Oono Weekly TUrnes VOLUME 25, NUMBER 1 ORONO, ONTARIO THURSDAY, F3EBRUARY 28, ÏDOS Hampton Ho0usew*ife AgoËi n Nominted y The*D.P ý rs. Eileen Coutts was chosen NDP candidate for Durham at a nommnation meeting held in the Port Hope Town Hall iast Satur- day evenîng. This is Mrs. Coutt's second bld for the Durham riding seat, now held by R. C. Honey. Mrs. Coutts was nominated' by Emrest Dent, a former CCF candi- ýciate in Durham and seconded by iMrs. Sid Burgess of Courtice 'There were no other nominations. In ber acceptance speech, Mrs. Coutts said Canada was lagging behind other nations. "It's time -We got on the bail", she said. She'asked for a better deal for farmers,. stating that labour and agicuiturai interests should work in co-operation. In the oid-ine par- "We ïieed an adequate Bill of Rights". "What we want for our party, we want for all Canadians," Mrs. 'Coutts also charged big business was putting the farmer and small businessman out of work. She called for a co-opera- tive system for marketing :farm produce. Farmers are presently being sold down the river by ver- ticle integration, she said. In world"aff airs Canada couid be second to none but 62 per cent of the economy was controiied by the United States. Introdusing the candidate, Mr. E. Dent said, she was a womnan of "courage, conviction, abiiity, dedi- cation and interested in people's problems." "She stands as a symnbol to wo- men to play a part in politics.. The NDP is a people's party and Mrs. Coutts is definiteiy of the people." Chairman *H. S. Coutts, hiusband of the candidate, said it was only through the NDP that Canada attain proper leadership., "The ND P is not indecisive. It thinksposi- tively not negatively," he said. Orono limes BUggedI This week the Orono Weekly Times bas been bugged with a number of ailments to the staff iwhicb bas cut, production, to a niere tickl Ms aley, the lino- y _e operator is home due to Sciatica and the editor has been, tieà therE was no chance forý thePw. Jig a constant,,bout 7'th ~h work ng mhan who was being uush ~l bug. ed in the background while many farmers ýwere baving to leave their! farms to find work. 507 w 0 Atte nd ice Coarnivo The Oron Figure Skating Club presented their fifteenth annual carnival "Rhythm on Tcee" on Sa- -turday evening, February 23rd. Close to five hundred were in at- tendance as the rink was filled to capacity for the occasion. $160.00 was cleared from admissions for aduits and children. Mr. Char les Hutton very capably acted as emcee and welcomed the large crowd to the carnival. The figure skaters ranged f rom three years of age to teenagers and aduits. The Club Pro, Sylvia CapplerBreretonof Port Hope isi to be cor-,mended for the trainingi given the eighty-two skaters dur-] ing the short skating season. The rhythm in the dance numbers and difficuit, manoeurves were most enjoyed by the appreciatîve au- ,dience. World Day 0f Prayer,ToDay Frn. The World Day of Frayer ser- vice will be held in the Orono Ul"- ted Church to-night, Friday, at 8 o'clock. It wiU lbe held in the Sunday School auditorium and ev-, eryone is -welcome. The 1963 service cornes ' o us from Korea where a Day of Pray- er Committee composed of two missionaries f romn each of four co- operating mission$~ and four na- tionals from each of seven denom- !nations- met monthly f rom Sep- tember to May i Seoul, and more (Continued f rom page 1) Clarke Teachers iHydr-o To Spend The Clarke- District Teacher's Association had two guests at its February meeting which was heid on Monday, February lSth at the Clarke Union Sehool. The regular business was speed- ily attended to and a well-known visitor, Mr. Watson, master at the P eterborough Teacher's College, was introduced by the area, -.n- spector, Mr. Holmes. The guest sepaker for the after- ,noon, Mr. P. J. Row, Janetville, ýwas introduced by Miss Arm- strong. Mr. Row addressed the group concerning the writing and appreciation 0of poetry. He said that poetry should be used as an inspiration to children to live a better if e and to make a