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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Feb 1963, p. 1

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MML.A$TLI.; kii , rsJ T Feb 4 '38 VOLUME 24, NUMBER 51 'RPONO, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1f 1962 Rural Development' Newcastle IMigEts1 Most Successful 1 Tea Discussed at FederationTCPadwsHr r*or The future of the rural popu- latI , was discussed by Grant Wal- lace, O.F.A. Field Staff, at the Bar oeringlnODrono regular directors' meeting o h Durham County Federation of Ag- x:4< ricultur'e. If the present trend con ý5 tinues, by 1975 one out of every ten young people> will be remain. ing on the home farm. By 1970 only one out of every twenty peo.....- p]ý' will be engaged in agriculture. lt must be realized that the simal famiily f armn operator cannot be isaved by the subsidies 'and floor prices which are noW in effect. In the rural comnmunities, as the farner's wealth diminishes, so -does the prosperity of the commun- ity. Unfortunately there are man.n country churches closing because enough interest is flot being re- alized to keep themn open. Since the 'announicement of the pragramme ARDA (Agricutural Rehabilitation and Development Act) the Ontario Federation of Ag- riculture bas set up a Rural Re-, development committee to study the importance of this and what might be doue to help the f amily farm operator. Ftfty, mill ion dol- lars wilI be available from the government under the ARDA pro- grammne. Tiýs programme is dlv- idel into three sections. 1. Pra- gramme for alternate use of land. Z. Soul and water conservation practices. 3. Rural development that she bad sent a notice to this projects. Mr. Bob Thomas returns to bar- bering having set-up in the Village lf Orono. He opened bis barber- shop in Orono on Monday which incidentally was his birthday. Bob frst started barbering in 1926 and continued in this profession until 1954. At this time he purchased the Orono Restaurant from Mr.D. Fou,~ nd a n vrated this enter- ARDA will give assistance toprsuti192 people other than those in agri-prs ni192 culture. Tourist regions, huuting facilities etc. wvilI be given cýon- sideration. Since Durhamn coty ù- be a geatneed for t he'se rE'crea- P e deulopma i efuture. Under T Sau IJ edevlornet0f this pro- gramme it? is recognized by thse Tie atry O..A onmnittee that what hap- ono Figure' Skatlný penis to peole e ore significant sent their fifteenth thanwhehc ,7c(gt communîty itevue at thse Onc pastures, tourist dlevclopmnenL't or0" membersC refore-statýion. 'The commî;attcee feitae part n the the whole program le tIhe MOSt la young as two a signi-icatthn that haýs (corne a- cw-il be performer long te assiejýt Agricuclture and 'Ltat .nof,,cntertainme: we muet dvcloýp it o imbs te o tat t des lotbrek dwn The Club Pro, at~~~ a lterdae. RralDcelo- rereton, will perf m ent'conittue wasetalsbdvue displaying hei for- Durb (s Cunty to 'promnote trY on the silvcî sttofo ony,-by thse Pederatio-- 1favourîtes as, Ad 0f Agncslltuc but lso toinitiate Oy Jnsand coopraln and etudy with otheri ý,pear on thse p interetdgroupen thse counity. est îerforrnersv 1he members are: Port Hope Shating Dula3 Kemp' Bowmauvillc;eaneteti MciiVan Camp, Blacketock, surp to bc at thse Daltn DmrelBackstock; Bill 2aturday evening. TmnofOrono; Lawrence Stap- lc~.BetbiîyLeslie Pritchard, Aledr hiptaing schoolil eDave Wilson. being planned fo)r Durham County Property - Clame to býe hcld thse latter part of March Fallîs, Howard Qi County commnittees for Durham Best. were appoInted. Poultry Producci Federation of Agriculture for 1963 W. Nowak. Insurance - Bruce Taylor, Mer- Wheat -Producer, nul Van Camp, Howard Quantrili, Lloyd Gellogg, Ton