ORONO WEEKLY TIMES. THURSDAY. M ARCH 7. 1963 -Millrook hampiis 01Orono î ouraîe t i,es are made availableat the club THIS FRIDAY AND SATIJEI1 ~iiirook Cha pion 0f Oron To rnammre: eset and a cth:rd:fi th Friday and Stuirtýy i fromn the waiting list. hockey has been rragked a Consideration is being given tco Orono rink this week-end. Soin Orono Tmakes Consolation Chanipionshýi estalbiishing a sixth tow, improv- the hockey is pa-Ë oký 1 clb buse ccomodtionandtheMidget division. For fur The Orono Rink was the scene of a PeeWee H-ockey Tournament last Saturdav when boyvs of --lx teams competed. The boys r'anged lii age from 10 to 12 years. TheMilro PeeWees were the top winners Of the tournament blanketinz the three teams they met in the Tournament. The Or- one PeeWees were the consola- tion wlflners as they won two of thei4r three games. The Millbrook team was headed by their ntrong defenceman Gor- don Van Dam who topped hl$ club and al other players -n thie other teams in the scoring division. The tournament opened at nine in the rnorning with Millbrook fîÙrst meeting the Orono PeeWees.' This game Was a victory for Mill- brook with a score of five te zero. ,Gordon Van Dam scored two of the, Millbrook goals with others by Billy Skipp, Arnold Guthrie andf Ronald Mapletoft. This defeat' to Orono sent them to the Consola- tion series and the Millbrook team in to the championship ser- les of the' Tournament. The second gaine of thie day wast between Ieene -and Graf ton with the victory going to Keene 4-1. Bob Lean was the star of the Keene team with two goals and assist. SThe final game of the first round of the tournament was played be- tween Pontypool and the Bowman- ville Barons. The Barons were the top team in this game and took a 5-() victory. Goals for Bowmanville were by Gien McNeil 2, Don Mc- Mullen 2, and Murray OBrien. The fourth gaine of the day was the first of the Consolation roundi in which Orono defeated Graftonl by a. score of 4-2. Orono goals were1 by Erie Duvali 2, and Steven West 2. The Graf ton-counts -were by Jin immel and'Ralph Clos. This elim- inated Grafton from any further play and placed Orono in the finals for the Consolation Championship. The fiftli game of the day was in the Championship round Ja which Millbrook eliminated 1_Keene in a close battie by a score of 2-0. The Millbrook counts were by Gordon Van Damn and Gien Mvorton~ This victory sent the Millbrook team i to the Chanpionship finalsi t0 be played in the seventh gaine1 of the day. The final series of the Consola- tion round wvas played as the sixth gaine between Pontypool and Or- ono. This was a 3-9 victory for Orîoro wth Ste ien West riettng the three Orono goals. Assists %\x' to Dàug, Taylor anid Steven ilacli Ol ono thus won ihe llimolation Championship and wis presented with 'Éhe trophy for -bsac 1v ment by Mr. Jack Mfltonh- haîf cf the Oro îo Of'br C c - er . .ro The Championship ocf the Tur- namp-nt vwas decided in tie seventh ga me of >he- day when Milbrook 1 t0ok a 6-0O romn Bowmanville Bar- ons, The Milbrook tearn 'a, pe sctitei the Championship Trophy1 l'y 1,1p. LesAsiàeuï,president of ~1OROVER THE PILL, tYOU)RE OUT OF SITYLE UIKE A F ENTUCKV STILLý I C'î- îe o the Orono Chamber of Commerce. temcaeo nwmkn eal pnt aeefrh 1WEý.ATHWRM&N TO'Dy,'Tý17R- h ucae0 nwmkn eai ir aeSlr The Chnie , i r o viedfii,,1 for I, machine. advertisement. the 'rophies which were presented MINE RINI( ACTIVITIES ;o -.he winnflng teams. THIS WEEfKEND Gordon Van Dam scored Our of The weatherm'4n will dletermne the six Millbrook goals 'ln he final the activities at the Orono Rink -ame. The --thers were by Cordon this weekend and especially en Earl annd Philip Olan. J Fidair Pva"inff. -xrich lias been Dur.g te non îourla ies0f ockey nlght during the neason. the Village and of the Orono:-ok ey players sex-ved lunch ýn te old-wcather wil ncan a f ull basement of the Orono United sînte of games at the rink with Church. In all it îs expected thatllocal teamq competing with out- the Orono Athletic Association rnay side li ors ne gamne *las al- 1 c1lear close to one qundred dollars ready been alr"r:'gedý and ât -7:00 on the day. the Orono, Bantams are slated to~ meet the MIillbrook Bantams. The Orono Bantams were swamped at- a Bantam Tourna- ment being held in Millbrook last Saturday and failed to corne -orthl --tha --ctoy in the tournament. NIGHT SKIING; FRIDAY NIGHT In th-eir opening game* they were Night skiing basi been arranged defeated 7-0 by the fast skating by the Oshawa Ski Club for their Keene contingent. Their second Club thiS Friday night. Skiing will game of the day was a 8-S victory be held on the Junior -Hill from for the Millbrook Bantams. The 7:,30 until 10:30. The one tow will three Orono goals were scored by be in operation for this night ad- Van Dam 1 and Bob Best 2. venture. This portion of -the hill ,s The final champions f the tour- lste lod1t nament were the Cannington en- The club now bas over 1400 try. The Consolation winners were 'members aid membership bas the Millbr ook Bantams. 1 been cl osed forthe time being. A RO YAL B0W manville 623-5589 FR1. AND) SKI., MARCH 8-9 P Seril's araudera (Color) Jeff Chandler SUN.,- MON., TUES., WED., MAR., 10-U James Mason, Shelley Winters, Peter Sellers HO W MANY ARE BANK CUSTOMERS? A safe guess would be every one of them f That's because, in Canauct, practîcally everybody has regular dealîngs witb. a chartered bank /Deposit accounts number more than 12½/ million - or better than one for every aduit. And on the books of the banks at any one time are 1,800,000 loans for just about every personal and commercial purposef/Through 5,000 branches, from one end of the'country to the other, the chartered banks bring a full banking service within the reach of everyone. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY