Wl .P - ,aJ, M ,.~ .*I 11.4 Srfl p w- j ,..... ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THTJRSDAY, MRCH 7. 196,3, Have you ever wondered why those popular IGA proçlucts with such names as "Royal Guest"l, "Royal Gold", "TableRite"ý and others are luwerpriced? There&s a simple explanation! Despite. the fact that IGA neither manufactures nor process any of these produets, they are purchased directly from the mnakers, of leadtng National Brands in the tremendous quantities neeessary to supply over 700, IGA stores from coast to coast. IIGA establlshes quality control. national advertising is eliminated . . . and of course many selling costs are lowered as a resuit. The savings ar e yours, su try IGA products this week . .. and you'll appreciate the quality too! Florida Famous Indian River GRAP FRUIT size 1O568' 59c Californls Finest Table Variety> - No. 1 Grade Emperor Grapes, 2 lb 39e IGA Dog or Cnt P ET FOO"'0D IGA Sunny 1%urn TEA BAGS . 1l-oz. Tin 4 for, 33c 100 for 75C WAX PAPER 100 for 2 7c IGA Potato Chips IGA Mild CHEESE' Chase & Sanborn - 4c off COFFEE 12 oz49*c 12 oz cut 43c lb bag 69c ti = =-c o= c o->c o= C *= < O >C=O Q=>=O= c >=>c O o=c:O=> Whc:>c o le >o r HaIf OM=O Lean Mild Cured Peameal hlorHf Col CTAGE ROLLS,,b4ý Q IGA 0 Q Talerie WENERS lb pkg 49c 0 Tablerite - Pure Pork Skinless Frs ,4 ean MeatyQ QSAUSAGE lb pkg 45c SPARE RIBS lb 49cQ O- c o = >c oc o <::o:= c o==O=,0 = C O o = c > RECEIVE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH le Sale Pink Gleem SWEETHEART SOAF Pack of 4 TOOTHPASTE RECEIVE $4.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH Chocolate Tide 35(- off NESTLES QUIK 1-lb. Tin DETERGENT Dunean Hînes - AUI Flavours EARLY AMERICAN CAKE MIXES RECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH Frozen Chicken or Sbrimp' l4-oz. Nucon 7c off DRAGON BRAND DINNER M1ARGARINE No. 1 Grade Tablerite Sliced COOING ONIONS 3-lb. Bng COOKED MEATS Giant size King Size 14 oz. Pkgs. 3-1b. unit 6-oz. Pkg. BEEF'SPECIAL Blade Roa8t Sho)rt RI Roast Cross Cet Rib Roast 1b 55C lb 59C lb 65c Shoulder Roast lb 59c The Pruning Of Shrubs And Trees by Henk Kobes Rundle's Garden Centre Trees and shrubs, when trans, planted', usually need to be pruned back a bit, especially when tliey grow fast in the nursery, It wiU help the plant in getting establiah- ed again after transplantingff well as in giving it a better shape. Established shade treeS need prtining during the first' years ta develop a wel-7branched tree with strong crotches, to increase t413 beauty and -usefulness; and to pro- long 11f e. Proper early pruning là very much worth while. By thin- ning out and spacing of the Main branches and by cuting the un- dcesirable-.ones out you can help in developing a better structure.. Older trees may need pruning to keep themn from growing too large and becoming dangerous, also costly to remove. There are two main reasons for pruning shrubs, First: An older shrub ténds to get woody, bare ai the bottom. Ail the dead and dis- eased branches are removed. Some shrubs produce more and better flowers on young Wood, Flowering Almond, Red Spirea and Quince. In the second place we prune ta limit 'size. Just shearing doesn't give you a good looking shrub. T* prune an 8' tall, shrub back to 5', for instance, cut about half of thé, branches back to 5", and the rest to 3 or 4 feet. Prevent the shrub from getting too thick at the top to create a natural shape.>1 While ail trees and shrübs prune well mn the dormant stage, some should be pruned after t hey bloom in the spring. Eg.: Forsy._ thia, Flowering Almond etc, Fruit Trees: fleed to be pruned to remove sucker branches -and crossing and rubbing branches; to keep the tree open and from grow- ing too tall. Currant and Gooseberries: eacli year 'remove* some of the older branches entirely and alsô the' weak shoots from the base of the plant. Young. strong branches bear the best. Red Raspberries: are pruned by removing old and Weak canes. Black, and Purpie Raspberries:, need rather severe shortening of the laterals to obtain good sizes fruit and to develop shoots for the following year. A few points to remember gen- erally are: 1. Always make a clean cut, do flot bruise. 2. Do not leave long stubs when pruning trees.' 3. Cover medium to large wounds with paint or l3raco tree emulsion, to prevent rot. 4. Spraying trees in the dormant stage with a dormant spray will kili many eggs, which otherwise wlll hatch' and form a problem in the summer. This holds especially for Leafminers on Bîrches and Li- lacs, and for Red Spider and Scales. If you have several different kinds of plants and treeà, it may be advisable to obtain a pruning manual. Your local Ontario Nur- serymen's Association memb ers wilI gladly supply you With in- formation or will give you a free bookiet on pruning. Tree emusion s, sprays and pruning tools are a- vailahle at your favorite nursery or gardon Centre. PRIME MINISTER TO MAKE MAJOR ADDRESS IN PORT HOPE (Continued frOm page 1) too much travel1 ling on winter roads cluring the long campaign. The-meeting at the High School bas been planned to begin at 3:30 p.m. Mr. Diefenbaker will first meet the people in'a reception'linoé, and then make bis speech. Hëe I goes to Belleville to address a nomination meeting thlere. Port Hope PC's had originally engaged the Lions Centre for a re- ception until they learned 0f, t'h Garden Fresh No. 1 Grade Florida Celery Tender New Crop - U.S. No. 1 Grade CARROTS 2 Lge. Size 24's 2for 39c Colo Bag 3lb 35C ETRA A $32& AIN BONUS Total Of TAPES