ML(on VOLUME 25, NUMBER 3 ORONO WEEKLY TIUES, THURSDAY, MARCHï 21, 1963 Timos Orono'Midq Pions 0f Lc "The Orono Midget Hockey Club1 on Saturday evening at the Orono, Rink, won the league champion- sbip when they defeated the )Bow- manvifle Mldgets by a score of 4-3. This game was the final game of the play down series and proved a very close -contest- throughout the three periods of play. The Orono boys weere -,resented crests for their Victory by ',le Or- ono Fuel and Lumber. Consolation crests were also presented ta the Z ion Midgets by Orono Fuel and Luiner for their victory in the consolation division earlier Bat- urday evening. The Orono-Bowmnanville game was a hard fought gamie through- out with B owmanville talcing thle lead In the first period 2-1. Reader a-and Bal]. scored the two Bowman- v.ille goals while Fiali scored for Orono.l The only goal of the second per-. iod went ta Orono whichi dead- lnc1ked the gameat this -point. R. Richardson scored- the tieing goal -with an assist on the play going 'o Fisk. R. Richardson put Orono enit in front early in the ",hird --çýrlod when hie scored on a play with FiSk and J. Richardson. Homeniuck then tied the score with a goal for Bowmianville. The play then was an al-.out effort on the part of ~both teams to pick uap the winning goal. Ftsk Who scored Orono's ..irst goal camie up with the wiAnner )ate In the period oni a pass :from Arn- old Wallace. This gave ,lhe Orono boys thie win and the1 champion- shîp of the four-team league of B3owmnanville, Newcastle, 7ion and Orono. r rior ta the Bawmanville-OroIiO, gamne tle consolation wiînnerwa ,.decîdeti between Newcastle anti Zion. The Zion team took 'his i- tory by a score of 10-6 antiwr -presented with their crests., ---~-the Vhon'710 gets Cha m Ms .joronrno To Seek Annex- Mis. George Gordlon, 710 South lOth St. a Saginawian most of lier > c a I Le a u 7e years, died Monday eveming ntcito Of30 A r s g Mchigan, after a long illness. Born Augtist 3, 1883 at Stratford, At a special meeting of the Or- N ew Club To : Ontario, Phoebe 'Norfolk .canie to Start VVork Qn ano Police Trust ees on Monday Saginaw asa child. e husband evening a number of resolutions Operatedied in 1926. She was a rmeniber ofchT were passed. arn Avîe.resteria curThe Trustees by resolutiona- antospte oretes.prved the establishment of an in.* 4V[osp rtShe leaves two stepdaughters Board Roo mn dustrial area adjacent ta the Vil- The B itish Empie M otr Chi and a, stp son M rs Angea Sy W ork haslage.e oThe:.resolutionhe realsoiorecsein-om TheBrtis Epir MtorClb nof agepin; Mrs. Agav Syo- Wr a trtd o awmendeti that the Trustees endeav.. and the Canadian Racing :OriversmoofSinw Mr.Dvd ot board room in the Township Hall aur ta have this area, annexed Into Association have agreed to run terson of Flint and Claude Ga;rdon il, Oremio. This roorm being "on- teVlaeadta h evc Mosport during the coming racig f Baton Rouge, La.; eight grand- structed in the basement f the ofte Vllg and hdeta nt e ee season. In the ineantime lie e chiltiren and 18 great-grandchild-I hall will be locateti West of the 0 ar etknt h track's owners are ta arrange :on- ren. clerk's office on the south side of area. It Was pointed out that the ancial stability. Mr.Grdna netm-rsdt the basement. Chamber of Commerce hati put up The wo oganiatios sined a sum 0of money ta take an option Thetwoorgiiiatins lgnd ain Orono. The funeral took place The room will be used by cauncil on ýthepretyadthtn - joint agreement during- the week itaday, Thursday. for their committee and regular dust pr s aindt an Imnt endi with National Trust Company -_______________ meetings. It is also ta be used by ta prchase fiften are men ta operate the circuit. the Township Assessor. t ucaeffenars Mosport Limited, whicli owns its creditors te reacli financial a-~ Entrac otebrdomwl TePie' the track, went !rita valuntary xe- greement this summèr, after ac atebadro il TePlc Trusteges have asked ceîersip astOctbe an Na whch he omany oud b taenbc f rom the clerk's, office as well for a meeting withý the Township of tionahil rst was appiatd a oueth e cierp. ol b ae as from the basement proper. Clarke in this matter. At a previ- tiona Trut wa appinte te Ot Of17eciverhiP.The interior of the room is ta be ous, im eeting of the two bodies the manage its affairs. The two clubs Assurnce bas