evening the Or-i g Club will pre- li annual Skating sueo Rink. Some of the Club '&'l Revue. S katars and a haîf years rs on this c'ven- unt in Orono. Sylva Cappler rform at the Re-i ýr talented artis- ýblades. Local ele Mivîe. Car-, joug Lycett will program. Other szill be fron-. the ig Club. Iing evening he Orono Rink this Eric Pallie, mecc Allun, Eric ýuantril, 'Horace -r Ron Brooks rs- Reg Fallis, nm McCamus. Ovrono Midgets Edge vvun uver Oreno Midgets capped the open- ing gamie 0f the OMHfA playdowns with Newcastle last Friday even- iug lu Newcastle wheu they de- featcd Newcastle by a score of 3-2. Thie v-ictory gave Oono thse edge lu tIse beet two eut of three garnes. The secondl game was played last night, Wedn(esday in Orono. The thirdga , if required will be pla 'yed thiis Piriday evenîng in Or- Orono secured the lead early lu the game anid at the start 0f 'the third period the score favoured Or:- ono at a count of 3-0. Dane Rogerson opeued thle scor- 'iug for Orono wheu he netted thse ;ose puck fromi a scamble in The Newcastle Midge Hockey Club tied the Or-ono-N,ýewcastle playdown series on Orono ice laàt night. Orono won the first gaine of the playdowns in Newcastle Iast Friday night mnly to hiave New- castile tie the series )n Orono «.ce. The Wedinesday -,night victory :'or Newcastle wenit o the visitors by a score ';f 3-2 with he ing goal coming in the eninuitte O)V- ertime period. A poor crowd wson hand tLo Wvitness the game 0~ rono. Bt games have been well contested ,as inclicated by the score and a larger crowd is warranited -or this play-off hockey. The thi ,rd, and rnost !iîkely :inal game of the series wllbe :3layied In Orono on Friday, Februray 22, at 8:30 p.m. 'This garne(,will elimin- ate one of the .t.wo teamîi. as Qhe series is a two out of ,hre(, gaïme, series. Corne out and support tZhej local hockey players tis Friday. Orono took anl early lead in.the4D game and in the flrst period scor- ed their 2 goals. Richarcison fromn Green scored the first at 8.01 *with the second goal at 8.12 by Willis fl:rm Richardson. ',ewcaStle ý'01- lowed at 8:14 for their fist ount with Chard netting the puck o-n a play with Rcad The second period "w-as scoreless'. Walton tied the sco)re for New- castle with one minute left 5n h game.'- He scored onapaywt Cobbledick. The tie thus forcedl a -Len =b"n ute overtime period wheun at h four minute mark rickard scored for Newcastle to give 'Lhem h victory and o ic '*he oeries. in't forget final' game FridaI, ight at the Orono R«nk. u ~ 4 Amoat enjoyable and success- ful1 tea wmas held Saturday after S',.4v 'Ciie -,,-on by Unit 1 of the Orono United e i rC *tz-n C'hurch Womien. The tea was held -i the Sunday School auditorium!iCafJO fthe Church whîch was tastefully -il I lecorated in a Valentine theme. Ent ra n n n Tlhe auditoDrurn was deceorated1 10ost effectlvely 'with streaýmersLvl entertamnment, sparked a _ýearts, flowxers and decrated rnecnt meeting of 'the Oi'ozo Sen- ornhe f the Syringa bush. The ior C'tizerns Club Which was held \vlswere decorated with hearts w Ll-te ba)sement of the Township -id streamecrs added teo the Val- 'Hall, Orono. Music and dance enltine theme. Streamersaoarutns highlighted the progTan -lied from the ceiling to 'die table under the direction of Mrg. B. c arrying the many delicacies. Bron, Tïhese streamers formed a cnp -ffect for the table. Centred on Mrs. Trudy Sallows of B3ow- i'e table and also on the four pa- mianville lead -a .rousing *igsn "on tables were branches 0-f Jhe of Lthe good-Old tunes. Mr. and Mrs S'_;yringa bush wrhichl had been s-iiKýen Neil provýided violin numbers 7ered( and from which hung red wvhich were most enjoyable. Renà eatBougulets . lwesas Gibsoni, a true performer, recited idded to the decor of the .auditor-ltwvo comic recitations to the de- iumn, for this occasion. Illght of her audience. A wîde variety 0f delicacies! wer avlabe romtheserin Dressed ini top hats and tails, ab 1e t delight the most discrim- Mrs. D. Gustar and Mrs. -E. Brown natng taste. Tihe choice ranged etepped, on the stage-to the tune trmcream pupffs, tLo French pas- 1 0f "Side by Side" 'for a soft-shoe trischesecae, and aIl kinde 'dance routine. Square dance num-. 