worthy cont ribution to humanity, and toi world peace. Marylin Armstrong o ce Trustees To Seti Up Village L*ibrcîry The -Orono Police Trustees met ing to be held for future years. on Monday evening when a re- Mr,. Mercer, chairman of the roads quest was placed before the Trts- was authorized t0 contact Mr* tees for fire protection of threc or Brown, the engineer, to hlave the four dwellings in Kendal. The re- necessary plans drawnup for t,'he quest had been made to the :fire wA7ork on Church Street. Mr . Mer- chief who sought decision from thececr vvns aiso to contact LflV Town- Trustees. ship Rond Superintendant in this The chairman stated that the matter. It was feit that the ;sur- fire by-law set-up defined a defin- vey will more than likely show the te area and that Kendal would bc necessity of storm sewers on -onsiderably outside this area. Church Street. ttll the Trustees agreed that the --,sent equip*7ment was not suited A :'iancial report of the road tbe taoen.ks, 'r irom the -'Vil-cotsin >the Village,-for !196 ', Was '1og Th reuestwasjened. rcceived -romn the Township. The AI Terwreeivws Jed o a-IItt POV.I a u iw'Ut This bas, caused -the Times 'to be ada Ciock in which they stated la y late zihs eek. they would inspect the Oronol clock as soon as the weather became warmer. A nAnu a I A a received froni the Park Board made it known that * 1'h, dog by-law oud come imto II. n U ro n o effect on March Ist when ail dogs 1 n %)ro n mutb tied-up oro i eash. The dog control officer wiii enforce the West, Kathy Stephens, Denise byiaw as 0f this date, March ist. Stephens, Wendy Harness,Mar It was noted at the meeting that een Shetier, Terry West, Nita Tais- they wished to be supplied munici- ma. Catherine Bunting, Judy West pal water. Marilyn Sneiders, Karin Cox. In preparing thxe road work the 1Group 4, Susan West, Lynn Low- this year tlËe Trustees set a budget ery, Cheryl Cornish, Margaret 0f $5,000.00. $2,000 is to be zpent Moffat, Kathy Gustar, Diane Boyd on generai maintenance, snow re- Joan Duvail, Janice Caldwell, Sue movai, repainting parkin g lnes on Aslett, Suzanne Bunting, Kathy the Main Street, patching etc. Grady and Nancy Mercer were $3,000.00 is to be spent this year noted as cheerleaders and per-lon new construction on Church formed to the tune of "Ain't She1 street south. This amount wouid Sweet." only do a portion 0f the work this Mý f- t1 - nfinp Ar. w...,4, y.ear with the remnaining work hav- the group 5 "Sailors"' performed their routine. This group consis- ted 0f Jacqueline Snelders, Saliy Stapies, Donald McLaren, Bar- bara Ann Gustar, Carol Coatham, Richard Bunting, Heather McGill, and John Coatham. total cost was set at $5800,.00 0f remaining amount was for gener- and -ione, aiiocated costs. A letter was received from the Fire Underwriters in which the ai maintenance,,, overhead costs Police Trustees were informed under certain conditions fire insur- ance rates would reduce by 16%. Wth these samne conditions and with the addition of three more that with the installation 0f water men on the fire department the rates would reduce by 22 per cent. department the cost 0f insurance wýater and fifteen mem on the fire A new fire truck, iwith municipal would drop by 36 percent. The chairman stated that at the next meeting the Board should consider increasing the fire depart- ment to fifteen mem. In the matter of setting thej mill rate for the Village for the1 year the Trustees feel that they Over $10,OOO The Orono Hydro Commission met Monday eveming when they cassecl for payment an account of $232700 for hydro for the Village, This was the highest monthiy cost of power yet establshed for Orono. The manager, E. Dent, submit.- ted projects for Hydro ini 1963 which without the cost of general administration or operation would total $10,700 (Estimate). This type of work cost in the neighbourhood of $7500.00 iast year. Items- 0f cost anticipated this year wouid be; $2400.00 to provide 3-phase power at the municipal well sites. $3600 increasing capa- city to, Curvpiy Wood Products, a sum of $1500 for lncreasing ca pac-, ity for ali-electric homes and un- derground transformer, $400.00 for a new service to the United Church, new transformers $1500., other new tems include new me- ters8 and some lhue alterations. Mr. Dent pointed out that the an- nual audit was niow beng complet- Ied and that consideration would be, given 'o the matter of financing. It did appear that the local Com- mission would have to issue de.- bentures to meet these costs this year-and possibly for the next fol- lowing year. Mr. Mercer askcd that a meet-, ing be arranged, beiween the Com.- mission and 'the auditors wýhen their audit is complete. Ini the matter of issuing deben- tures it was said that this wouid have to be donc by the Township of Clarke, This is- also to be dis- cussed with the finance committee w-ýhen the two groups meet. Mr. Dent also pointed out that the Commission wouid have to pay ain. additionai. charge 0f $2000.00 for power this year as Ontario Hydro wiibe, collecting the power ac- count in advance by the middle of the year. Some discussion again cerýtred on, the peak-load probiem, which is apparentely affecting other hy- dro systems and is becoming a concern with Commissions. There seems no easy answer to the pro- biem. wouid first like to meet with the ship in order that they may know what charges are to be, made by to keep their overall municipal linance committee of the Town- the Township. The Trustees hope miii rate at tbe same level as hast year. On motion of Mercer and Simpson the Trustees requested a meeting with ,the finance commit- A resolution was passed by the tee of thc Township. pass thc necessary by-law to es- Trustees requesting Council to tablish apublic library ini the Vil- lage of Orono for thc Police Vil- lage of Orono. GContest in auil twenty ,acts were per- 'Karen Uata,1 niLt, 5- formed in the revue with Orono 10w, Judy Bull, Diane Nicholson, skaters, , guests fromn Port Hope, Diane Hazeiden, Kathy Middleton 4 ,~-~-. ~ ~ ~ -- -~ locl ie tar an te Cubpro. and Dorren Hazeldeil of Group 6 - l-I -- From the Orono Club fine groups performed to the music 0f Winter '--'1 - performed with the young set a- Wonderland, being dressed as cow -,. - gain stealing the show with their grls. -- antics on ice, which in most cases A Maoet nubrws e--- - . were unpredictable but most en- omdb Gru 7begJui tertaining. Wed Mr Group one, boys, dressed as NaElnMlsn ed e-- s~ cer,, Glenda Tennant Patricia Wal- -- - --~ ---e clons araedla paadeoflace, Linda McLaren, Nancy Bar--- clowns. These skaters were Tom- ...... my Mffat Jlmy MofatDel-rabaîl, Rhonda Tennant, Julie - -~~- -- bert DePaepe, Barry West, eickyJnsCtyCahr an Mr-- - ---i-4, - .Annear, Charls Woodilyn West. i»- - - - - - --' AnerCalsWoJohn Cor- -- -gd1- -- isMichael Hutton, Douglas Six members of Group 8 enacted -- . .-- ,..- - t Kramer. wr iesda an Irish jig. They were dressed in Group 2, girls green and whitean were Susan Pyjama Dolîs and to the music of Cantreli, Nancy Forrester, Mar-..........' '~ . ,oh! you Beautiful Doîl made their garet Middleton, Marilyn Tam-, entrance. This group nlddPt blyn, Linda Barrabaîl and Caro- ---- ~ ~ - ti Lunn, Wanda Kramer, Debbie1 Une Johnson.............. Gordon, Cindy West, Diane De- The Dutch Waltz was pcrformed The Country Four Vocal Quar- The Countrv Four will agan p- Allen. This group weye the first-. Paepe, Janice West, Julie Wood by group, 9 being Dariene West, tette, shown above, Won the top peai,Ê on théc next amnateuir show place winners ini the Faîl Fair Arn- and Ellen Heard. Caroline Johnson, Lynda tThomp- position on the Ken Soble Amateur which will be in March. ateur contest and it was f rom this The Waltz .0f the Flowers was son, Carole Nixon, Elaine Forres- hour last Saturday. The program From I1 to r Jack Allen, :Donald contest that the group earned an performed by group 3 with Kimn ter, Margaret Taggart, Beverley was tclevised over. Channel 11. Staples4, Merrili Brown and 'Glen audition for the Ken Soble Show. '"Country Four Takes First Prize ln T.V.