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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Mar 1963, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES,'THURltSDAY, 1MARCH 7,1,1963 Hecslth -Unit Report FOR JANUARY, 196;3 rivironmental coidtit- that (imneaicbl Dsease i!ffect the health of 1fhose i q99cases %-er-e ireorted d1uring oýstablishmnent. 14 inspections the mnont, I.ani of ),,*,hese .8 -Vr ade. "-rump.s mud U 1 'hickennDox. Meat Inspection 6 rabid anMals ,vere reorted, 0f 1042 animnais inspectedd 3 fo::es and 3 skunks. 'rnese .rerc the month, 21 were conden found throughout the Counties, n luding 9 mwine, 7 calves, 4 'Perey and à3righton Townships in~ nd 1 lamb. In addition 21 Northumnberland, and -n Clarke, iýons were condemned. Hope and Manvers '2-oWnshý.p -:n Durham County. Tuberculosis At the 4 regular :nonthly .chest clinics 57 -persons received -*ree chest :z-rays. Oxke person wý%s re-admitted to - sanatorium during the month and eL ,was ischarged Mllwig n vetgation. Tim un i7ai on 41 clinies were iedn Health Unlit o)fficýes or in schools, at which 'Ôchildren either completed Lhe initial series or received a r.ein- forcing dose, of Quad vaccine. The Callyotir Winter immuxization programme 1 iesdPubn in the town elernentary and lsecon-lUbig dary schools was started. ;upilns Mechanical Contra ci' in grade 2, 5, 8 and 11, are given who seils, instalis reinforcing, doses of diptheria, tet- anus, poliomnyelitis vaccinean and quarartDes smnallpox vaccination as ïnecessary I and as requested by parents. :1393 f 5 1 school children received a rein- C R A frigdose of diptheria and tet- C tI I f antis toxoid and, polio va ccine, and kL M IG -H A 522, children reoeived a smiallpox P IM IG -R A , 'vaccination. Publie Heaith Nursing In the Phone 143 Orono Almost a quarter of .lie :,iurses ilme is spent in school work uring the winter months. Screening of -vision was done on 973 pupils. A B S ' total numnber of 867 pupils were r o îq f guven a comiplete «,,ealth -nspection while 269 were seen beca use of suspected 'communicable disease. Public Health Nursing in the Home 524 familles were visited duringjI thne month of January. 103 of cLhese, vïsits included nursing care and1 41 were on behaîf of tuberculosis patients or contacts. Other Publie Health Visits There were 134 new mothers - terviewed in hospital. The winter prenatal class has begun in Bow- manville and Brighton. Classes in other centres start in February. Nurses aiso attended. child health -onerences and <chest, clinics th-rougý,hout the district. One haif, day was spent by ail staff %uxrses a 'discussion en -cuberculosis nusing. Two nurses fronm "he Port op district had attessded a confenc on tubèrcuiosis which -'. as held at Wi~estern Hospital, Toronto iast November. They discussed what they had heard concerning the lai-j ,est Ielopmen~ts ','n h--treatnmetl of this disease. The rewest memi- heso'f staff also m ! fr a short tire> -8sc:Usslbeath unit pro-1 gre ~ ~ ~~ý neý u o'ecif ith pre- reho~ ec statioi Shoul cegis-: trationi, ic, began 1 syear iný NewcSJO ni.Campbe1im-d, wl !otiueatthe variolJS iarger ;'chools lu-tn e counties throughout the spring .- .A h aý~i- ~ IG rIL trations ureshope'tW scemany IKROUTES:Ga parnt abutthe .hnealth f herChevrolet flIect s on chiPdrefl . nte;ing ocbool. regard less of weathti Aiometry where C-hevrolet's.dep QiG. erlnary schoo'J hildreni ty oaY'-oIf. andi 1aduit e~ere ',ed with the audsiomecr during January. 'The "YSADR largest category of these tests were school heginners,,:"n .Kinder- ON5H1.ROET garten or grade 1. These children are the most difficuit -üo test and WE PUT27 DUR often necessitate.a retest at a taterDEVEYOE date to assure ,2assuracy. EIRYO P Twnt,~wonew defects 'were ON A SOUND found and 5 Iprevious defects indi- cated correction by :-ormal re- 'Heavy load s and m tests. Several defects referred to1 routes are demnanci otologists or clinies for further our Chevrolets are assessment. odrujb-g Enviromnental Sanitation and ndrujo-g Èood Cntroldependability and e The annual inspection ofË schoois progressed satisfactorilY wth 84............ atminayi in the tawere during ed, in- [cattle 21 por- 1 'ING 0 LIkSTOP ay Lea's nthe road ir. This is pendabil- :RATION BASIS"7 multi-stop ling, but Sdoing a iving us conomy." [Vi Mnager CAY LEA ýPRODUCTS dptario KING, KOIN LAUNDERETTE, 77 KING ST. E. AMPLE PAR.KINýG AT R EAR BOWMANVii,.LE Featuring both sngle and double load Washers ELVRCOTM mon WIDE-RANGING PICKUP AND DELIVERY ROUTES are a real day's work, tha's .why 'Nelsons run, only Chevrolets in their busy greater sVancouver operation. I ~ "CHEVROLET TR UCKS- i HAVE WON DUR CONFIDENCE AND SATISFACTION" "Wel' have 121 thevrolet trucks averaging 20,000 mies a year on stop roul'tes. WNe have 50 littie > have reduced the number of spare trucks irorn 4 to 2ý" NELSONS LýAUNDRIES LIMITE) Vancouver, 5.0. HUSTLING HIGHWAY AND CITY HAULING: Pickups in Montreal -expressway runs- deliveriesat off-the-road sites-they re ail part of a day's work for this Chevrolet fleet. "CHEVROLEtTPGIVES.,US THE "Our 8 Chevr olet trucks log about 75,000 miles a ... year on piekçup and deliv- ery runs. We have found that Chevrolet gives us the most dependable service, and dependabilits what we needinthe lumber business. Vice-President - General M-nager .TIAULT & DtifiS LTD. Ste. Ttierese, Quebec Ribe s N, EVROLET TROCS at yoiur Chevrolet doalerisI to scee Ronanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing, for channel and time. CT-863C ~ RO W. 10H,,ISPhone 728,-6206 VESSMEN A GREE: "THE ECONOMY ANO PAYLOAD WE NEED" "We nave 3 60 Tilt Cab Chevrolet trucks with 6- cylinder engine, 5-speed transmissions and 2-speed rear axies. With that ccm- bination, we haul max"- imum payloads and get the economy we need." Traffie Manager ROYAL cI[TY F0005 LTD. New Westminster BTc. HEAVY DELIVERIES IN HEAVY TRAFFIO- A TOUGH COMBINATION. Chevrolet T60's extra vsîbilîty and manoeuvrability give Delnor drivers the edge in heavy traffic and in cramped quarters.

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