiven it. Mrs. W. lrwin PresiC United Ckurcl<h On January 30th tie Orono United Church Choir held their Annual Meet- ing in the Sutiay School Auditorium following the choir rehearsal. The business part of the meeting commenced with remarks from the President, Donald Staples. The Treasurer's report was given by Stella Carson showing a bank balance at the close of 1962. Mrs. L. Bowins as Secretary of the flower fund, gave an up-to-date re- port of the year. Donations were ac- cepted for this fund for the year 1963, so that cards may be sent to any of the choir members if they are ill or bereaved. The election of officers for the com- ing year was conducted by Donald Delicious refreshnments wer ed by the social committee co of honey dipped doughnuts and The Past President Donald expressed appreciation to thc shad prepared the delectabl their efforts were very comm by ail choir members. The meeting then adjourned. Start Plan For Orono Staples, and are as follows: It was learned on Tuesdày that t1e President, Mrs. W. Irwinegineering firm of Marshall MacklW Vice President, Mrs. Cecil Jones a Monaghan Secr-etary-Treasurer, Mrs. W. Cob-tained by the Grono Police Trustees bledick. to prepare the plans for the prelimin- Secretary of flower fund, J ,rs. L. ary report to the OWRC for a water Bowins. systen in Orono were to start on Librarian, Mrs. R. Hancock. Wednesday with a physical survey of Leaders of Sections: the Village. This survey by three Soprano, Mrs. C. Jones; Contralto, members of the engineering firn se Mrs. W. Cobbledick; Tenor, Mr. W. being conducted to collect the nec- Mitchell; Bass, Mr. E. Rainey. essary information in order that prop- StciellBalsCo MttE.MisCaolyner information 'may be compiled to Social Com mrittee: Miss Carolyn prepare the preliminary report. ThLs Jones, Mrs. R. Morton. 1 report is expected to be completei Music Committee: Mrs. R. Morton. within two or three weeks. Ask Planning Area For Clorke Township The Township of Clarke held their if Newcastle. As Newcastle refuses February session on Tuesday which toatinthe jointPArea a was recessed late in the afternoon to otion was presented by Foster ant reconvene tonigbt, Thursday. Stone asking the Minister of Planing Mr. Lawson of the Lake Ontario ande o ntdissolve the pre Development Association met withjsnt joint Planning Area andttha- ouncil to discuss tihe roll played byti iister define a planning area the Association in this district and to soîoly for the Township fCab encourage membership in the Asso-lTis motion passetiandi-action 4s tC ciation by Clarke. Although coun- be aken. cil took no action to take out men- DStone reportetion bership in tise Association they dimd iCla'ke and Da- ask that tise representative return a-lington Townships Rqad eomnitteea gain next year.oa Mr. orace Best, Building Inspe ecnectio tor, also met with council at wic hiIismt- tme lot sizes in Orono were discus-' o t-1 t i Sintîmclent was i- ed in view of thie act that water prepare ap agret- was to be isalt.Land iuse was I- sent in coiýis- ise 'Dar- s0 discusseti. lgtn oati Superiatendtnt. Tis a- Couýncillor Foster reported on bis ;emetto te presenteti to enuneil. findactsin the joint Planning Areare Stth ione uraigtMnse o lnn with Clarke Townshîp andtihie Villasge ly Cortinued page 3 Junior ChamRpion hips At A i t eO R k ( c!fig re s kt a. S w a- nn Lowery. T e insert shows Alt activities atthe oO IRich t cepling somue o!ti.herpoints i e action f tise recent Broombal I be is tse club-pro, Sylvia Cappler game when tshe Marnedi Women w n only too evident on Tuesday and Brereti, o! skating to five members. ver the publie school children 3-0. Thursday e-venings when somzie 781 to r Donnie McLare, Richard ant 1ElanForrester s enteeyoung girls and boys are taught the intri- Suzanne Bunting, Diane Boyd and sweep the ball away while Mrs. B. Tnnant is ail ready to send it for a mcrry iourney. Mrs. Don Mercer is closing in to get a piece of the bail. The marrietI women meetithe Clarke migisScisOl girls this Frlday oves- ing. Oshawa Ski Club This Tie Oshawa Ski Club located east the five ski to of Kirby, is enjoying its best year as crowded and far as membenship is concernetdin laowed up thie tise Club. Tise i lIls have also had a good covering b! snow during the ast Suntia: season antd witi tie exception of last wait consider Sunday cnowdc of skiers have used ditions, the c tise services offendat the ill both reduced but on Saturdays ani Sundays. snow the cr< Membership bas jumped to 1380 doubt be out i members this year which is far a- Special inte bove that of all previous years. In the Oshawa , 1962 the membership was slightly with the holdi over $00. The Oshawa Club has now' Way Junior C calet danhait to tie sale of member- in tihe Provinç siips and guestsq are only allowed on ýpete in these i the hills if accompanied by a nember now appears t [of the Club. This was necessary as be held unde -AM 77-7. - 77 1