'i calkes, tarts and cup cakes, bers completcd the program. M'0fthe UnJýit served e R i ed usi andpiao msic Following the program lunch Bron as served by 'members of the ~layrl byMrs. ývertt "reation Commission and a so- Pg of piinge by Mr. R. D. AMor- ca ieeJyd ~on hlchweradispalycd on the- ______________ .saen ilie adtru.wished. Favourýlî;te 'ecies were also a- It bas been estimiated that close 'U~. 0)f terestvas a fine show- to 150 were attendance at the tea 'a.abe nd boe:n attenidance some -coming from BowmauviUle wer giencopies of those te and Newcastle. ~The Reid St+IDrepares ForTh iVl -e t s IN. ~ AI' ~I~* ~ Pictured above are a pair of two -vno bas neyer hccded thse wcatn- alIy weil last year. Flash Riddell, imVYw af ýI I yeam old juveniles owned by Mr. erman all wintcr long, nor let thse 2:07-3 saw considerable action at frot 0 th Necasle et.Ronieand Mrs. Jack Reid of Orono. cold of winter interfere with the Blue Bonnet and Richelieu and en- frnto -h Nwaslent.RnneDean's Song, Sire -, Plcmington, training pmegram. Along witbhanedths tbe eod Richardson on a play with Willis Dam - Ella Riddcll, --* abo' e 1I amer Fred Gifford, Jack willhacd esblrco. sgcomed the second goal. Thc third triven by the owners' son, Charle i -'vehi stable of fine ready for Meadewview Champ 2:09, rais- wa anet ffrtbydfeceanRed.TIeote"'sbenghaded ir tates gate.1 ed on the Reid Parm sbowed great was net efor by efecemn Rid. he the :* beig 'andi 1promise laet yeam before develop- Terry Cox who, checking at bis by their daughiter Patsy, îs 'Our M- edpit n ha aeigpil robe ei e on own blue lhue, came up witb thc Patrici"Sr imgoDa- e 'i iea thetca Tace puck while Newcastle was pushing Mqillic Grattan R. i . Yand indication point to a very suc- towarde thse Orono goal. Terrys muet be in top condition and have'ceseful year in 1963,. breakaway resulted in a goal . Prepanring nne hrses ýfor the e beet of care. Regular feedîngi wvhile bis team was one man short. raceways is ne emal job aànd ir- of a properly balanced feed is Meadowview Hal is a 3 year old respective of weathem th,1ese horsels most important as îs daily groom- pacer Sire - Superior Hal, Dam - The wo ewcstl gols amemue hae teirdaiy wrk-ut ng and the~ caî e of the feet te Ethel Grand. This horse didn't Tliï,, wo Newastle oals, amt musyhave old buta le okthis intetid.Ts ae a adsix daye out of seýven, The weathiUi eistm soft in order that thcy i'a('e as a toya l u sti inught- throughut and ait pay rmad a ls endgesb- n-7 develop quarter crack. Thîs:year training very well. ing 'tIhrongout b anlesreidlay10w zero and etili tIse'dajIly troi lattrare is of tihe utmost im- TIse two 2-year-olds, Dean's Song andbyOrno efnc cnbld heor pare areund i t akl tne te keep a horse in top and Our Patricia are staked ex- tams viory iefn thi opningfj 'uetiftIehhrss -rete h ed mnn odto.tensively in' Canada and the U.S. La.s Th trfreen s kp h aefrts a opening ftitne W1d- j -iLl'iing tIse stable is the vet- and fingers arc crossed that these w el n baud, tthegae bine on March 25th. "This is nOe ,jn amaine ollywuoed_ Ricb- colts will not develop Any sickriess wel i bad.hobby with me," said Jacký Reid, aid, 2 :04-1 %,ho raccd exception- - Continued page 3). 1 7

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