also been given finislied with plywood and new 'annexationi was discusseti and, It have formed a group knawn ýasthe by'the Township of Clarke that rio fi tu st epoie was hopeti on Moltda eveniag thaLt Motor Raciag Parnership ta man- action wiîî be takea until at least ISm hne r lota be Councîl would gîve their approval ag hetac.the faîl as a resuit of the unpaid made in. the two washraams -«n the te this plan. The partaership was :aormeti 1962 taxes in an amoilnt Of a little basement. Mr. J. Ard has bee 'e1 whea it became apparent that ,alk vr aled aryotth-ok The Orono Police' Trustees by between Mosport Limited and Utsoer$,0.0tandocryoute rk resolution set their mili rate for principal creditars for the fnn the year at 14 milîs. This rate last cial reorganization of the copi a i n I e ltn c T year was 10.2 but with an icès would not finish in time :Or .he ed reductian fram the Township star ofthe acig seson rate the total Village and ToWn- "The leasing lias given us uie I~II1-Ib' -p ~ 1~slip rate wilî be slightly less than ta arrange aur fînancing vithl i td he dA,£N.', JLr i 1riLI O f # kfi 11 last year., The rate th is year in creditors," said Paul Sullivan, Sekn tte pnn fteadgr e rls fhslan Orono for Village and Township president of Mosport itd new1 vocational wing te the Port _'ng capacity. purpose ilb 28.116, mills Coim- "and at the samne time continue op- Hope Higli School,, School princippal The principal reminded pupil pared ta 28,5 in 1962. It was also eratio of te ý.rck." . J. igelo statd thatit wa his hat wtuputthe pointeddetoutpothat otheha Villagelage ouldl Heexpecteti the companyadP.J geo stttthtiwa itatwtuthe il anidtr have more money ta spend an second key transfering ceremony minati on ta. ahieve, machines, ilaep1jcsthsyar. A s4um ______________________- in seven years. staff, building %vil] be of little use. o f $5000 is ta be spent onai s "A scliool is an institution of "Education in this school :s o The Village listed budget will be ýTo F ur th ý-rLegî -i lann n hsistekyt>h il c mcat vctoa lkpresented at the next meeting 0f atio In Teb cco d or,"~ lie said, stressing that hej le saiti, the Trustees. latlon In eb CO wanted ta repeat somef i re- Also taking part ilie ffîcial A resalution was passed ini An ami1endment ta the ftai marks of the previaus occasion. openilig were Mayor J. R. Carthat the Trustees asked thÎe 'Town- legislation introdu.eti last Mont119Iay 'Learringi1 must now bre jrede_ Warden H. E. Walkey, A. H. Me hsip of Clarke ta prepare and pass wou-ld authorize the destruct'an ate fined te include '10t only bo)okwark Kague, L. A. Parke-r, Durhami Dis- the necessary by-law ta ;et-up an, tobacco, plants grown by pesosbut the1 learaing of skills. In lie trict Higli School Board cliairman, Orona Police Vilage Public Li- who have net been given grawing past, 60 percent of aur students R. C. Hoae1y, MP for Durham in brary andi that Mrs. R. Taggart, Iights lv the Ontario Flue-cureci hàve failed te da iîgt.é ,t ge b~ipte last narliament and Alex Car. Mrs. J. Rickaby and î1.. Forrester Newcastle outsoei n team ia the first period 3-2. New- Tobacco Growers' Marketing 12 level. The one specific purpoise rastle goalli1 were by Cobbledick, Bo6ard. It would also give autlior ity of the new wing is ta do somethinîg H. J. MeFarland on behaîf of the McCullough anti Rickard. Zion for the destruction 0f plants wliere for those 60 percent. The oppor- general conîractors, presenteti a eoals by Dewitt anti Warner. a grower was growiag more than lunules1 are there for every boy (Continti page 8) The Zian team came back atrang lis growing, riglits calletiý for. in îhe second perioti when they Tlie ameadments ta the Ontario one by Rlckard. insgaswr inteiided ta raise further 'oarrersP e scoreti five o soalsewte's.Fr rdcsMrktn c r rîin a r o by Conners, Burns, D. MeDonaiti, (Continueti page 5) v é i i ur 'P a o Warfler anti a Second one by )3urns At the endi of this periati the score been playeti at the Orono rink on stooti 7-4l ao fZ.7 Saturday evenings. The Ieague was v a t1 Warner again sparked Zian la very well balanceti asafter .sixteen the third wiih lisfourth anti fifth games in the. league only two The Orono Police Trustees mlet neeti more engineering deta il after goal'of the game. SimPsOn acoreti1 points separateti the four clubs. on -Mondayevening witli