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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Mar 1963, p. 1

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VOLUME 25, NUMBER 1 Weèkly ORONO WVEEKLY TIMES, TftÛRSI)AY,,*LAP.CH 7, 1963 TUrnes Credit Union DeclareslRed Cross Canivas FomrWre ae rsentation 3P.C. Dividend.T, tî MihIt The Orono Redi Cross Socety iS The-annual meeting of the, Or- to open their. annual canvas for on ad isrit reitUnonwa PELMINAFYLSSSO funds on Monday, March l8th. The adDsrc rdtUinwsi PEELSI T 10 campaign is to cover the Village o., lýid in the Oddfellow's Hall on 21,792 ELIGIBLE TO) VOTE Orono ad cTonhp fClre M;onday, February 25th. Forty oa eTwihp0 lre mnembers of the Credit Union were Preliminary voter's lists ýcom- Durlng the year thiis Societyas priesenit and enjoyed a Pot Luck piled from recent enumneration .sists in manyv w s ae, needsL of Supper along with various forms sho an increase of 221 over the the comuniýiity. Thieir work in- o! entertainment. official count in the last election, cludes emnergency service when The group were entertained with lin the County o! Durham. Revision, needed, vitamin capsules for pub- R sing-song, a piano solo by Doug- of lists will entail some' changes,, lic school children, sponsor a asPerrin and a selection of hum- but the final count is expected to, workshop for the miaking of ban- bers by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. nun- be appin-roximtely the 21,792 totali dages and assist Wvith the Blood ling.Re.Jh obtained~ at enumeration.j Donors Clinics. Also included is Vebrugeastoekr,0ftevCJhistia The breakdown of1 voters by the sponsorship of the Summer Reform Church, Bowmanville, was (Continued page 7) (Continued. page 7) àlso enjoyed as he brought to the ________________________________ meeting a thought in which he likened the work of the Credit Un- ity. Bothý were sceking to assist a n re s i _7man. In determining policy at the an- nual meeting it was decided that i h bc u i Le y pay a 3 percent dividend- on share' Ratepayers in Durham High accounts. Last year the Credit Un- School Area will pay between four fn, ion paid 4 percent. The total divi- and five more milîs for high school P MV,. Eo S peak dencl this year will amount to education ini 1963 than in the pre-k $603.40. vious year. 1 1 ~ The locýal Credit Union has :148 The total levy is $650,000, up A.O members to date and has boans $148,000 from last year or an in- Prime Minister Diefenbaker %vill paid out to 11 persofis. crease in the general operation ýmake just one appearance in, Dur- A neIt profit for the year of $929.- cost of 29%. ham when he vis9its the riding on ,32 existed before paying the divi- The higli school- board bas Friday, March 8. That will be aàt dends, the secretarh,'s honorarium broiight down a total budget of the Port Hope Hllgh School Audi- or the amnount of 20 percent to- $1,221,'000, an increase over îast toriumn where he is to make a ma- wards the' Guarantce Fund. total î e' 0 f $218,000 and the second1 jor campaigu speech. assets a thae endi ofr m e year a-' -mounted to $23,403 .07 of which li- abilities in shares amounit to 421,- 072.97. In the election of directors the following retirng directors were re-elecýted: E. F. R. . @sborne, ,Glenn 1Alin, Robert :qancock and ýChas. G.îkes. Mr. Abert Pos wasý elected as a new member on the 4irectorate. ,GOODYEAR WILL CURB SMOKE million dollar budget la its 12, year 1 histobry. Teachers' 'salaries account for $792,000 this, year as compareèd with $671,000 a year ago. .Contributing mainly to the in- 2ease is an anticipated enrolment of 200 more students in the dis- trict's fîve high, schoolis. There was 1962. This will involve engaging eight more t eachers., Legisiative grants are anticiDat- ed at $579,000, a rise of $24,00 over Changes -in his provisional sche- duewere announced at a meeting of the Durham Progressive Con- servatives Association at the home of candidate Garnet Rickard in B~owmanville. Mr. Diefenbaker is to arrive by morning train 't 10:31 from Tor- onto and leave lby train t hat after- onat 5:42, He-,- en-, tire period in Port Hope. The changes have been made to avoid (Continued back page) C('oUNCIL TOLD 96. necessary to annexation in the Residents of Bowmanville can Clarke Township will accept a- Port Hope area Which could xnake expect some relief from smoke round 11.75 percent of the total some little changes in the percent- ~and soot from the Goodyear Tire levy which will amount to around g. and Rubber Company plant about, $76,500.00 'or general administra- got. p' hreo h u- the end of March.. but the prob- tion plus 11.75%0/of the total de- Piai oty destshreot he Dur-oo lem won't be completely elimiliat- benture debt of $217,000 or anba Cutydsrchgh doo 'ed. amount of some $26,000. Tisl will board levy of the eight participat- Mebes f ow cunilWeebinig the total to $102,500.0 rlng municipalities ýwill be about Membrs f twn ounil ere$195,000. Last. year it wa.s $151,385 -so informed by letter. In 1961 Clarke Township collect- and in 1961, $110,000. It stated, "We expect that the ed a total of $58,486.00 for th e Dur-. Hope Township last yeax paid i-ncinerator we plan, to tie in to our ham District High School Area. In 9M6 per cent of the district levy .tack will be completed around the 1962 Clarke collected approximat- amounting to $48,22. last year en fMac.We feel that thi ely $80,000.00 for Hligh School pur. 1pus $28,945 for- debenture pay- endof Mrhel he rbese poses. (ments-. This year's levy will de- shoud hlp te poblni o àmke pend on the township's asseasment nuisance a great deal, although it As yet complete figures have flot but is expected 'to be up about 'will flot completely eliminate it. been issued due to the revision $îo,ooo. W/arde n Walkey Ascompanied BDy Famnily At Banquet 'Wardeni H. E. Walkey is shown above with bis faily who were in attendance at the banquet heldil in 'h is honotur ast Friday. L. to R. daighter Joan Walkey, Mrs. Lela Walkey (mother of thp Warden), War- den Walkey, bis wife Gladys and s ! John. Mr. Hartwell J. Lowery, Warden in 1953, is shown above making a presentation of a suit case to Wardcn H. Walkey. ,Wardeàn VWalkeyý Honoured At Banquet Close to' two hundred attended n' banquet on Friday evening of last week held in'honour of the new Warden 0f the United Counties o! Northumberland and Durham. -These people. gathered iri.the Ori- ono Oddfellow's H--all to pay tribute to Warden H. Earl Walkey who is Also Reeve o! Clarke Township. Warden Walkey was sworn into the office o! Warden on January lSth, for the United Countiles. Th§e previous Warden to be elected ta tais office from the Township o! darke was- Hartwell Lowery in 1953. The evenings programn was pre- ceded by a dinner served by the Ulnited Church Women o! the New- tonville .Çhurch. The Rev. R. C. White led in grtacý and presented the Toast to the Queen. The menu iiwluded ham steak, hot potatoes, vegetables, rolis, -pies apples and *eo!!ee. For the program-which !ollowed, Deputy-Reeve John W. Stone acted as chairman. Providing most en- joyable entertainment during the course o! the evening were the1 Country Four Quartette and Mr. Carlos Tamblyn playing a number o! cornet solos. Mr. Tamblyn was accompanied on the piano by Mrs. R. D. Morton. A sing-song was al-1 sa included in the program., Mr. Jack Reid, a member of the Committee in charge o! the even- ing, introduced the bead table. Toasts were proposed to the1 Dominion, the Province and the United Counties. Mr. Garnet Ric- key said it was 'certainly a proud moment for his miother.. 1 n taking the Oath of Office ln January he said he had taken, it on behaîf of the M4unicipaltity o! Clarke . an h easked this rmunici- pality to recognize tIhe honour that had been place4i upon thefr Ree've. In his new position he would strive to do his very best, he said. Wrarden Walkey brieflyoutlined hîs municipal activities which started in council in 1954 and up until his appointment he sald he had neyer been calleci upon to run in an election. In speaking of the County level o! goverument o! which he lias been a member for eight years lie sald that this level o! government had a great part to play in the a!- fairs o! the area. 0f course the part to be played and the degree to which it is played depends upon the personnel at C>uty Council. Those members o! Çounty Coun- cil present at the. dinner were then întroduced. There were twenty- fine present. Mr. Walkey also ln- troduced Mr. Arthur McKay who, was Reeve o! Clarke Township when Mr. Walkey first entered council. Warden Walkey on Jbehalf of himself and his family thanked those responsible for the evening presented to him and his family. Mr. Russell Osborne read an address to the Warden while form- er Warden of Clarke Township, Hartwell Lowery presented War- den Walkey with a suit case. War- den Walkey suitably replied. kard proposed the toast to the 1 Councillor Lorne Perrault, on Dominion at which urne he con- behal! 0f -the Committee thanked gratulated the Warden on bis ap-1Ithe Ladies of the Newtonville Pointment as did ail other speak- Church in providing a most enjoy- ers either as they were proposing able dinner. Coiincillor Robert a toast or responding to a toast. Chater thanked the entertainers Mr. Russell Honey responded to for their numberg during the even- the toast to the Dominion. ing. Deputy-Reeve, John Stone A.toast to the Province was pro- thanked ail pr-esent fo6r -their as- posed by Allan Beer, a former sista.nce in màking t evening Warden, and responded to by Mr. such a success. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P.____ The toast to the'United Counties wasprsete' y erldPhilp, Couples ' u 0ade f the United -Counties in C u 1962. He spoke o! the importance of the Countv ,system and as T 0 0&1 T Nla spoke highly of the present warden The Orono Couples Club held a H. E. Walkey. This toast was re- family skating party at Lhe Orono sponded to by the honoured guestRnkudaafeon hnot of the evening, H. B. Walkey. children and -aduits.-were invited. War den Walkey stated that this> Possibly due to sickness iu the was a mo ment lie would neyer for- area the attendance was at a min- get nor would his famiûy who were imnum. Arrangements are being all present this evening. 'le intro- mtade by the club for a bowling- duced his mother, Mrs. Lela Wal- toe held Thursday (toigh a key, his, daugliter, Joan, son John 9 o'clock at the Bowmaniville Eowl- and his wif e Gladys. Warden Wal-1 ing Alley. -j 1

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