Mr. G. beiag approved cyiheOar the final Zian goal. Newcat The Orono players were Charles Barber 0of Marshall, Macklin anti Municipal Boarti before tenders scored two in the final frame these Reiti in goal, Terry Cox, Robin Monaglian. The purpose of the will be calleti. Cobbledick anti WaltOri. - Taggart, Terry Graham, Jiîn meeting was ta cioscuss the pro- This eutis the play 'Or the :iti- Ricliartison, Gamey Lycett, Dane poseti water system for the Village Th e stateti cost of the System ta gets for the year. This new league Rogerson, Laverne Brown, Allan andt t review the plans priar ta pravide everyone la tlie Village which w"s formed this year lias Fisk, Gordi Dent, Arnoldi Wallace, final drafting for the ;nai Wt th a connection at the Street proven most successful anti the lion Richiartison, George VanDam, er Resources Commission. Elne Was $176,022.74. This cost in-- cludeti an amiount o e ecn boys have hati pleiity of campe- John Grady, Bob Luxton, 'Dave The final tirafting of the *plan forcon s eî-pasenin tition during the winter. season. Green, Dennis Willis -anti Fraser will be completeti this week 'ant ficnigcesa l s"ni. The majarity of their games have ,jallace. .. sent to the OWRC. This Plan ii eering fees. ýMr. B3arber pointeti le wîthin ten percent of the :i1nal price. SDtucly Drafting 0Of PropoSeýd Orono Water System Itareoentihtte hatid the greatest capacity. The well wauld be devolopet Iotati-ý liver an amount 0f 150 gallons uoer minute. Sucli a delivery is esti- matedti t be capable ta supply water neetis in Orono for the :iext ten years untier normal growth. .Shown above are île Orano Police, Macklin anti Monaglian stutiying (1 ta r) Mr. George Barber, qengin- Trustees anti a representative of! île plans for île proposeti water eer, Mrs. Doug P84mpsonM.H the Engineering firm of Marshall, systemi for île Village of Orono. M. Mercer anti R. Farretr be appointedti t the Board. Ac- carding ta the act tle Trustees of the Sehool Area were. askedti t make -two appointments -La tle Boaard. A sum of $700.00 lias been set out in tle budget for the Lib- rary this year. Trhis amnouat withi the Provincialgrailt will give the Board a total of arounti $1200.00. The matter of allawing building ls ta be 7500 square feetinstqad 0:f 15 000 square feet wi!thin the Village came up for discussion. It shaulti bc e let up until sudh time was decideti that such aý move aýs approval hati been obtained fram, the Municipal Board ta, *pro- ceed witl the wvater system. At the preseat time appraval for the system mrust be receiveti fromn the OWRC, a tentative approval from theMuiia Board anti finally a final approval fromn the Boardi. The Trustees will meet again this coming Mantiay. have ta le useti. The pump house woulti le equip- peti with a 2500 gallon pressure nk î;or the present time ini order that the pumnp wauld -cait le rua- ning continually. The recommenti- ation diti not eaull'or waier mieters. In the report anti from samples taken at île time of test tirilling both. île south anti île :ciortl well The report on Montiay evening The'system woulti inclutie some showed that a difference of :125 7280 feet of 8 incli main, 13,010 :J-eet' feet in 'elevation existeti between of six inch main anti 1140 feet of the well site at the 'soul anti the 'four inc main. The report also north cati of the Village. A ýtand recammendeti 47 hytirants anti a pipe woulti increase the difference total of eventy 'valves. to 230 feet. Pressure at the well Total estimateti annual payment would be 125 psi with a minimum ta retire the debt andti t operate pressure in the kystem at the :.orth the system was figureti ai $16,905.- end being 20 psi. Mr. Barber point- 130. This figure however can only ed out that houses in the soul of lie finitely be establisheti after the île Village would have ta le equip- system lias been completeti anti peti witli pressure retiucing valves île total cost -known. in order that no liarm woulti le A few minor changes were matie doue' ta existing systems. 't was in the plans on Montiay evening pointeti out 'that pressure for :lre when the Trustees gave iheir ap- purpose coulti be taken off île .oy- proval to have île tirafting of tle ti th îe sauth of île Village. la plans completeti anti submitteti to the north endthîe. pumper 'wouldth îe OWRC for their approval. -77.77À